I've actually had conversations with police officers and gun owners about "shooting to disable"
They all gave the same response. Paraphrasing since they all didn't use the exact same words; "If you're shooting at somebody, you aim at body mass"
Death is important ! one min he's having a conversation with the cops the next they're trying to cuff him and he freaks out, mins later he's dead. There has to be a better way to handle these situations. Of course he didn't help himself by firing a taser at the cop, at that point they have to do something, you just hope or wish it wasn't fatal is all i'm saying.
Paranoid of having to pursuit a black man on foot apparently.
Yeah, I don't want to chase blacks - also not a big fan of getting into a fight with them - getting punched in the face - getting zapped with my taser - worrying about my gun being taken - that just doesnt seem like a lot of fun to me
The poor cops could not have been any nicer to this fucken animal
Worry about your gun being taken? It wasn’t. He’s running away with a taser that he shot...which cops use usually for fucking anything. It doesn’t kill you. He’s running away as he shot it. Just saying. Don’t make a ridiculous claim like that
Here you go....
They use them at their leisure
Yeah, I'm so ridiculous
Fake News said there has to be better solutions - said he should have been allowed to sleep it off or give him a ride home - something like, oh, ur black, yeah don't worry about the DUI because we're just so fucken happy you haven't killed six people this evening
You obviously did not watch the video...he was “passed out” in the drive thru with the car still in drive...Sounds like they should be retrained on that. Why are they taught to shoot and kill for everyone who resists? He had the guys taser.
Guy shouldn’t have resisted like that. I won’t defend his actions. Obviously this scenario is different or else I’d be making a way bigger deal about it. But, the approach and how to handle it so it doesn’t end in a death is important. Wasn’t really a bad guy would you say? He was asleep in a drive thru at a Wendy’s. Sounds pretty harmless and to end up killing him is questionable.
After this shooting I expect that Atlanta will become more like Baltimore has since Freddy Gray died. Police have been told to back off or made the decision on their own to more slowly respond. Homicides and violent crimes spiked. These areas aren't worth the trouble of policing and are a poor use of resources.
After this shooting I expect that Atlanta will become more like Baltimore has since Freddy Gray died. Police have been told to back off or made the decision on their own to more slowly respond. Homicides and violent crimes spiked. These areas aren't worth the trouble of policing and are a poor use of resources.
After this shooting I expect that Atlanta will become more like Baltimore has since Freddy Gray died. Police have been told to back off or made the decision on their own to more slowly respond. Homicides and violent crimes spiked. These areas aren't worth the trouble of policing and are a poor use of resources.