These games are fixed...& I'll tell you why..


Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
We call them sucker bets because the line looks fishy, not the game.

Let's say that next week the Arizona Cardinals were to go play Indianapolis at Indianapolis. And let's say the line was Indy -2.5

And let's say the line doesn't move from -2.5 all week...

Then we call them trap lines...something fishy about them. It looks too easy. It's a sucker bet.

So, if we see sucker bets before the game occurs and can pinpoint them reasonably then we can use that to our advantage. That doesn't mean the game is fixed.

The logic used in this thread astounds me.

By the way, if the games are fixed, then that means there should be a non-random factor taking place with the games and THAT means you can cash on your knowledge that there is a conspiracy. Congratulations, you have found the man behind the curtain. YOU are the enlightened ones. You now have access to the inner sanctum and you will be wealthy because you have found the truth.

Let me point out one of the logic problems the fellow that started this thread has:

An example will show it best: Ptolemy believed the planets and sun revolved/orbited the earth. Ptolemy was one smart bastard and he developed very difficult mathematics to describe the way the planets and sun orbited the earth. He had retrograde motion mathematics (a bitch) worked into his model and he got every thing ironed out where the model had great predictive ability.

You could say to him, Ptolemy, you're wrong...the planets don't orbit the earth. The planets including earth orbit about the sun!! He would say, no. I have proof that the planets do orbit around the earth. He would ask you to pick a planet. You would pick saturn. He would then do some mathematics and tell you that in 62 days 4 hours and 11 minutes that saturn would be right THERE in our sky...right there....see the spot right there? It would be right there.

You wait and then when the time is up and you go outside...there is saturn right where he said it would be. think to yourself, if he can predict where the planets will be so well, then he must have the correct model.

Well, Ptolemy didn't have the correct model. He had great mathematics and a lot of work and a shitty model. But it could predict.

Just because you are able to predict the outcome of games by seeing what 'the books need' and you are finding success at it does not mean the games are fixed. It doesn't prove that. Just as my thread does not DISPROVE that fact either. I'm just saying that because you have found a way to examine the contests and predict spread winners does not mean the rationale behind your picks is correct.

However, if you cash 'knowing' the truth, then cash on. More power to you.

I'm not going to continue arguing about this. But I will say one last thing: When we determine that the games are fixed and only those with the inside knowledge can find the winners then we should stop immediately and do something else. If you think being fixed means the books love taking action on the games because the 'fix is in' then you have to ask yourself why we all don't have a hey-day wagering on professional wrestling such as WWF?

What is the Pinny line on the Mad Dog Killer Babbit and Hurricane Matsua wrestling match coming up next week? Hahahahaaaa

You can discard/denigrate/hate on all that I have just posted but I will not further defend what I am saying. I've got to go as Pinny has some great lines on harness racing coming up in a couple of hours.

Good luck.


New member
Oct 20, 2002
Kornholio said:
There are no fixes in pro sports here in the U.S. They make too much money and it would never be worth it to them. No way. College it happens some, I'm sure, but never in the NFL or MLB, or NBA. No way.

what about these guys

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UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
I don't think some of these whiners realize how difficult it is to get players to fix games.

Especially young guys in college. Every week there is a thread on a fixed game.

If games were fixed, and you have these young immature guys on teams fixing games, I'm sorry but the truth would have came out a long time ago.

There is too much media these days, too many questions, too many people upset with playing time trying to bring others down, too many people that cant keep their mouth shut. In today's world, the truth usually comes out, especially when you are dealing with kids. Too many people would have to be involved. It's way too difficult to fix football.

Basketball is easier to fix, and baseball maybe with a pitcher. But even he can be pulled. But football with 22 guys? Nope.

The only way you can fix football is with referees. Some guy offers a ref $100,000 to have him in his back pocket the rest of the season, maybe he makes a few key calls.

But once again, I still feel something like this would have came out at some point, somebody over all of these years would have squeeled.

But there is absolutely no way to fix a college football game buy buying players or NFL game. Way too many parties involved and not enough infleunce on a game.

Refs?? Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. And not every fuckin week.

People go crazy over athletes using steroids. Can you imagine what would happen if Americas Sport of football was to be porven a fix?

