Wisconsin students group demands free tuition for black students


Nov 4, 2009
This all sounds pretty accurate. I'm sure there is a cause for all this and I think it has less to do with people simply being black. I use this analogy a lot, some may say its a big IF but. How would these numbers look if Black America were the haves and White America the have nots? I think we would say most violent crimes were committed by whites. I responded to this thread because I believed some people's responses were arrogant and inconsiderate. My point is, given the socioeconomic status of the grand majority of blacks (poor), why is a bunch of kids trying to help them get into a certain schools such a bad thing? They will/should be screened. You're not going to open the gates to any criminal and gang banger. That would be stupid. Believe me, the government can set it up so the same people end up paying for these scholarships in the long run. I believe that nothing is really free anyway. Why should a few genuinely good black poor folk get the door slammed in their face because other blacks are shooting people up?

This time we live in will prove to be the best definition ever of those cliches "Darkest Before Dawn." and "Coldest just before The Sun Rises."

Part of The Reason and for some maybe MOST of the reason that Young People are fighting so hard for Minority Young People is that they know this.

Our GrandChildren will be Amazing, and their kids more so and on from there. That Fully Including Black Children and their Kids.

THEY ARE Going to "Switch This Up." This Bullshit their Ancestors made here. Black People that are Very Young right now, they're not gonna walk the same path as Black People before them.

Their Kids and their Kid's Kid's Kid's? They are gonna be Amazing also.

Our GrandKids and thier's are gonna Change This World.

Nov 4, 2009
she wears a fitbit?

Damn. Good Eye. What are You? An Optometrist?

I know you're some sort of Medial SOMEthing

Probably some High Ranking Member of The Canadian Ministry of Health.

You should apply for a Yob as an NFL Ref. We Need Help.



interesting-- an intelligent, beautiful young lady not concerned with wearing a girly, pretty watch

Your Second Yob Editor of the Women's Fashion Accessory Section of The Walrus magazine, transferred from their Poetry Section?

Dagone. Ya'll have a Poetry Section?!?!? Shits Impressive. How Many Magazines have that? Nowadays

....but rather how many steps she's taken, calories burnt.....

Alot. Somehow. 9/10 of her time spent sitting on her ass playing damnChess in this shot she is Working those Arms. Curls.


One (1) set of 8 (Eight) when she is up for doing that many. Then a LooooongAss Break. Living In Vegas its hard to Focus on Healthy Stuff, so many distractions :(

why black? why not pink?

Its bcuz she was born and Raised in a Cold Grim Gloomy Dank Damp Depressing place.

"Seattle"? You say, Great Guess but no. "Gotta be Quebec then, eh?" Still No but yet another excellent guess.


So....I don't know, she prefers dark Colors. She kinda has that Serious Eastern European, Noyta CCCP Groove-Aura like she could at any moment stab you with a Fork.


Which, in my case at least, would be totally deserved.

Sep 21, 2001

You ain't just playing Devil's Advocate there, you're mentioning stuff that would be present within that Dialog that might lead to Progress, Evolution, a Reduction of Brutality here in this country.

White People must step to that Dialog Table 100% Ready and even enthusiastic about Taking Responsibility for what was done.

Black People need to come with a readiness to have their own Responsibility discussed.

First on The Docket, as you say and Thank You for saying it:

"Why The FUCK can't ya'll men stay and be Fathers to little black babies that you make?"


Ain't no one leaving the ROOM till we get that situation corrected.

Yeah. We might (very well) die of Old Age in that Room.

So much Misery starts there though, when Father is nowhere to be found :(




Until we can get to a place where we have more of this ^^^

and whats Below. Ain't Nothing Positive Gonna Get Accomplished.

Zero Progress. Til This.

Like No Sleep til Brooklyn. Same Exact Thing.





