The ULTIMATE Tout/Anti-Tout Argument

You know what's funny. I'll bet if we all got together for a few beers we'd have a hell of a time together.
Man even I am tired of typing at this point!

I did get hammered but it was my own stupidity, like I ALSO SAID...The right wave and I could have made 25 dimes easy at that point ...I had my run, you can only win so much before you lose some back...If I`m not mistaken he had a two day dry spell , so i tried to step in , and it just didn t happen...Its my fault, i would never be foolish enough to blame dogball for that one...The guy had been hot for two months at that point..It was simply bad timing... For me to blame anyone but myself(which I did back then) would be wrong...

You know sometimes you watch a guy , you say "why not take a shot" I had been on fire , the best thing i could have done was take a couple weeks off...But sometimes you have to take a chance, it could have been a big splash my way, it just didn`t happen...
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by raiders72001:
Here are the facts Jake. You and Dog are the two worst cappers unit wise.

posted 02-16-03 12:59 AM
PANTHER_____86-71____+7.9 UNITS________+7.9units
PATRICK MCIRISH__56-44__+7.7 UNITS___+7.7units
THEERODFATHER____31-23___+4.6 UNITS____+8.7units
KODIAK___376-339____+4.1 UNITS____+1016.45units
HEINEKEN_____4-1_____+2.9 UNITS______+24.7 units
LOCKLINE_________0-1____-1.1 UNITS_____-1.1units
RPM________119-115____-2.4 UNITS______-2.4units
DOGBALL_____30-31____-4 UNITS_______-41.4unit
IDENTITY____34-40___-9.9 UNITS_______-22.6units
RX-MANIAC___113-117___-15.6 UNITS____+91.7units
NORTHERN ICE___68-81___-21.1 UNITS____-23.6units
JAKE THOMPSON__129-150__-34.05 UNITS__-29.51units<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This sort of speaks for itself.

After all the BS, spin, lies and distortion this is where we are. Dogball is down over 41 units. For a dime bettor they are stuck well over $40,000.00 dollars following this professinal tout!!

For that reason I kind of understand why he is so frustrated and taking it out on us. I'd be on the attack too. Can you imagine what the people who sent him money are thinking right about now? LOL.

Both of them have to be pissed off....
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by raiders72001:
You know what's funny. I'll bet if we all got together for a few beers we'd have a hell of a time together.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yep, I know I would. I'm a fun loving guy.

The guy I want to meet is Hammy! Be cool as hell to have a cold one with him. If you think I a can aggitate and take a guy off his game, you should see this guy operate. He leaves them crying worse than I have Dogball whining.....

He's the master in the RR.
I get the feeling Dog had a bad day today and gave back the tout money from those two guys.
LOL. Could be.

He also should give JMan some $$$ back since he is quoting him and using him as a spokesman for his business. I can't believe Jman is in here defending this clown!?!?! Dogball really hurt him during baseball. He bet Dog's plays real big one night and got hammered!! Games were bad plays too, you could see the potential for a bad night! This was back when Dogball was pretending to be one of the boys. No one knew he was going tout at the time so we didn't notice his record much. Needless to say he embellished it every chance he got. Well all that must have fooled JMan. He put this trust in Dog and got it broken off big time. Sort of like the people who bet the NBA based on Dog's plays.

Anyway I never thought I would see the day Jman wouldn't stand up against touts....
Oh well, try and get some of your money back JMan. Especially since you are sticking up for the touts now....

Dog owes you big time....
Did you see that article that Jman wrote in offshore? A tout would be the last person you think Journey would be backing.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dogball:
YOu are a good guy and I wish you well this year. Remember last years success does not guarantee you will do well this year. I hope you do, your fees are very reasonable and your analysis was often solid. I hope you learn to think a bit outside the box this year, it is not so easy as just reading the facts off the paper. Just make sure you are humble or any sport can beat you up good and quick.
Also, Raiders and I will agree here, two years is nothing in the gambling world. Listen to what DICKY W says about this as well, keep it all in perspective and remember -I do not know one successful gambler who has not been to hell and back a few times. I guess you could be the exception but you are very early in your gambling career. I think you have an auspicious future certainly as It pertains to bases and hope you build a roll large enough to pay off some of those loans.


Thanks dog. I'll try and keep it all in perspective.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hamneggs:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jake Thompson:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mjred:
raiders. lol high school??? 2 years puts him firmly in elementary school (about 4th grade imo)

jake, 2 years aint squat my friend and the fact that you did well in baseball ly or even 2 years running means nothing regarding your future success. if you'd been doing this longer than 2 years you'd already know that, but i'm sure you'll learn.


I understand where you are coming from, but 37 units over 700 picks, well, I just can't see it as a fluke.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Snake, let's say you drop 37 units this year...then what? Will that be a fluke? LOL

We all know that you are going belly up this year in bases, kid....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If I drop 37 units in baseball I will never sell my picks again. Thanks for having so much faith in me with nothing backing it up, but I think I'll be fine.
Okay guys , come on now...I haven`t Imed once tonight with anyone...and , nobody on here intimidates The Journeyman

I wouldn`t say anyone in here ranks with the likes of a Mike Warren....This guy is the devel!

I posted that story back in the summer I think..

At the time I knew dogball would someday tout, but i followed him very closely all summer...

, its not a bad thing trying to catch a wave from someone....The stupidity was my tring to up my units...But i was up alot and got greedy...Just like Touts and alot of gamblers do THEY GET GREEDY!

I`m just trying to be fair thats all ...
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Journeyman:
I will go on record and say Jake will win again this year in baseball...He is also positioning himself for his business, with a thread like this....

Jake get back to being the kid working at the grocery store and being the first one up in the am with those great reads...

You know from day 1 of your career as a tout I was on you, but fairly as well....

And, you took it pretty good and stood up to it without a big beef about it....

No doubt in my mind you have a good grasp of picking live dogs in baseball....

I will say this about Jake he never took the criticism and twisted it around or shot back, and I gave it to him best I could without insulting him....

I`d like to see Jake forget about being a Tout and find another way to make some cash and put his money where his baseball picks are...

I doubt the money he has made has even mattered , unless he hasn`t gambled on his basketball and hockey plays...



Thanks for the support Journey. I just can't take off now though. I will probably stop taking new business after the MLB season, but I feel my baseball capping is worth the fee. I don't have current plans to cap other sports for money however.
Funny you mention that HAMNEGGS took a shot at dogball once a few months back , but decided against it for some reason...

Now if Hammy backs off maybe that says something

HAMMY IS A FUKKING RIOT! And Hammy knows I may have spotted him before anyone, Hammy was one crazy SOB when he got here man

Hammy I know you remember man......
No one flames like Hammy and I felt it first hand when I jumped on Dog two months ago.

I have a vivid memory, yes. I remember you and Pat coming down here during the Kodiak War of 2002, and at other times as well.

72, thanks, these are some of the highest compliments that can be paid down here.

Snake Picks
I`m talking even before you were promoted to exclusive Rubber Roomer....

And Ham for the record I believe it was my suggestion to get you back as atleast a Rubber Roomer...

My only real contribution to the Board Room!

I know one thing , I like it down here in the basement as well!

I`ve been down here all week, some people think I left lmao

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