The Shrink Rides Again


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Jay the stance you take in this BOS affair is noble ,but,probably will yield no fruit.I think you efforts might be better served if you could put pressure on the stiff books like Alladins gold right in the backyard of your former book Wsex.Antigua seems to just look the other way while they charge high fees for allowing books to operate and all the while acting high and mighty in light of the recent WTO rulings.I make no distinction between Antigua and the sportsbooks they harbor.

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
JohnBuzz said:
One of Shrinks ploys is to take only top books so he told BetMill to take a hike. So BetMill comes on here with a scorched earth, 6 year old 'I'll hold my breath if we cant advertise on the EOG' routine.

What a shock..the posters dont care and even support the shrink for tossing BetMill.

OK Doug, you are right. I'm seeing it too. This is all a ploy to pump up the EOG. Has to be. Its working too. I'll bet this BetMill guy and the rx are part owners of the EOG. :icon_conf Why else would they start a thread that makes the EOG look like the greatest thing the industry has ever seen?

Wrong! I'm offended that he had a "PR plan" in place to get them back in the good graces of the posting forum over time. He wants to act as an intermediary but acts as agent for the books behind the scene. I am throughly convinced that the Shrink could give two flying fucks about his posters and is concerned more about his pockets.

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
redpimp said:
Thank goodness i dont make the mistake of birthing loyalties in such a business.

This really takes me back to a long post i made about the phonies, fakes, shills and charlattans, bonus whores ubiquitous on all forums of this nature..

Here we have some one undoubtedly exposed for the scum that he has been accused of being all this time. We have undeniable irrefutable evidence to this effect and what do we get?

More brainwashed scumbags lining up on the side of the bogus loyalties that they have bought into for years. They are like cult members readily lining up behind their cult leader as he convinces them to drink that sweet cup of cyanide and bring along as many people they can to catch that mythical spaceship to nirvana!!!!

Wil has been the subject of a barrage of criticsm and insults over accepting BOS as an advertiser (and he deserved every bit of it) For those high falootin godless imbeciles to still turn around and criticize him because apparently some one committed a "taboo" posting personal email that exposes their friend as the very scum he was described as is totally outrageous...

Stop treating "us" the general public, as though we are idiots and are too retarded to see through the bullshit you guys are trying desperately to serve up as applie pie!!!

Quit trying to distract from the truths told in that email, quit creating new bullshit offshoot arguments about the post...Facts remain facts,


Those of us here to make money on one thing and one thing alone, gambling, appreciate it when such issues are brought to light. It exposes the frauds on this forum so when we read their posts we know exactly what agendas they may have!!!


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Hitman26 said:
Jay C:

Why is it that I see you posting 830 threads about BOS here at the RX to every 1 I see you posting about Royal (and their con artist owner) over at Majors? Hell, I even saw you raising hell about Royal over here after they took the banner down while I saw nothing from you over at Majors about Royal where the banner is/was flying high. Seems like you give this site 99% grief while you save 1% for Major Wager.

I don't know, maybe I'm looking through my RX colored glasses.

I posted plenty about Royal across the street, do a search.

I no longer post there.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Millennium Sportsbook * said:
Because BOS is competitively more of a threat to WSEX than Royal, and he wanted to make sure that Millennium was precluded from the Shrink's new site.

Of all the things you have said, the above is the dumbest.

Why don't you stroll down the hall and get the NASA division to pay their past debts? That's what this is all about.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Ice cream jay said:
Jay the stance you take in this BOS affair is noble ,but,probably will yield no fruit.I think you efforts might be better served if you could put pressure on the stiff books like Alladins gold right in the backyard of your former book Wsex.Antigua seems to just look the other way while they charge high fees for allowing books to operate and all the while acting high and mighty in light of the recent WTO rulings.I make no distinction between Antigua and the sportsbooks they harbor.

I would love to put pressure on Alladins, however they are out of business. And if they tried to open up again in Antigua or elsewhere or under a different name, I would come after them with the same force.

Antigua has had one book fail in the past 8 years compared with dozens in CR and other jurisdictions.

