The Shrink Rides Again


Sep 20, 2004
Clip - the ONLY reason I posted an IM was because the 'other' person started passing around an email that was taken out of context entirely! Its a shame you are only seeing this one way...
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I don't necessarily think Clipster was taking a shot at you J~Man. Just think he was using it as an example.......

Ready for football J? (stupid question hugh!?!)

Have to agree with Clipster's remark here though.........

"You guys can run this site however you see fit (that has become painfully obvious)"...

Sep 20, 2004
Hache- I know he wasn't...but sometimes only seeing what is out in the open is only 10% of what's really taken place...that's all I will say...

Yes Hache, I would love to be playing football right now, I feel like tackling a few people myself!

Hache join the Pick 4, you and NY REB,,,cmon man

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
Journeyman said:
Clip - the ONLY reason I posted an IM was because the 'other' person started passing around an email that was taken out of context entirely! Its a shame you are only seeing this one way...

I wasn't saying what you did was wrong or right...I was just pointing out that those did not stay up. I was just posting the instances I remember over the last couple of months where private conversations were posted but removed.
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Journeyman said:
Hache- I know he wasn't...but sometimes only seeing what is out in the open is only 10% of what's really taken place...that's all I will say...

Yes Hache, I would love to be playing football right now, I feel like tackling a few people myself!

Hache join the Pick 4, you and NY REB,,,cmon man crazy guy you! Of course I meant WAGERING Football! LOL

I'm contemplating the contest. I am in 5 already!
I was really hoping it included totals, but I will consider it. Pleae don't take offense if I can't add any more to my plate.

New member
Oct 15, 2004
John Buzz (SBR),
I'm surprised at're usually smarter than this. You, and the rest of this forum, are being played like a violin by the Shrinkster. The Shrink is a lot of things, conniving, deceitful, dishonest, duplicitous come to mind, but he is certainly not stupid. This is all planned to increase interest in the Shrink's new site. Go to the Las Vegas Advisor site, Fezzik's Place, and read the thread the Shrink started in the past few days. He named Millenium one of the top 15 books and received so much ire there that he now joins his friend, Millenium, in this new ploy. So Millenium is not posting the Shrink's email against his wishes, but just the contrary...they are in cahoots together. This ploy makes Shrink look good to the dissenters at Fezzik's Place, and actually has no ill effect on his friend Millenium, who still will be an advertiser at EOG (now free). And it generates interest, publicity, discussion of the Shrink's new site. No one ever said the Shrink was stupid, but neither is the Devil!

New member
Jul 20, 2002
JohnBuzz said:
But posting a private email on a public forum??? Waht are you thinking? Where is your honor?

Exactly. That was my very first thought, aside from the "Days of our Lives" tenor to the entire post.

Well its always good to know who you can trust with private email.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
doug stewart said:
John Buzz (SBR),
I'm surprised at're usually smarter than this. You, and the rest of this forum, are being played like a violin by the Shrinkster. The Shrink is a lot of things, conniving, deceitful, dishonest, duplicitous come to mind, but he is certainly not stupid. This is all planned to increase interest in the Shrink's new site. Go to the Las Vegas Advisor site, Fezzik's Place, and read the thread the Shrink started in the past few days. He named Millenium one of the top 15 books and received so much ire there that he now joins his friend, Millenium, in this new ploy. So Millenium is not posting the Shrink's email against his wishes, but just the contrary...they are in cahoots together. This ploy makes Shrink look good to the dissenters at Fezzik's Place, and actually has no ill effect on his friend Millenium, who still will be an advertiser at EOG (now free). And it generates interest, publicity, discussion of the Shrink's new site. No one ever said the Shrink was stupid, but neither is the Devil!
exactly!youve all been grossly manipulated by a very shrewd trained psychologist and an absolute master at controling a room like a puppeteer.go find the now infamous AGENDAS thread from june 12th and youll see the shrinks and xpandas agendas all thru agenda to pave the road for EOG and take all of you with them. this is all a game and your his play things. its all good for you guys to rip millennium for posting emails or what not but the reality of this is the goal of EOG and the 2 sole owners,ken and tanya lea,to destroy the rx.ken doesnt give a damn about any of you.he wants you to be a part of his new site cuz it will look good for eog and thats his bottom line.

Sep 21, 2004
bigbet1234 said:
Can a mod tell me why this can stay in the offshore forum, but me simply asking if SRHINK will attend the bash gets moved?

Is this because this makes SHRINK look like the dishonest scum and it is a little revenge for what SHRINK did to the RX?


i think its pretty safe to conclude that Shrink will not be at an Rx bash.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
roxygurl said:
exactly!youve all been grossly manipulated by a very shrewd trained psychologist and an absolute master at controling a room like a puppeteer.go find the now infamous AGENDAS thread from june 12th and youll see the shrinks and xpandas agendas all thru agenda to pave the road for EOG and take all of you with them. this is all a game and your his play things. its all good for you guys to rip millennium for posting emails or what not but the reality of this is the goal of EOG and the 2 sole owners,ken and tanya lea,to destroy the rx.ken doesnt give a damn about any of you.he wants you to be a part of his new site cuz it will look good for eog and thats his bottom line.

What does this have to do with posting personal emails?

New member
Sep 20, 2004
As to Shrink opening up a competing site, if there was a non-compete clause, how long would it have been? It has been two years since he sold the site. I can't imagine any non-compete clause would be longer than two years in this case. It's funny how you quote the "letter of the law" when it comes to honoring past debts of a company but in this matter you believe in the honor of one's word. What about the word of BOS/NASA to pay their players? You can't have it both ways.

