The shrink and his wife scarlett have died


I say vee cut off your Chonson !!!!
Sep 21, 2004
if someone was ever murdered, the case should be assigned to the offshore gambling forums....we seem to have the capacity and background to bust any case....

A jury of his peers ....
Feb 11, 2009
He hurt many people over the years. I have yet to talk to anyone offshore that liked him. He craved the forum world because he became a mythical figure for all the squares who wanted to be wiseguys. Anyone offshore knew he was a piece of crap. And it is horrible that he killed himself, but to kill your wife, and he murdered his wife, you do not have to give me a report, the woman had no reason kill herself, is the single most selfish thing you ever can imagine doing. I for one believe he is a coward and he has hurt his whole family in doing what he did. They will never have closure(unless he left notes for everyone, but I doubt he the wife left any).

The wifes sons should close down that forum and not praise the man who murdered there mother. They should erase his memory. He has ruined many lives and now he has ruined a family.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
quote=55 % at worst;7793398]He hurt many people over the years. I have yet to talk to anyone offshore that liked him. He craved the forum world because he became a mythical figure for all the squares who wanted to be wiseguys. Anyone offshore knew he was a piece of crap. And it is horrible that he killed himself, but to kill your wife, and he murdered his wife, you do not have to give me a report, the woman had no reason kill herself, is the single most selfish thing you ever can imagine doing. I for one believe he is a coward and he has hurt his whole family in doing what he did. They will never have closure(unless he left notes for everyone, but I doubt he the wife left any).

The wifes sons should close down that forum and not praise the man who murdered there mother. They should erase his memory. He has ruined many lives and now he has ruined a family.[/quote]

This might be a bit premature for an opinion like this until the story (Hopefully its all a hoax) is confirmed BUT if it is that I TOTALLY agree with your thoughts.

May 29, 2005
I kinda agree with 55 %
My best friend hung himself and left a note and roses for his mother.....To this day i cant forgive him for taking the weak way out........

That being said, my prayers and thoughts go out to Tony Montana and his family



Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
It's becoming like Tiger, I'm about sick of hearing about it

New member
Sep 20, 2004
It's becoming like Tiger, I'm about sick of hearing about it

Not to be a smartass, but then why are you reading this thread and responding to it??

I've heard everything from "this guy was the most generous person on the face of the earth" to "this guy was a total scumbag." This leads me to believe that he was neither, that he was somewhere in between (which fits the mold of many a person).

99.99% of us will never know what happened, or why it happened. IF! this was indeed a double suicide, I'm sure Tony and other family members know the reason behind it, but I am also sure that they will not share that info with any of us -- as we are not owed an explanation.

Given Ken's position in the gambling / offshore / forum world, the questions will ALWAYS linger.

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
Well, if he killed his wife then himself.................doesn't say much about him

Legal Scams All Around You
Feb 20, 2006
Not to be a smartass, but then why are you reading this thread and responding to it??

I've heard everything from "this guy was the most generous person on the face of the earth" to "this guy was a total scumbag." This leads me to believe that he was neither, that he was somewhere in between (which fits the mold of many a person).

99.99% of us will never know what happened, or why it happened. IF! this was indeed a double suicide, I'm sure Tony and other family members know the reason behind it, but I am also sure that they will not share that info with any of us -- as we are not owed an explanation.

Given Ken's position in the gambling / offshore / forum world, the questions will ALWAYS linger.
Best post ive read on any forum about this so far

New member
May 7, 2006
No idea what happened here.

Historically, women usually use non violent means - pills, etc

Men usually use violence - guns, jumping, etc

Anyways - RIP

Dec 15, 2004
The only person I know of who could convince another to commit suicide is Hannibal Lecter. Here is the strange part about this case. Usually when you see a couple commit dual suicides they are very elderly and frail. The one spouse doesn't believe it could survive without the other. They are old and near death in anycase. When a couple is younger like the Ken and his wife it is almost always a murder-suicide. There has to be a police report. When it happens in Las Vegas there always is clip from the newspaper reporting it. How can this not appear in the paper in Chesapeake, Virginia.
You just don't see an Obit from a funeral home. For two people to commit suicide both parties would have to be in deepest depths of depression. If one of them had a terminal illness wouldn't at the very least the coroner try to find this out by an autopsy. If this wasn't the case and Ken was so depressed how could you convince your spouse to go along with it. My theory is as many other's here that they entered Witness Protection. It's not farfetched. Until there is a newspaper report other than a obit that's what I'll believe.

New member
Aug 2, 2008
i am a firm believer that anyone who takes their own life is beyond selfish. cowardly act. to convince/force/? your wife to do the same is out of this world fucked up. especially when you know she has kids.

regardless what i think, my condolences goes out to Tony and all their family.

New member
Mar 29, 2007
i can believe that she went along, depending on how involved she was with certain aspects of her husband's life and the possible consequences. look at the shit bernie madoff's wife went through.....different situations i know, but similar. some women would not want to hang around for the fallout.

on the other hand, i can see him taking her against her will. as i have contemplated my own suicide, i am back and forth on what to do with my dog. i'm pretty sure i'll leave him, but i have to make sure i go out in such a manner that my corpse would be found in a reasonable amount of time so someone can claim him. on the other hand, i worry who will take care of him and if it might not be better if i just bring him along.

so who knows.

sooner...........come on brotha don't talk like that.

Jul 25, 2008
Ok SD.I don't want to get into it too deep in this thread but I do understand where you are coming from though.I have known a few people on a very close level that have committed suicide and known other people on a close level that have also lost loved ones to suicide.It is a hard thing to understand and very tough on the ones left behind but like I said before,in most cases ,I feel like these people think they are helping more than hurting their loved ones by doing this.The ones left behind usually see it the other way.We can all go places in our mind that we will not understand and we really don't know how we will deal with it until we get there.

New member
Mar 25, 2009

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
Those who decide to take their own life, just can't do life on lifes terms, bottom line.

They are a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket too

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