The Shrink Rides Again


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Chucky 150??? Gheez I know a buck is a buck but this is a little over the top. If I recall you shilled for a book 3 years ago or so that was accused of stealing far more. Your a good poster Chuck but don't think Your "shit book" with the thumbs down icon is the bible, or pass yourself off as some concerned player.
Sep 21, 2004
Chuck Sims said:
Continuing to slam Jay C. and myself shows where you are coming from. Dishonest people do not understand people who have integrity. I am taking a stand. The money you stole from me was less than $150, but it could of been $15,000. What Millennium did was close my account and wipe my account info clean because I did not make a wager during 1 calendar year. I am not the only one you have done this to. What you did was so crooked I will never let this die. What I want from Millennium is to pay for stealing my money.

Give me the names and accounts of other people you claim this has happened to. You need facts to support your claims. Do you have any conception of what $150 means to a company generating forty million dollars a year in revenue? You're a putz!

New member
Sep 20, 2004
redpimp, ITS NOT THE MONEY. If I only cared about myself I would of called SHRINK 3 years ago and he would of got me my money I'm sure. I would not bother to post warning people about the crooks in the off-shore business if I just cared about myself. This site has almost zero power if posters are going to tell me, Jay C., or whomever to STFU when warning people about crooked books. Thats whats happening. It wont be long before BetUs and Royal and other crooked books start advertising here. We are losing the battle guys.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Damn Chuck,

First SIA is a shit book because they use a 3 way line on a fight. Now Bet Mill are thieves because they have a 12 month rule that some books do use. Do you read the rules when you play at a book? I can appreciate you have your opinion on a book but you need to stop passing the buck because your own


New member
Aug 1, 2005
Millennium Sportsbook,

I do not know the facts of this case, and I have no opinion either way. However, you calling Chuck names and swearing at him does nothing to help your cause.

You represent a 40 million dollar company......

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Fishhead said:
I have played at Millenium for years and never had the slightest of problems on any issue.

Me neither. Amazing how so many people seem to have issues at so many places and not a one for me besides the Shrinks slimy Pan Am fiasco. Not surprising as he simply doesn't have many ethichs. I believe if you play honestly the problems won't find you very often.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Chuck Sims said:
Continuing to slam Jay C. and myself shows where you are coming from. Dishonest people do not understand people who have integrity. I am taking a stand. The money you stole from me was less than $150, but it could of been $15,000. What Millennium did was close my account and wipe my account info clean because I did not make a wager during 1 calendar year. I am not the only one you have done this to. What you did was so crooked I will never let this die. What I want from Millennium is to pay for stealing my money.

Was this account handling procedure in their rules? Not saying it makes it right, just curious?


New member
May 20, 2005

I might be wrong...but I have seen Millennium's banner in this site at least for the last 4 years....why when the Shrink had the power he didn't do anything to take that banner away...I just don't get it!....
C Sims could be right about some "questionable" books coming to this site in the future...the truth is "Money talks bullshit walks" shouldn't be like that...but the truth is that Shrink's new site will have those in the future...WHY?...because the posters don't pay Shrink's is the sponsors...the books

New member
Feb 1, 2005
ROFLMAO at the claim "which again now makes the BOS family the safest place to play in the world. " What a joke!

Millennium Sportsbook * said:
Marty admitted to me personally last week that he "trusted" the Shrink so much that he never asked for a non-compete clause, in fact, he thought that the Shrink was keeping his end of the bargain by his continued participation within the RX forum. He never conceived that he was using it as a platform to propel himself into a new site. Marty, who is a good person, was used....period.