I am not in Antigua, I am in Califonia. I haven't been in Antigua since March of 1998.

Sep 20, 2004
It seems like the posters and clients are caught up between some deep pockets and wanna be deep pockets and those that want to outsmart themselves.

Now Jay C, some people say you're a pioneer and some say you;re too dumb.

Firsrt, Its D U M B what you did and sorrily had to spend time, but every one and their grandmother knows how it is with gambling, for crying OUT LOUD, Jay C, you did not open show in the USA, u did it in Antigua OFFSHORE, so that alone would tell you, you had the idea from waht you heard and saw OTHER people, (the real pioneers) doing and made a really dumb decision to fight uncle sam as a B O O K I E lol, please did you really think u would win???
so there goes your crediblility of making good decision, now you volunteer to be a (contributor) on a site that promotes gamling, man I see you went to the department store and bought a shovel to dig yourself in more shiiiiiiiet.

you're quite in a roll now I see,

The shrink started the the rx, not because he's a humanitarian, but he saw the light where he could make some money,

now I look at him like he had a dentist office sold it and go and open a candy shop next door.

I would really think it was for the people if it was a NOT FOR PROFIT site,
then maybe, only maybe I;ll give an inch of credibility.

But when you're sorely driven by the hand that feeds you, hhhhhhmmmmmmmmm

I wonder If anyone thought about it, remember, its a FOR PROFIT, site, and in most business; you strive for more advertising etc,
but yet every one seems to think that theres only a hand full of credible sites

any way, Its quite a touchy scenario, when you as the original owner have all the initial contacts with the owners etc of these books and then you start your own thing, well , right off I'll believe you;ll hit the ole rolodex

Just my opinion.

Ow, I cant forget the big launch promo given for betpanam, that was classic,
I believe he was wined and dined in panama and went straight to the bank afterwards


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I will say this Millenium as I understand it is a SEPERATE entity altogether of BOS and Tom has almost full ownership and independant marketing and staff, also it is a safe book and I have not heard of any complaints of them in many years other than there supposed affiliation with GK and BOS

as Tom stated Kaplan is out and new ownership is in and the past is the past in that issue with BW and a few others BUT Millenium should NOT be put in the fire becasue imo they are a great place for recreational bettors and have great teaser offerings and they do PAY LIKE CLOCKWORK

those imo are the facts and nobody should witchunt Millenium becasue of BOS issues

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Reading all this stuff about millennium makes me want to post up there and try them out. I doubt I'll be dissapointed. I really like playing the big teasers too, sounds like a great place.

Sep 20, 2004
If these things are all true, then I believe Millenum should be left alone,

BettingProphets said:
I will say this Millenium as I understand it is a SEPERATE entity altogether of BOS and Tom has almost full ownership and independant marketing and staff, also it is a safe book and I have not heard of any complaints of them in many years other than there supposed affiliation with GK and BOS

as Tom stated Kaplan is out and new ownership is in and the past is the past in that issue with BW and a few others BUT Millenium should NOT be put in the fire becasue imo they are a great place for recreational bettors and have great teaser offerings and they do PAY LIKE CLOCKWORK

those imo are the facts and nobody should witchunt Millenium becasue of BOS issues

New member
Apr 18, 2005
RobFunk said:
Reading all this stuff about millennium makes me want to post up there and try them out. I doubt I'll be dissapointed. I really like playing the big teasers too, sounds like a great place.

:lolBIG: :lolBIG: :lolBIG: :lolBIG: :lolBIG: :lolBIG: :lolBIG: :lolBIG:

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Arch, so it's ok for everyone else to say something good about mil just not me?


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Jabow, Betting Prophets is nothin but a piece shit scamming tout. Let me tell you about this snake. He asked me to shoot him an e-mail about getting satellite TV. I sent him an e-mail but never heard back from him. But then all of a sudden I am getting spammed by him "guaranteeing" 4-0 picks if I send him money.

BP says he has "never" heard of a complaint about Millennium in many years". Come on, you would have to have your head buried in the sand to believe that.