Blacks used to have the highest rate of marriage - now they have the lowest by leaps and bounds - inner city culture completely destroyed the concept of family for them - and you are fighting an uphill battle as a child without a family - they don't need free education - the need to be brainwashed that there is nothing wrong with having a family and taking care of your kids - until this happens (which never will) they are never gonna be on par with the rest of society in all aspects

New member
Mar 10, 2012
I don't believe I have my head in the sand. I certainly acknowledge there are differences between the races. I just don't know that I buy intelligence as one of those differences.

Yes I believe blacks, in general, have more pure athleticism by nature.

I'm not setting you up for some kind of counter-attack if you say yes. Also didn't say I would necessarily disagree. Just interested to hear all viewpoints.
Ok, it's just you summoned Vlad so I took that to be an aggressive posture.

I absolutely believe blacks are inferior when it comes to intelligence. Not because I want to, not because I was raised to. Everything statistically and intuitively points to that. Are there very intelligent blacks? Sure, just like there are very good white basketball players. I don't hear people clamoring to fix the dunk inequality gap though.

I saw Ricboff's post but haven't had a chance to click the link and study what it's saying. The graphs he posted don't really say anything about this subject, just that the number of children living in single parent homes is growing and the percentage is highest for black children which everyone already knows.

Oct 12, 2008
the posting of the graphs weren't intended to further a side. Just general information on this sad GROWING societal issue, having significant effects

Nov 4, 2009
So, just to be clear, you're suggesting blacks (as a whole) are intellectually inferior to whites by NATURE. Like, from birth. Some kind of frontal cortex deficiency like Vlad used to argue?

"Under The Advice of Counsel The Centaur Refuses to Answer, some thing to do with 5th Amendment Right"

Not on The Basis that he'd risk Incriminating Himself of anything beyond Critical Thought and Logic Based upon Experience & Observation

but rather to answer the Question would be the same as in the Super Bowl with 0:26 on the clock 2nd Down at your opponent's 1-Yard Line Down 4 points to choose to run a poorly executed pass.

That Question is waaaaaay Premature, no hope of "Relevance" to where We are, with any possibility of an Evolution via Dialog to: Less Conflict.

Answering that Question could only impair, pointlessly, any Hope for Positive Progress. In Fact the answer to that could very well derail totally any possible across the board "Cease Fire"

Besides, You've Lived Observed Experienced, just as The centaur Has

Heck you're from Chicago.

You Should fully know the answer to that question already. and very Possibly know what the correct answer to that question is much better than most.

Based Upon what you've seen, what you've lived.

Oct 12, 2008
actually, the data provided is till 2012. Hopefully more recent data shows a plateauing of the bars on chart 1, or even better dropping........

New member
Mar 10, 2012
the posting of the graphs weren't intended to further a side. Just general information on this sad GROWING societal issue, having significant effects
ok I gotcha

I was looking at an interesting article by a black man with a PhD and came across this interesting passage:

For example, in my analysis of the High School Longitudinal Survey, a black student from a two-parent household with just one parent who dropped out of high school was three times more likely to repeat a grade in school than a student from a single-parent household where the primary caregiver had an associate's degree or higher.

Interpreting that is up for debate, but it definitely suggests there are more significant factors at play than household composition

Oct 12, 2008
Damn. Good Eye. What are You? An Optometrist?

I know you're some sort of Medial SOMEthing

Probably some High Ranking Member of The Canadian Ministry of Health.

You should apply for a Yob as an NFL Ref. We Need Help.



Your Second Yob Editor of the Women's Fashion Accessory Section of The Walrus magazine, transferred from their Poetry Section?

Dagone. Ya'll have a Poetry Section?!?!? Shits Impressive. How Many Magazines have that? Nowadays

Alot. Somehow. 9/10 of her time spent sitting on her ass playing damnChess in this shot she is Working those Arms. Curls.


One (1) set of 8 (Eight) when she is up for doing that many. Then a LooooongAss Break. Living In Vegas its hard to Focus on Healthy Stuff, so many distractions :(

Its bcuz she was born and Raised in a Cold Grim Gloomy Dank Damp Depressing place.