Lots of bad things would happen. It would turn into a huge scandal, huge evrything, the sport wouyld crumble, trust in sports, trust in america, trust in everything would start falling.

Sorry, but I just dont see it.

A lot of people on this forum always seem to be on the right side of the fix. You just need to start capping better.

You need to learn in the NFL, just because the Oakland Raiders have a bad record doesnt make them bad. They still have NFL studs all over the field and absolute superstars like Randy Moss. Anyone can lose on any given day in the NFL.

New member
Dec 8, 2005
Boxslayer32 said:
Refs?? Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. And not every fuckin week.

People go crazy over athletes using steroids. Can you imagine what would happen if Americas Sport of football was to be porven a fix?

Lots of bad things would happen. It would turn into a huge scandal, huge evrything, the sport wouyld crumble, trust in sports, trust in america, trust in everything would start falling.

More the reason to never admit it and protect the Company(NFL) at all costs!

If the Company found out 3 game officials were on the take, fixing really think they would hold a Press Conference telling us that? And destroy the perceived integrity of the game? Not in this Trillion dollar industry

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Just had the opportunity to read the original posters posts, as my post above was just responding to the idea of fixes in sports.

The original poster has done a helluva job convincing himself of this conspiracy theory. Just because the original poster's thoughts are humble, well thought-out, written well, written convincingly, and has some COINCIDENTAL evidence to support his claims, doesn't make his post correct.

The original poster's claims makes all of the following true:

1. There has been a HUGE, MONSTER collaborated scandal across the country with people from all parts of the country, all different sets of values, and all walks of life. This includes:

Players born and raised under every single different type of family value you can imagine from different parts of the country, different maturity levels, different levels of morals, values, corruption, honesty, integrity, and perhaps the biggest value of all....TONS AND TONS OF PEOPLE WITH AN UNCANNY ABILITY TO KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT OVER THE PAST FEW DECADES EVEN AFTER RETIREMENT.

Media as big as the big dogs, the editors, or the young journalist who hears any sort of rumor about any sort of a fix, and he wants to break the story so bad, but he doesnt because his boss doesnt let him? Because every single boss in every media outlet, no matter how large or small across the country says no? Then you have the guys who walk away, start blogs, join new companies, and they STILL NEVER break the stories? They never whisper to their friends? You never hear any rumors.

Not only that, but every single sports journalist, from every ethnic, social and economic background whether your Tony Kornheiser, Jerome Bettis or the local sports talk show radio host...they all hype and talk about the same things. They must ALL be on the fix.

Referrees from every different walk of life, value, etc. Every ref who has ever referreed a game. For the past who knows how many years, is in on the fix. Every single one. Because look. This guy's theory suggests every single game, every weekend is fixed. That means every referee is in on it, and they dont just fix a game every now and then, they fix every single game every single week for the past 100 years, and it has NEVER come out.

Coaches whose jobs, careers, names, family names, honesty, integrity is all on the line. Everybody appears to be doing this for money. Everyone is corrupt. And nobody says a word.

Understand something VERY important here:

The human character trait of HONESTY, INTEGRITY and the ABILITY TO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT, is typically not a character trait of a person who accepts bribes and is in on fixes.

That's why when the rare times these things happen (fixes), they usually come out.

According to the orginal poster, all of the parties mentioned above have to be involved.

What the original poster described above is HUMAN NATURE. Humans get excited about things. They overhype things. They forget quickly in sports on a week to week basis. They dont get excited to play the Titans. They dont get excited to play teams. These teams are very evenly matched. These teams are very well coached. These teams have incredible athletes. These teams win one week, get high on themselves, and lose the next. Not because there is a mass fix of over 1,000 people and nobody has ever said a wrod. But because it is human nature.

Journalists, while have a powerful ability to make you think how they want you to think, are still covering sports. Just because the media is predictable in what they will cover, doesnt make them tied into the mob or in on a fix.


They dont make a line because it sounds good. Or because it feels good.

They are in a 360 billion dollar industry. You better fuckin believe they have the best of the best of the best of the best assisting to set their lines. You better believe they have every trend known to man kind. You better believe they have every trend known to mankind. You better believe they have the experience of setting dozens and dozens of lines per day for the past hundred years, and they know how to do it better than anyone.

