These games are fixed...& I'll tell you why..


New member
Oct 8, 2005
cd329 said:
The point is no matter how dirty a side might be playing, before the game starts you still have a 50-50 chance of picking the corrupt side. Unlike say a horse race where you have to try and pick the winner from amongst maybe 10 horses.

Maybe if you just read that over and over, it will eventually make sense. I wouldn't count on it though.

Ok, so let me get this straight. There's a "corrupt" side? I thought that for a fix, both teams would have to be in on it? So is it each season, or each week, or whatever, when certain teams are "corrupt" and others aren't?

I have tried to fit your logic into my "friggin stupid head" (which apparently is a teenager's?), but as yet I have been unable to do so.

Also, let me ask you this - do you handicap games? Look at trends? Records? Lines? If you do, I only have one question...WHY? You're saying the game is already fixed and that you know it's 50/50 (knowingly accepting you are going to lose money in the long run, by the way), so why not just um....flip a coin? Or maybe your hunches are about who the game is going to be fixed for?

Rethinking my original idea...Perhaps you'd be more inclined to play at my coin flip casino if I was to cheat using a trick coin, or something of that sort?

Nov 20, 2004
Jacko, talking to you is useless. Where did i ever say that both teams have to be in on a fix of a game? All it takes is one key player, but especially just one ref. Your trying to make fixing a game harder then it really can be.
Do i know for 100 percent certainty that games are fixed? Of course not.
Do you know for 100 percent certainty that games arent fixed? Of course you dont. So really this whole arguement is pointless, neither side will ever know whos right or wrong. I tend to use comon logic and see how every thing in the world actaully happens everday and i say to myself there is corruption and greed in every part of society, why the hell wouldnt this greed and corruption extend to a business worth 100's of billions? I think the reason some people dont believe games are fixed is because they either want to believe that sports is one area that isnt corruptable or they think it cant be because they actually dont know how its done.
In 26 years of gambling i have seen so many bullshit outcomes i have lost count. I have been on the right sides of those outcomes sometimes and sometimes i have been on the wrong side. Remember all it takes is one corrupt ref to keep throwing flags everytime the other team makes a good play and kaboom that side is toast.
The mac conference in football and basketball has some of the most corrupt athletes to ever play the game. These kids know damn well they will nevere sniff a pro apy check in either sport and they are shaving points left and right, that you can take to the bank.
Oh and getting back to your point about capping, no i dont bother really capping anymore, instead i spend more time watching lines, capping is pretty much useless especially since everything that you see on paper is usually opposite of what happens in the games.
Trends?????????/ are you friggin kidding me, kid if your using silly trends yo pick games quit gambling now, cause you are just wasting your time. Trends are so useless its not even funny. Any game on any given day i can find you gobs of trends for either side and if you look hard enough you can create your own trends for any game. Every football season the sportsbooks send me piles and piles of useless trend books. LMFAOOOOOOO yup the books just want to help me win their money, dont think so. they send them out cause they also know that stuff is pretty much useless.
well in closing jacko lets just leave it at, you think games are on the up and up and i dont.


New member
Sep 9, 2006
Look the thread was started by someone who had a good point. Whether or not you agree with it or like his 3 of 4 picks, hey who gives a fuck?

If you think everyone who believes in a potential fix is an idiot, then get the fuck out of here. Don't fucking post, don't fucking respond. Go on your way and make your own post about how all the games are on the up and up. Make sure you say hi to Santa claus for me too.

Nov 20, 2004
Gaz, great posttttttttttttttt. If guys dont think games are fixed, then start their own threads, this one is for guys who think games are corrupt.
Geez next thing these sames guys are gonna be saying politicians arent corrupt either, lmfaoooooooooo.
Were all corrupt and thats because we are just human. I just wish i was playing college or pro ball, my ass would be for sale every game

New member
Aug 6, 2006
cd329 said:
Jako, you really are stupid. Yeah i dont know about the juice,lollllllllllllll

If you have 2 teams playing, you have a 50-50 chance of picking the right side, has nothing to do with juice. My reference is about picking one side to win.
Show me another bet that i can get a 50-50 chance of winning on.
I haven't read any of the rest of this thread, but..

