The 2019 Phil Steele/Northcoast Picks, Record Documentation, Commentary and Discussion Thread


Nov 11, 2007
I am not expecting anything in comp. message other than the price for the SB side and total, which virtually everyone already knows, plus another pitch

for the NC prop. GUESSES and of course what is on the agenda for the NC Community Crappers.

Nov 11, 2007
Well here we go with summary of comp. message and it is pretty much as I expected.

For $30 you can get both side and total in SB(if you just came out of a coma and don't already know them), and Todd has specified that the side(SF) will

be the rated selection and that the total(OVER) will be the Marquee.

I am surprised that they didn't even mention the props today-perhaps they figured anyone who is interested already bought them and/or just gave

up because virtually no one is interested in Steele's guesses/hunches based on mostly and not applicable and irrelevant data.

The remainder of the tape is a recap and pump for the NC Cappers.

The comp. today is a 3* from Accupics on OVER Denver 215.

Nov 11, 2007
Unless I missed something, I didn't see one request for the NC picks today.

The obvious reasons are 1) Everyone already knows they are on SF and OVER as those are Steele's plays and 2) Hardly anyone wants them in any event as NC

has had an overall shitty year in the NFL and there are thus much better places to look.

Personally I don't believe that anyone who has followed the NFL closely this year should need to rely on anyone other than themselves for the side and total

picks because no matter how much bullshit services toss your way today, the fact is that they don't have any better opinion that you do.

For the record I actually played SF and the OVER for my normal amounts(a little bit more on SF), for the simple reason that I want to enjoy the game.

It goes without saying that I picked these based on my own opinions, and that it certainly has nothing to do with the Steele/NC picks, which if anything

makes me a bit worried and hesitant about them as they are the same if you catch my drift.

Also for the record in the spirit and honest reporting, my record over the years with the side and total picks is not terrible on the one hand but on the

other nothing to mortgage your house on.

Good luck to all no matter who you play today including the props.

Nov 11, 2007
Although as I stated previously, I played SF and OVER for the game as regular plays and lost(I did buy back good parts of my bets though as game unfolded) and thus

shouldn't point my finger at NC too much, the fact is that they went 0-2 again as they did in the College Championship game.

Now you can see why I said in previous post, I was a bit worried on being the same side and total as NC.

Anyways, lets see what they have to say tomorrow if anything-I say that because after the 0-2 in the College Championship, not only did

they NOT admit that they lost both pieces on the day after but in fact never admitted it, which isn't really all that shocking in consideration of the modus

operandi of Phil Steele/NC.

Nov 11, 2007
Ok here we go with today's comp. message.

First of all for the first time in a long, long time Todd is not doing the comp. line but rather that guy who sounds like a robot with his monotone

who sounds about as enthused doing the comp. line as is a pitcher doing an interview right after he gets taken out of the game in the first inning after

surrendering eight runs without recording an out. lol

It is either that or Steele doesn't want to pay Todd as football is officially over, and he got the "robot guy" on the cheap.

Anyways Mr. Robot does admit the 0-2 day and the coin flip 50% record with the props and also makes the remark(I am sure ordered by Steele) that this about

the 15th NFL game that NC lost in the 4th quarter.

To that I say tough shit-NC's overall deplorable record can't be dismissed simply like that-all services are subjected to the same things which go on in

a game-the bottom line is that good cappers do well and the lousy and mediocre ones do not-as I have documented this year and for the three previous to that,

The Late Phones of NC are a LOSING proposition, and their losing has a lot more to do than bad breaks, and the "we were on the right side" bullshit that Steele/NC

are known for.

Other than the usual litany of how the NC Cappers did yesterday and what they have going today, the only interesting thing that was stated was the "Friends"

of the badly decomposed and rotted remains of Mike Lee went 1-9 yesterday.

If Steele/NC had any sense, they would promote this service as one to be faded ONLY because they are and have always been horrible(actually they did a bit

better when Mike was alive 12-14 or so years ago).

Anyways that's it.

Tomorrow I will do the final recap, and for all intents and purposes the thread will lie pretty much dormant from me anyways until next August when football starts up again.

I will probably call the comp. line on a pretty regular basis but am not going to concern myself with commentary on the NC Community Cappers as

I am pretty much concerned with Steele/NC as it applies to football only.

Anyways, here is one final comp. for those who are interested-it is a 3* from the FAKE SERVICE Accupics on the LA Clippers - 9 1/2.

Mar 19, 2008
ok Savage, summarize in 7 pages or less what this thread accomplished.

Nov 11, 2007
Ok here we go with the final UGLY recaps for the season.

I will have some final remarks later on after comp. message is out.

Recaps for Week Twenty THREE:

College sides and totals 0-0 with no units won or lost as season is over.

Pros 0-1 with 2.2 units LOST.

Overall for the week 2.2 units were LOST or $220 at $100 a unit.