You better believe they always win, because they have more and better information, as well as more experience than John Q Public.

Every person on this board, knows some sort of athlete at the colle or pro level.

I know tons. Rex Grossman was a friend of mine in college. Reche Caldwell. Earnest Graham.

Danny Wuerffel one of the greatest guys you will ever you think that guy has the morals to be in on a fix?

Do you have any idea how hard these players and coaches work? Do you think they work that hard because they are in on a fix?

I could seriously go on forever.

The above poster is posting coincidental evidence that supports his theory that would take some of the largest mass coordination to pull off.

Once again, teams look passed certain teams. Teams are composed of humans. HUMANS.

Humans that arent perfect. They arent perfect so you know somebody would rat somebody out. And they arent perfect because every time they step on the field, they dont always beat the Oakland Raiders. Why>?

Because believe it or not, every single player on Oakland's team is a fuckin STUD NFL ATHLETE.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Spyderman236 said:
Boxslayer32 said:
Refs?? Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. And not every fuckin week.

People go crazy over athletes using steroids. Can you imagine what would happen if Americas Sport of football was to be porven a fix?

Lots of bad things would happen. It would turn into a huge scandal, huge evrything, the sport wouyld crumble, trust in sports, trust in america, trust in everything would start falling.

More the reason to never admit it and protect the Company(NFL) at all costs!

If the Company found out 3 game officials were on the take, fixing really think they would hold a Press Conference telling us that? And destroy the perceived integrity of the game? Not in this Trillion dollar industry

Nope they wouldnt.

But you eem to agree with the original poster. Do you honestly in your logical mind, think that every single game of the NFL season, every single week is FIXED!!!!!???????

Have you ever been a member of a team before? In a lockerroom with your buddies? Gone out for a night on the town? Worked your ass off for something every single day for your entire life? This isnt the fuckin WWF where you do a few supplexes. This is real life. These guys take this shit seriously. This isnt some fuckin game to them. Its life. Its the most important thing in the world, and most of these guys, you couldnt give them all of the money in the world to have them fix games. Much less some stupid million dollar bribe when they make a ton of money already anyway.

Not everyone has a price. And the original poster is stating that every person in the NFL, probably every quarterback, every coach and every referee, every media member, every GM and front office is in on this HUGE fix? Every single game of every single week collborated with mass media and all sorts of shit. That this fix is on 24 hours a day. The biggest scandal in the history of the world, IMO.

Doesnt everybody on this board know at least one athlete in the NFL or college ball?

Imagine how much money would have to be paid to buy your honesty and integrity.

This isnt fucking commercials here. To the guy that said Peyton Manning is on TV doing commericals, its all about money....

how much money would it take for you to do a TV commerical.

and then how much money would it take for you to buy your soul, honesty and to keep your mouth shut forever to decieve millions of people....

doing a commercial and buying your integrity are 2 completely different things...and even if a person gives in that doesnt mean the rest of the league is going to, and be in on some major fix every single weekend...there are 22 players starting on a team

I imagine if your Peyton Manning you get 1 million for the sprint least

and considering he signed for 50 million or so

I figure it would take a helluva lot more than that to buy his SOUL

and every coach and every important player and the referees and the media

sorry but you're losing money

you dont pay someone $50,000 for their soul...for their honesty

you dont have some kid who worked his ass off his entire life....walk into the NFL with everything to gain and nothing to lose and start taking bribes

and if he does take a doesnt mean every other quarterback will..and every other coach and every other referee

and even if they all do

they cant be bought for 50K, or 100K, or 1 million

if i sign for a 30 million dollar contract, its gonna take a lot more than 5 million dollars to buy me off

i could lose everything

this is fuckin ridiculous to think every single game of every single week is fixed

New member
Dec 8, 2005
woooooo boy, Hold on there Pilgrim!

not every Nor every week...However, The cash DOES find its way into the outcomes of selected games! Unless of course this 360 Billion industry is different from ANY OTHER INDUSTRY or pastime known to mankind and Void of any GREED!

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Spyderman236 said:
woooooo boy, Hold on there Pilgrim!

not every Nor every week...However, The cash DOES find its way into the outcomes of selected games! Unless of course this 360 Billion industry is different from ANY OTHER INDUSTRY or pastime known to mankind and Void of any GREED!

