These games are fixed...& I'll tell you why..


Nov 29, 2004
It's funny, this topic got discussed yesterday at the sportsbook I was at.

These old timers were discussing that it's the refs who can rig a game. They are not the ones making millions of dollars like the players. They have incentive to have family "taken care of".

Then came last nights game between the Colts and Pats.

I'm still wondering about that pass that T. Brown caught from Brady and the ref standing there threw the flag. The ref called personal foul "Taunting".

The replay and Madden were baffled. Saw T. Brown's face the whole time and actions and saw no 'Taunting what so ever".:think2: :think2:

I don't know if these games are fixed or not, but after listening to that discussion yesterday at the sportsbook, I wonder.

New member
Oct 11, 2006
Kornholio said:
Now that is another story, but no doubt there are no players fixing games in the pros. And all you girls down here hanging on everything this guy says, get a brain.

Thats just pure ignorance on your part to suggest that you have absolutely NO DOUBT that pro athletes would never fix a game. What fairytale are you living in if you think that you can say with a straight face that a pro athlete would never try to fix a game? I think its you that should be putting a brain on your next shopping list.

Please give me the zipcode to this nirvana that you live in, I might relocate there. I bet theres no crime or corruption there either.


Striving towards handicapping perfection...
Oct 16, 2004
I didn't bother reading much of this thread because it is sheer lunacy...

Amazing how many people think games are "fixed"...Amazing...And all of these people say that because they lose and instead of admitting that they cannot handicap or just got a few bad beats here and there, they just say "That was FIXED"...

I have seen dozens upon dozens of public squares lose and their only answer is "That game was fixed"...

Anybody who believes Professional games are fixed also believe in aliens doing crop-circles & all kinds of wild, crazy conspiracy theories...I used to work with plenty of mental midgets who believed in every conspiracy theory under the sun including Professional sports games being fixed, and these former coworkers are about as ignorant, bull-headed, know-it-all-ish & arrogant as it gets...

I have lost thousands upon thousands of bets over the years, many, many heartbreaking ones and NEVER ONCE did I EVER SAY the game was "fixed"...Bad beats happen...

If you do your homework, you'll win more than you lose...

Grow up people...

You lost the bet...

Deal with it...


New member
Sep 9, 2006
Tulsa said:
We call them sucker bets because the line looks fishy, not the game.

Let's say that next week the Arizona Cardinals were to go play Indianapolis at Indianapolis. And let's say the line was Indy -2.5

And let's say the line doesn't move from -2.5 all week...

Then we call them trap lines...something fishy about them. It looks too easy. It's a sucker bet.

So, if we see sucker bets before the game occurs and can pinpoint them reasonably then we can use that to our advantage. That doesn't mean the game is fixed.

The logic used in this thread astounds me.

By the way, if the games are fixed, then that means there should be a non-random factor taking place with the games and THAT means you can cash on your knowledge that there is a conspiracy. Congratulations, you have found the man behind the curtain. YOU are the enlightened ones. You now have access to the inner sanctum and you will be wealthy because you have found the truth.

Let me point out one of the logic problems the fellow that started this thread has:

An example will show it best: Ptolemy believed the planets and sun revolved/orbited the earth. Ptolemy was one smart bastard and he developed very difficult mathematics to describe the way the planets and sun orbited the earth. He had retrograde motion mathematics (a bitch) worked into his model and he got every thing ironed out where the model had great predictive ability.

You could say to him, Ptolemy, you're wrong...the planets don't orbit the earth. The planets including earth orbit about the sun!! He would say, no. I have proof that the planets do orbit around the earth. He would ask you to pick a planet. You would pick saturn. He would then do some mathematics and tell you that in 62 days 4 hours and 11 minutes that saturn would be right THERE in our sky...right there....see the spot right there? It would be right there.

You wait and then when the time is up and you go outside...there is saturn right where he said it would be. think to yourself, if he can predict where the planets will be so well, then he must have the correct model.

Well, Ptolemy didn't have the correct model. He had great mathematics and a lot of work and a shitty model. But it could predict.