"Seattle"? You say, Great Guess but no. "Gotta be Quebec then, eh?" Still No but yet another excellent guess.


So....I don't know, she prefers dark Colors. She kinda has that Serious Eastern European, Noyta CCCP Groove-Aura like she could at any moment stab you with a Fork.


Which, in my case at least, would be totally deserved.


when you start typing, do the thoughts flow simultaneously? or does your thoughts lead the fingers, there's a pause? .....crazy question, i'm curious. Your creativity is fantastic.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Ok, it's just you summoned Vlad so I took that to be an aggressive posture.

I absolutely believe blacks are inferior when it comes to intelligence. Not because I want to, not because I was raised to. Everything statistically and intuitively points to that. Are there very intelligent blacks? Sure, just like there are very good white basketball players. I don't hear people clamoring to fix the dunk inequality gap though.

I saw Ricboff's post but haven't had a chance to click the link and study what it's saying. The graphs he posted don't really say anything about this subject, just that the number of children living in single parent homes is growing and the percentage is highest for black children which everyone already knows.

No aggressive posture.

So if they have cultural and socio-economic disadvantages, plus are intellectually inferior by nature, how do they stand a chance to ever be successfully integrated into our society? What do you think the answer is?

Nov 4, 2009
Blacks used to have the highest rate of marriage - now they have the lowest by leaps and bounds - inner city culture completely destroyed the concept of family for them - and you are fighting an uphill battle as a child without a family - they don't need free education - the need to be brainwashed that there is nothing wrong with having a family and taking care of your kids - until this happens (which never will) they are never gonna be on par with the rest of society in all aspects

I'm fighting a very uphill battle as well cuz my posts r so loooong already that I have to leave often out other Factors such as you say and that I bolded up there in Burgundy, that cultures contributes in addition to what I'd said about "Tribal Culture" thats engraved in DNA. Hip-Hop Music too, a contributor: Glorifying to Young Blacks: Street Credible and Being a Great Father to your kids, these things are very hard to accomplish at the same time.

RED Bolded = U.S. Higher Education = Brainwashing, -EV Dumpster Fire for Massive Profit

We needed Peter Thiel as Secretary of Education rather than Betsy DeVos. Those Amway Dollars are long as fuck though, long long long long long.

Shorter however than the length of The Complete Disaster that we have now as result of taking the wrong road at that Crossroads of Installing the best possible Sec. of Education. Trump said he was gonna Hire The Best. Thiel is that.

Thiel could have expanded his concept, what at the base of his own College & Philosophy to Tailor-Make Institutions of Learning for Blacks: Inner City Blacks, the Focus. Variety of Programs available, avenues of Study....Technical, Computer, Robotics, Creative Writing, Music Programs...

it would have been amazing.

Blacks would have been able to tell Thiel what THEY want to do. Cuz its not like he would have known, that already. Whats In Thei Hearts, what they are Passionate about, what they would most like to do with their Lives.

Had We gotten Theil a Generation of High-Tech Saavy (and other lines of Work: "New Commerce/Industry...Robotics etc.) Blacks would have been born and a Brand New Path for Black America created.

The Cause of Peace would have been advanced Light Years.

Instead we have DeVos.

Total Crash & Burn, by Comparison to the unprecedented Genius that Thiel would have brought, on Education as that applies to Repairing the Wound to Black America and exalting Young Black Girls and Boys.

You would not have believed what would have happened, had Trump chosen Thiel.

(He may not be allowed to be Sec of ED cuz Thiel is German-born but if so Trump could have hired him to "Shadow-Run" (really run) The Dept of ED)

I'll post a couple Videos here, Thiel's Thoughts on Education....I think Guys will agree he'd have Cleared The Bases, Walk-Off Home Run where regards sculpting a Cure to what Ills Black Youth Educational Opportunity -wise:


Nov 4, 2009

when you start typing, do the thoughts flow simultaneously? or does your thoughts lead the fingers, there's a pause? .....crazy question, i'm curious. Your creativity is fantastic.

Shit Comes. From somewhere. I've never been able to find out where. " simultaneously" is accurate but "thoughts lead the fingers" seems more accurate, theres NO pauses lol. I used to PRAY for pauses but that ability of the human to adapt just made me able to type faster, instead of granting me pauses :):)

Now that I'm able to type fast enough to keep up, I'm real thankful that there aren't pauses cuz the way it goes down is sorta like a Movie on a Screen in my head, me typing frantically to keep up with that. Pauses would Suck. Like Buffering does, just like that.

Thanks though. For some reason when I type in reply to YOU I'm more "free" (read: feel at more liberty to be Crazy), less inhibited than at other times.

I don't know why that is. Stuff comes out more far out tho, when its a reply to Richoff. :):)and a few others here. Overall though guys don't like the long off-the-wall posts and they're prolly really really outta place here, like make no sense re: "WHY is this HERE? On a Gambling Forum?!?!? and why are these damn posts so Looooooong?!!?"

make me look a bit Insane but thats OK. Water offa Doug's Back.


New member
Mar 10, 2012
So if they have cultural and socio-economic disadvantages, plus are intellectually inferior by nature, how do they stand a chance to ever be successfully integrated into our society? What do you think the answer is?
My point is a lot of blacks have cultural and socio-economic disadvantages (crime, poverty, drug abuse) the same way a lot of whites have jumping and speed disadvantages. You're trying to say those disadvantages were imposed on them and I'm saying they are there because they are there.

Again with the Vietnamese example, since both populations experienced similar externally imposed disadvantages (racism, historic oppression, language/cultural differences), but one excelled, you would have to eliminate those disadvantages as being the deciding or even a significant factor.

What's the answer? Repatriation or a division of the country would be optimal IMO. We were never meant to live together, it was only the evil of slavery that made it so. Even the men of 150 years ago who are celebrated today as abolitionists and freedom fighters didn't envision an integrated egalitariat as the solution.

New member
Mar 10, 2012
Seems like we are having a civilized discussion, no matter that some of us disagree. Unfortunately we only have about 24 hrs left to do so :ohno:

Nov 4, 2009
ok I gotcha

I was looking at an interesting article by a black man with a PhD and came across this interesting passage:

For example, in my analysis of the High School Longitudinal Survey, a black student from a two-parent household with just one parent who dropped out of high school was three times more likely to repeat a grade in school than a student from a single-parent household where the primary caregiver had an associate's degree or higher.

Interpreting that is up for debate, but it definitely suggests there are more significant factors at play than household composition


Oct 12, 2008
ok I gotcha

I was looking at an interesting article by a black man with a PhD and came across this interesting passage:

For example, in my analysis of the High School Longitudinal Survey, a black student from a two-parent household with just one parent who dropped out of high school was three times more likely to repeat a grade in school than a student from a single-parent household where the primary caregiver had an associate's degree or higher.

Interpreting that is up for debate, but it definitely suggests there are more significant factors at play than household composition

it's multifactorial, no doubt.

i disagreed to this statement you made;

The evidence that nature is a more significant determinant than nurture is overwhelming, including studies of separated at birth identical twins. t

and I posted the long term meta-analysis study done by the Dutch group that disproves what you said. The study you posted doesnt really do anything to further your statement, does it (guess that wasnt intent)? Keep in mind, a randomized double blind control study (the gold standard in science ) is not possible with this topic-- our next best level of scientific evidence is a meta-analysis- the one i posted was extremely thorough, spanning the last 50 yrs of available twin studies.

with that all said, my opinion is that culture is an important factor. Not saying it's THE biggest factor, and that genetics, socio-economic don't have roles.

