The shrink and his wife scarlett have died


New member
Jul 25, 2006
seriously doubt money was the issue and the lack of credible information from a 3rd party source only makes this more suspicious imo

New member
Jan 20, 2006
life or death????

i have a right to my own thought and opinions. i met ken and his wife. i have followed his posts and other posts at eog for quite some time. i am of the same religion as ken. i am familiar with alot of the shit that's happening in the gaming industry offshore now and might be happening in the future. i do not believe ken and his wife committed suicide. i hope they are in a place where they want/need to better, and we all need to move on.
i really don't want to point out my reasonings. it's not important. we all make choices. we all take consequences for our actions. therefore, wherever dear ken is at the moment, it is where he chose and where he needs to be. peace to all.

New member
Sep 19, 2007
It's quite obvious gambling was the problem here

Obvious to anyone with some common sense, but consider your audience.

Too many of you on here think gambling isn't an addiction yet your losing all your money and then borrowing more to feed your addiction then you lose that and have no way to pay it back.

See above.

Some of you could learn a lesson from this and either quit while your ahead or if ur down get out and never look back..This is serious stuff here

Why so serious?.. Just talking about a good 'ol hobby here.

Oct 16, 2004
too off yourself is one thing , but to convince someone else to come along is a little odd...
I was thinking the same thing. Suicide pacts are usually something made between the very young or the very old who are sick and frail. Unless it's a cult of some type. So this is rather unusual. The first thing I would be thinking in a case like this is murder/suicide. I'm sure the facts will probably come out. But I've seen a few cases where they never do.

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
say there was foul play involved. This could tarnish an already tarnished industry.

If it was foul play, I am saddened that his wife was included in whatever went down

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Very sad news, no matter the reason....And I have to say I don't think the conspiracy theories are warranted...I know how police operate in suicides and it incredibly private.

I say vee cut off your Chonson !!!!
Sep 21, 2004
Gambling isn't a 'hobby' and certainly isn't 'work'. It's an addiction that ruins lives and families.

Nothing good has ever come from it, case in point.

I take it you never hit a 8 team parlay


Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
BINGO! Someone finally hit it on the head.

Very sad news, no matter the reason....And I have to say I don't think the conspiracy theories are warranted...I know how police operate in suicides and it incredibly private.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Very sad situation if indeed this is true. Just can't imagine what the family is going thru. They just seem to be a very close knit family from all the stuff I read on the forums.

On another thought if this does turn out to be suicide and its possibly related to a person getting himself into major debt from on-line gambling. Then add in that this guy was also one of the major proponents of on-line gambling, the other side could have a field day with this kind of stuff. BIG black eye for on-line gambling.

New member
Jan 24, 2010
Very sad news, no matter the reason....And I have to say I don't think the conspiracy theories are warranted...I know how police operate in suicides and it incredibly private.

More specifically, they are private precisely because they need to accomplish two major objectives, if it is a suicide.

1. Eliminate any possible external source of the death, i.e., homicide or accidental death. This sometimes takes time, and requires an in-depth autopsy lasting for hours. For carbon monoxide poisoning, there are specific signs that are relatively easy for a forensics investigator to determine if the deaths were consensual, or if the victims were set up by an external source.

A proper autopsy, for instance, would indicate if the victims had suffered poisoning in another location, then transferred to the target location. Such a finding would immediately raise the red flags. Other indicators can be found if evidence of force or assault could be found on the body or bodies of the victims.

2. Once the death is determined to be a suicide, then they are very careful in how this information is disseminated to the press in deference to family privacy and sensitivities.

If step 1 does not conclusively rule out eternal sources for death, then the case remains open, and further tests may be warranted.

NOW: This is not disrespect to the families. As stated before, mutual marital double-suicides are extremely rare, and with the potential problems of the industry as a whole, would immediately raise my own radar if I were an investigator.

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
This Post Makes NO Sense!!

i have a right to my own thought and opinions. i met ken and his wife. i have followed his posts and other posts at eog for quite some time. i am of the same religion as ken. i am familiar with alot of the shit that's happening in the gaming industry offshore now and might be happening in the future. i do not believe ken and his wife committed suicide. i hope they are in a place where they want/need to better, and we all need to move on.
i really don't want to point out my reasonings. it's not important. we all make choices. we all take consequences for our actions. therefore, wherever dear ken is at the moment, it is where he chose and where he needs to be. peace to all.

On one hand you say "I'm convinced it wasn't suicide", on the other "he's in a place he wants to be, his choice"! Which is it?

New member
Aug 27, 2007
Wow. This is insane..but with the recent busts..How else do you remove a semi-public figure (and his wife) to witness protection ?

Maybe that's just a hope, but unless the police release an autopsy or there are pics/vid of the funeral people will be skeptical on this one.

It's not like they died in a car wreck with media/witnesses/police reports, etc. This is just too 'neat'. And I agree it had to be murder/suicide if they are indeed dead. Unless they had an incurable disease, you'd be very unlikely to 'convince' a spouse to do it. Would be hard to determine if she was slipped the sleeping pills or took them voluntarily. Speculation, of course. RIP if the reports are accurate.

Rx Senior
Dec 7, 2004
if someone was ever murdered, the case should be assigned to the offshore gambling forums....we seem to have the capacity and background to bust any case....

Rx Local
Sep 20, 2004
if someone was ever murdered, the case should be assigned to the offshore gambling forums....we seem to have the capacity and background to bust any case....


This thread needed some humor

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