Just because you are able to predict the outcome of games by seeing what 'the books need' and you are finding success at it does not mean the games are fixed. It doesn't prove that. Just as my thread does not DISPROVE that fact either. I'm just saying that because you have found a way to examine the contests and predict spread winners does not mean the rationale behind your picks is correct.

However, if you cash 'knowing' the truth, then cash on. More power to you.

I'm not going to continue arguing about this. But I will say one last thing: When we determine that the games are fixed and only those with the inside knowledge can find the winners then we should stop immediately and do something else. If you think being fixed means the books love taking action on the games because the 'fix is in' then you have to ask yourself why we all don't have a hey-day wagering on professional wrestling such as WWF?

What is the Pinny line on the Mad Dog Killer Babbit and Hurricane Matsua wrestling match coming up next week? Hahahahaaaa

You can discard/denigrate/hate on all that I have just posted but I will not further defend what I am saying. I've got to go as Pinny has some great lines on harness racing coming up in a couple of hours.

Good luck.


Good Tulsa, glad you're done on the topic. One less idiot to have to listen to


New member
Sep 9, 2006
brewers7 said:
I didn't bother reading much of this thread because it is sheer lunacy...

Amazing how many people think games are "fixed"...Amazing...And all of these people say that because they lose and instead of admitting that they cannot handicap or just got a few bad beats here and there, they just say "That was FIXED"...

I have seen dozens upon dozens of public squares lose and their only answer is "That game was fixed"...

Anybody who believes Professional games are fixed also believe in aliens doing crop-circles & all kinds of wild, crazy conspiracy theories...I used to work with plenty of mental midgets who believed in every conspiracy theory under the sun including Professional sports games being fixed, and these former coworkers are about as ignorant, bull-headed, know-it-all-ish & arrogant as it gets...

I have lost thousands upon thousands of bets over the years, many, many heartbreaking ones and NEVER ONCE did I EVER SAY the game was "fixed"...Bad beats happen...

If you do your homework, you'll win more than you lose...

Grow up people...

You lost the bet...

Deal with it...


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Relax boys the games are NOT fixed.

Gamblers have been crying that games are fixed since football was invented 80 or so years ago and there is still to this day not a single provable case of a betable game being fixed.

Even the infamous 1970 Kansas City Chief team that was taken off the board in Vegas for a few weeks has never been proven to be a fix - just some strange money showed up against the Chiefs is all.

The real reason games can't be fixed is money - the cost of a fix makes it virtually impossible to get down enough money undected to make the fix profitable.

Saying the games are fixed is just an excuse for losing.


New member
Oct 11, 2006
The real reason games can't be fixed is money - the cost of a fix makes it virtually impossible to get down enough money undected to make the fix profitable.


Why are people saying that athletes are earning too much money to accept a little more to try and influence the result of a game? There is no such thing as having or earning too much money. Why do you think that players leave good/winning teams to go and play for shit ones i.e Edgerrin James ( Colts to Cardinals ), Joe Johnson( Suns to Hawks )? Why do tennis and golf players swap equipment maunfacturers? Its because they want and can get more money. No other reason.

As Wilheim stated above, the real reason or hardest part of rigging a pro match is the sheer practicality and expense of it all. Those in the know wouldnt be able to recoup the expenses and make a profit discreetly enough after factoring in the money it would cost to set up such an operation.

To think that pro athletes cant be bought because of how much they earn is ridiculous. If that was true then we wouldnt have so many players swap clubs or want out of contracts every year, so that they can go somewhere and earn MORE money. You only have to look at the recent betting scandals and match fixing allegations in European soccer the past couple of seasons. Some of the players linked to these scandals are earning hundreds of thousands of dollars per week.

No one is beyound reproach regardless of the number of zeros in their bank balance

New member
Dec 8, 2005
I guess Pete Rose was the only bad apple!:nopityA: NEVER say NEVER! This poor bastard was sent to the leper colony to protect the Sacred Cash Cow. :pope:

$$$360$$$ Billion dollar industry my ass...try TRILLIONS people, when factoring in all sports marketing dollars associated with professional sports!

