Ok-in this post which is from last season after November I commented at CM as to how well they did not only during November but during Thanksgiving Week,
which involes more bullshit from NC as to how well the do at that time also.
And yes I did use some pretty saucy language last year when referring to Steele and Todd which I no longer do over here
The Semen reference refers to fact that Phil Steele's name before he changed it was Phil Seman, and just embellished it a bit.
If anyone wants t make a big deal out of the fact that they eked out a few units last year, then fine-that is a far cry from what Todd says/implies
about how really well they always do in November..
They did lose in both 2016 and 2017.
Read the other commentary also as it will give you an even better idea as to how these slimy outfit operates if you don't already know.
Here you go:
Before the weekly and cumulative recaps a few words are in order:
First of all TTT somehow forgot to mention today how the plays did last night-I am surprised because even though the Marquee lost on the UNDER, the 2 star rated play won on Houston, which as I pointed out yesterday would determine whether NV would have winning month or not.
Well they did win for the month with the W last night meaning that they eked out 1.97 units for the month of November after losing in the previous two years as documented here and God knows how many more before that.
This is despite the usual mantra by Todd the Todd started by Phil Semen Steele many years ago how NC always excels in November because they have the advantage over Vegas and the other services, which have to concern themselves with the other sports in that month besides football, whereas NC is a football service only. lol
The statement is hearsay, undocumented-as documented here they lost in November in 2016 and 2017 and barely won in 2018-big fucking deal-I am sure that if you looked at the other years prior to that, you would find similar results.
And oh yes-the total bullshit about their always winning from 75%-90% with Full Executive Service during Thanksgiving Week with their special $125 price since it started in 1996.
Well this year they went 7-8 or 46.7%, 57.1% last Thanksgiving Week in 2017 and and 41.6% in 2016.
And yet we are supposed to believe that NC hit 75% to 90% in all of the other years-yeah right--in short their claims are are total bs and undocumented other than the "documentation" frm Phil Semen "The Lying Demon" Steele his flunky accomplice, Todd the Turd and NC.
One more thing before the recap.
The Turd brags about the ext.9 comps. going 34-19(64%) over the last six weeks-ok fine.
However I guarantee tomorrow when ext.3 is active, he will NOT mention how they have done over the same period for obvious reasons.
Even worse, The Turd uses a six weeks to embellish the record on ext. 9 comps, but for the Power Play Comps on this extension he has to use a TEN YEAR TIME FRAME to get a 62% winning percentage; this is undocumented and devious, sneaky and totally misleading to anyone listening to the tape.
In short, whether it is for 10 years, 8 years, 5 years and 5 months, three years and 8 months, one year and four months, one week, 6 weeks, etc., Steele/the Turd/NC will simply choose only the time frame which puts them in the best light and the best possible winning percentage- I will leave it to you to decide if that is fair, objective and shows full disclosure ot not.
This is typical of the kind of bullshit and lies by omission which was started by Steele many years ago and ordered by him to be retained and promulgated by the proteges doing the comp. line with Todd the Turd being the current person.