You do not have a 50/50 chance of picking the right side. That is completely wrong.

If ask Elisha Cuthbert out, there are two possible outcomes...either she says yes, or she says no. Guess which one is more likely. There is not a 50/50 chance just because there are two outcomes.

Now granted, I could be like Sean1 and pretend I dated her friend and hang out with her in a Starbucks from time to time, but that's a debate for a different thread.

Oct 18, 2004
LOREN78 how bout all the suckers that bought into N ILL tonight!!

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
i cant respond to CD because once again he cant read what i wrote. the guy must win every argument he has, he just twists words around that you never even said to begin with and then argues against them.....its actually quite comical to sit back and watch this guy work himself up over shit you never said....truely top 10 dumbest people on the board....Gaz is top 5 dumbest on the board...that guy is's like a little sidekick monkey, no actual independent thoughts of his own, nothing logical or close to resembling sense comes out of his's just bla bla bla if you dont like it...bla bla bla its fixed..bla bla bla let us whine here stop ruining our conspiracy party...bla bla i suck at capping games...its fixed..bla are dumb...bla bla.....Gaz must have been on the debate team in high school...if he even made it that far for his education...and i cant wait to hear his logical comeback for this sure it will be full of interesting points and great thoughts

these two guys believe they work for the CIA or something and have all of this inside information and they are the sharp ones saying sports are fixed and then they're here betting on it like real geniuses trying to be on the right side of the coin flip

to all of those out there that believe sports are fixed, you are truely the dumb ones for betting on this...if your response to this is "i can still be on the right side of the fix", well that is just classic and you're obviously beyond logical thinking and it's not worth explaining

just because the original poster takes on contrarian picks, doesnt mean his reasons and voodoo for supporting them are right

once again, if you can's not that we are saying the world is perfect and athletes can do no wrong...yes, games can be fixed...they have been fixed and they will always be fixed...HERE AND THERE

but this mass conspiracy where this guy is picking the entire card and every single game is mapped out of every single week, every loss and every win of every single team of every single week is to mess with your emotions and get your money, is the dumbest thing i have ever read.....EVER

now, i know you already lost the comprehension of what you just read, so go back and read it again before you make another idiotic post that clearly shows how you cant read
Jun 23, 2006
Boxslayer32 said:
but this mass conspiracy where this guy is picking the entire card and every single game is mapped out of every single week, every loss and every win of every single team of every single week is to mess with your emotions and get your money, is the dumbest thing i have ever read.....EVER


Nov 20, 2004
Box, really lets end this because until you can show me proof games arent being rigged or until i can show you proof games are being rigged, neither one of us is right. Threads like this are really useless,because nobody is gonna come out a winner. Its the same when i see posts about is there a God or isnt there. Neither side can be right.
lets just leave it at.

and to Pitumbo, you obviously didnt understand my post either.
Let me simplify it for you, in any game where there is 2 teams matched up you have a 50-50 chance of picking the correct side. Now i now what your mind is thinking, well you can pick the winner and still lose the game cause of the spread, that isnt what i mean. Let me repeat it again, you have a 50-50 chance of landing on the right side{spread included} in any sports event where there is 2 sides competing.
Really i dont know how some of you even gamble when you cant undertsand a simple math problem.
Now let me go further just because you have a 50-50 chance of picking the right side in a game, that doesnt mean you will win money longterm, you still have to overcome the juice.
If you flip a coin you have a 50-50 chance of picking the correct side.
If the bills are playing miami and miami is a 3 point favorite, you have a 50-50 chance of picking the right side which pays you the money.
Sure theres 3 outcomes for this game wins and covers the spread wins and doesnt cover the spread
3.buffalo wins
but even thou theres 3 outcomes to the game, theres only 2 outcomes for getting paid, you either win the bet or you lose the bet, doesnt matter how you get there, its still just 2 outcomes, win or lose my bet.
Hope this clears it up for you

