The ULTIMATE Tout/Anti-Tout Argument

"No one learns this game in one season."
You can say that again!

Hopefully for Jake he has benefited by being humbled a bit in other sports. Best of luck to all of us as bases approaches.

The RX Rules
I almost feel sorry for these two guys desperately trying to hustle plays in a forum where everyone knows more than they do. LOL.

Jake don't ever compare yourself to Dog in bases. You are twice the capper he is. You were monitored in baseball by a 3rd party and earned it on a daily basis. He kept his own records, wasn't monitored by anyone other than himself and did the old *25 unit and up theatrics. Once he attempted to not count a loss because the New York Times listed a pitcher wrong he said. LOL. No telling what he actually lost if he was monitored fairly.

Though one season isn't a career it is my opinion Jake will be twice the capper Dog will ever be in baseball. I've seen a lot come and go, no comparison in bases between the two though I am partial. Plus more importantly I believe Jake is honest. Sure Jake didn't do well in the NBA but he admits it. You can talk to him without him getting his panties in a wad and reporting you to the brass. Or alleging you were partners with a book that went down just to try and get back at you for questioning him. While Jake is inexperienced and somewhat humble, Dogball is full of crap and vindictive. For example Jake didn't try and hide anything in his NBA year, he stunk and admitted it. Even asked for suggestions on how to improve. That showed lots of us a lot about him. You will never see anything like that from this self righteous clown Dogball. Even saying all that Jake still is beating Dog in the NBA if you believe in the multi-unit stuff like Dog uses. Check the right column! While Jake admitted he couldn't beat it and wasn't helping his customers, Dog boasts of going 9-0 though he doesn't post anything here in hopes of signing up more suckers. LOL. Also Jake used easy to flow 1 unit plays while Dog uses big unit plays to show an imaginary "profit" to trick squares with. Jake has much to learn but let's not compare him and his reputation to Dogball, be fair to the kid.

No offense but the problem here is the two guys with the LEAST amount of knowledge in this business are the two selling their plays. LOL. The experienced one's who could really help folks are free, they don't need the money!! Jake is just young and naive, Dog is just the prototypical tout, the scammer type through and through screaming on the TV of hitting 80% of his plays. Think we can all agree that Jake has a lot to learn but he has not sunk to Dogball level yet.....

[This message was edited by Patrick McIrish on 02-17-03 at 01:23 AM.]
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RPM:

honor doesnt exist among either of these groups because a thief can never be trusted by anyone, and there is always a gambler who is looking to make a quick buck off of other gamblers.

nothing makes me sicker than the people that come here and build a following with full intentions of becoming a tout.

jake i dont know if you started out with that in mind, but i do know you were contemplating it, long before you actually did it. same thing dogball did. probably rodfather too.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

'Nuff said.
Pat- Just noticed that you are catching up to me in posts. Stick around, kid.
Good to see you down here, these threads are great.

Snake Picks
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jake Thompson:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mjred:
raiders. lol high school??? 2 years puts him firmly in elementary school (about 4th grade imo)

jake, 2 years aint squat my friend and the fact that you did well in baseball ly or even 2 years running means nothing regarding your future success. if you'd been doing this longer than 2 years you'd already know that, but i'm sure you'll learn.


I understand where you are coming from, but 37 units over 700 picks, well, I just can't see it as a fluke.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Snake, let's say you drop 37 units this year...then what? Will that be a fluke? LOL

We all know that you are going belly up this year in bases, kid....

Snake Picks
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jake Thompson:

I don't think the Rubber Room is the ideal place to get business anyway.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<Rocket Sceince>


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New member
Sep 21, 2004
i ask myself 1 question.if i have been a successful handicapper and knew in my heart of hearts i could beat the game,give me one good reason i would take this crap from my peers???
Just by reading this thread I have learned two absolute facts.

1. Jake has a slight chance, in about ten years, to have a clue to what it takes to predict which team offers more value, depending on the line, for the average baseball bettor.