A number of posts have been erased when The RX changed software. Along with it, many Millennium complaints about slow pay, bonuses being stolen, internet accounts closed for winning, the bogus 50/50 rule. Do a search on this site. Not all the posts have been erased.

I have read on another forum BP shilling for the crooks at BetUs by saying how fast they pay him after hitting a parlay.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

You and I have different visions of what a legitimate business looks like in this industry. You refer to those bums from SI who stiffed everyone as the model for this business. When I was setting up, their web site was nothing more than a splash page with an 800 number. When they finally did take bets online, you had to download their garbage software and you could barely do a thing on it. But keep praising those former stock swindling stiffs as the "Pioneers." I guess they were the original asset salesmen when they went belly up.

You also believe, as you have stated in another thread that it's ok to set up with no capital. All you need to do is move your wire room offshore, get an 800#, a few computers, chomp on some cigars and you are a "real" bookie. Take the deposits and pay your expenses from them before you have won the money. That's a "real" bookie to you.

I see the world a little differently. I think books should start with operating capital and not dip into customer deposits to pay expenses. I think books shouldn't stiff players and be forgiven just because enough time has passed.

As for my legal battles. I got charged and I fought. I lost, that's the way it goes. Did I think I would lose? No. Did "everyone" tell me I couldn't win? No, quite the contrary, many told me I couldn't lose. It's great hearing from a Monday morning QB like yourself.

I have no idea what my decision to fight my case and subsequently lose has to do with my credibility on this site.

just for the taste of it "diet coke" 8 cans a day
Nov 18, 2004
Jay you got screwed by your government for no good reason does anything come to you as a surprise anymore.

New member
Apr 18, 2005
Rob, you're right. I am a fool. However, I would appreciate it if you could point out what "stuff" in this thread made you want to post-up and try them out? The 500K stiffing? changing lines on nimue? something else? Thanks.:drink:
Sep 21, 2004
Jay C said:
Of all the things you have said, the above is the dumbest.

Why don't you stroll down the hall and get the NASA division to pay their past debts? That's what this is all about.

Better yet....why don't you have your buddy come down here to Costa Rica and I'll actually introduce him to the Brits, and if I have to, I'll act as a go between to try and resolve this problem. I understand he has documentation that the late Ken Hense prepared so he can present it to the Brits. If all this is true the Brits will litigate GK to collect this debt.
If he's game I'll even send your buddy a plane ticket AND I'll put him up down here. Tell him to contact me. It's a lot easier than strolling down the hall to NASA which doesn't exist....and if I did stroll down the hall I would fall in my swimming pool because I'm semi-retired now, and spend most of my time around the house with my hobbies. But my offer is a sincere one. I would get involved to help out and try to resolve this so you can stop wearing down your computer with unnecessary posts.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Jay, let me ask you this. You now work for a man that fukced dozens of books. He extorted one after the other after the at the RX. ( I will be polite and not post your personal messages to me , unlike you) Now he opens a new site and suddenly he is absolved of all past fukcs. Shame on you Jay Cohen.

Shame on you Jay Cohen.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
The Major said:
Jay, let me ask you this. You now work for a man that fukced dozens of books. He extorted one after the other after the at the RX. ( I will be polite and not post your personal messages to me , unlike you) Now he opens a new site and suddenly he is absolved of all past fukcs. Shame on you Jay Cohen.

Shame on you Jay Cohen.

You're too much late at night. You actually made me laugh with that last one.

I don't work for him.

I don't know about the different extortions.

I find his most recent email hard to defend.

All of these sites "watchdog" sites have blood on their hands.

My column will be my own thoughts, and like I said earlier Ken probably won't like it himself.

I don't know what all the hoo ha is about advertising on any of these places. They are all over priced for the number of books people share the space with along with the same old stale repeat audience, an audience which is either professional, semi-professional, or wanna be professional. Lots of traffic, it's the same people, myself included, checking in on the latest drama. Hell, Peep's site is mainly based on monitoring the drama.

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