The cost of service for a non PS subscriber of the several mentioned to get all of the Late Phone Plays was $39.

Anyways, factoring in the cost, it is seen that 2.50 units were won or $250 at $100 a unit.



College 81-80-3 with 30.9 units LOST(sides and totals combined).

Pro 33-37-2 with 18.15 units LOST.

Overall 49.05 units have been LOST or MINUS $4,905 at $100 a unit.

The total cost of service so far is 41.94 units or $4,194.

Thus adding in the cost, it is seen that so far the non PS subscriber is MINUS 90.99 units or a 100% DOCUMENTED MINUS WHOPPING

$9,099 at $100 a unit.

Including last week over the last almost four years, anyone who has played the Late Phones

according to scale and factoring in the cost of service, is DOWN A DOCUMENTED MINUS $26,647!!!


Nov 11, 2007
Ok here go for the finale re: the comp. line for this season and some closing comments.

First of all Todd's one day "vacation" is over and is back replacing the BORING and TOTALLY INCOMPETENT/MONOTONE VOICE "Robotman."

It is all about basketball and the NC Community Cappers and with short term and highly selective records.

Winning with just about any of these guys OVER TIME is a LOSING propostion, although obviously like any other capper including yourself, they can win for a day or even

a few days.

Ok that's it along with recaps in previous post.

In bringing down the curtain for this season(unless there is something between now and August when football starts up again), I want to express a few thoughts here.

First of all I want to thank this forum and its owner and moderator for allowing me to start and conduct this thread without the fear of, name calling, insults and irrelevant talk,

all of which marked the other thread I started relevant to my ban at CappersMall.

I will have a little more to say about this later.

Anyways the purpose and goal of this thread is and has always been to both document the record of Northcoast from week to week and cumulatively as

well as when possible to post the picks in a timely manner, which wasn't as easy as in some other years because NC has so few subscribers these days and/or

because few of them frequent the gambling forums.

In addition, the purpose is to show how the very poor records compare to the records and the manner in which they are/have been presented by Phil Steele,


As anyone who has followed this thread knows, there is a wide and I mean WIDE variance between my recaps and the overly positive impression given

by Todd through his lies by omission, commission, spin, using favorable and selective time frames and overall deception.

Obviously many of you veteran gamblers are already aware of this, but there are always new gamblers and or just plain younger people who might be susceptible

to the slick and misleading record keeping initiated by Phil Steele and followed by Todd and the other sycophants/co-conspirators/enablers who have participated in

this scam.

Also, my intent is and has always been for folks by reading this thread, to get an inkling as to tricks and deceptions that many other sports

services resort to(many much worse than NC) to sell their picks.

Even though I did not get that many people actually responding to what I said, the fact that the thread is closing in on 40000 hits or 240-245 hits

a day(the difference allowing for my own replies), indicates there is a lot of interest over here unlike at CM where the count was about 1/4 of above.

Obviously there are some who agree/disagree with me and/or have feelings about the thread and me, who didn't express them.

However rrom my point of view, I have done what my conscience has told me to do, and I have a good feeling about it.

Believe it or, if someday Phil Steele/Todd/NC run their comp. line and advertising(which although I didn't mention specifically in this post today, but which as

you all know by now imo is laughable, unproductive and insulting), I will feel even better than I do right now.

And oh yes before I forget, some brief commentary about the current thread and commentary going on in the Rubber Room re: Cappersmall.

Lets just say that while I don't intend to offer any comments about it, lets just say that I agree 100% with the commentary that the forum is corrupt with

embezzlement, and more importantly runs by a DESPOT, loosely called a moderator, who uses/abuses his power to ban people like myself who don't

happen to agree with him(for those who don't know, I was banned for merely disagreeing with him about a topic involving the Red Sox as a fan of 67 years!!)

or and just importantly for banning people for daring to speak the TRUTH) about what goes on over there.

All I can say is that through the grace of God, a member both that forum and this one, who felt I was badly treated over there by the self-appointed mentally disturbed "deity"

turned me on to RX and more specifically the place in the forum where unlike CM, I can openly express my sentiments and feelings without the fear of censorship.

The big reason i stayed as long as i did over there is that I was hoping that when the owner of the Forum, Dr. Jack, returned he would do the total injustice

inflicted upon me by you know who once he returned from his absence due to his wife's illness.

The fact that he never once responded back to me after he did return, indicates to me that he is cut out of the same unfortunate ilk as his henchman moderator..

Anyways, enough-hope to see you all back next season, and i hope between now and then you make lots of money gambling and more importantly for your

overall health and happiness!!

Nov 11, 2007
Yo Savage. Has this thread been retired?

Since the question was asked, the answer is no-for personal reasons I will no longer be posting picks, giving commentary or documenting records this season

and in general maintaining this thread in this Forum.

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