2. Patirck McIrish is a total waste of space here at the Rx.

Patrick MCIRISH-
These are your words to me in an email dated 10-30-02. I cannot post the entire e mail because it contains other information I do not think would be appropriate for others to see. If you deny the words, I will -
For me I am pretty solid on bases and college hoops. Have made a small
amount on college football but can't make a quarter in the NFL or NBA. Suck
at both of them. You would be a big help for me "

What does it take to be a watchdog?
A person who does no due diligence, refers all his friends and family to a book and waits for the book to collapse ?
That is the extent of your watchdog success. You have a lot to be proud of. What is next for MCIRISH the failure? Bigger scams await I am sure.

The RX Rules
I will go on record and say Jake will win again this year in baseball...He is also positioning himself for his business, with a thread like this....

Jake get back to being the kid working at the grocery store and being the first one up in the am with those great reads...

You know from day 1 of your career as a tout I was on you, but fairly as well....

And, you took it pretty good and stood up to it without a big beef about it....

No doubt in my mind you have a good grasp of picking live dogs in baseball....

I will say this about Jake he never took the criticism and twisted it around or shot back, and I gave it to him best I could without insulting him....

I`d like to see Jake forget about being a Tout and find another way to make some cash and put his money where his baseball picks are...

I doubt the money he has made has even mattered , unless he hasn`t gambled on his basketball and hockey plays...

Wil- I read one of your articles on how you wrote tickets by hand when working for a sportsbook and enjoyed it. I've enjoyed most of your posts. For you to label Irish as a waste is asinine. I've always respected you so I won't let one misguided post change that.
Patrick , I know there for awhile you were backing dogball and his plays...It was around playoff time in baseball...I remember thinking you guys patched it up?

I`m not taking sides on who is right or wrong , i think you both are reaching for whatever you can bring at this point!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
what patrick did or did not do is irrelevant,you (dogball) are the topic of discussion.
Wil can get a bit grumpy Raider...I`m sure he is slighly exaggerating...

Alot of that going on in this thread...
Ira- been here a day and throw your hat in the mix allready, intersting, time for an IP check.

Journey- Are you ever signed onto aol or not,

The RX Rules
Dog- What the hell did that email prove? I have emails that you wrote bragging about how great you were and how highly everyone at the Rx thought of you especially the uppers here. I could post all that if we're going to get into that type of an argument but that's not my style.
Exactly Ira - thanks.

I don't know what you are talking about Journey but this is all about Dogball. You keep bringing me up in this. I'm just one of many who have called him on some of his tout stuff. DOGBALL is the one here working the forum trying to scam people, leaching off people trying to sell them his plays. I have been giving my picks here for free all year round in every sport. I enjoy seeing people win, Dogball enjoys sucking them dry and taking every dollar he can out of their wallet. He's a tout, I'm a regular poster. Got it now?

I'm not selling anything or hoping to make a profit off anyone. He's the one people are getting wise to. Most from what I am getting are seeing through is little act by now. Whether Dog doesn't appreciate me or not is immaterial.

I'm a watchdog for the players!!! I try and help us, he ties and scam us. Understand?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dogball:
Ira- been here a day and throw your hat in the mix allready, intersting, time for an IP check.

Journey- Are you ever signed onto aol or not,


Ira - don't let his threats scare you. This is typical Dogball. He will run to someone whining but they won't do anything other than pat you on the back for telling it like it is.

IP check? LMAO!!!
Look lets be fair here ..Dogball is not some run-of-the-mill-pimp either...Off the top of my head he had to be atleast +30 W/L in football this season give or take?

So no matter how thats sliced its a nice return...

I don`t like dog going Tout no more than anyone here.. But this guy is a little more straight up than whats being said....raider you know it to....Pat I know you can`t mean all that you are saying either...And Dog, i doubt you really think Irish scammed anyone....

Everyone loved dogball from july to jan. so he decides to charge he doesn t go from being a good capper to a con man..Yes he can get very defensive, yes he is charging now...But guys, you can`t just say he is a full of it no good scammer because he is charging!
It proves Pat is lying now. I copies of our email exchange as well, so please be accurate about what you say. I never said or referred to any of the uppers here or bragged to you, at least that I can remember. Make sure you stick to the facts not imaginary visions please.

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