WE MUST P-R-O-T-E-C-T THIS HOUSE! That Under-Armour slogan is the Mission Statement of EVERY LEAGUE! Thats why you will NEVER hear or see any hint of "improper conduct" coming out of these Head office's.
We would never had heard of Pete Rose's problems if it wasn't for a disgruntled local who couldn't collect! :cryingcry


New member
Jul 20, 2002
The thing everyone should remember about fixing games is how does someone make it worth their while. What always exposes any fix is line movement and the appearance on the market of strange or unnatrual money. In order to pull off a fix (that actually might work) a fixer needs the head coach and at least two key players (one a QB) all this would involve lots of money and quite a few mouths that are bound to talk somewhere along the line. Huge payoffs would require even huger bets that would start a chain reaction quickly sounding alarm bells all over the sportsbetting world.

All of a sudden you would see big bets coming from corners where they didn't come from before, a game with run away one sided action, plus the actual culprits would have to trust the fixers to pay them once the game has been played (good luck on that one), all this spells diaster for would be game fixers.

In todays enviornment of very big money being paid to and even bigger scrutiny being applied to the top atheletes it is virtually impossible for any of them to fix a game and get away with it.

Forget about NFL refs - way to much scrutiny on their calls - just won't happen.


UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
syddiggers said:
The real reason games can't be fixed is money - the cost of a fix makes it virtually impossible to get down enough money undected to make the fix profitable.


Why are people saying that athletes are earning too much money to accept a little more to try and influence the result of a game? There is no such thing as having or earning too much money. Why do you think that players leave good/winning teams to go and play for shit ones i.e Edgerrin James ( Colts to Cardinals ), Joe Johnson( Suns to Hawks )? Why do tennis and golf players swap equipment maunfacturers? Its because they want and can get more money. No other reason.

As Wilheim stated above, the real reason or hardest part of rigging a pro match is the sheer practicality and expense of it all. Those in the know wouldnt be able to recoup the expenses and make a profit discreetly enough after factoring in the money it would cost to set up such an operation.

To think that pro athletes cant be bought because of how much they earn is ridiculous. If that was true then we wouldnt have so many players swap clubs or want out of contracts every year, so that they can go somewhere and earn MORE money. You only have to look at the recent betting scandals and match fixing allegations in European soccer the past couple of seasons. Some of the players linked to these scandals are earning hundreds of thousands of dollars per week.

No one is beyound reproach regardless of the number of zeros in their bank balance

Once again you are trying to compare making money legally through commercial avenues, compared to practically selling your soul. There is a huge difference.

If Peyton Manning starts advertising a new commercial, or Albert Pujols switches away from Louisville Slugger bats, those are normal decisions, to make more money, but they are legal and very common.

Saying Albert Pujols would take some chump change money compared to his contract so he can toss his morals out the window and strike out on purpose and Peyton Manning is going to throw a bunch of interceptions is a different story, especially with the attention and scrutiny these guys live under, and even those dont guarantee a victory for the fixers.

You cant compare financial gain through advertisements and commercials to what we are talking about. Two completely different ball games.

New member
Oct 8, 2005
Everyone new to this thread, just skimming it, whatever. Do yourself a favor. Read the two posts from the guy who started it claiming sports are rigged/fixed. Then read the posts from Boxslayer and Tulsa. Argument/Counterargument.

Everyone else, most importantly "Gaz" who just jumps in behind anyone who says sports aren't fixed and calls them a retard: skip them. I know some good people are getting lumped in to this, but most of them are borderline illiterate and have had too many years of losing at this game to have a rational thought about it. To them, if they're losing, the game was fixed and they just were one of the unlucky ones that didn't know about it.

Think logically here people...have the outcomes of a few games here and there been altered by one player who got in some money trouble, or a few refs looking to pocket some extra cash? Sure, most likely. However, you guys out there thinking the whole thing from top to bottom is some scheme to get your hard earned money, pull your head out of your ass. Think on a large scale, don't lose the forest for the trees, and you'll see this whole "world is against me" shit is sheer lunacy.

If you still can't see it, I don't understand why any of you bet on games at all.
Jun 23, 2006
aceduecetrey said:
Why in Gods name was this put in the RR?

