The Shrink Rides Again


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Jabow said:
Jay C]Jabow,

ALL THE CLIENTS FUNDS LOCKED AWAY IN A NICE LITTLE ACCOUNT THAT YOU NEVER TOUCH, let them start making withdrawals and we'll see what happen

Come on, justlet the clients start withdrawing and you see if you can PAY,


I guess I was never a "real bookie" but at least we started with capital and never dipped into customer funds.

Withdraw all you want from my old place. The money's there. That's the difference between a sportbook with post up accounts and a pyramid scheme but you are too stupid to see the difference. Keep praising the Sports International stiffs, the real pioneers.

Sep 20, 2004
Jay C,
Its not about praising Sports Intl or any one, its all about FACTS,

When you go bashing SI or any other book, that Make you, where the biz that you is/was associated with where you are today, I have a problem with that.

You are a real liar, and dumb if you expect anyone here to believe that every cent thats deposited is untouched YOU ARE A LIAR, LIAR, LIAR

and SOLIDIFIES yOu cannot be trusted in anything that you say,
now, you are showing you colors as a un trust worthy individual.

And its showing brightly

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Just because the scum you have dealt with in the past didn't run their shop like a proper business, don't assume that everyone does it the same way.

"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
Jay C - please, please, please don't waste your town with this clown jabow. he is upset cuz he is a pineapple face if ya know what i mean.....:103631605

Best Wishes...ID:howdy:

Sep 20, 2004
Jay C said:
Just because the scum you have dealt with in the past didn't run their shop like a proper business, don't assume that everyone does it the same way.

You can say all you want Jay C, but the truth must be said, .

The fact is,

The only reason that they had problems and eventually closed is.

They had an office IN THE USA, doing marketing,
it was alleged that they had been taking wagers there,
the clients got scared and withdrew.
and an dominoe of effects in every facet you could think of started

Sep 20, 2004

Well, I never had to say anything about or to you before. You make mention of pineapple face, "If you know what I mean,

I hope its not what I think you're trying to say.

So say what you're saying and not hide behind words.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Jabow said:

Well, I never had to say anything about or to you before. You make mention of pineapple face, "If you know what I mean,

I hope its not what I think you're trying to say.

So say what you're saying and not hide behind words.
Id doesn't have the "balls" to say what ever it was this idiot was trying to say :103631605

Sorry to interupt the flaming you may carry on now :digit:

New member
Jul 9, 2005
WTF<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>


You guys are way out of line. Let’s see some facts here for all of these accusations. That will determine what the truth is. <o:p></o:p>


This is kind of funny no less. <o:p></o:p>


To rip off a player is wrong. With the millions these sites make, there is no need to take extra $$$$ for no reason. <o:p></o:p>


I would love to see control of these sites.<o:p></o:p>


It's too bad the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">US</st1:country-region></st1:place> does not allow gambling sites to operate under its control.<o:p></o:p>


This way swift action could be taken. Keeping the bad element out of the gaming operations of these books and casinos. <o:p></o:p>


Similar to what they did with Vegas. <o:p></o:p>


Hence, the fact of why I am getting my degree in PolySci and Law. <o:p></o:p>

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Jabow said:
You can say all you want Jay C, but the truth must be said, .

The fact is,

The only reason that they had problems and eventually closed is.

They had an office IN THE USA, doing marketing,
it was alleged that they had been taking wagers there,
the clients got scared and withdrew.
and an dominoe of effects in every facet you could think of started

There would not have been a domino effect if they hadn't dipped into customer funds. I used to have a copy of their anuual report from 1995. According to that filing with the SEC, they were solvent. Accoding to that document they had more money on hand then customer deposits. Somewhere between then and when they closed up they dipped into customer funds.

Sep 20, 2004
Jay C said:
There would not have been a domino effect if they hadn't dipped into customer funds. I used to have a copy of their anuual report from 1995. According to that filing with the SEC, they were solvent. Accoding to that document they had more money on hand then customer deposits. Somewhere between then and when they closed up they dipped into customer funds.