Yes it is, Pilgrim. It is completely different. Everyone is greedy. But selling your soul for some extra bucks and then keeping your mouth shut while in a national spotlight is a different story.

1. These are athletes that have worked their entire lives. Every single fuckin day 3 hours a day. Most people cant even get off their ass for 40 mins to go to the gym everyday. They cant comprehend 3 hours of hard work everyday. And hard work isnt picking up a phone and signing contracts. Hard work is when you run so much and work so hard you feel like you have to puke everyday. These guys have everything to lose and are playing the game they love. They make tons of money.

The others? Fat old white men, scumbags, greedy fuckin guys that havent worked like that a day in their lives. Sharp cunning men making deals, and scamming people. They are cuttyhroat and know what they are doing. They got where they are because of their business prowess, not because of their athletic talent.

2. Maturity levels

This is huge. NFL is typically overpaid, immature young men out buying spinning rims and fancy cars and all sorts of shit. They are VERY EMOTIONAL, and most of them get so emotional all sorts of shit slips out of their mouths to the media "my coach sucks, i dont get the ball, my quarterback sucks, playcalling sucks, i need off this team, etc". How easy would it be for them to let something slip out of their mouths and blow the whistle on the whole thing? Can you really trust an athlete to keep his mouth shut about a fix? Over all of these years, nothing has ever come out. Why not? With these guys? Bill Romanowski on 60 minutes blowing up steroids. Jose Canseco on roids. TO blows up his qb. Jeremy Shockey. Nobody ever even hints at anything. Come on...way too many people keeping their mouth shut....way too many


They are playing the game they love. They are celebrities, not some anonymous white guy in a suit and tie on Wall Street. Everyone knows their face. Every talks about them everyday. They wouldnt take this risk like some anonymous investor would.

Finally, you say not every game, player coach or every week......

Well the original poster is posting that every single game of every single week is fixed. He is stating all of this about public favorites and underdogs with no publicity, and its all set up.

No, it's a coincidence, and it's part of the betting angle. And linesmakers have been making lines for a hundred years, they know when a team is in the percentages to have a let down. And when a team is in the percentages to do poorly, and they set the line up to get public action on one side. They make lines with a purpose and they are usually right. That doesnt mean its fixed.

Athletes guys love being in the news, they watch ESPN, they hate not getting respect, and when they arent they get pissed. When all good things are said about you, humans generally relax. When you play a shitty team, you dont work as hard. You are playing supreme athletes on the other side of the ball, not some sisters of the poor team. Teams come out flat vs. worse teams, they play better vs. better teams.

Upsets happen every single day in sports. And every timeone happens people act like it took an act from God. No, thats why they play the games. Competition. Competing. Anything can happen when a ball is bouncing.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
People have a tendency to get all emotional over wins and losses and hype shit.

Let me put this in perspective for you all.

Bears didnt cover vs. the Dolphins. Biggest travesty in sports? Huge fix, unbelievable. Giants cant cover vs. Texans. Huge fix unbelieavble. 49ers beat the Vikings? Huge fix unbelieavble oh my god. Bills beat the Packers? Oh my god huge fix unbelieavble.

I mean....whats the fuckin problem here?

Let's look back at other season throughout the history of the league.

Like a decade ago....the Dolphins didnt cover and lost outright to the Jets.

So what, right?

Dolphins were 6-0. Jets sucked. So what, right?

It happens.

Dolphins didnt make the Super Bowl. Dolphins went to the first round of the playoffs and lost to the Chargers. Whats my point?

You are putting teams on pedastals because of your OWN HYPE and MEDIA HYPE.

The Dolphins were an average playoff team. And they lost a fuckin game to a team they should have beat. It happens.

The Bears may end up being an average playoff team. It's your own bullshit hype and media hype that has the Bears as Super Bowl Champs in your minds. The Bears havent done a fuckin thing. And if they lose in the 1st or 2nd round in the playoffs, you'll look back on this season 5 years from now, and go..."yeah so what the dolphins beat them...they were nothing special...grossman got benched later that season and never played an NFL game again."

The world is playing out. Things are playing out. We're finding out more about teams.

