These games are fixed...& I'll tell you why..



New member
Sep 9, 2006
Kornholio, appropriate name, nuff said there.

Loren spekas the truth and you guys can blow it off all you want BUT the outcome of the Miami game, hey nice call Loren. Oh yeah, good call on the Wash game as well. Pitt and SF to go.
Sep 21, 2004
Why in Gods name was this put in the RR?

The guy takes all this time and it gets moved to the rr?

New member
Oct 20, 2002
aceduecetrey said:
Why in Gods name was this put in the RR?

The guy takes all this time and it gets moved to the rr?

they should stickie this in the nfl forum and offshore forum

New member
Oct 1, 2006
Last years Super Bowl left me feeling a little chapped in the ass due to all of the penalties against Seattle...yeah, its rigged.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
u people

people who think pro games are fixed are idiots... this has to be the biggest joke I have ever heard... A these guys are huge egoed idiots who make a ton of money and would never want to fix a game. This is the gamblers thought process because they need an excuse when they lose money. It is called gambling because u win some and u lose some it doesnt mean that the game is fixed... The patriots and Vikes werent trying to stay under the number haha jesus christ it just happened that there was a pic thrown by a young QB with no time left... NFL COACHES EGOS ARE TOO BIG AND SO ARE PLAYERS TO FIX football games... it just happens the line makers and book keepers no more about making lines and spreads then the every day gambler do... they dont need to fix games because the public doesnt know as much as they do so they make money that way..


New member
Sep 9, 2006
Whitetrashpunk said:
Last years Super Bowl left me feeling a little chapped in the ass due to all of the penalties against Seattle...yeah, its rigged.

No doubt that was fixed up the ass


New member
Sep 9, 2006
themanej2001 said:
people who think pro games are fixed are idiots... this has to be the biggest joke I have ever heard... A these guys are huge egoed idiots who make a ton of money and would never want to fix a game. This is the gamblers thought process because they need an excuse when they lose money. It is called gambling because u win some and u lose some it doesnt mean that the game is fixed... The patriots and Vikes werent trying to stay under the number haha jesus christ it just happened that there was a pic thrown by a young QB with no time left... NFL COACHES EGOS ARE TOO BIG AND SO ARE PLAYERS TO FIX football games... it just happens the line makers and book keepers no more about making lines and spreads then the every day gambler do... they dont need to fix games because the public doesnt know as much as they do so they make money that way..

Go back to whacking your pud

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
Thanks for the accolades, they are much appreciated. Again, I realize that the accusations made within the original post are hard to swallow for most people and thus of you who feel that it simply isn't possible for the NFL games to be fixed are entitled to that opinion. I don't blame you because if I was not familiar with the evidence to suggest as such, I would be hesitant to cling to such an idea as seemingly "proposterous" as this one is. Yes to the uninitiated and those unfamiliar with the subject, it would seem absolutely crazy. But I would like such people to understand that just as crazy as you may think people are for believing in the possibility of such a conspiracy, there are people inside and outside the Syndicate who believe the public is just as crazy for spending their hard earned money on Professional Sporting events that are becoming more blatantly rigged by the year. I do not want people to start looking at sports and for that matter, the world as if it is all one big sham..even if that is indeed the case. I merely want them to consider such possibilities in the hopes that they can take advantage of such knowledge and in this case, that means making easy money when the opportunity presents itself. The House got richer today and so did the Wise Guys...and rightfully so...they've got the inside track....

Again, as I have said before, I am of the opinion based on the research I have put into this subject over the years, that many of these games are indeed fixed prior to kick off. Because of the nature of such an accusation conspiritorial thinking can arise and I do not want get on that kind of tangent. This is why I did not want to discuss "HOW" these games are rigged because it is not something people are prepared to hear and quite frankly I am not in a mood to divulge. It takes the fun out of capping to tell the truth. I notice a few of the responses to this thread have been speculating on the nature of how it is done. Some have hinted at payoffs and the like. Again, I will reiterate that the way in which this is accomplished is not what you think. If Sports fixing has been going on for decades which documented cases have already proven, and methods to accomplish any given task have changed over time as change is inevitable in a world like ours, would the methods in which sports fixing is done not change also? There are two realities which exist in the world today. The one we are given and the one which is with held from us. Technology is an important component of this double reality and I assure you it is miles ahead of anything you can currently comprehend. If it does become public one day as to the true nature of how sports games are rigged, will be absolutely devastating. It would make the steroid issue seem like a walk in the park . And that is all I will say about that.