Jay C, you just said something that baffles me , you conceded that they were not a stiff shop, and they were not.

Listen for all the people thats talking u for one should not be. Do you not see what happened to you???????????

Listen, no one could believe the effect that had.

When the press, and you know how they are, started talking, (half truths and lies)

and everyone gets all panicky , Jay C please use some God given common sense, EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE was acting different.

The players heard that the US had some files on all the players, so duh, people went bezerk, I believe the employees got quite a few calls and took more calls than wagers on the whole debacle.

The banks was on scrutiny, (they did biz with the US and to this day still scared of books).

everyone and I mean everyone in every facet of the work and suppliers advertisers, marketing, the stock market you name it, it was bigger than you can imagine.

the struggle and work these early books put in is unbelievable in Antigua, and other countries in the EARLY days was unbelievable, you have absolutley no idea.

YOU came in when most of the real hard work was done.

and should give credit and not criticize, they started from two or three small computers a desk and balls and NO customers and took it to $50 million a year (handle) and was growing very, very fast.

Unfortunately, most people hear the $50 million and dont realize the (handle) part of it, so think you're making $50 miliion, but the fact is they came from so little to being so large.

and BEFORE, I cannot say it again, but BEFORE the FBI/US stuff, no one had problems receiving their monies. Not once.

But, please, please dont go puffing your chest and calling names to these books, because you NEVER, ever in your thoughts would believe what could happen in business, whether its bookmaking or sellig from the hot dog stand, live and let live. dont try to put anyone down.

But, there are some ou there that jumped on the band wagon and looked to steal opened shop, took deposits and ran, so are the clients who are bonus whores, and do other scamming stuff.

Dont try to be JESUS and MOSES and u are not.

like I said before if you were an even and fair shop, you would have even wagers,

50 to win 50

no 120/100 no minus this and that just even all around.

You're a smart guy, you see and know that the book has the better odds thats why you jumped on the band wagon.

Anyway, God bless you, your family and friends, dont mess up your probation stuff dude, just chill n be happy its not 5 or 10 years.

Please watch CNN and see whats happening, no rule, congress, constitution, allies, WTO, etc can return life to the kids dying in IRAQ even after no WMD were found.

So, remember

ANYTHNG CAN HAPPEN no matter what we think is just or not

New member
Feb 5, 2005
Dam..I kind of like these guys talking about the old days. I'm a huge JC fan but I still respect and enjoy jabows stuff, he has probably forgotten more offshore history than most of us know.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Since this is in the RR, anything goes.

So Buzz, can I ask you something?

when those guys held you in costa rica and were armed and the whole deal, where you scared for your life? How serious was that whole held hostage thing?

When it was posted here in OS, everyone just wanted to beef over the rating debacle, but no one was really talking about poor buzzsaw being held captive by armed thugs.

If you dont want to elaborate, I understand. But, I am curious none the less.

If this gets ignored I wont take it personal. Well you are ok and posting at the RX, so guess it could'nt have been too too bad.

Sep 20, 2004
Jay C]Jabow,

You and I have different visions of what a legitimate business looks like in this industry. You refer to those bums from SI who stiffed everyone as the model for this business. When I was setting up, their web site was nothing more than a splash page with an 800 number. When they finally did take bets online, you had to download their garbage software and you could barely do a thing on it

and this was a much better one????????

<CENTER><TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>

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New member
Sep 20, 2004
Yes, because unlike their splash page which was all they had, the WSEX site allowed you to place ALL types of wagers, check your past transactions, your balance, request withdrawals, etc etc etc.

All the SI site did at the time was give you an 800 number to call.

WSEX was one of the first true online wagering sites where you could actually WAGER online and do everything else related to your account.

That's the difference between a splash page and an interactive web site.

When SI finally came out with online wagering, you had to download the software and I don't think it took many exotic wagers if any.