The "honorable Brits" either didn't do their due diligence or didn't care since according to you they are now somehow indemnified against past claims. But you admit the player's claim is still against BOS and they are the ones who need to make it against Gary in English court.

How dare you call it an "alleged debt?" You admitted yourself in an earlier thread you weren't around when the incident went down. The facts and the sequence of events are really not disputed.

But now you too are taking the position that a company can sell its assets and strip out its debts, and that that is what has transpired here. I'll ask again, did they buy the "years in business" as well? How come it says they have been offshore for 14 years when they moved from Brooklyn in the summer of '97?

You may be right legally, the "honorable Brits" may have bought this thing clean, but until they square up they have a problem in the court of public opinion. If they want to take it to Gary or British court that's their decision. But in the meantime BOS is a stiff book that didn't pay a player and should be treated as such.

As for you and Millenium, I know in the past you have denied you are part of BOS, and I know you really believed that in your head. I really believe you operated with full autonomy. But at the end of the day whether you believe it or not, you are owned by BOS.

As for Shrink taking you off his original list, I believe he was responding to public pressure more than me. Someone, I think JohnBuzz, said he had a unique oppoortunity to make a fresh start and only take the best books. If he had listenned to me you wouldn't have been up there in the first place. For that matter, either would a couple of others, but that's his decision. It's his site.

I think Shrink made a mistake sending you that email. I personally couldn't disagree more with what he has offered you. But I think he sent it as a way to appease you in response to the raging email you had sent him.

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
roxygurl said:
exactly!youve all been grossly manipulated by a very shrewd trained psychologist and an absolute master at controling a room like a puppeteer.go find the now infamous AGENDAS thread from june 12th and youll see the shrinks and xpandas agendas all thru agenda to pave the road for EOG and take all of you with them. this is all a game and your his play things. its all good for you guys to rip millennium for posting emails or what not but the reality of this is the goal of EOG and the 2 sole owners,ken and tanya lea,to destroy the rx.ken doesnt give a damn about any of you.he wants you to be a part of his new site cuz it will look good for eog and thats his bottom line.

Seriously doubt "TANYA" owns anything Shrink-related (insert your own joke, I ain't going there). <!--StartFragment --> Looks like it's starting to shake out who's gonna be following Shrink (Jim Jones) to EOG'Town (Jonestown)

New member
Jul 20, 2002
14 year statement amended

" BOS has numerous years experience in offshore betting" .

Most likely won't matter to Jay but BOS is making a serious effort to correct issues brought up here at The Rx.

No the old debt from the Gary Kaplan and Big Nasa era has not been paid. Personally unless the actual player gets involved, instead of the many self appointed surrogates who are campainging for him, I doubt if anything will happen.


New member
Oct 20, 2001
doug stewart said:
John Buzz (SBR),
I'm surprised at're usually smarter than this. You, and the rest of this forum, are being played like a violin by the Shrinkster. The Shrink is a lot of things, conniving, deceitful, dishonest, duplicitous come to mind, but he is certainly not stupid. This is all planned to increase interest in the Shrink's new site. Go to the Las Vegas Advisor site, Fezzik's Place, and read the thread the Shrink started in the past few days. He named Millenium one of the top 15 books and received so much ire there that he now joins his friend, Millenium, in this new ploy. So Millenium is not posting the Shrink's email against his wishes, but just the contrary...they are in cahoots together. This ploy makes Shrink look good to the dissenters at Fezzik's Place, and actually has no ill effect on his friend Millenium, who still will be an advertiser at EOG (now free). And it generates interest, publicity, discussion of the Shrink's new site. No one ever said the Shrink was stupid, but neither is the Devil!

Shrink's post and the subsequent feedback led to his decision to remove Mil for EOG's sports book listing. He asked people's opinions, and when he got them, he decided to remove Mil before he opens the site. That seems reasonable to me.

Some may say there are ulterior motives for Shrink. Perhaps there are, but on the surface it looks as though he's trying to be responsible with his advertiser list. Not a bad thing.

Even Shrink's email doesn't show anything bad, IMO. He's trying to be accommodating in a difficult situation.

Just my take.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

Kudos to the Rx for taking down the false claim of 14 years in business from their review page. How about requiring them to take it off their "about us" page? Or is that out of control of the "honorable Brits" too?

You say they are making a serious effort to correct "issues." Shouldn't these have been addressed BEFORE they were taken on as an advertiser, let alone a "platinum" advertiser?

I too hope the player comes forward again, he did years ago. Does his claim die with time?

New member
Feb 5, 2005
John Buzz (SBR),
I'm surprised at're usually smarter than this. You, and the rest of this forum, are being played like a violin by the Shrinkster.
I already said I have no problem with BetMill's points. He should make them. But come on...can you imagine even for a second one of the respected men in this industry doing what BetMill did by posting Ken's email? Think Henry from Pinnacle would stoop that low? How about Cigar? How about Billy S, Scott K, Jessica, Alistair or even Calvin A?

He was out of line plain and simple.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
wilheim said:
" BOS has numerous years experience in offshore betting" .


Wouldn't it be either 14 years or brand new?

If it is the same company that has been in business for 14 years, then pay the debts you owe from the last 14 years.

If it is a new company, then stop promoting as an established book with many years in the industry.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
It's 8 years or brand new. There's no way it's 14 by any formula.

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