These games are fixed...& I'll tell you why..


UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
cd329 said:
Everybody please stop posting in this thread we are all wrong.
The great Boxslayer has spoken and told us we are all idiots and he knows for certain what happens in the world everyday.
If he says games arent fixed, then who are we to think they are?
Boxslayer is like the great oz, he knows all. Athletes are the greatest people in the world making enough money with the highest moral standards to ever consider such a foul disgusting act. Same with refs. And the power brokers behind the nfl, well they would never consider such an act, because they are all on the up and up.
Please mods lock this thread as all our questions have been answered by the great oz.
sorry box for ever doubting you.
Hey box should i have chicken or steak tonight for dinner?

I see the whole reading comprehension/twisting words around thing still isnt going well for you. :103631605

Muck Fichigan
Sep 20, 2005
Loren hope you keep posting your picks and your theiry, its very interesting

New member
Jun 2, 2006
Gaz said:
Good Tulsa, glad you're done on the topic. One less idiot to have to listen to

'Idiot' is kind of harsh don't ya think.
Just because Tulsa makes astute, intelligent opinions that go against your own, doesn't make him an idiot.

Grow up Gaz.

New member
Jul 20, 2002

To say that Vegas sportsbooks are fixing games is ridiculas and dangerous. All sportsbooks (landbased or online) are looking for is to earn $ on volume, this is something inherent to bookmaking everywhere. A hold of 5% is very attainable without having to get involved in fixes. Write $1M in business and hold 5% you gross $50K - pretty simple math.

I have been around bookmaking since the sixties and have heard all kinds of different "fixed" theories over the years, none of them hold water in the end. Yours is just another let me play on the mind of paranoid gamblers ploy.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Gaz - why did you create a ghost to back you up in the Big Ben Thread?

<TABLE class=tborder id=post3358097 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal">10-29-2006, 07:15 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal" align=right> #1 <INPUT id=plist_3358097 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 5px; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; PADDING-TOP: 0px" type=checkbox value=0 name=plist[3358097] inlineModID="inlineMod"> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 width=175>Gaz<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_3358097", true); </SCRIPT>
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</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_3358097><!-- icon and title -->
Ben threw it
<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->I watched this game, Ben threw this game. Simple as that
<!-- / message --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Same thread:

<TABLE class=tborder id=post3358843 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal">10-29-2006, 09:49 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal" align=right> #26 <INPUT id=plist_3358843 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 5px; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; PADDING-TOP: 0px" type=checkbox value=0 name=plist[3358843] inlineModID="inlineMod"> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 width=175>Shaft<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_3358843", true); </SCRIPT>
RX Junior

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</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_3358843><!-- icon and title -->

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->I think Ben sucks personally. Pitt was lucky to win SB last year. Hawks should have the championship from last year.

What I do find hard to believe is not that Ben stunk, it's how he threw the pics, when and where. I saw the game, I'd bet that most who replied here did not watch the game.

If he was off, if all the synapses weren't firing, surely Cower would have seen that during practice and would have started Batch. It's just an observation, you guys need to chill. I thought this was America where people were free to speak their minds.
<!-- / message --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Exact IP match.


Link to thread:


These everything is fixed types will resort to all kind of tricks to support their theories.


New member
Jul 18, 2005
wilheim said:
To say that Vegas sportsbooks are fixing games is ridiculas and dangerous. All sportsbooks (landbased or online) are looking for is to earn $ on volume, this is something inherent to bookmaking everywhere. A hold of 5% is very attainable without having to get involved in fixes. Write $1M in business and hold 5% you gross $50K - pretty simple math.

I have been around bookmaking since the sixties and have heard all kinds of different "fixed" theories over the years, none of them hold water in the end. Yours is just another let me play on the mind of paranoid gamblers ploy.

That's his opinion, Wilheim, and as you often say when one questions the integrity of a sponsor, you gotta give the benefit of the doubt. Such a radical statement proposed in a gambling forum where people chime in with contradictory theories cannot be damaging... especially since it is seen in a category (rubber room) known as 'anything goes'.

I personally think it is virtually impossible to fix all games. In fact, I even believe Loren is mistaking line setting and moving (due to public and sharp interests) with a fix on a football field. The media is part of the conspiration? I believe the media is formed of reporters who think the same way the average gambler does: when a team sucked the previous week, it is regarded as an unpopular pick; when a team excelled the previous week, it is viewed as a popular pick. Lines are fixed in accordance with the public perception.

