Here we go.
Ext. 9-Essentially the same as yesterday with the same "Dinner Specials"/Soup du jours being the Economy Club and the Big Dong/Dog Play featured.
Also there is a Marquee going tonight for $12.
What find interesting about the Economy Club is that Ron tells us that some of these EC Plays, which are given out in the middle of the week, sometimes become
Late Phone Plays.
I have two questions/issues with that:
1) What could possibly change to make an Economy Club Play also a Late Phone Club Play on Saturday?
I mean does Phil have a camera which follows around each player on every team in the country to gather some kind of information he does not have now
which would emerge say after Thursday when the Economy Clubs are released which would make the EC Club Play also a Late Phone
Yes I suppose line movement might be one thing which could and would make a play from NC a Late Phone Play along with that of any service for that matter.
However in the case of Phil Steele/NC it seems to be just hype/tease that the mid week plays are really something special in themselves.
2)The other obvious thing is that while one or more EC Plays could become Late Phone Plays, lets not forget that most of them will not.
In essence this means that for example if the EC Plays win for the week overall(there are 12 college and 5 pro this week), and the Late Phones lose,
well then Phil/NC not only can in theory derive an additional sort of revenue should anyone choose to buy them, but more importantly
have something to brag about when they do their recaps.
Stuff like this is why I entitled my original thread at CM "Why NC 'Always' Wins," namely because they have so many types of picks. clubs, newsletters, etc.
to choose from (and hopefully sell), that the law of averages is on their side in that they should be able to find at least something which won.
over the week to brag about.
Ext. 3 remains unchanged until tomorrow.