Atlanta cops shoot dead a 27-year-old black man as they give chase after wrestling with him in a Wendy's


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Nov 21, 2013

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Aug 28, 2012

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Nov 23, 2011
And yet they will burn Atlanta down tonight with the sorry ass mayor letting them

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
How many memorials , testimonials , and streets named after this outstanding citizen will we be subjected too...… and more Sharpton to boot

Feb 2, 2010
In what world could you resist arrest, fight with cops, steal their taser, run away, fire it toward them, and not expect to get fired on? Makes absolutely zero sense.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
In what world could you resist arrest, fight with cops, steal their taser, run away, fire it toward them, and not expect to get fired on? Makes absolutely zero sense.

None at all. Fucking leaders have to enforce the laws and quell the shit

Rx Senior
Dec 7, 2004
I'm not going to argue if the use of deadly force was justified. That is debatable.

But it is a no brainer that this should not be a race issue. Imo, that is not debatable

Sep 17, 2010
In what world could you resist arrest, fight with cops, steal their taser, run away, fire it toward them, and not expect to get fired on? Makes absolutely zero sense.

You are absolutely correct, but the constant Democrat/MSM/press/Hollywood narrative will be completely different, it is systemic racism, systemic racism, systemic racism...

The GOP will stay in hiding.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
"Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity where some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for what they themselves are doing today?" - Thomas Sowell

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
The #liberal clown mayor has no control. She has thrown the police under the bus and is content to watch Atlanta burn. She has broken her oath of office and if she will not step down her security detail should forcibly remove her from office.

Jan 20, 2002
It's not ok to attack the police. This is an open and shut case. The fake news is hyping the masses. I am cheering this death. DO NOT AIM A TASER AT THE POLICE. Cut the fucking bullshit. This guy deserved every bullet he took.

Sep 21, 2001
When he was prying the taser and wrestling the police - u can see they're are now emboldened - they think they can do whatever they want to the police - now this cop has been fired - the other is suspended - and they burned the Wendy's - and this acceptable? we are letting the left hijack the control from decent Americans

Sep 21, 2001
Watching Fake News - they just said the shooting is totally unjustified - the taser is not a lethal weapon

New member
Jan 18, 2005
Watching Fake News - they just said the shooting is totally unjustified - the taser is not a lethal weapon

It is called a non lethal weapon but lots of people have died from being hit with a taser.

If you comply with what the police ask of you there will not be any problems, no matter what color you are.
Follow their requests and you live. Pretty simple.

Would like to know why they were detaining/arresting him and what his criminal record is, if he has one.

Obviously you don't fight with the police like that unless you are high or have a criminal record and do not want to go back to jail.
Regular, law abiding citizens do not fight with the police like that.

Mayor of Atlanta made this totally political. That officer will win a very large monetary lawsuit in his favor for illegal firing by the city.
Maybe both will win very large lawsuits. Total knee jerk reaction firing without any investigation.

I would not doubt you will see Atlanta police officers have a sick out or even quit from this incident.
How can you do your job when the mayor does not back you at all. Mayor only cares about looking like they are
doing something even if the situation does not call for it. Just pandering to BLM and afraid of looking bad

Sep 21, 2004
The cops were wrong again. Should have given him a ticket! When officers are assaulted they must exercise restrain and issue a ticket.

Jan 5, 2008
The officer doesn’t fire his gun if the suspect
A. He didn’t struggle and fight his arrest
B. Flee the officer and turn and point and fire the taser

Now since things like this have so many things pointed out after the fact.
A. Taser isn’t deadly irrelevant
B. Suspect sleeping in car irrelevant
C. Police called by to scene by 911 relevant
D. Police show up address situation of reasons called relevant
E. Suspect calmly talks to police relevant
F. Police calmly talk to suspect relevant

G. Police likely found suspect under influence of something
H. Police likely try to detain suspect for arrest with proof
I. Police likely try to detain suspect for suspicion of proof
J. Police may have tried to arrest because of warrant.