Still, his theories are not only quite valuable but they are also very entertaining.

Of course, I like to think that you gave your opinion as a poster rather than as Head Moderator.


Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." -- J. Edgar Hoover

Naturally when the State is questioned in a such a "conspiritorial" manner, the reader reacts with outright indignation. And that is fine. I said from the beginning that those who do not believe such a thing is possible are entitled to that opinion. I have not insulted anybody for believing that such things are impossible. And yet we have seen quite the opposite from several posters who deem themselves worthy of such draconian authority to insinuate insanity on behalf of everyone else who has entertained the thought that the conspiracy indeed exists...Mind you I have not revealed the Hows as to the way in which fixing takes place in NFL games...

Nor have I stated that each and every single game is is the perceptions that of each and every single game from week to week that can be manipulated because of a certain amount of games that may or may not have been fixed the week before...Sometimes the Over and the Unders are manipulated and when this happens quite often it is untracable...and unnoticable...the NBA as well as the College game is much more transparent...I have a great deal of respect for those among you who can cap with consistency in that sport....

And again, I will reiterate that the way in which this is accomplished is not the way you would think and obviously that entails payoffs and bribes...and yet there were several pages of debate on this possibility...From Refs, Players, Coaches...and not one iota about the Owners...The Fish always starts to smell at the head....I wont elaborate...but needless to say, the Owner's allegiance I assure is not to the fans nor to his team...

If people do not like what I have to say, I would suggest you not read it as it is something that is not up for debate. I have advocated for those who do agree with my tangent not to go about looking at every NFL game as a fix as they are not all fixed...use your best judgement...take some of the angles I have focussed on and blend them in with your own systems...that is what this board is for. Chew the Meat and spit out the bones...I have made some money over the years thanks to some of the cappers here on this board...I am just trying to give back (with my spin of course) I remember there was a fella here a couple years ago by the name of Sixth Sense, that fella was dangerous...made me a ton of cash.....I am going to try and do the same for you all.....Apologize to those of you who took Pitt because of me...last week......Superbowl teams are tricky...

New member
Oct 11, 2006
How do you fix a NFL game? do you pay a player off?

You simply dig up dirt on him and blackmail him. How many athletes get in some kind of trouble now days compared to 50 years ago? a big percentage...How many Dallas cowboys got in trouble AFTER they won the superbowls in the 90's?

You dont have to pay a player off, just make sure he gets drug tested...he will sit and miss game money out of your pocket.....

How many times have you seen a game where a player wasnt going to play because of injury, his team should easily got blew away...and they ended up winning?

How many times have you seen a player have an unbelieveable game, then to only be out the next game for an injury...and you never seen him get hurt?

so many questions to be answered...but the one i want answered is this....

If you pull a hamstring, how come you have to sit out like 4 weeks for it to heal? I played football for 7 years and never had a hamstring injury, nobody on my team had one either....this is the biggest bullshit injury in the world....

New member
Jul 20, 2002

The problem is when someone like Loren78 starts spinning tales of fixes and easy money that unfortunately there will always be posters like Gaz who are actually gullible enough to believe he may be on to something and end up losing money by actually backing the supposedely fixed plays.

There are no shortcuts when it comes to handicapping and there are no fixes week in and week out in the NFL.

Believe what you want, we shall see how quickly things turn after Loren has the enevitable losing week.



New member
Nov 7, 2006
On Saturday night, I went to and the majority of the public picked Jacksonville, Kansas City, New England, Detroit, Baltimore, Indy and Denver to cover. The consensus was something like 75% to 25%. That being said, if all those teams did cover, Vegas would be dishing out alot of cash. So how many of those teams did cover? Not a single one! How convenient for Vegas! You can bet in those types of games, where most of the public is heavily on one team, there will be questionable calls from the refs. In the games where the consensus is 50/50, the refs can call a good game, because it doesn't matter which way it goes.
Jun 23, 2006
wow. you know your life is at a pathetic low point, if you ghost on a message board to try and persuade others that your theory of games being fixed is true.

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
bdd said:
On Saturday night, I went to and the majority of the public picked Jacksonville, Kansas City, New England, Detroit, Baltimore, Indy and Denver to cover. The consensus was something like 75% to 25%. That being said, if all those teams did cover, Vegas would be dishing out alot of cash. So how many of those teams did cover? Not a single one! How convenient for Vegas! You can bet in those types of games, where most of the public is heavily on one team, there will be questionable calls from the refs. In the games where the consensus is 50/50, the refs can call a good game, because it doesn't matter which way it goes.