We valued speed and content way more than appearance.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I don't usually post on the weekend, but Norm from Millenium has lost his mind. To get on here and cry about being dropped from the site is pathetic. The SHRINK's new site must be awesome!!!- for this to cause Norm to have such a fit. Get over it dude! All you are doing is giving props to his site. I bet KEN is getting a nut over all of this free advertisement. The feed back about Millenium was mostly negative from what I read and if this is the way Norm treats everyone he disagrees with then I think Ken made a good choice! MAY'N!!!

ALSO, where are all of the trgger happy moderators? Why hasn't this tread been moved to the RR? I guess drama against the SHRINK and others is allowed on the main forum. WHAT A JOKE!!!!!
Well said Tony! How bout Norm saying that BOS refused to advertise here until SHRINK left. What a crock a shit. BetOnSports was run off this site for the STIFF job they pulled on one of our own posters a few years ago! And never allowed to return. Now they are back as a premium advertiser even though The RX has them rated as a NO PAY OPERATION! When a poster brought that up the rating was quickly deleted.

New member
Feb 5, 2005
when those guys held you in costa rica and were armed and the whole deal, where you scared for your life? How serious was that whole held hostage thing?

When it was posted here in OS, everyone just wanted to beef over the rating debacle, but no one was really talking about poor buzzsaw being held captive by armed thugs.
Well I was scared. We were unarmed and they had their hand on their guns although they never removed them from their waistline. Also, there was 3 SBR employees there who are big boys, for those who saw Bill Dozer at the bash you know what I mean. I was worried they might do something foolish. So I tried to calm everyone and they called Royal and arranged the meeting and we had the meeting, the thugs were taken to jail and Kevin paid for my 3 diet cokes. All in a days work. No harm done, it comes with the territory.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Amazing. Way to keep your cool. Always wondered about that.

Thanks for the reply JB.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Chuck alot of things have changed. There is definitely a different feel to this site. I just think it's funny how you can go from banned to the top, just because a couple of people leave.You have to wonder what the owner's are thinking! MAY'N!

Sep 20, 2004
Jay C]Yes, because unlike their splash page which was all they had, the WSEX site allowed you to place ALL types of wagers, check your past transactions, your balance, request withdrawals, etc etc etc.

When you finally came on line they were already on line accepting wagers, I for one REMEMBER THAT. and they were ALREADY magazine write ups, internet news write ups about this site/company, I for one, know your buullshiiit lies.

All the SI site did at the time was give you an 800 number to call.

WSEX was one of the first true online wagering sites where you could actually WAGER online and do everything else related to your account.

Another set of lies

That's the difference between a splash page and an interactive web site.

When SI finally came out with online wagering, you had to download the software and I don't think it took many exotic wagers if any.

More lies, you downloaded the casino side, not sportsbook retard,

you are basic A1, top shelf liar,
when you can talk about going to a foreign country, dont know anyone, start a offshore wagering biz, get a small office space with 2 computers, set up banking, phones, business license where practically no one have an idea about this type of thing, so It made it so much harder.

Have your call recorded on the ole Radio Shack type attach to each phone recorder, and the clerks pushing record for every call, writing down every callers pin, check the counter and recording them, have 5-10 cases of TDK, AIWA 60 and 90 minutes cassettes in your store room, then talk about being a pioneer.

Then comes that big ole "new" recorder, no more little cassettes, you know, the one with the two big reels, and you change them every 2 or three days, and have to take that big reel and change it when you have a customer claim.

Those are PIONEER stuff you dont know about. dont go criticizing.

Before the credit cards etc, you sat and wait on the check in the mail, at one point even personal checks was the thing, then bank checks in and out.

Thats time you had a lines phone number which updated like every half and hour, helped ease the pain of the "give me a run down" on saturdays NFL and college.

You had gotten to know most of the players like your best friend, you had "conversations" them, hows the wife, kids, etc. mostly the (wiseguys)

There are too many clients now so its on and off the phones.

I could go on and on, put I'm done, you're just a kid who's benefitting from others hard work and then lie and call them names.

I think I'll do a movie, maybe you can star in it as the "the azzhole wannabe bookie"

keep the nice outfit you're wearing in the pic on the website, and that look is priceless,

We valued speed and content way more than appearance.

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