The guy takes all this time and it gets moved to the rr?

because this thread is a joke

Rx. Poster
Jun 12, 2006
joke or no joke, fix or no fix the picks went 3-1. post again this week please.:toast:


New member
Nov 7, 2006
I don't know why some of you are dissing on Loren, the dude could have made you all a load of cash! He predicted 4 out of the 5 games right last week.

Loren - please predict another 5 games for this week and let's see how you do!

Nov 20, 2004
To Jasko, why do i keep betting sports even thou i believe games are fixed?
Very simple answer my friend and if you would have thought about it your brain power could have come up with the answer. Its because i still have a 50-50 chance of actually picking the correct side and winning, which is still one of the best bets out there. If you can show me another type of wager that has a 50-50 spilt, then i might quit wagering on sports and go to that bet.

To Boxslayer, you make like you know what happens in the day to day life of the athletes who you would like to blow so desperately. For all we know some could be having money problems, some could be threatened, some could be getting blackmailed etc etc, so please stop trying to guess whats happening in their lifes, because we just dont know. Also stop assuming that its chump change that is being offered to the athletes, once again we dont know.
And lastly how many times have you opened up the paper and read about where a millionaire or billionaire gets caught doing something illegal just to make some more money and then you say to yourself, this guy or gal has life by the balls, why would they do that? Seriously how many times have you seen it? The answer is HUMAN GREEDDDDDDDDDDDDD, theres never enough money for anybody, we all want more, so to sit here and keep trying to tell us that athletes are just happy with the money they get and dont want more, is pure foolishness. Please wake up from your athlete loving coma you are living in. My guess is you are the type of person who watches fox news everyday and believes everything bill oreilly tells you to believe.

New member
Oct 8, 2005
If you think sportsbetting is a 50/50 proposition, I have to wonder about how well you understand the industry. Last time I checked, there isn't a sportsbook in the world that offers +100 on both sides of a bet.

You go 50/50 for long enough, you'll be broke as shit.

Nov 20, 2004
Jako, you really are stupid. Yeah i dont know about the juice,lollllllllllllll
If you have 2 teams playing, you have a 50-50 chance of picking the right side, has nothing to do with juice. My reference is about picking one side to win.
Show me another bet that i can get a 50-50 chance of winning on.

New member
Oct 8, 2005
Tell you what. You can come over anytime, and make $100 bets on the flip of a coin. You win, I'll pay you $91, you lose, I'll keep your $100. Hell, I'll even be your Pinnacle of coin flipping and give you $95.

There's your 50/50 bet, and I'll offer it to you for-ev-er.

And I'm the "stupid" one?

Nov 20, 2004
really are you a jackass, your not telling me anything new with the juice, so stop trying to act like your some sharp gambler.
I will say it again for the last time, yes i know theres juice involved in the game and yes i know i need to hit 52.38 percent to break even.
My point about 50-50 has nothing to do with the betting percentages, it has to do with 2 teams playing team a and team b, when the game starts no matter how rigged or corrupt a game might be, i still have a 50-50 chance of landing on the right side of that particular game. HAs nothing to do with how many other games i need to break even against the juice.
So jacko is this sinking in your friggin stupid head yet, that am just talking about the outcome of one game and not the overall betting percentages i need to win money. THE OUTCOME OF THE GAME, NOT BETTING PERCENTAGES NEEDED TO OVERCOME JUICE. MAYBE IF I WRITE IT IN BIG LETTERS YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT BETTER, I KNOW ITS TOUGH BEING A TEENAGER, BUT TRY TO GRASP IT OKAY. your talking about apples and am talking about oranges. The point is no matter how dirty a side might be playing, before the game starts you still have a 50-50 chance of picking the corrupt side. Unlike say a horse race where you have to try and pick the winner from amongst maybe 10 horses.
Some people are just complete jackasses.
Jan 19, 2006
Kornholio said:
There are no fixes in pro sports here in the U.S. They make too much money and it would never be worth it to them. No way. College it happens some, I'm sure, but never in the NFL or MLB, or NBA. No way.

How about the referres? They aren't making that much and those guys are the ones questioned almost everytime... Not the players...

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