The 49ers beat Minny outright? So fuckin what? Minnesota might not even make the playoffs. 3 years from now, you wont even remmeber Minnesotas record, and youll say "I cant believe I thought that game was fixed, Minnesota ended up 8-8. They lost to the 49ers outright, big deal."

All of the hype, is in your head.

Dolphins beating the Bears is certainly not even close to being one of the stranger things that have ever happened in sports.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
individual sports have had a tainted past boxing i.e. but professional team sports recently i would say no....but back in the 60's kc chief games were off the board alot becasue of lenny dawson's betting and believe it was on or against his team at times

Nov 20, 2004
Okay after reading all the threads here, especially the last few, am convinced that athletes are the greatest role models in our country and that they are so far above corruption in any way, even thou every other part of society has corruption, that i now suggest that when an athlete retires from sports he automatically goes to congress and becomes a congressman or senator {without having to even get voted into office, hell why would they need to get voted in, these guys are our most honest uncorruptale people we have in society, so lets make them politicians}
Geez all these years we have been searching out good honest politicians, without ever finding any and all this time they were right under our noses playing sports. Well at least now that we all know sports figures are above corruption, we can put all our political mistakes behind us.
So thats my plan, as soon as a athlete retires he takes over a current polticians spot and when all spots are finally gone, then the new guys retiring from sports will have to wait until one of these honest guys step down or die.
Think about it, by doing this there wont be any more political parties, just one the "SPORTS PARTY" we wont have to vote anymore, so that will save massive amounts of money that can be used in better ways, will also save each person the hassle of having to go out and vote.
As far as who will be the president, we dont need to worry about that anymore because the sports politicians will just decide amongst themselves who the best person should be for the job.
Also no more news stories, newspaper articles about corrupt poltiicians and politics.
Man this is starting to sound like heaven and all due to the one simple idea of putting all our honest sports figures in washington. Wow the t.v. stations and newspapers are going to be bored to death
So come on whos on board with my idea?

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
cd329 said:
Okay after reading all the threads here, especially the last few, am convinced that athletes are the greatest role models in our country and that they are so far above corruption in any way, even thou every other part of society has corruption, that i now suggest that when an athlete retires from sports he automatically goes to congress and becomes a congressman or senator {without having to even get voted into office, hell why would they need to get voted in, these guys are our most honest uncorruptale people we have in society, so lets make them politicians}
Geez all these years we have been searching out good honest politicians, without ever finding any and all this time they were right under our noses playing sports. Well at least now that we all know sports figures are above corruption, we can put all our political mistakes behind us.
So thats my plan, as soon as a athlete retires he takes over a current polticians spot and when all spots are finally gone, then the new guys retiring from sports will have to wait until one of these honest guys step down or die.
Think about it, by doing this there wont be any more political parties, just one the "SPORTS PARTY" we wont have to vote anymore, so that will save massive amounts of money that can be used in better ways, will also save each person the hassle of having to go out and vote.
As far as who will be the president, we dont need to worry about that anymore because the sports politicians will just decide amongst themselves who the best person should be for the job.
Also no more news stories, newspaper articles about corrupt poltiicians and politics.
Man this is starting to sound like heaven and all due to the one simple idea of putting all our honest sports figures in washington. Wow the t.v. stations and newspapers are going to be bored to death
So come on whos on board with my idea?

OK, you're going to mock my posts.

Stupid post. Just like ignorance to have a guy make perfect sense with what he says, you can't refute it, so you twist it, exaggreate it and joke about it - without addressing anything that he said.

Never said athletes were perfect role models, never said this was heaven.

But you're a dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb motherfucker - every single person in this thread, including the guy who started the thread - if you think every single NFL game, of every single week, for the past 30 years has been rigged, and not one single word has ever come out and leaked about it.

It would take a MASS CONSPIRACY of MASS PORPORTIONS to pull that off.

In business, in politics, it can be 5 or 6 guys in a room that know something and pull it all off. You can have a CEO, and the President know something and pull it off, and even then it still leaks.

In sports, you have MASS amount of people to pull something off.

Can one game be fixed here and there? Sure.