Asians? historically they have VERY low divorce rates. Strong work ethic. Strong educational values. An Asian kid grows up with mom and dad living in the same house--with both grand parents still married....the asian kid will marry and the beat goes on. Culturally, this is them. They are better suited to succeed .

with the black man? kid grows up living with mom in 50% of households. Of those, a % have the dad not even in the picture at all. Fatherlessness. That kid is behind the 8-ball for damn sure. Probability is not on his side to succeed, actually probability says he may repeat what his dad did. This is their 'normal', part of their culture. We are creatures of what we see around us.


New member
Oct 9, 2004
I for one am tired of the poor me my great great great grandfather was a slave and you owe me attitude.

Here is reality. When there is some sort of social conflict or war the loser of the war doesn't get to make the rules. A group of people over 100 years ago had slaves. That wasn't the decision of anyone currently living and we dont owe any of their relatives anything.

Other groups of people have come to the United States of their own free will and were treated poorly. They did not wallow in self pity. They worked hard and made a better life for themselves and their families that was better than what the previously had. They didnt play the pity card.

Not lets look at two brothers from Africa 200 years ago. One was brought to the United States as a slave. The other left in Africa. The brother brought to US was forced to be a slave. Now fast forward to the present. I would say the family of the brother in the US is living way better than the brother in Africa. They should be thankful that their great great grandfather was brought to the US as a slave and that his suffering gives them the opportunities and standard of living they have today. Similar to the group that came on their own free will.

I agree that you could make a strong argument that blacks are better athletes. If that is true why could it not also be argued that intelligence may also vary by race or sex. On that same line of thinking why could it not be argued that men or some race are better at math than say women or another race. I think these ideas are very logical and not racist. Within each race or sex they will have certain skills they are stronger at in general.

New member
Mar 10, 2012
The study you posted doesnt really do anything to further your statement, does it (guess that wasnt intent)?

Well it's up for interpretation, but it would seem to suggest that the intelligence of the parent(s) is far more significant than the household situation, which is the nature vs. nurture thing

Honestly I'm not evading your link. If it is a legitimate study that concludes what you state is supported I will gladly acknowledge what science supports. Tonight I just don't feel like interpreting tons of data across several studies and deciding what it says compared to what they and you say it says. I'm not saying you are a liar, I just know data can many times purposely or inadvertently be manipulated and interpreted to fit what one wishes. I promise i'll look at it

New member
Mar 10, 2012
I for one am tired of the poor me my great great great grandfather was a slave and you owe me attitude.

Here is reality. When there is some sort of social conflict or war the loser of the war doesn't get to make the rules. A group of people over 100 years ago had slaves. That wasn't the decision of anyone currently living and we dont owe any of their relatives anything.

Other groups of people have come to the United States of their own free will and were treated poorly. They did not wallow in self pity. They worked hard and made a better life for themselves and their families that was better than what the previously had. They didnt play the pity card.

Not lets look at two brothers from Africa 200 years ago. One was brought to the United States as a slave. The other left in Africa. The brother brought to US was forced to be a slave. Now fast forward to the present. I would say the family of the brother in the US is living way better than the brother in Africa. They should be thankful that their great great grandfather was brought to the US as a slave and that his suffering gives them the opportunities and standard of living they have today. Similar to the group that came on their own free will.

I agree that you could make a strong argument that blacks are better athletes. If that is true why could it not also be argued that intelligence may also vary by race or sex. On that same line of thinking why could it not be argued that men or some race are better at math than say women or another race. I think these ideas are very logical and not racist. Within each race or sex they will have certain skills they are stronger at in general.
Here's the thing though

-At the height of slavery, only 1.4% of white Americans owned slaves

-About a quarter of freed blacks owned black slaves, which is a much higher percentage than free whites

-American Blacks have the highest standard of living of any black population on earth. Their avg. per capita income is 20 to 50x higher than blacks in the countries where they were displaced

-And of course, when freed blacks voluntarily repatriated to Liberia what was among the first things they did? Enslave the natives...

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