I wanted to wait until after the majority of the days games were done before I responded as I figured the ultimate test to see how effective the system which I introduced would be depended on the outcome of the games I selected. As arrogant as this may sound and I apologize if it does, I was not the least bit suprised at the outcomes of the games I selected today as well as the rest of the games on todays card. I expected to clean sweep but foolishly forgot that Superbowl winners of the previous year regardless of the situation almost always receive the higher percentage of the juice...Truth be told, the only thing that did suprise me about todays games was the fact that Pittsburgh actually wore their own uniform as they were clearly playing for the other it was a loss that we can learn from....

As of yesterday I had several more games which I had analyzed according to my "conspiritorial view" and yes I realize the games have past and so anything I say at this point in regards to todays games has to be taken with a grain of salt and I fully understand that but I think it is important to go over some of the keener aspects of these games as it will come in quite handy next least I think it will.....The key rule I am only now beginning to understand that I have has helped me personally is this...

Regardless of the stats, and regardless of the ranking, the skill, the record, etc Its not about what the teams can do to each other its all about what the teams CAN DO FOR THE HOUSE. What outcome will be most financially beneficial for the HOUSE...and generally I tend to find that what is most beneficial to the house is disasterous to the square and dangerous for the sharp.....

The Unpopular Dog - As I have said before, this is the dog that comes in under the radar usually because the media has ignored this team and their performance as of late is usually subpar if not outright embarassing. They usually have lost 1 or 2 games in a row and the team they are playing will receive the higher percentage of public action....Which teams today fit this model....? Would the Casinos benefit from these teams covering? Absolutely.....

Washington + 3.5
Houston + 13.5
Detroit + 5 / + 4
Miami + 13.5
San Francisco + 5
Cleveland + 14/14.5

These teams all seem to have one thing in common, besides being dogs. They were not popular among either the media or the public. The Wise guys and the sharps were the only contigent among the sports population that would have even thought about them. Throughout the entire week, The sports talk shows either criticized these teams or flat out ignored them when it came time for the weekend picks. I saw prediction after prediction after prediction point out Dallas and Atlanta as being "stone cold locks..." The viewing public eats this up. As they are supposed to because the media is entirely complicit in this Psy-Op...Yes it is psychological in nature because if you are told something hundred times you start to believe it. You can hate a song on Monday and hear it a thousand times and by Friday you are singing it on the way to work.

Now ask yourselves if you find it not the least bit "suspicious" that all the teams who the sportsbooks clearly would have needed to cover to avoid getting destroyed by the public, ended up not only covering but in some cases winning outright. How convienient for them.... And how unfortunate for us...

The Popular Dog -Now obviously not all of the dogs covered this week and for good reason. If a Unpopular dog is a team that comes in under the radar than the opposite is obviously a dog that comes in with a bit of "fan fare" so to speak. They usually have won 1 or 2 games in a row and the team they are playing may very well not receive higher percentage of public action on the game. In fact the action may be evenly divided and just where the juice (sharp action in particular) is going may only be revealed just before kick off. The major difference between these games and the games involving Unpopular dogs is that it is so cut and dry as to which side is going to receive most of the action as is the case with Unpopular Dogs who almost always never receive the higher percentage.