Nov 20, 2004
Box, one last thing. In regards to the guy who started this thread, i tend to believe exactly what hes saying and believe thats exactly the way the nfl is scripted out, but hey thats my opinion. Personally i think the nfl is just like the wwf, just selling an entertainment package and they will do anything they can to create more sales, because the power brokers of the world love making those dead presidents.
I wish that i could believe things more like the way you seem to believe things,but i just cant and thats because of a realist and see things in this world for how they are, instead of how i really would like them to be.
Good luck to you on your plays this weekend, may all your bets be winning ones
Jan 19, 2006
I doubt NFL players fix games.. But NFL refs? I absolutely believe they are for the take.. I have seen too many bullshit calls in my lifetime to think otherwise..

And I'm not saying this cause I am sour cause I have been on both sides-won and lost games due to the refs mistakes/bullshit...

And if there is fixing going on from the players side I think they would mess with a first half or some sort of proposition to not make it so obvious..

New member
Oct 11, 2006
Boxslayer32 said:
Once again you are trying to compare making money legally through commercial avenues, compared to practically selling your soul. There is a huge difference.

If Peyton Manning starts advertising a new commercial, or Albert Pujols switches away from Louisville Slugger bats, those are normal decisions, to make more money, but they are legal and very common.

Saying Albert Pujols would take some chump change money compared to his contract so he can toss his morals out the window and strike out on purpose and Peyton Manning is going to throw a bunch of interceptions is a different story, especially with the attention and scrutiny these guys live under, and even those dont guarantee a victory for the fixers.

You cant compare financial gain through advertisements and commercials to what we are talking about. Two completely different ball games.

Youre making a very large assumption that all pro athletes have a soul, and I would have to strongly disgree with you there, but you have validated my point. My point is that players can be bought, and that there is no such things as anyone having/earning too much money. A lot of posters here have been saying that a big reason why games arent fixed is because you cant buy the players, that they are earning too much money and wouldnt want/need any extra, and thats bullshit. A lot of players will do anything for any amount, and that includes shaving points.

Surely you have heard the expression " EVERY MAN HAS HIS PRICE ", why then are you so adamant that this doesnt apply to pro athletes?

New member
Oct 11, 2006
cd329 said:
Really i dont know how some of you even gamble when you cant undertsand a simple math problem.

Now let me go further just because you have a 50-50 chance of picking the right side in a game, that doesnt mean you will win money longterm, you still have to overcome the juice.
If you flip a coin you have a 50-50 chance of picking the correct side.
If the bills are playing miami and miami is a 3 point favorite, you have a 50-50 chance of picking the right side which pays you the money.
Sure theres 3 outcomes for this game wins and covers the spread wins and doesnt cover the spread
3.buffalo wins
but even thou theres 3 outcomes to the game, theres only 2 outcomes for getting paid, you either win the bet or you lose the bet, doesnt matter how you get there, its still just 2 outcomes, win or lose my bet.
Hope this clears it up for you

Hey Professor, heres a blatant and obvious flaw to your simple math problem, and perhaps you should ask yourself how your gambling is doing once you read and comprehend it.

What the hell happens if Miami wins by 3 Einstein? Wouldnt that be a push? Wouldnt that introduce a THIRD outcome to your betting on the game? So much for your three possible outcomes yet only two outcomes for getting paid.

Let me correct and edit your summation for you and save you the trouble. Corrections are in brackets and capitals for your benefit.

but even though theres 3 outcomes to the game, theres only 2 ( MAKE THAT 3 NOW ) outcomes for getting paid, you either win the bet or you lose the bet ( OR YOU NOW PUSH/TIE THE BET ), doesnt matter how you get there, its still just 2 (3) outcomes, win or lose ( OR PUSH/TIE ) my bet. Hope this clears it up for you.

New member
Oct 11, 2006
Gyno, the only problem with the players messing with first halves or propositions is the tiny amount of cash you can only get down on these types of bets. Most books have nickel limits ( some more/some less ) on props, and huge money on halves/quarters would only attract unwanted attention.