Secondly, I think it is unfair for you to have a personal agenda against BOS. I consider you a true competitor. I spent one year going through all of your legal documents and transcripts. You were sentenced, and fined a mere $5,000. No where did you agree to give up your ownership in WSEX. I assume that's where you'll be heading next May. You're supposed to be a pretty smart guy but you fail to get the point. I know for a fact that GK warranted BOS when he sold, and that warranty was about 6 pages long. New ownership.....yes NEW OWNERSHIP, is NOT responsible for what has happened in the past, albeit they bought the reputation of BOS, whether it is good or bad. They did their due dilligence (it took about a year). This debt never surfaced at that time. Your man simply has to lodge a complaint to the new ownership, and most certainly they WILL try to resolve it. GK stills owns some stock in BOS, although he cashed out most of it a month ago, because the directors didn't want him to have significant share holdings in the company. They do have recourse in the stock that he still owns to apply against any past claims. But as the warranty states it would have to be resolved in front of an arbitrator in a British court of law.
Talk about solvency....the BOS company has legitimate licenses in the UK, Antigua, Dominican Republic, limited licenses in certain countries in both South and Central America, a license in China where they just acquired one of the largest Chinese sports shops in the world, and Mexico, where they have walk up shops as well. The company doesn't have a US citizen on the board of directors, or disguised in the background like alot of these offshore companies have. None of the people in ownership, managerial position etc can be indicted. I consider this to be a little more safe of a place to play than many shops around the world that are owned by US citizens, such as yours. The DOJ is looking daily for US citizens who are running these offshore operations, even from afar, hidden by a foreign corporation.
Thirdly, it doesn't matter what claims GK made about his company in the past, or if it started in Brooklyn, or matters what claims the company makes right now. Just like in the US, these guys can go to prison for making false claims, or fraudulent financial documents, which again now makes the BOS family the safest place to play in the world. Look where all of the Enron and Worldcom guys are now. There's probably only 5 or 6 shops worldwide who can claim to be bigger right now.
Lastly, so you saw the email that I sent to Ken? I guess my email is for public review as well!

New member
Jun 22, 2005
Chuck Sims said:
redpimp, ITS NOT THE MONEY. If I only cared about myself I would of called SHRINK 3 years ago and he would of got me my money I'm sure. I would not bother to post warning people about the crooks in the off-shore business if I just cared about myself. This site has almost zero power if posters are going to tell me, Jay C., or whomever to STFU when warning people about crooked books. Thats whats happening. It wont be long before BetUs and Royal and other crooked books start advertising here. We are losing the battle guys.

Be that as it may, your claims lose all credibility when some one examines the facts. I personally have no interest in the sucess or failure of this book (truth be told i wish it failed, i wish there were no fringe books at all!!!! gambling would be easier for all of us)..If even i who wouldnt be caught dead playing my money at millenium I would admit to you that your claim (whatever the intentions) is at this point absurd and can not achieve your intended purpose. You only are suceeding in hurting your name.

New member
Oct 20, 2001
I don't see how the fact that it's only $150 makes any difference. Why should the book have it and not the player? I think Chuck is being responsible in letting us know so that we can be better informed about where to play. I don't agree that he his hurting his name at all.

New member
Feb 1, 2005
Millennium is clearly a shit book. They apparently won't address the fact that they have confirmed bets online that a player did not place! If they were a top notch or even decent book they would take that seriously and fix the problem ASAP.

New member
Feb 5, 2005
One of Shrinks ploys is to take only top books so he told BetMill to take a hike. So BetMill comes on here with a scorched earth, 6 year old 'I'll hold my breath if we cant advertise on the EOG' routine.

What a shock..the posters dont care and even support the shrink for tossing BetMill.

OK Doug, you are right. I'm seeing it too. This is all a ploy to pump up the EOG. Has to be. Its working too. I'll bet this BetMill guy and the rx are part owners of the EOG. :icon_conf Why else would they start a thread that makes the EOG look like the greatest thing the industry has ever seen?