If the action on this kind of game is actually coming in heavy on the dog or the dog ends up being the receiver of the highest percentage of action by kick off, What outcome is most beneficial to the House? It would be the Favourite.....or as I like to call them...The UnPopular Favourite

Now in my opinion, these teams all seem to have one thing in common, the PERCEPTION, the public has of these teams has improved over the past few weeks. Everybody loves a winner. Now Cincinnati however is little different in that they have not put together a solid winstreak in quite some time and they are coming in off a loss but they are in my opinion a "perenial public team" who the public still believes plays well on the road. Even Tom Jackson, this morning was praising Cincinnati for being a competitive team on the road and had them pegged to beat the Ravens. Not one of the Unpopular Dogs was given this kind of accolade....So Cincinnati would still indeed qualify as an Popular Dog....And any team that is popular in the "Public's Eye" is precisely who the Sports Books do not want to see do well.....And so ask yourselves would the Casinos want to see teams cover ? Would it be financially beneficial to the Casino to see Popular Dogs like these of whom the public is all over cover? Absolutely not....and as luck would have it...not one of them covered...sans Oakland

Tennessee + 9.5
Cincinnati + 3.5
Green Bay + 3
Oakland + 7.5 (Monday Night)

The Following Week -
In the original post I talked about this aspect of the rigged system and that is to pay attention to whom the team is playing the next week. The Books set these lines with this in mind because they know they understand the psychological effect these wins and losses will have on the public. The idea of course is to get the public to chase the Popular Dog and Popular Favourite all the while ignoring their opposites counterparts because of whom they may have lost to the week before...The House wants you to lay the points when the team is a Popular Favourite or a Popular Dog and they want you to miss or ignore the teams who are Unpopular dogs or Unpopular favourites.....

Unpopular Dog - Miami Dolphins
( small action )
UnPopular Favourite - Buffalo - (even at a cheap price of (-3), many bettors refuse to take them or didn't notice them)

Lets take a look two games that featured Unpopular favourites and Popular Dogs...

Cincinnati 20 @ Baltimore 26 - Week 9 - Did the House lose money on this game? Given the nature of these two teams and the fact that the dog was perhaps more of a public team than the favourite I would have to say that they likely broke even...if not came out in the red wouldn't you say? How did the House benefit from this outcome? Well who does Cincinnati play next week?

San Diego @ Cincinnati
- Week 10 - What happens in a previous week stays on the mind of the bettor until the following week. The Outfit understands this and the books salivate at the opportunity to pull the woll over the publics eye by capitalizing on the "FALSE PERCEPTION" the public has developed towards a team over a period of time. The Media will mock bengals for most of the week and because they are playing the "darling" of the AFC, the experts as well as the public will figure Cincinnati for dead....It is more beneficial to the House to have Cincy loose in Week 9 in order to convince the public to lay off them in Week 10. San Diego ends up receving a higher percentage of the action and low and behold Carson Palmer ends up throwing for 400 yards...This is how the fix works...and because it is entirely plausible, nobody is the wiser....

Tennessee 7 @ Jacksonville 37 - Week 9 - Did the House lose money on this particular game? If so not a lot because, the Titans were one of the most popular dogs on the board today and with Miami & Detroit winning outright...Im sure they landed on their feet....and sets up perfectly for them because look who Tenneesee gets to play next week....

Baltimore @ Tennessee - Week 10 - Again, I realize I am starting to sound like a broken record but I cannot stress enough that once again, the PERCEPTION the public now has of Tennessee is a bit tarnished thanks to the beating they received today by the Jags...Baltimore will no doubt be hyped in the media. They've now won 2 in a row and are tops in their division. I can see them being a small favourite. The experts will salivate over how much better the offense is now that Fassel is gone and how Tennessee is going to struggle against Billicks new and improved system. Baltimore will go from being a rather Unpopular Favourite this week to a Popular favourite next week while Tennessee will go from being a rather Popular Dog to somewhat of an Unpopular one and the public will be afraid to back them against this playoff bound Ravens Offense....The House will continue to steal money based off these false perceptions that they implant in the publcs mind and thus preventing them from realizing the probably most important factor involved in sports betting....