New member
Nov 7, 2006
The refs are more likely to be paid off than the players. If anyone doesn't believe that, where have you been? Watch any of the high profile games on Sunday or Monday night and you'll see what I'm talking about, watch the entire game.

For example, Sunday night the Colts and Patriots played. Did you see the flag that was thrown on Troy Brown for taunting? Nothing happened! Did you see when the Patriots had a 4th and 2? They needed to get to their 48 yard line with about a minute to go in the half, and Brady didn't even get close. If the refs were not getting paid off, they would have stopped the action, brought out the chains and took a measurement. Instead, they called a 1st down and didn't bother with a measurement, what a joke!

The week before, the Monday night game between the Vikings and Patriots. Did you see the play Jermaine Wiggins caught the ball, turned upfield and had his left foot, right foot and left foot down again, before the ball was stripped away and went out of bounds? The ref right there called it a fumble and Vikings ball since it went out of bounds. Then Belichick went up to him and had a few words, then all of a sudden, the call is changed to incomplete. The Vikings challenged it, and the whole Monday night crew said without a doubt it was getting overturned. I knew there was no way the refs could blow that one. By golly, after looking at it for 90 seconds "under the hood", they said it was incomplete! No one in their right mind can say the refs aren't getting money under the table for that type of crap!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Gaz is top 5 dumbest on the board...that guy is's like a little sidekick monkey, no actual independent thoughts of his own, nothing logical or close to resembling sense comes out of his's just bla bla bla if you dont like it...bla bla bla its fixed..bla bla bla let us whine here stop ruining our conspiracy party...bla bla i suck at capping games...its fixed..bla are dumb...bla bla.....Gaz must have been on the debate team in high school...if he even made it that far for his education...and i cant wait to hear his logical comeback for this sure it will be full of interesting points and great thoughts

This is very accurate assessment of gaz. He should do himself a favour and stick to simply reading the threads instead of participating in them.

Nov 20, 2004
I left the tie option off because a tie doesnt give you a win or a loss, it gives you a tie.
Read the damn thread again, which you clearly havent or just dont understand.
I will say it again for you real slow, you have a 50 percent chance of winning your bet and getting paid, when you are making a bet with 2 teams involved.
When you place a bet at the end of the night your either going to get paid for your bet winning or your going to pay the bookie for your bet losing
That my friend is a 50-50 chance
Oh and yes the bet might tie, but it still 50-50
Some of you are trying to go to deep into what am talking about.

Oct 18, 2004
gynecologist said:
I doubt NFL players fix games.. But NFL refs? I absolutely believe they are for the take.. I have seen too many bullshit calls in my lifetime to think otherwise..

And I'm not saying this cause I am sour cause I have been on both sides-won and lost games due to the refs mistakes/bullshit...

And if there is fixing going on from the players side I think they would mess with a first half or some sort of proposition to not make it so obvious..
G Man i know a few refs and believe me they dont fix games they own some big businesses and they are probably the biggest stiffs around they may come off as fixing games but the reality to the situation is that they just make legit mistakes. The FIX comes from some players even thou they make big money they blow it as fast as they make it i have gambled with many former and currant players and believe me they are some of the worst gamblers in the world and that is attributed to the fact that most of theses guys never had money when they were young so the fact that they are hit with all this money at one time sort of shows their stupidity.The other part of the equation is that some of these players hang out with some of the biggest thugs in the USA and when you hang around with scum you get dirty yourself. The bottom line here is that when you figure it could never happen it does and that is what makes it so easy to pull off!!

Nov 20, 2004
Mj, lollllllllllllllll okay we will take your word that refs dont bet. Sorry to burst your bubble having a dirty ref is the best way to fix games. They control what happens on both sides of the ball.
Really we all should just give this thread a rest, because none of us are gonna be right and thats because we just dont know what happens in the day to day lives of players, refs,nfl, mob, power brokers etc etc. All each and every one of is doing is guessing.
I do love mj's post thou, refs dont fix games because they own businesses, could be the friggin funniest thing i have read all week, lmfaooooooooo

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