The Shrink Rides Again


New member
Jul 20, 2002

How about requiring them to take it off their "about us" page? Or is that out of control of the "honorable Brits" too?

I will try to get that changed also.

You say they are making a serious effort to correct "issues." Shouldn't these have been addressed BEFORE they were taken on as an advertiser, let alone a "platinum" advertiser?

Using hindsight you are probably right. Hopefully a lesson learned.

Clipjoint - I guess all I can say to you is :lolBIG: .

Thanks, wil.

New member
Oct 15, 2004
John Buzz,
Did you not read the rest of my post? Or do you have reading comprehension issues? Let me repeat...

"So Millenium is not posting the Shrink's email against his wishes, but just the contrary...they are in cahoots together." Millenium is not out of line as you suggest, except for conspiring with the Shrink, and that is nothing new, birds of a feather and all that.

And David Matthews, I never said this wasn't reasonable on the Shrink's part. It is a shrewd and calculated ploy to win posters for his site and have no ill effect on his buddy Millenium. Let's just see it for what it is, the Shrink being the Shrink, ie. conniving, dishonest, deceitful, duplicitous, etc.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
wilheim said:
Clipjoint - I guess all I can say to you is :lolBIG: .

Thanks, wil.

:lolBIG: at this site is all that ever needs to be said at this site anymore.


New member
Aug 1, 2005
As I have stated earlier, JC is a hero in the industry. However, where was he when RX was touting Pan am like the 2nd coming? Going after Bluegrass for its own gain? etc. If JC wasn't plastered all over EOG, i wouldn't have a problem. But given his presence over there, he has lost all credibility with me.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Clipjoint not for nothing but why are you still posting here?


LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
wilheim said:
Clipjoint not for nothing but why are you still posting here?


Mainly to get answers on why TheRX is making the decisions it has been making since new ownership and a new head mod have taken over. This site use to be a valuable asset to the industry. I guess I stick around because I am curious why it decided to turn from that.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Johnnie Knoxville said:
As I have stated earlier, JC is a hero in the industry. However, where was he when RX was touting Pan am like the 2nd coming? Going after Bluegrass for its own gain? etc. If JC wasn't plastered all over EOG, i wouldn't have a problem. But given his presence over there, he has lost all credibility with me.

From an earlier thread:

"The reason I did not go ballistic about BetPanAm or BlueGrass is because I was a little tied up at the time. Despite the fact that the Federal Bureau of Prisons was generous enough to give me room and board, they did not allow me access to the internet.

Even in those situations, the various web sites were bamboozled by those fly by night, stiff operations. In the present matter we have a known stiff book, and you (The Rx/MartyJ) are knowingly choosing to look the other way. Big difference."

Had I been around I would have been all over BetPanAm.

As for EOG, I have agreed to write a column there solely for my own pleasure. I am not receiving any compensation for it.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Clip- It still is!

The RX is a great site for offshore gamblers as THOUSANDS will attest to, as well as other great areas of interest.

How is your health these days?

Sep 21, 2004
Jay C said:
As to Shrink opening up a competing site, if there was a non-compete clause, how long would it have been? It has been two years since he sold the site. I can't imagine any non-compete clause would be longer than two years in this case. It's funny how you quote the "letter of the law" when it comes to honoring past debts of a company but in this matter you believe in the honor of one's word. What about the word of BOS/NASA to pay their players? You can't have it both ways.

The "honorable Brits" either didn't do their due diligence or didn't care since according to you they are now somehow indemnified against past claims. But you admit the player's claim is still against BOS and they are the ones who need to make it against Gary in English court.

How dare you call it an "alleged debt?" You admitted yourself in an earlier thread you weren't around when the incident went down. The facts and the sequence of events are really not disputed.

But now you too are taking the position that a company can sell its assets and strip out its debts, and that that is what has transpired here. I'll ask again, did they buy the "years in business" as well? How come it says they have been offshore for 14 years when they moved from Brooklyn in the summer of '97?

You may be right legally, the "honorable Brits" may have bought this thing clean, but until they square up they have a problem in the court of public opinion. If they want to take it to Gary or British court that's their decision. But in the meantime BOS is a stiff book that didn't pay a player and should be treated as such.

As for you and Millenium, I know in the past you have denied you are part of BOS, and I know you really believed that in your head. I really believe you operated with full autonomy. But at the end of the day whether you believe it or not, you are owned by BOS.

As for Shrink taking you off his original list, I believe he was responding to public pressure more than me. Someone, I think JohnBuzz, said he had a unique oppoortunity to make a fresh start and only take the best books. If he had listenned to me you wouldn't have been up there in the first place. For that matter, either would a couple of others, but that's his decision. It's his site.

