I dont want to come across as a dick but what makes you think its any of your business or obligation to be making phone calls?
Unless he owed you money or had any business dealing with you its not your place to be involved. Its sad and unfortunate that he was apparently so desperate to take his own life. We are not entitled to any details that arent released by the family.
Lets show a little respect for his family and friends.
No, you aren't coming across as someone crass, and I am sorry if my concern is apparently a bit on the nosy side. But I am a bit troubled about the lack of clarity from this investigation for such a tragic event from mainstream sources. While the family has every right to their privacy and our condolences, a suspicious death is something that doesn't sit well with me.
A suicide of such nature involving two people normally gets front page attention in small and medium sized towns, and at least a blurb in larger newspapers. None such was found. As someone who is becoming more involved with sports betting with regard to database development, I am very careful of how I become involved, especially with regard to legality (and para-legality, if such a word is appropriate).
And with respect with the family: if this was a private matter, as long as law enforcement can absolutely clarify it was mutual suicide, that's as far as anyone should be concerned with, especially people like myself whom only know of him through professional sources and contacts. But if it does involve more, then I respectfully must ask why such involvement is not forthcoming? Not only is it a reasonable request, it would do more justice to Shrink/Scarlet than not.