The ULTIMATE Tout/Anti-Tout Argument

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I will probably stop taking new business after the MLB season, but I feel my baseball capping is worth the fee. I don't have current plans to cap other sports for money however.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I can just see you refunding the Paypal payments with a note attached:

"Sorry, but I am no longer accepting money for my picks."

You had a single season of winning baseball, kid, that is all that you had. You are falling on your face this MLB season, guaranteed.

You should pick up the WNBA or some other sport. Why not golf? Maybe you will have a winning season in that sport, then your picks will have value for the following season.

One thing is certain, Snake: Your 2003 MLB season is cursed.

Lord knows that you will post your losing record here on The Rx, then claim a winning record on your private card.

Snake Picks
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hamneggs:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I will probably stop taking new business after the MLB season, but I feel my baseball capping is worth the fee. I don't have current plans to cap other sports for money however.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I can just see you refunding the Paypal payments with a note attached:

"Sorry, but I am no longer accepting money for my picks."

You had a single season of winning baseball, kid, that is all that you had. You are falling on your face this MLB season, guaranteed.

You should pick up the WNBA or some other sport. Why not golf? Maybe you will have a winning season in that sport, then your picks will have value for the following season.

One thing is certain, Snake: Your 2003 MLB season is cursed.

Lord knows that you will post your losing record here on The Rx, then claim a winning record on your private card.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Read the rules of the thread.

And I'll win money this year. Don't worry cupcake.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hamneggs:

72, thanks, these are some of the highest compliments that can be paid down here.


It's like being called a good lay while working on a porn movie.....

Journey - think Dogball needs a coffee.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I havent read more than the first page of this thread, but before I read the whole thing I would like to add this before I forget:

From the initial responses, it seems apparent that some of you dont realize something fundamental and very important about the stock market. The stock market IS CONTROLLED BY A VERY FEW INDIVIDUALS, and this is documented, and I have a LOT of PROOF. I know of a couple of great stocks to buy, but that would only drive the price and cast suspicion towards me. I'm not really a conspiracy theorist, but I am not blind to the fact that human nature + American dollars = a lot of evil. The few individuals that control the stock market have their eye on much larger things but that is not so much what this is about (email me for links). I will say one thing. Our airports are a disaster waiting to happen, I have no doubt that coordinated attacks are imminent on multiple sites in an effort to cripple our transportation system. And this WILL cripple our transportation hubs. There is a solid information trail leading to this conclusion as well as other intelligence gathered from weak-link Islamic Fundamentalists. The government has done nothing even basic IMO to stop this from happening. Which is why this group is investing heavily in another transportation sector (my sources say they control 40% now). Who are the members of this group? Those in power that want even more power. The mainstream media is no better than a monday nite road fave, put your money and belief on the opposite to come out ahead, they are manipulated more often than they report the truth, as "those in power" own a large contingent of the media.

I could go on and on, but the main point of the above paragraph was to show how very corrupt the stock market is. This is a poor example, but very public: Martha Stewart is an example of someone who has a little bit of power thru the people that she knows and used that power in a criminal way. She is a poor example because she doesnt have any real power, she doesnt affect the global economy or govern millions of people, she is more or less a scapegoat. The military and NASA have to have funding for their covert projects (similar to Iran/Contra) and in addition to supplying the US with roughly 40% of our illicit drug supply the government has its hand in massaging the stock market as well. There is something very fishy about the leaps in technology in certain areas by NASA/military such as HAARP and neutron/rail. Email me if you want further info on what the gov. is up to and what is going to happen, I am anon. and there is nothing linking to my real name, I NEVER post or wager from my own home.

"Gambling is a zero-sum game. Every dollar won is a dollar lost by someone else. Worse, as generally practiced, there is a 10% "transaction" charge and a "turnover rate" that would be off the scale compared to the worst trading junkie in the world. Investing, on the other hand, particularly as practiced by Warren Buffett, is decidedly NOT a zero-sum game. Shares of a business ultimately have value because the business itself has a real world value. Over time, in a growing economy, a well run business will grow its profits and this in turn drives up its value. There is NO comparison to gambling."

Says who? How long has the stock market been around?? Because the stock market bounced back after the Great Depression it will always bounce back?? Betting on sports is an investment in yourself, you cant control the cogs in the stock market, and most people cant name 5 employees of a company in which they own stock, athletes are VERY visible. Buffet DOES make a large amount of his living off of his FEES, he doesnt like to touch his invested capital (most investors dont)!! 10% transaction fee?? WHERE?? Reduced vig is everywhere, the books know high volume is the wave of the future. Tradesports,WSEX etc allow you to actually buy/sell shares of a team DURING the course of a game. And their transaction fee is smaller than E*Trade's if you want to get technical.