*If the Dog is receiving the higher percentage of action, The House wants the favourite and will see to it that the favourite COVERS

*If the Favourite is receiving the higher percentage of action, the House wants the Dog and will see to it that the Dog COVERS

*What ever the House NEEDS, they will find a way to GET


The following Dogs were not very favourable in the publics eyes and thus did not receive a large percentage of the action on their respective games...The Books Needed Them and Got Them

Washington + 3.5
Houston + 13.5
Detroit + 5 / + 4
Miami + 13.5
San Francisco + 5
Cleveland + 14/14.5

The following favourites were not popular among the experts at ESPN nor amongst the public and thus did not receive the lions share of the percentage of action their respective games got..In some cases they have but the percentage was far closer between the two teams than it would have for games like like Miami/Chicago and Houston/New York and thus the Books Needed Them and Got Them

Jacksonville -9.5
Baltimore - 3.5
Buffalo - 3.0
New Orleans - 1

As Wallstreet so often says, know the percentage and where the real juice is going especially right up to kick off time. Tampa Bay's stand down today reminded us of that. If the dog is popular, and getting a high percentage, lay off. If the favourite is unpopular and getting a low percentage, get in on the action. Always take into consideration what the Books need and how they benefit from a loss or a win. Always take into consideration who the team plays the following week...and how the Books will benefit from such a meeting. Always pay attention to the PERCEPTION of the public and the media for that matter...A pattern is starting to form week to week and once it is recognized, a lot money can be won than lossed....and your not supposed to win........

W-R-X Champion
Dec 21, 2004
So last year when the favorites all covered, The fix was in too.

Rx Senior
Sep 21, 2004
Kornholio said:
There are no fixes in pro sports here in the U.S. They make too much money and it would never be worth it to them. No way. College it happens some, I'm sure, but never in the NFL or MLB, or NBA. No way.

360 BILLION last year in sports wagering- there is no money in it? excuse me?

New member
May 2, 2006
sportsbettor69 said:
hey is no or u know english
people who think pro games are fixed are idiots... this has to be the biggest joke I have ever heard... A these guys are huge egoed idiots who make a ton of money and would never want to fix a game. This is the gamblers thought process because they need an excuse when they lose money. It is called gambling because u win some and u lose some it doesnt mean that the game is fixed... The patriots and Vikes werent trying to stay under the number haha jesus christ it just happened that there was a pic thrown by a young QB with no time left... NFL COACHES EGOS ARE TOO BIG AND SO ARE PLAYERS TO FIX football games... it just happens the line makers and book keepers no more about making lines and spreads then the every day gambler do... they dont need to fix games because the public doesnt know as much as they do so they make money that way..


New member
Sep 9, 2006
sportsbettor69 said:
people who think pro games are fixed are idiots... this has to be the biggest joke I have ever heard... A these guys are huge egoed idiots who make a ton of money and would never want to fix a game. This is the gamblers thought process because they need an excuse when they lose money. It is called gambling because u win some and u lose some it doesnt mean that the game is fixed... The patriots and Vikes werent trying to stay under the number haha jesus christ it just happened that there was a pic thrown by a young QB with no time left... NFL COACHES EGOS ARE TOO BIG AND SO ARE PLAYERS TO FIX football games... it just happens the line makers and book keepers no more about making lines and spreads then the every day gambler do... they dont need to fix games because the public doesnt know as much as they do so they make money that way..

Good english

New member
Dec 8, 2005

If games aren't Rigged, Fixed, or pre-determined....................................... WHY DO WE CALL SOME GAMES>>>>SUCKER BETS??????????????


New member
Sep 9, 2006
Spyderman236 said:

If games aren't Rigged, Fixed, or pre-determined....................................... WHY DO WE CALL SOME GAMES>>>>SUCKER BETS??????????????

Exactly...people are always talking about sucker bets and someone knows something, etc. The very nature of those things indicates a fix of some kind or another.

Also, the people who say that atheletes don't need to throw games for money are complete morons. You say it as if they have so much money they'd never need more. If that is the case then why the hell do we Peyton Manning's face every 30 seconds on the TV?

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