No police really care to respond to a call to a man just sleeping in a car and arrest him.
If he was just sleeping they would have let him go after they knew he was safe and no harm to be found.

Odds are he likely resisted being arrested with proof or being detained while they further assess if he was under influence or knew he had a warrant, guns, drugs or whatever in the car.

Suspect likely gets mad, fights officers and the struggle begins. And here is the story of the fuck up. It was funny to the people filming watching the officers and this guy struggle on the ground. Even bit more laughter when he runs away. Not so funny all of a sudden when shot. The officer had no clue that was a taser he pointed and fired when he ran. The taser looks to fire with the spark seen in video. The only taser fired was by the officer chasing who fired his taser. So with so much going on and so quickly
A. Officer didn’t realize suspect had taken partners taser
B. Officer didn’t realize it was a taser being fired and pointed at him
C. Officer likely thought it was a gun
D. This is where it was just a taser and not deadly is irrelevant

The officer under the situation may have had a lot of things running in his head during all of this and reacted. Likely because he thought it was a gun. We can all sit back after the fact and say it was still not right to shoot a guy running. It will never be right to shoot a man just running. But we are not in those 1-2 seconds. And you will never know it’s just a taser in such a quickly escalated situation in those split seconds. Bottom line don’t fight then run then point and fire a taser. All we process is a guy sleeping in car, runs and is shot in the back. All some of us want to see so we can be outraged.

Ask people what they would have done in that situation and you will hear well I would have done this or that. Cool, stand 5 feet from someone and have them whip out ataser or gun or hot dog. Then in 1 second correctly answer. All while remembering that this is a real life experiment and you could get shot even if you guess right. Who is up for that challenge? It’s almost like these self defense gurus who show how to protect yourself from a gun and give an expo. Yeah, well let’s see this shit in action and do experiments with live rounds and the person can pull the trigger if they want. All of a sudden not so confident and unwilling to demonstrate. Been waiting for somebody to do this. Point is its easy to analyze and give solutions in controlled settings.

To fire the officer so quick is a disaster. Maybe after all the facts are out he was guilty and fucked up. What officer wants to shoot a man today with all that’s going on. In today’s world a man could point a real gun at an officer and then be shot and killed. But if reports came back the gun was unloaded then society would say, yeah well, but the gun wasn’t loaded the officer should have done this or that. Then America would quickly throw a # followed by some words and think this is how we solve a problem.

Society today has slowly asked and received less and less control and responsibilities. We all want to do what we want. We want no accountability. It’s always the fault of another. Anybody seen what goes on in schools these days? You can really just do whatever you want. As people we are great with bringing awareness “cough cough” but awareness doesn’t fix problems. Need some solutions and action. But nobody wants to apply action. That’s what we want others to do. I’m sure we have a lot of people at the RX who have answers to all these problems. But how many have stepped away from the keyboard to put these answers into work?

I think marching or protesting whatever cause a party believes in is a good start. But don’t equate that as action and doing your part. The NFL for example has done a lot of “action” in bringing awareness to breast cancer for 20 years. But wearing a pink towel isn’t really doing your part. And after 20 years of throwing pink all over the place isn’t solving the problem.

Instead of voting for politicians maybe let society vote on the shit themselves. Let the state of Florida put a vote for the people to decide if gambling should be legal in Florida. Majority rules, don’t like the outcome to bad just how life rolls the people have

We control our own destiny! Well not really, technically we have no control upon the definition of destiny. Funny world huh lol

Dec 15, 2004
Is anybody surprised that this shooting has not led to riots and looting throughout the country. It could still happen. Depends on how much the Al Sharpton's raise the issue on the Sunday news programs. Maybe it's because the footage is at night and it isn't as dramatic as the Floyd footage.
Feb 6, 2007
If it was a white guy he would’ve been directed to park his vehicle and sleep it off.

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