The shrink and his wife scarlett have died


New member
Jan 24, 2010
I dont want to come across as a dick but what makes you think its any of your business or obligation to be making phone calls?

Unless he owed you money or had any business dealing with you its not your place to be involved. Its sad and unfortunate that he was apparently so desperate to take his own life. We are not entitled to any details that arent released by the family.

Lets show a little respect for his family and friends.

No, you aren't coming across as someone crass, and I am sorry if my concern is apparently a bit on the nosy side. But I am a bit troubled about the lack of clarity from this investigation for such a tragic event from mainstream sources. While the family has every right to their privacy and our condolences, a suspicious death is something that doesn't sit well with me.

A suicide of such nature involving two people normally gets front page attention in small and medium sized towns, and at least a blurb in larger newspapers. None such was found. As someone who is becoming more involved with sports betting with regard to database development, I am very careful of how I become involved, especially with regard to legality (and para-legality, if such a word is appropriate).

And with respect with the family: if this was a private matter, as long as law enforcement can absolutely clarify it was mutual suicide, that's as far as anyone should be concerned with, especially people like myself whom only know of him through professional sources and contacts. But if it does involve more, then I respectfully must ask why such involvement is not forthcoming? Not only is it a reasonable request, it would do more justice to Shrink/Scarlet than not.

New member
Jan 29, 2009

I google his name and this came up..

<TABLE class=contentpaneopen><TBODY><TR><TD class=contentheading width="100%"> Founder Ken Weitzner Commits Suicide </TD><TD class=buttonheading width="100%" align=right> </TD><TD class=buttonheading width="100%" align=right> </TD><TD class=buttonheading width="100%" align=right> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=contentpaneopen><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width="70%" colSpan=2 align=left>Written by Thomas Jensen </TD></TR><TR><TD class=createdate vAlign=top colSpan=2>Sunday, 11 April 2010 <!--/**PS table for links start --><TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 width=750 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD></TD><TD>Free MLB Picks
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ken-weitzner-jackie.jpg forum moderators announced the death yesterday afternoon to the sports betting posting forum members, however news of the death was circulating the sports betting networks in Costa Rica all morning before the "official" announcement broke on the posting forum. Several members/posters were claiming that his house had been blown up or that Weitzner and his wife were killed in a car accident, however all of the theories were put to rest when Weitzner's son in law posted today using the handle Tony Montana that the pair had committed suicide on Wednesday night or early Thursday morning.
"I just want to come on EOG to confirm the lose. Ken and my mother have passed away. They took their own lives sometime late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning with sleeping pills carbon monoxide."

Several sources have stated to us that Weitzner, a large sports bettor that was a former beard of professional bettor Billy Walters, was heavily in debt to bookies. Other theories being floated around state that Ken Weitzner and his wife entered the witness protection program after a large credit network was indicted recently.

Regardless of the circumstances, Weitzner was a online sports betting pioneer and a magnet of controversy during his entire career online. People either loved or hated him. We suspect that a certain percentage of the online sports betting forum community will never believe the official version of the story once all the details surface. No official police report has been made public as of the time of this article confirming the details of Ken Weitzner's death. We will continue to monitor this story as it develops


New member
Oct 20, 2002
RIP.....seems strange ....but not everything in life makes sense.

I have not seen him down here :103631605.

el diablo

New member
Feb 19, 2006
What's strange is how does this idea come up in conversation. "Hey honey, I'm on a big losing streak maybe we should both kill ourselves."

Seems like suicide is a very private matter that you wouldn't broach with anyone else. Suggesting that a loved one should follow along is something that a teenager might do but not mature adults.

May 27, 2007
No, you aren't coming across as someone crass, and I am sorry if my concern is apparently a bit on the nosy side. But I am a bit troubled about the lack of clarity from this investigation for such a tragic event from mainstream sources. While the family has every right to their privacy and our condolences, a suspicious death is something that doesn't sit well with me.

A suicide of such nature involving two people normally gets front page attention in small and medium sized towns, and at least a blurb in larger newspapers. None such was found. As someone who is becoming more involved with sports betting with regard to database development, I am very careful of how I become involved, especially with regard to legality (and para-legality, if such a word is appropriate).

And with respect with the family: if this was a private matter, as long as law enforcement can absolutely clarify it was mutual suicide, that's as far as anyone should be concerned with, especially people like myself whom only know of him through professional sources and contacts. But if it does involve more, then I respectfully must ask why such involvement is not forthcoming? Not only is it a reasonable request, it would do more justice to Shrink/Scarlet than not.

Most small town newspapers have strict policies against reporting on suicides. And why do you think the police would give some random caller information on a case?