Yes this is something I think most people are starting to pick up on....but even still I dont advocate fading the public 100 percent of the time...there are always outside variables...Philly & Pitt won yesterday and both teams had at least 60 percent of the action...not as lop sided as Indy/Buffalo but the House did loose a little money...on that game...but boy they sure made themselves a bundle on Indy/New England/Baltimore/Jacksonville & Kansas....they could afford it....because if those teams had of covered, god almighty....

I also think the games where the consensus is 50/50, Even Keel Action...are where teams are allowed to just play each other without "interference" mind you sometimes the over/under is also in play....Cincy/San Diego game comes to mind. It is because of games like this that heighten my worst fears that sometimes the decision is made "during" the game as to how the game will turn out.

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
bdd said:
On Saturday night, I went to and the majority of the public picked Jacksonville, Kansas City, New England, Detroit, Baltimore, Indy and Denver to cover. The consensus was something like 75% to 25%. That being said, if all those teams did cover, Vegas would be dishing out alot of cash. So how many of those teams did cover? Not a single one! How convenient for Vegas! You can bet in those types of games, where most of the public is heavily on one team, there will be questionable calls from the refs. In the games where the consensus is 50/50, the refs can call a good game, because it doesn't matter which way it goes.

Yes this is something I think most people are starting to pick up on....but even still I dont advocate fading the public 100 percent of the time...there are always outside variables...Philly & Pitt won yesterday and both teams had at least 60 percent of the action...not as lop sided as Indy/Buffalo but the House did loose a little money...on that game...but boy they sure made themselves a bundle on Indy/New England/Baltimore/Jacksonville & Kansas....they could afford it....because if those teams had of covered, god almighty....

I also think the games where the consensus is 50/50, Even Keel Action...are where teams are allowed to just play each other without "interference" mind you sometimes the over/under is also in play....Cincy/San Diego game comes to mind. It is because of games like this that heighten my worst fears that sometimes the decision is made "during" the game as to how the game will turn out.

A.K.A. "Thee Square"
Jun 30, 2005
If the fix is top to bottom and everybody from the media on down is involved in the fix, including during games, then why did the anti-gambling bill pass?

Wouldn't they fleece millions more sheep and earn trillions more dollars if they legalized sports gambling?

Apr 14, 2006
Tokens are my hero. I am at least glad someone else can see through all the bullshit. My guess is you are a successful gambler as well. I hate this argument but the networks and gambling outs definately have ties somewhere. Why wouldnt they? Billions of dollars at stake. Thanks for the refreshing reading. I do think a lot of previous non beleivers are starting to see the light as well. It only takes about 20-30 "horribly officiated" games a year to convince some folks that is not just human error. What about the replay snafus?

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
BarneyFife said:
If the fix is top to bottom and everybody from the media on down is involved in the fix, including during games, then why did the anti-gambling bill pass?

Wouldn't they fleece millions more sheep and earn trillions more dollars if they legalized sports gambling?

For the same reason that the War on Drugs as well as the War on Terrorism took place. To patronize the people. A supposed war on drugs that saw drug use sky rocket among teenagers throughout the 90's. Why? Well rumour has it when Mr Gotti was asked how involved his organization was in drugs he answered.."Not much because we couldn't compete with the government". The War on Terrorism is being fought supposedly on and off U.S. soil while Illegals flooding in across the Borders by the Truckloads...

The supposed War on Gambling has begun despite the fact that Poker is now on television 24 hours a day 365 days a add insult to injury, one of the most Popular shows on television is called Las Vegas which focuses on the lives of everyday people working in a Casino run by a man (James Cann) who has links with the CIA.

These people do the opposite of what they say because the know that Powerless People love Power and will believe the garbage that comes out of their mouths to the detriment of their own logic and reason...just to associate themselves with what they perceive to be the creme de la crop of our society...

The media is complicit by their ignorance as not all of them are aware of what is going on....

Nov 5, 2006
Ever notice the shape of a football? Try rolling it in a straight line and determine which way its going to end up going , left or right..........impossible!!! This is the equivalent of intangibles in the game of football, and no matter how good team A is or how bad teamB is , ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN on any given day in any game or any sport and thats why they call it GAMBLING!!! You need to get over some bad beats or get off the pipe!..............Sorry just my opinion...........Good luck in the future!! And yes even the best Handicapper needs a little luck sometimes!

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