But the original poster thinks Miami +13.5, Washngton +3.5, etc etc etc etc etc he lists every game on the board every week and is explaining why each one is fixed and how the media is in on the fix, and the sports talk shows are in on the fix, and coaches, and some of the players, and all of this nonsense.

These players are way too immature, way too emotional to hold secrets like that and never let it come out. They make too much money. Commercials are one thing. They are legal, they are part of the gig. But when you make 40 million dollars, it's gonna take a helluva lot more than 500K to get you to rig games. A helluva lot more.

Thats just dumb.

Nov 20, 2004
Before you call somebody stupid, maybe you need to go look at your athlete blowing ass in the mirror.
Who said that fixing games had to be some huge conspiracy involving every player and coach on both teams.
Listen my stupid friend all it takes is one player to fuck up a game or better yet one ref constantly throwing a flag everytime one team makes a good people. No team can overcome a ref constantly throwing flags, none zippo.
Also do you really think the higher ups in the nfl arent involved with the gambling higher ups? Then you my friend are really stupid, because the nfl is just like that ceo boardroom you just mentioned. If there is money to be in this world the power brokers who control everything that happens in this world are going to fund ways to get their hands on it and just because they havent stopped by boxslayers house to tell them yes games are very corruptable, that doesnt mean that its not happening.
Next point you say why hasnt it come out, well lets see if its the ones who would investigate in the first place are the ones telling you what to do, how the hell are you going to get caught genius.
Oh and not every game has to be about what the gambling outcomes are in order to be a fixed game, some games could rigged just to drive more hype down the road on another game. Remember the nfl is selling us all entertainment and they will do whatever it takes to keep us interested and buying each week and if you dont believe that, well thats fine its your right.
I just wish i could live in your perfect corrupt free world, because it must be like heaven there.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
cd329 said:
Before you call somebody stupid, maybe you need to go look at your athlete blowing ass in the mirror.
Who said that fixing games had to be some huge conspiracy involving every player and coach on both teams.
Listen my stupid friend all it takes is one player to fuck up a game or better yet one ref constantly throwing a flag everytime one team makes a good people. No team can overcome a ref constantly throwing flags, none zippo.
Also do you really think the higher ups in the nfl arent involved with the gambling higher ups? Then you my friend are really stupid, because the nfl is just like that ceo boardroom you just mentioned. If there is money to be in this world the power brokers who control everything that happens in this world are going to fund ways to get their hands on it and just because they havent stopped by boxslayers house to tell them yes games are very corruptable, that doesnt mean that its not happening.
Next point you say why hasnt it come out, well lets see if its the ones who would investigate in the first place are the ones telling you what to do, how the hell are you going to get caught genius.
Oh and not every game has to be about what the gambling outcomes are in order to be a fixed game, some games could rigged just to drive more hype down the road on another game. Remember the nfl is selling us all entertainment and they will do whatever it takes to keep us interested and buying each week and if you dont believe that, well thats fine its your right.
I just wish i could live in your perfect corrupt free world, because it must be like heaven there.

You dont know the first thing about sports. Not the FIRST, slightest thing.

You also cant read. Which isnt a surprise. There are about 10% of people on this site that can actually comprehend a sentence and retain it. You're in that 90% that cant apparently.

I think I stated 4 different times, I wouldnt put it past a ref to fix a game. I think I stated 3 different times that the original poster has clearly stated that he thinks all games are fixed every single game of every single week. So I dont know where you see me living in some perfect world. And I dont know where you go off calling somebody stupid when you clearly cant read, which is one of the most basic set of skills that one can attain in this world.

Sit your fat ass behind a computer and just call fix whenever something happens - I love it.

Listen, and listen closely

There is this game called baseball. And they had this scandal with steroids. I dont know if you've heard of this or not. But it wasnt baseball's investigation that brought it down. There was this guy named Jose Canseco that did.

The media prys their face into every single little whisper or detail that happens in this world. Today, moreso than ever in the history of sports, the media is everywhere. And these journalists, the way they make it in this world is to break big stories and make names for themselves.

If there was the slightest whisper or hint that games were fixed, you better believe some young up and coming journalist would be digging and digging and digging to try to find out more.

The media even pays people for information to get these stories.

And year after year after year, people let things slip out.

Romanowski on 60 mins every year admitting something new.