"Yes, this is the WTF police department, can I help you?"

"Yes, I'm calling to check on the apparent death of Mr. Kenneth Weitzner."

"Well, are you a relative of his?"

"Uh, no."

"Well, we can't give that information out to people. An ongoing investigation is being conducted."

"But I post with him on an online gambling forum and I think I deserve answers."

"You what?"

"I post with him. I go by the name Sports Bet Tracker and he's The Shrink and I'm concerned with how this investigation is being handled."

"The Shrink? What the hell....who is this?"

"Oh nevermind."

Do you realize how completely stupid that sounds?

New member
Sep 19, 2007
In this hobby or work you need to keep your head high even when your down.

Gambling isn't a 'hobby' and certainly isn't 'work'. It's an addiction that ruins lives and families.

Nothing good has ever come from it, case in point.

New member
Jan 24, 2010
Most small town newspapers have strict policies against reporting on suicides. And why do you think the police would give some random caller information on a case?

"Yes, this is the WTF police department, can I help you?"

"Yes, I'm calling to check on the apparent death of Mr. Kenneth Weitzner."

"Well, are you a relative of his?"

"Uh, no."

"Well, we can't give that information out to people. An ongoing investigation is being conducted."

"But I post with him on an online gambling forum and I think I deserve answers."

"You what?"

"I post with him. I go by the name Sports Bet Tracker and he's The Shrink and I'm concerned with how this investigation is being handled."

"The Shrink? What the hell....who is this?"

"Oh nevermind."

Do you realize how completely stupid that sounds?

Perhaps I should let you know that I do forensic database work for some clients, many of them involved in the legal field. So I'm not at all going to call the police station as some locoweed wondering what's going on. Indeed, I'm not going to contact them myself, I'm actually going through one of my clients and HIS sources.

The problem I am having with this entire episode with regard to this event is the UTTER LACK of ANY information through normal mainstream channels. For instance, in the same paper they print shoplifting arrests and DUI's, which would indicate that such an event as a double suicide would warrant a bit more exposure, even if the event occurred out of town. Since there is no explanation from the media for such a relatively huge event, then going to the source of the investigation is the next logical step.

If the investigation is still underway, fantastic... as LONG as my client hears that there actually is an investigation. If the case is closed, and my client has no reason to believe that anything fishy is going on (and believe me, he can make Columbo seem like a cadet school piker with his tenacity), then of course I'll report that information. In fact, I sincerely hope that is the outcome, and this was a tragic decision made by two people in apparent good health at an age range not notable for mutual marital suicides.

LOOK: I really hate seeing speculation and theories tossed around willy nilly. Of COURSE the family's sensitivities are paramount, and I'm not looking to snoop around myself. On the other hand, an explanation for such method of death IS appropriate for anyone in the public to ask, myself included. THAT IS KEY. And, frankly, this would be far better for the family than the goofy conspiracy theory crap being bandied about BECAUSE of this lack of official explanation.

As I said earlier, I plan on becoming financially involved with the handicapping industry, which makes this pertinent for me to know. But again, I will defer to the official investigation, and I sincerely hope that the official conclusion will reflect a result of a sound, thorough investigation.

Professional Player
May 12, 2006
All this innuendo stuf is just some crazy talk that will make people take sides & have many hurt feelings on this. I would never talk disrespectful about anyone in a case such as this. Be patient & let the facts speak for themselves. Why make up rumors & conspiracies only to end up looking like a total foolish jerk! I would feel sorry for those of you that can't seem to give some credit & respect to the family & close friends & staff at E.O.G. and here at the Rx.
Ken (Shrink) gave us a place where we could all have to entertain & mingle & get to know people we would otherwise never have known. I speak personally to that as well. This is nothing short of a tragedy & sorrow. There are things we sometimes never know about people we thought we knew a little something about. I mean I'm sure we all have something we hide from everyone we know. It's just too bad that no body knew what the issues were to be able to intervene & help out to keep this horrible ending from happening. I for one feel just sad & depressed that this all happened. I knew Ken on a personal basis & had several conversations with him. I last spoke to him in Jan. I had sent him a business proposal.

With all this being said I wanted to call the family & see if there was anything I could do & express my deepest condolences & sorrow. I have them in my prayers! I got no answer on one of his phones but on his cell phone this was what his voice mail has on it as of 4-11-10 late this evening! It blew me away, i wasn't expecting that! (song below)

I think it says it all about "The Shrink"

God Bless them both!!! ...

(song below click on the link)



New member
Sep 21, 2004
Gambling isn't a 'hobby' and certainly isn't 'work'. It's an addiction that ruins lives and families.