New member
Dec 9, 2004
What is the old saying "just spell my name right"?:party:

IMHO, there's only a collected finite amount of money offshore books are willing to spend on internet "watchdog" sites. Undoubtedly with the addition of EOG into the market, along with Ken's connections, they will suck their fair share of ad dollars from the static ad money pie. The websites whom in the past have been living the good life are a bit worried the gravy train may come to an end, or even worse, fear they will wither away. The next 12 months will be interesting.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
my 2 cents regarding Chuck Sims

Chuck admits he could have got his money easily three years ago but choose to not let the very process he supports to work for him. That is why these forums are here, to help players with disputes. Chuck's dispute could have been handled easliy, and quickly at the time. Chuck left his money dormant for more than a year, thats his problem, a lot of books have statute limitations on dormant accounts. Sure I am a moderator here, but that aside, trying to be completely impartial, I really don't see why Chuck didn't make a simple email to Shrink, and get his money. Whcih would have been the end of the story. To follow Millenium (or any other book) around like some sort of "Flying Dutchman" for something that could have been easily recitified is going way overboard. Just part of Chuck's I am an Offshore Crusader internet personna.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Good point it's not about the 150 or Chuck sharing his opinion it's the manner in which he gives it. SIA is not a shit book because they offer a 3 way boxing line. They are not crooked for paying bets that were made on the draw and taking away the money that was placed on a side. Agree or disagree with the 12 month rule, if it was posted in their rules oh well. Chuck is an adult and needs to take ownership instead of blaming the book.

New member
Oct 20, 2001
wilheim said:
Chuck admits he could have got his money easily three years ago but choose to not let the very process he supports to work for him. That is why these forums are here, to help players with disputes. Chuck's dispute could have been handled easliy, and quickly at the time. Chuck left his money dormant for more than a year, thats his problem, a lot of books have statute limitations on dormant accounts. Sure I am a moderator here, but that aside, trying to be completely impartial, I really don't see why Chuck didn't make a simple email to Shrink, and get his money. Whcih would have been the end of the story. To follow Millenium (or any other book) around like some sort of "Flying Dutchman" for something that could have been easily recitified is going way overboard. Just part of Chuck's I am an Offshore Crusader internet personna.


I figured there was more to it.
Sep 21, 2004
JohnBuzz said:
One of Shrinks ploys is to take only top books so he told BetMill to take a hike. So BetMill comes on here with a scorched earth, 6 year old 'I'll hold my breath if we cant advertise on the EOG' routine.

What a shock..the posters dont care and even support the shrink for tossing BetMill.

OK Doug, you are right. I'm seeing it too. This is all a ploy to pump up the EOG. Has to be. Its working too. I'll bet this BetMill guy and the rx are part owners of the EOG. :icon_conf Why else would they start a thread that makes the EOG look like the greatest thing the industry has ever seen?

By forsaking Millennium as a sponsor, in favor of pleasing a few posters, it has already cost his new site a few valuable contributors in the last 24 hours alone...more to come. Mill has a few friends in the industry, ask the Shrink who is taking the wrath for this poor decision on his part.

New member
Apr 6, 2005
I've been the customer service manager for Millennium Sports for the last 5 years.... and have never spoken to CSims....$150 is not even an issue for us....we pride our selves in having a great customer service department....I would never allow to lose a customer over that ridiculous amount.... every time that somebody posts anything about Millennium Mr. Sims has to badmouth seems to me that he has nothing else to do but to log into the the rx everyday and talk s….., why don't you find a nice game, bet on it and enjoy it for a change....I myself have much more to do than to have to be reading stupid arguments over lousy $150 specially from somebody that probably never even had an account here ....why don't you give me a call and all be more then glad to straighten out your a matter of fact, I'll set you up an account and give you $150 for you to bet it ALL on NFL today......but because I know you're full of it, I'll be waiting for advice to you Mr. Sims is to get a life and enjoy the beauty of OFFSHORE GAMBLING........

Mike Mitchell,
Millennium Sports
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I usually keep my mouth shut, but I'll step in on Chuck Sims' behalf here......

Years ago I too was screwed out of money at Millenium. The ONLY book I have ever had a problem with.
I'm sure things may have changed there since then, but just stating a fact.....

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