"Even the dullest of minds learns by repetition..."

Fortunately, they many areas of life.

"Investors have people they answer too those people have people to answer too. Investors don't base their investment choices from their dorm room or an apartment. They have business degrees there licensed and more importantly they have ACCOUNTABILITY (not sure I spelled that right)"

LMAO!! Who do they answer to?? To the people whose life savings they have lost?? I'll let you in on this little secret...There once was this company called ENRON, and when all of its employees and thousands of investors world-wide lost all of their investment they called all of their financial advisors for answers, and the financial advisors told them "Great news!! I know that Enron didnt perform like expected, but there's this great oppurtunity with Global Crossing and Worldcom...
A lot of investors DO base their investments from their dorm room or an apartment since they had to sell the house, and are going back to school b/c financial advising isnt good to a lot of people right now. The licensing is a joke, and as far as "ACCONTABILITY" in the exact words of one of my best friends who is a financial advisor when asked how work was going "My job sucks. I basically have to explain why someone's life savings is half of what it was 3 years ago and convince them that they need to put in even more money to get it back." A-C-C-O-U-N-T-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y.

I'm not saying JAKE is good or bad at this. OK, his record has been bad except for baseball season many months ago. Then why is he still newsworthy?? Because baseball is typically the toughest US sport to beat, and you guys feel/fear that he can recognize value. Besides that fact, what everyone seems to miss is the fact that if you do VERY poorly (below 45% at -110 or less over a sig sample size) then by reversing the system this will give you 55% winners. It's not as simple as I just put it, but keeping accurate records of one's performance can shave YEARS off the learning curve by going back and reviewing the situations which continually lost for you.

IT DOES NOT TAKE EVERYONE 10 YEARS TO LEARN HOW TO RECOGNIZE VALUE IN THE SPORTS MARKET, PERIOD. THERE ARE CEO'S THAT HAVE NOT REACHED THE AGE OF 30 in the business world, the same thing applies to every facet of life BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Just because it took YOU 10 years of losing your BR to figure out where it all went, doesnt mean that the same applies to EVERYONE. Limitations are for the short-sighted under-achievers who dont have the juevos to take a calculated risk when the prepared oppurtunity arrives.

All the sniping and bad-mouthing reminds me of the ne'er-do-wells at the old folks home. You know, the mean-spirited ones that piss themselves every night just to make someone have to clean it up. Ever wonder why they end up that way? Either they failed throughout life or were too scared of failure to pursue their dreams. It's not hard to win 55% of the time once you establish an edge. But the more I look around the more I feel that "you either got it or you dont..." Some guys WIN FROM DAY ONE, others never will make back what they lost in the beginning before they got a slight edge. If Dogball's 'service' isnt doing so hot, that now makes an amazing 9 services in a row that I have seen open up right before my eyes with a handicapper that was doing very well, only to tank. Anyone know of any new services?

I am NOT taking personal shots at anyone. I AM rebutting some statements that I think are weak. If you can win with 10$ wagers, YOU CAN WIN WITH 10K ON THE LINE IF YOU PRACTICED SOUND MONEY MANAGEMENT ALONG THE WAY. It's an economy of scale if you make it such. If you are strong then the monetary amount on each game doesnt matter, the 55% is all that matters at month's end. If you want to get sharp, hang around those that are sharper, if you want to win, hang around losers- and learn how to do the opposite. It's hard to lose with the 84% law.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
dogball is a con & every one of the old timers know it.i wouldnt trust him with a friggin piggy bank!!
Good post! Most of your points I assume were directed towards me so I will respond briefly. I know very little about the stock market probably as much as Jake knows about handicapping.

New member
Jan 20, 2001
Whew! You're not really into conspiracy theories? LOL

Folks, believe what you want about Martians or whoever controlling the world, but this poster hasn't a clue about the investment world.

PS. Buffett does NOT manage money for a fee, and nearly 100% of his personal net worth is exposed daily to market risk. You may read all about it at

New member
Feb 21, 2002
I have read all the above posts and upon
further reflection have arrived at
these three seminal conculsions.

1)this is one of those moments that cause
one to ask "what am i doing with my life?"

2)Note to self:"Posters from Texas are
Major Loons

3)Further proves my argument in regards
to this which is:
Germans Love David Hasselhoff!!!

How to Good-bye Depression

IT's Getting Awfully Hasselhott in Hier!!!
Click below...Be Patient.
The song Hot Shot City is particularly good

Lets not get Into politics right now.

