I'm talking about the Jesse Williams's who are halfrican. Do they go to Africa or stay here? Or do we build a gigantic man made atoll in the middle of the Atlantic where they and their single white mothers can live? There is no simple solution here
Have you observed the degree to which Mulatto people are accepted by The Black Community? And not just "accepted by" but as Jesse W and Colin Kaepy show: Mixed Blood Folks are proving to be among those most willing to Stand Up and put themselves out there. Among the Strongest Voices.
If I wanted to unleash Hell upon myself from Guys and from even
my own-self here I could tag Mulattos as among the "Strongest Leaders" emerging, among Black People in USA right now and include Kaepernick in that take, as an example. I'd get Roasted like there was a pack of Don Rickle Clones up in here. Guys might come from other parts of Cyberspace just to Put Me On Blast. Deservedly so, IMO and cuz of that opinion I might even post a light-up Reply to my own self.
Point: Mulattos be
ACCEPTED. Its a fascinating phenomenon, intuitively one would expect the opposite: that Mixed Blood (non-"Full Black") would not be as accepted as they in fact are.
Some Guys might come here to Correct me with: "Ain't hardly any "FULL BLACK", this say proves you're a simple-minded Idiot" which....I guess thats true. Leave it to you to figure out which part of that sentence I mean that I consider True. Could be both parts of it.
Many Blacks still have Dark Black Skin though. They do not appear to have White Blood in them.
I suspect that Mullatos that come out with Red Hair, well: Orange Hair and Freckles are not Accepted, that they are Shunned: by Blacks.
I could be Wrong on that though. I haven't paid much attention.
Point2: No need to Build any Atoll in the middle of The Atlantic lmfao
, though I do definitely Respect
Massively the Mention: "Build an Atoll", an ability to Conceive of such, you'd be Useful +EV-LARGE to have in the room during Discussions, for sure. Wide Ass Bridge o'er the Red Sea now......well, at some point. Wide Enough to March a 44 Man Wide 7 Nation Army over. Dude with a mind able to conceive "Atoll" = Good for Infrastructure Planning.
Not to imply any positive progress towards a solution for this Conflict will come while we personally are still alive or that "us" you, I or any one's presence is necessary for An Answer to be found. Its not. Bloodlines, certain ones will affect change, members of those,
Individuals come and then go.
Beat Goes On and will keep on doing that.
Specifics I paint General & Broad Ideas, Actions in shouldn't make confusion that any thing, solution, actions taken need "ME", these things do not have any need for me or any particular individual, stuff along these lines might get done when, finally, Humanity gets tired enough of the misery that they inflict upon one another. When that right time comes, members of the relevant Bloodlines will be present to do whats needed.
"Bloodline" not of "Solomonic lineage" like Jr. Gong referenced in that song "Patience" up there ^^^, not "Davidic" lineage, Abrahamic or any of the other Bloodlines that are responsible for keeping Life on Earth in Constant War.
Bloodline, by comparison to those ^^^^^ thats like Nikola Tesla stepping into a Kindergarten Food Fight on that Mini-Bus, smaller little yellow bus used to transport the "slow kids" (
those lineages mentioned within that prior paragraph) as that little mini-bus packed with retards is about to crash into a fuggin wall.
When (If) these slow kids finally get exhausted enough of Fighting, some members of The Bloodline will be present to take the fucking wheel. The
"Me" is Zero part of any Concepts to Solution, paths to Less War, that I present.
For any that were able to Get Down with that NAS & Jr. Gong Brilliance above, that wasn't even "The One."
The whole album they collaborated on: "Distant Relatives" was Genius end to end but this is the top of that mountain, Pinnacle:
(where "Africa" is taken within the lyrics to mean: All of The Black World, Black People in general)
Click on the 3rd Eye Region, center of the Forehead of this chick below
to Go.
Click on her Eyeball, the one on the right side of her head, will get to That Pinnacle of Jr. Gong & NAS's "Distant Relatives" album too so if its too hard to locate her not readily visible 3rd Eye
just Bail on Mousing Around for that and Click on the chick's Left Eyeball.
Man some deep stuff in the Track revealed: