The Shrink Rides Again

Sep 21, 2004
Jay C said:

Maybe you don't know this but citizenship or country of origin is not a defense against an indictment for the same thing I was charged with. It doesn't matter that they are not American, they are just as subject to prosecution as I was.

You say past claims about the company don't matter but what matters is what they claim now. BOS's "about us" page says they have been offshore for 14 years. That's a false claim any way you slice it being made right now by the "honorable Brits."

Finally, Ken did show me your email after I read your initial thread this morning. I chose not to publish it.

The DOJ has yet to indict a Canadian or Brit for Internet gambling. It's pretty hard to extradite a British citizen and put him on a plane to face charges of Internet gambling in the US. Let me know when it happens. In fact, CA makes it pretty well known when he's making a personal appearance in the US...well in advance, and I have yet to see him indicted or arrested. I don't think BS would do the same thing, in fact, he has made it a point to have his many open heart surgerys done in Britain

The about us page was probably retrieved from past BOS propoganda that most small shops use. Everyone has been in business forever! They just recently put together a solid marketing team from abroad that is just getting their footing. I'm sure they'll clean up those issues in the future. But it's nothing that they contrived recently.

And you can do what you want with my email. It's not a secret. It simply states the facts that Millennium and its ownership has done the right thing in the past, and that the Shrink has his own agenda. A pretty selfish one indeed, and one that has been influenced by you as well, a competitor

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
Johnnie Knoxville said:
JC, off topic, just wanted to say that NOBODY ever had the balls that you did. Nobody was as selfless ever in this industry. I am amazed at what you did for the industry and am sorry you got rammed by the Gov! I truly hope that all is going well in your life. You deserve only happiness and health!!

I second that, Johnny. Was unaware until recently what you went through. Glad to see you're back where you belong. I got much respect for you Jay C:103631605

New member
Jun 22, 2005
wilheim said:
" BOS has numerous years experience in offshore betting" .

Most likely won't matter to Jay but BOS is making a serious effort to correct issues brought up here at The Rx.

No the old debt from the Gary Kaplan and Big Nasa era has not been paid. Personally unless the actual player gets involved, instead of the many self appointed surrogates who are campainging for him, I doubt if anything will happen.


Thank goodness i dont make the mistake of birthing loyalties in such a business.

This really takes me back to a long post i made about the phonies, fakes, shills and charlattans, bonus whores ubiquitous on all forums of this nature..

Here we have some one undoubtedly exposed for the scum that he has been accused of being all this time. We have undeniable irrefutable evidence to this effect and what do we get?

More brainwashed scumbags lining up on the side of the bogus loyalties that they have bought into for years. They are like cult members readily lining up behind their cult leader as he convinces them to drink that sweet cup of cyanide and bring along as many people they can to catch that mythical spaceship to nirvana!!!!

Wil has been the subject of a barrage of criticsm and insults over accepting BOS as an advertiser (and he deserved every bit of it) For those high falootin godless imbeciles to still turn around and criticize him because apparently some one committed a "taboo" posting personal email that exposes their friend as the very scum he was described as is totally outrageous...

Stop treating "us" the general public, as though we are idiots and are too retarded to see through the bullshit you guys are trying desperately to serve up as applie pie!!!

Quit trying to distract from the truths told in that email, quit creating new bullshit offshoot arguments about the post...Facts remain facts,


Those of us here to make money on one thing and one thing alone, gambling, appreciate it when such issues are brought to light. It exposes the frauds on this forum so when we read their posts we know exactly what agendas they may have!!!


New member
Oct 15, 2004
ClipJoint posted...

"How The General could be banned from this place is still a mystery to me."

...Well that explains why you're a Clipper fan! Let me explain this "mystery" to you. The General chose to leave this site to follow his hero, the Shrink. The Rx rightly chose to ban both the Shrink and the General to prevent them from posting here, advertising their new site, and stealing more posters for their new site. Now, the fact that you could not understand this explains a lot about you. You are obviously following the Shrink to his new site, please take the idiot Chuck Sims with you and don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out! This site will be a lot better without the 4 of you!

New member
Sep 20, 2004
silver7 said:
If they owe you some money and want to discuss it, CALL. If you decide not to for whatever reason then shut the fuck up about it as you had your chance. Unless you just want to keep beating a dead horse, the role of martyr doesn`t fit too well. Not on their side by any means and you seem like a smart guy, why not just get it over with and move on? Luck to you. I`ve used Mil. in the past and may do so again NEVER any problems.
silver7, I already called Millennium you jackass. Spent enough time with them on the phone trying to get MY money they stole from me. And you tell me to STFU? Beating a dead horse? I am warning players to stay away from these crooks.

Its dummies like you that gives us posters no power when books steal our money.

New member
Aug 1, 2005
In my opinion, all of this comes down to one thing...Does current ownership want to do the right thing? If they are really owned and run by new people, then why should they be liable for something 8 years ago? The statute of limitations on a drug offense is only 5 years. I feel that if the new ownership wants to do the right thing, and is paying people promptly, they deserve a chance. In my opinion, one single breach, and they should be taken off of all sites. Would i play steam games there? Hell no. However, i do believe that if they don't pay players they should be taken down. they should be smart enough to identify the smart guys and get rid of them quickly. that is what it comes down to for all books. to me anything other than that is wasted words.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
doug stewart said:
ClipJoint posted...

"How The General could be banned from this place is still a mystery to me."

...Well that explains why you're a Clipper fan! Let me explain this "mystery" to you. The General chose to leave this site to follow his hero, the Shrink. The Rx rightly chose to ban both the Shrink and the General to prevent them from posting here, advertising their new site, and stealing more posters for their new site. Now, the fact that you could not understand this explains a lot about you. You are obviously following the Shrink to his new site, please take the idiot Chuck Sims with you and don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out! This site will be a lot better without the 4 of you!

You are a true genius...

Keeping The General around (who helped EVERYONE who ever requested help and did it better than anyone in the industry) would have done very little in promoting their new site. He didn't post a single thread about the new site.

Banning him and The Shrink generated more free publicity and exposure. To quote one of the more intelligent posters on this site, "The fact that you could not understand this explains a lot about you."


New member
Aug 1, 2005
doug stewart said:
ClipJoint posted...

"How The General could be banned from this place is still a mystery to me."

...Well that explains why you're a Clipper fan! Let me explain this "mystery" to you. The General chose to leave this site to follow his hero, the Shrink. The Rx rightly chose to ban both the Shrink and the General to prevent them from posting here, advertising their new site, and stealing more posters for their new site. Now, the fact that you could not understand this explains a lot about you. You are obviously following the Shrink to his new site, please take the idiot Chuck Sims with you and don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out! This site will be a lot better without the 4 of you!
Several intelligent points made here.


New member
May 20, 2005
It's business

Sorry to bring this up again about "years in business", I looks that you don't know anything about business...why in the name of god somebody is going to buy a company and then say is a brand new one? makes no sence what so ever...
You don't see The RX saying they have been in business for 2 you?

I believe that fight with BoS is from the days where owners could do anything they wanted because there was only a handfull of books out there. What GK did is not supposed to be paid by the new owners...that it was wrong...hell yeaa...
I believe there are a lot of people here that plays a Millennium and never had a problem...all they do is pay guys who play their own shit...not Steam Players or Scalpers
Sep 21, 2004
Chuck Sims said:
silver7, I already called Millennium you jackass. Spent enough time with them on the phone trying to get MY money they stole from me. And you tell me to STFU? Beating a dead horse? I am warning players to stay away from these crooks.

Its dummies like you that gives us posters no power when books steal our money. your feet are itching today Sims? Give it a good scratch. Do you think anyone would risk the reputation of a multi million dollar business for $150. Give me your address and I will personally send you a check out of my personal checking account. You're one of the biggest f'cking idiots I have ever encountered in my entire life. You should follow the Shrink to his new marvelous site along with Jay C and the rest of his cohorts and get sucked down his drain of deceit. This site will improve in your absence

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
I have played at Millenium for years and never had the slightest of problems on any issue.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
doug stewart, you clueless dope. I am here posting to warn posters about shit books. To better the industry by getting rid of the many shady books that are operating off-shore. You are a square loser so it does not effect you that books rob players that win. I give facts about Las Vegas and you come back with misinformation and falsehoods. You are obviously out of the loop in the sharp action crowd. You doug stewat come across as pure sheep.


New member
May 20, 2005
Good Point

C Sims...will you risk your company's reputation out of $150...specially if that person is like you...a guy who has some kind of influence on people here....I think is time to let it go know what...give your account number to him and see if he actually sends the money
Sep 21, 2004
Fishhead said:
I have played at Millenium for years and never had the slightest of problems on any issue.

And I heard they added 21-point teasers to their repatoire this year as well! One of the few sportsbooks in the world to have these.

New member
Aug 1, 2005
Fox said:
C Sims...will you risk your company's reputation out of $150...specially if that person is like you...a guy who has some kind of influence on people here....I think is time to let it go know what...give your account number to him and see if he actually sends the money
I agree. Let's see if he sends it!!!this should be good. I am laying 150 to win 100 that he sends it.

New member
Jun 22, 2005
Chuck Sims said:
silver7, I already called Millennium you jackass. Spent enough time with them on the phone trying to get MY money they stole from me. And you tell me to STFU? Beating a dead horse? I am warning players to stay away from these crooks.

Its dummies like you that gives us posters no power when books steal our money.

Its really odd that a player like you could complain this much about a mere 150$ bucks...And please save me that old worn out line about how poor college students and single mothers out for a little bit of gambling fun take such an amount seriously...Your argument makes no sense...You seem so bothered about such an amount yet wont do what it takes to get back your one hundred and fifty dollars....Its obvious that you have ulterior motives behind your claims and no serious gambler will even take your claims seriously because at this point you are acting like a two year old kid!!!

Ps...I know nothing about Millenium, i dont give a F@ck about them, and since i dont care one way or another if people play there or not, dont take this as though i am advising anyone on any action to take towards that book!!!!

(We have enough bonus whores and shills as it is)


New member
May 20, 2005
Johnnie Knoxville said:
I agree. Let's see if he sends it!!!this should be good. I am laying 150 to win 100 that he sends it.

I think the question is will C Sims send his info?...laying 125 he won't

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Continuing to slam Jay C. and myself shows where you are coming from. Dishonest people do not understand people who have integrity. I am taking a stand. The money you stole from me was less than $150, but it could of been $15,000. What Millennium did was close my account and wipe my account info clean because I did not make a wager during 1 calendar year. I am not the only one you have done this to. What you did was so crooked I will never let this die. What I want from Millennium is to pay for stealing my money.

New member
Apr 18, 2005
Fishhead said:
I have played at Millenium for years and never had the slightest of problems on any issue.

This is the kind of stupid shit that will cause this forum to lose posters.

On a side note, what is the point of this thread? Shrink is a scumbag? Old news. Millenium wishes death upon Shrink's new site, then starts a thread like this which will only increase early traffic to it. Transparent.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
I know that banning of both Shrink and The General was controversial to say the least. No one worked closer with The General than I did over the last two years (including Shrink). Unfortunately the two are; to use a horseracing term an entry, as in 1 and 1A. I am not saying this is a bad thing, just a fact. They chose to enter into a partnreship together to open another Offshore gambling site, which is very much their prerogative, and quite frankly I wish them all the best, and hope to be able to work with them in the future helping posters.

Head moderator issue - as far as I know any past head moderators here at the Rx. stopped posting completely when they were no longer holding that position for whatever reason, good or bad. General Pete's resignation was not something Rx, management was happy with at all, try to put yourself in their position. When a key employee quits to go into competition against your business, would you be very happy? Would you let him hang around the premises interacting with your clientle, and employees still loyal to you?

I did not want to see either Shrink or General banned, but in the end it was something we felt had to be done. When I say we - I only mean myself and Rx. ownership. I am not speaking for any members of th Rx. moderating team.

Thanks, wil.

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