Whoever it is, not everyone can be bought and if they were for some reason, it comes out, and it comes out QUICK.

Once again, please go back and read my posts. You clearly didnt retain any of it.

Nov 20, 2004
lmfaooooooooo, yup only boxlsayer knows about sports, what i have forgtoon about sports you will never learn in your lifetime genius.
So because the media hasnt been able to break any scandals that must mean its not happening, lmfaooooooooooooooo.
Do you think the media is able to break every corrupt thing that is happening everyday in society?
So then by your own post above, with your own words you are saying athletes are all on the up and up. If thats the case then you should be the first one to back my plan for retired sports figures to replace all current politicians, because shit man these guys are way above doing anything corrupt. I still cant believe all of us in the country never looked to these honest athletes for leadership. lolllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Lets just leave this subject like this, i believe sports are rigged and you believe they arent, neither one of us can prove the other wrong, so why even bother arguing about it. You have your opinion and i have mine.
This is like the people who say there is a God and others who say there isnt one, neither side can prove the other side wrong.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
cd329 said:
lmfaooooooooo, yup only boxlsayer knows about sports, what i have forgtoon about sports you will never learn in your lifetime genius.
So because the media hasnt been able to break any scandals that must mean its not happening, lmfaooooooooooooooo.
Do you think the media is able to break every corrupt thing that is happening everyday in society?
So then by your own post above, with your own words you are saying athletes are all on the up and up. If thats the case then you should be the first one to back my plan for retired sports figures to replace all current politicians, because shit man these guys are way above doing anything corrupt. I still cant believe all of us in the country never looked to these honest athletes for leadership. lolllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Lets just leave this subject like this, i believe sports are rigged and you believe they arent, neither one of us can prove the other wrong, so why even bother arguing about it. You have your opinion and i have mine.
This is like the people who say there is a God and others who say there isnt one, neither side can prove the other side wrong.

Jesus Christ. Get an education. You clearly can't read. You are arguing against me with shit I never said, twisting my words around again, and once again you have failed to read what I wrote that fixes do happen, just not every game of every week like the original poster was saying. It's unbelievable how dumb you are. Honestly. I am done with you. I thought we were having a good debate here, despite some of the name calling, but it's obvious I gave you too much credit and you're another idiot poster.

New member
Apr 26, 2006
Who cares if the games are fixed!! you still have a 50-50 chance of picking the correct side. If someone has a two headed coin and you do not know that does that make the flip "fixed." You can still call heads. No one says you can only pick tails. If you win or lose just accept it!

New member
Jul 18, 2005
So Loren, after explaining how today's fixed result is influenced by next week's game, you tell us the expected result of next week's game based on today's results. How come you don't analyze it based on the following week's match ups?

You pick CIN to cover against SD in week 10. Week 11, Bengals are playing in N.O. while the Chargers will be in Denver. Next week, N.O. is +4 at Pitt and Broncos visit the Raiders (no line yet). Shouldn't you take that into consideration before making your picks?

If so... Steelers (-4) should cover against the Saints while the Bengals beat SD, making CIN a popular pick in N.O.... and New Orleans would cover. San Diego losing to the Bengals should become an unpopular dog in Denver; so Broncos destroy the Raiders. But the Broncos have just beaten the Steelers and will be the popular pick next week in Oakland... especially if Seattle covers tonight which, by the way, is one of your selections.

I do believe games can be fixed. Been done before. Anyone can be bought or threatened. But fixing most or all games every week of a particular calendar to favor the house is impossible. It doesn't work.

That being said, I believe there is some truth in the original post. And it is definitely entertaining. So, good thread.


gerhart got hosed
Oct 2, 2004
UT-Longhorn said:
360 BILLION last year in sports wagering- there is no money in it? excuse me?

Uh, think about much are they gonna pay players and have it be worth it to them. 3 mil apeice? Who would do it even for that? and then have to get down enough offshore to pay it off and to cash in for themselves. Please.

gerhart got hosed
Oct 2, 2004
kidslick said:
what about these guys

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The Truth About SuperBowl XL

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Now that is another story, but no doubt there are no players fixing games in the pros. And all you girls down here hanging on everything this guy says, get a brain.

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