In every business there are "CROOKS" and "THIEVES".

My point Is that there Is a major difference In stock market Investing and selling phucking "SPORTS PICKS".

Millions of people work for major corporations out there.


first of all, you are not a good capper, period.

second of all, you've had so many funny threads since you joined rx.

here are only a few :

jake thompson trying to reach 66% in nba last year.

jake thompsons eazy cash winners in early mlb season last year.

jake thompson asking whats hockey ?

jake thompson comming back two weeks later and charging for his hockey picks.

jake thompson posting a play on a college hoops total that has no line avaiable (actually, you liked the total posted at, just like our slightly retarded buddy T2W)

jake thompson asks for a financial help from the fellow posters, and in return he offers his picks. he is not actually going tout, just kind off.

jake thompson too busy to update his website once in a month.

jake thompson interested in a legal action against a fellow poster who didnt pay for his picks. lmfao.

remember,Jake, you are a 19 yrs old kid, and no one, i repeat, no one is taking you serious, especially not in the RR.

you are a 50% capper at best, and you lost money for your customers since you turned pro, according to your website updates.

anyways, i will wish you luck the same way i did to rodfather.

i actually think that stupid people have to learn their lesson the hardway.

they are stupid, not you.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jake Thompson:

You are wrong here. If you do research, you don't have a 50% chance to win. You improve your chances. By your reasoning, an investment in the stock market has a 50% chance of gaining money. You gain or you loss. That is not how it works.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Please answer this:

When you get a perspective client do you :

A: Do you have a consultation. ?

B: Do you go over the customer's risk tolerance. ?

C: Do you discuss their long term goals.?

If you do not do any of the above, then you should not compare, stock market Investing, with selling of you sporting event outcomes.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
i'll keep it short and sweet.

your picks are not worth a bucket of steaming dung


Thats right I have hand written tickets for years, tickets bet by the sharpest of the sharp players in the world. I've written tickets as small as $25 4 teamers up to straight bets for half a mil. I have dealt with every kind of gambler imanginable, and know bullshit when I hear it. McIish is full of shit. Player advocate my ass. Sorry if you don't like it, but this is my take on the guy. Everyone seems to worry about who is a tout and who isnt, or who is documented and who isnt. I say let the buyer beware, we are all big boys here at the Rx. If you don't know how to tell the phonies from the real handicappers, then you have a lot to learn about gambling. I need this argument like I need to lose my next 15 bets, but I responded because I want you to try to understand where I am coming from. I have no agenda here, other than let each man make their own decisions on all gambling issues, if choosing to pay for picks happens to be an option for a bettor, why should he pay even a scintilla of attention to anything a self annointed "Player Advocate" like PM has to say?


PS. I have always enjoyed your posts, seeing as they keep reality in sight, as opposed to fantasy, like your (I don't know how, or more importantly, why) cohort Patrick McIrish.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well if anyone is wondering how people who sent dogball money are feeling, I have an answer for you. First of all, he doesn't post all of his plays here, so the record that you guys keep pasting is inaccurate. I don't post often, but read a lot on the topics that are of interest to me. I am currently a client of dogball's and can definitely say that despite his NBA record, his NCAA record has more than made up for it. On Saturday night he did go 10-0 on his night card and the Tuesday before that he went 7-0 in College. So I feel pretty good about it. Definitely made more money than I invested. He is not charging such an exhorbitant amount of money and he is a straight shooter. My only other comment is that you guys should take a step back and look at yourselves. I mean here you are at 2 and 3 in the morning, debating each other about this shit. Seriously, get a life and worry about your own damn selves instead of being in other people's business. I don't get McIrish in these forums. This summer he gets into a fight with Dog about the pitching change ordeal. They make up and McIrish seems like he's dogball's bitch for a couple of months and then now he's his worst enemy. Make up your phucking mind!! By April you will probably be asking his help for baseball and kissing his ass again. By the way, I am no plant or ghost poster. Just wanted to stick up for Dog as a loyal client of his. I can't cap games as I have a job and familial obligations that don't allow me to handicap and post on the RX 24/7. Only reason I can today is because of the snowstorm.
Wianese Hacker
Thats what people do on chat forums they chat, and share opinions. I think people that pay for picks like yourself are clueless degenerate losers who have a serious gamling problem. I find it halarious that a grown man with family obligations has no time to cap but has time to call a tout and then his bookie, or get online to make his plays. If your going to refer to someone being someones bitch you might want look in the mirror buddy. Thanks for your valuable post now go spend some time with the family and we will see you again next holiday.

Don't feel bad I was a stupid, careless, wreckless gambler who thought touts could make me money at one time too.

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