Nothing good has ever come from it, case in point.

Gambling is a form of adult play; whcich can be destructive; such as playing golf excessively; or heaven forbid; the alcohol analogy; but there is nothing inherently evil or wrong by wanting to back up your opinion with true assets; in fact; it is healthy human behaviour to do so.




Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
I really don't think gambling had anything to do with. I am not going to say what I think the factors are out of respect for the family. I know many of people who gamble as a hobby and are not addicted at all. Yes alot of folk gamble outside of their means. But alot of people I know do it as a hobby and can keep within their limits and not bet over their head or even get mad when they lose.

As far as suicides go most police dept. keep these on the down low. There is more to this story and it will come out sooner or later due to the large interest in the case. But I can tell you a double suicide is a really rare thing.

Gambling isn't a 'hobby' and certainly isn't 'work'. It's an addiction that ruins lives and families.

Nothing good has ever come from it, case in point.

Stumblin' around, drunk on burgundy wine.
Oct 11, 2004
I really don't think gambling had anything to do with. I am not going to say what I think the factors are out of respect for the family. I know many of people who gamble as a hobby and are not addicted at all. Yes alot of folk gamble outside of their means. But alot of people I know do it as a hobby and can keep within their limits and not bet over their head or even get mad when they lose.

As far as suicides go most police dept. keep these on the down low. There is more to this story and it will come out sooner or later due to the large interest in the case. But I can tell you a double suicide is a really rare thing.

So you're saying murder suicide. Starting to seem likely (just my own gut instinct).

New member
Sep 6, 2009
I personally never knew ken or his wife....And I find this story very disturbing.

I cant imagine what there family is going through.

Feb 10, 2009
Everyone keeps saying Chesapeake is a small town.. It's not.. Chesapeake is apart of Hampton Roads aka 7 cities, Norfolk, VA Beach, Newport News, Portsmouth, ect.. These cities are all built on top of each other, and together they make 1.6 million people... It's no different than NYC with the different parts, except the is not a bigger government holding them all under the same umbrella bysides the state... The Virginian Pilot is the main paper there for that "small" city of 1.6 mil.

I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
Its time to cut the shit....I know there will be speculation due to who we are talking about here.
But it is NOT unusual for there to be no news coverage of a suicide or even a double suicide as long as there is no violence involved. Suicide does NOT make the paper...Only murder/suicide, which in this case so far there is no evidence of...If there was there would be news coverage.
If you want to speculate on why have at it....but cut the conspiracy shit out.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Published in today's Virginian Pilot.

Kenneth And Jacqueline Weitzner.

Jacqueline Weitzner Kenneth Weitzner CHESAPEAKE - Kenneth and Jacqueline Weitzner passed away Saturday, April 10, 2010. A memorial service will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday, April 13, at the Great Bridge Chapel of Oman Funeral Home & Crematory, 653 Cedar Road, Chesapeake. The family will receive friends following the service at the home of Kasey and Derek Donahue, 404 Cedar Lane Court, Chesapeake. Friends are invited to sign the online guest book at www.omanfh. com.

Virginian Pilot Obit.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Its time to cut the shit....I know there will be speculation due to who we are talking about here.
But it is NOT unusual for there to be no news coverage of a suicide or even a double suicide as long as there is no violence involved. Suicide does NOT make the paper...Only murder/suicide, which in this case so far there is no evidence of...If there was there would be news coverage.
If you want to speculate on why have at it....but cut the conspiracy shit out.

:think2: Is that a direct order??? Geesh!

There are so many questions left unanswered and even more mysterious circumstances surrounding the whole issue....To think that people on a PUBLIC FORUM are not going to raise questions is ludicrous.

In terms of gambling forums, Ken was as much a public figure as you will ever find. When something of this sort happens to a public figure, it is discussed and analyzed. Again, given all of the circumstances, how can you NOT expect questions to be raised.

Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
too off yourself is one thing , but to convince someone else to come along is a little odd...

Jan 23, 2007
if something is in print it may be true, and if something is posted on a public forum there's a good chance its not. thats just a fact. lets get real. :toast:

All I do is win
Feb 13, 2010
Never knew the guy or his wife but my prayers go out to both of their family and friends..................

It's quite obvious gambling was the problem here, he got in over his head and the debt started piling up... Too many of you on here think gambling isn't an addiction yet your losing all your money and then borrowing more to feed your addiction then you lose that and have no way to pay it back.
Maybe he got involved with mob somehow and couldn't pay..
Some of you could learn a lesson from this and either quit while your ahead or if ur down get out and never look back..This is serious stuff here

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