I think Shrink made a mistake sending you that email. I personally couldn't disagree more with what he has offered you. But I think he sent it as a way to appease you in response to the raging email you had sent him.

Marty admitted to me personally last week that he "trusted" the Shrink so much that he never asked for a non-compete clause, in fact, he thought that the Shrink was keeping his end of the bargain by his continued participation within the RX forum. He never conceived that he was using it as a platform to propel himself into a new site. Marty, who is a good person, was used....period.

Secondly, I think it is unfair for you to have a personal agenda against BOS. I consider you a true competitor. I spent one year going through all of your legal documents and transcripts. You were sentenced, and fined a mere $5,000. No where did you agree to give up your ownership in WSEX. I assume that's where you'll be heading next May. You're supposed to be a pretty smart guy but you fail to get the point. I know for a fact that GK warranted BOS when he sold, and that warranty was about 6 pages long. New ownership.....yes NEW OWNERSHIP, is NOT responsible for what has happened in the past, albeit they bought the reputation of BOS, whether it is good or bad. They did their due dilligence (it took about a year). This debt never surfaced at that time. Your man simply has to lodge a complaint to the new ownership, and most certainly they WILL try to resolve it. GK stills owns some stock in BOS, although he cashed out most of it a month ago, because the directors didn't want him to have significant share holdings in the company. They do have recourse in the stock that he still owns to apply against any past claims. But as the warranty states it would have to be resolved in front of an arbitrator in a British court of law.
Talk about solvency....the BOS company has legitimate licenses in the UK, Antigua, Dominican Republic, limited licenses in certain countries in both South and Central America, a license in China where they just acquired one of the largest Chinese sports shops in the world, and Mexico, where they have walk up shops as well. The company doesn't have a US citizen on the board of directors, or disguised in the background like alot of these offshore companies have. None of the people in ownership, managerial position etc can be indicted. I consider this to be a little more safe of a place to play than many shops around the world that are owned by US citizens, such as yours. The DOJ is looking daily for US citizens who are running these offshore operations, even from afar, hidden by a foreign corporation.
Thirdly, it doesn't matter what claims GK made about his company in the past, or if it started in Brooklyn, or matters what claims the company makes right now. Just like in the US, these guys can go to prison for making false claims, or fraudulent financial documents, which again now makes the BOS family the safest place to play in the world. Look where all of the Enron and Worldcom guys are now. There's probably only 5 or 6 shops worldwide who can claim to be bigger right now.
Lastly, so you saw the email that I sent to Ken? I guess my email is for public review as well!

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Jay C said:
From an earlier thread:

"The reason I did not go ballistic about BetPanAm or BlueGrass is because I was a little tied up at the time. Despite the fact that the Federal Bureau of Prisons was generous enough to give me room and board, they did not allow me access to the internet.

Even in those situations, the various web sites were bamboozled by those fly by night, stiff operations. In the present matter we have a known stiff book, and you are knowingly choosing to look the other way. Big difference."

Had I been around I would have been all over BetPanAm.

How about going over to Hawkins site and bashing BCN for awhile since they have a banner up over there.

Share the love!


LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
Fishhead said:
How is your health these days?


It was a lot better before going through another Clippers off season of draft pick blunders, free agent whiffs, and idiotic trades. But other than that, it is ok...but we still have 3 months for more headaches and frustration before witnessing the final product on the court.

How is yours? I see that you are challenging for the Bluff Poker championship. Congrats! That is an incredible tourney from what I hear (I don't play poker).

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Mainly to get answers on why TheRX is making the decisions it has been making since new ownership and a new head mod have taken over. This site use to be a valuable asset to the industry. I guess I stick around because I am curious why it decided to turn from that.

First of all new ownership as you put it has been making ALL the decisions for more than two years as already been mentioned in this thread. In fact there is no "New" ownership.

As far as head moderator goes - I am doing the best I can, and believe the site is still a valuable asset to the Offshore gambling industry.

"You guess you stick around becasue you are curious that the site decided to turn from that".

Well natrually you are entitled to your own opinion, but so am I. We continue everyday to help players and posters with many different problems both on and off the Offshore forum. As a matter of fact the sport forums have never been busier, where nearly all of the posters could care less about the interforum drama. They remain interested in making money betting sports, not speculating about what Shrink may be doing with his advertisers.


LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
Fishhead said:
How about going over to Hawkins site and bashing BCN for awhile since they have a banner up over there.

Share the love!


That place is a waste for anyone to even post at. Not only BCN, but Royal and BetUS. What a mockery.

New member
Feb 5, 2005
John Buzz,
Did you not read the rest of my post? Or do you have reading comprehension issues?
Well I do have some comprehension issues but usually they are mild. I think its called Attention Surplus Disorder but I'm not sure,,, I wasn't paying attention.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

Maybe you don't know this but citizenship or country of origin is not a defense against an indictment for the same thing I was charged with. It doesn't matter that they are not American, they are just as subject to prosecution as I was.

You say past claims about the company don't matter but what matters is what they claim now. BOS's "about us" page says they have been offshore for 14 years. That's a false claim any way you slice it being made right now by the "honorable Brits."

Finally, Ken did show me your email after I read your initial thread this morning. I chose not to publish it.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Clip Joint said:
It was a lot better before going through another Clippers off season of draft pick blunders, free agent whiffs, and idiotic trades. But other than that, it is ok...but we still have 3 months for more headaches and frustration before witnessing the final product on the court.

How is yours? I see that you are challenging for the Bluff Poker championship. Congrats! That is an incredible tourney from what I hear (I don't play poker).

One day you will be a PROUD Championship Clippers fan!

Yes, BLUFF is doing an outstanding job hosting the poker tour. Have enjoyed playing at all the different venues.


ps- For some good health topics, check the health and fitness forum out occassionaly. Well worth everybodys interest to check it out from time to time!

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Fishhead said:
How about going over to Hawkins site and bashing BCN for awhile since they have a banner up over there.

Share the love!


I haven't posted there for several weeks if not a month and I have no intentions of going back in the near future.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
wilheim said:
First of all new ownership as you put it has been making ALL the decisions for more than two years as already been mentioned in this thread. In fact there is no "New" ownership.

I guess new "management" would be a better term then. Whoever was looking out for/giving advice on accepting advertisers is gone. It must be an interesting position to be in as a head moderator and have no input on who is allowed to advertise on the forum you run.

wilheim said:
As far as head moderator goes - I am doing the best I can ,and believe the site is still a valuable asset to the Offshore gambling industry.

And a fine job you do...I don't envy your position. I just think what is allowed to stay and what is moved/removed in the offshore forum should be more consistent. I can't see any circumstances where anyone's personal emails should be allowed to be posted on a forum. That goes for Roxy, Alan Palmer, Shrink...anyone. That just isn't right to me.

I probably came across a little too harsh on you for that...and for that, I apologize.

Like I said, I don't envy your position.

wilheim said:
"You guess you stick around becasue you are curious that the site decided to turn from that".

Well natrually you are entitled to your own opinion, but so am I. We continue everyday to help players and posters with many different problems both on and off the Offshore forum. As a matter of fact the sport forums have never been busier, where nearly all of the posters could care less about the interforum drama. They remain interested in making money betting sports, not speculating about what Shrink may be doing with his advertisers.

The posters are great and I don't think that will ever change. But in this day and age, there are more options becoming available that weren't available in the past when TheRX built its name. Posters may find better options available as new forums seem to be popping up daily.

There are a lot of us that make money betting on sports and amazingly don't NEED TheRX or any other forum to do that. But it was a fun place to share information and shoot the shit...I think this place still has that value.

But as far as an interactive owner who seemed to share valuable insight and keep this place alive and kicking, where has that gone? Is Marty helping others make money with sports betting? Is he giving insight on any of the advertisers other than the one he needs to defend because they have a tarnished reputation?

Like him or hate him...The Shrink was a major part of TheRX no matter how controversial he was.

How The General could be banned from this place is still a mystery to me. He is one of the biggest assets this site ever had in my opinion and was another HUGE mark against where TheRX was headed.

New member
Aug 1, 2005
Jay C said:
From an earlier thread:

"The reason I did not go ballistic about BetPanAm or BlueGrass is because I was a little tied up at the time. Despite the fact that the Federal Bureau of Prisons was generous enough to give me room and board, they did not allow me access to the internet.

Even in those situations, the various web sites were bamboozled by those fly by night, stiff operations. In the present matter we have a known stiff book, and you (The Rx/MartyJ) are knowingly choosing to look the other way. Big difference."

Had I been around I would have been all over BetPanAm.

As for EOG, I have agreed to write a column there solely for my own pleasure. I am not receiving any compensation for it.
JC, off topic, just wanted to say that NOBODY ever had the balls that you did. Nobody was as selfless ever in this industry. I am amazed at what you did for the industry and am sorry you got rammed by the Gov! I truly hope that all is going well in your life. You deserve only happiness and health!!

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