The 2019 Phil Steele/Northcoast Picks, Record Documentation, Commentary and Discussion Thread


Nov 11, 2007
Well how shocking, NC LOST once again with a Marquee Play on Ohio per the SM.

So lets see-0-3 with Late Phones on Sunday-a loser on Sunday Night Marquee, a star rated loser on Monday Night Magic Play, loser on

Monday night Marquee, a Marquee loser last night and another tonight.

0-8 if my figures are right.

If you are concerned, don't be, as I am sure Todd will admit tonight's loser but at the same time state that going back to November of

2005, the Marquees are 80-44(or around there) and still hitting 70%. lol

Side Play
[105] Miami (OH) RedHawks vs.
[106] Ohio Bobcats

Wednesday November 6th, 2019 8:05 PM EST

[106] Ohio Bobcats

Nov 11, 2007
Early Thoughts.

Working on eight straight losers counting Late Phones and Marquees, it looks like someone who has been playing all of these

is going to need the College GOY and the alleged "deepest" card of the season plays just to bail out.

Perhaps Phil and the other "nice, sympathetic and compassionate" people at NC will feel sorry and lower the already "bargain" price

of $274 to get all of the Late Phone Plays Plays(I said $284 yesterday but it is actually $274 as the totals added on cost

$29 rather than $39) to perhaps the "discount of a lifetime" to say just $229.

or maybe keep the $274 Price and lower the single issue price of PS from $10 all the way down to $5.

Perhaps even better for Monday Night instead of the $30 price for the guaranteed Monday Night Magic Play with $40 back in store credit,

make it even better by raising the price from $30 to $50 but giving back $55 back in credit if it loses.

Stuff like this would be right in line with the "magnanimous folks" we have all come to know Phil Steele and NC to be.

Back later.

Nov 11, 2007
No updated message yet on comp. line.

I wonder if the lateness has to do needing time to spin their 0-8 record starting on Sunday or perhaps trying to come up with some new forced promo

for GOY/Deepest Card of the Weekend as presently no one is buying it?

Back later when the talking heads emerge from their closed door meeting and with Todd's resultant comp. message for today.

Nov 11, 2007
Ok here we go.

There is actually something new to report.

Ext. 9 First of all we get the sorry recap for last night.

We are told there will be three picks tonight on the three games.

What is interesting is that one of them will be a star rated play and not just a Marquee which is almost always the case on weekdays other

on Monday Night.

The two star rated play cost $20 and the two Marquees $12 apiece

To generate some business for the weekend Late Phones, the College Marquee only for tonight will be tossed in for free buy not the star rated play.

This brings the cost for the Star Rated Plays for the week to $294 no how hard Todd tries to disguise it by breaking the prices down piece by piece

but NOT giving total price, which is what counts.


Ex. 3 More spin and bullshit.

Actually here they do state that for $225 you get the GOY, the other college sides and the NFL.

So a quick of the math shows that if you want the college totals also, that will tack on another $29 and bring the price up to $254

and if you want tonight's star rated play and Monday's, it will cost $20 apiece or $294 total-bingo-despite the effort to make it sound

like a good deal, it is exactly the same total price as described on ext. 9.

Tomorrow what?-perhaps we will be told that if you want the Saturday GOY but not the other college sides but you do want the Sunday NFL,

you can get them for a additional $75, which would bring the total price to $175.

My overall opinion of their overall and new "dinner specials" translates to a modus operandi of sling enough and varying/different type of bullshit at people,

out of obvious desperation)and at least some of it will stick/fly.


Nov 11, 2007
If there was truth in advertising, this well known slogan would appear on NC's website on home page as it defines them and their modus operandi perfectly:

“If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”

W.C. Fields

Nov 11, 2007

3* Temple -1x, I got for +1

Was posted in main service section.

Nov 11, 2007
Not much to report early other than wha the other two plays were lasy night besides Temple.

SM doesn't even show that plays were submitted although we know they were.

College GOY goes tomorrow a 28-9 record.

This is a game personally I have always either always played for a number of years not necessarily as big as a GOY but part of the mix on that day

but have never faded because the record stated is legitimate.

Back a bit later.

Nov 11, 2007
Here we go with today's message.

First of all the 3 Star was in fact on Temple last night as posted last night.

They split the Marquees winning Louisiana and losing on The Chargers.

Todd repeats the pricing and again lies again about how NC ALWAYS does well in November and then brags about last week's 8-2 record as some

kind of "proof" of that.

Well Cheddar questioned my allegation that this is bullshit, and that in fact over the last three years this has not been the case, and that in fact

they lost in two of the three years when the price of service was considered.

Well I now have documentation of that which I will post shortly in the next thread as I have a friend who is a computer geek who as

able to hack into Cappersmall where I was last year and find the thread and the relevant posts.

I thought that Wayne had deleted the thread over there but that was not the case.

In any case in the next post based on my documentation I will let you decide whether Todd is telling the truth that NC ALWAYS wins in November or at least

over the last three years as I have documentation..

So stay tuned for a few minutes.


ps I also have actual documentation of the entire last three seasons at CM which will be posted long with commentary to show you

that I am not making up their negative records and huge losses.

Nov 11, 2007
Ok-in this post which is from last season after November I commented at CM as to how well they did not only during November but during Thanksgiving Week,

which involes more bullshit from NC as to how well the do at that time also.

And yes I did use some pretty saucy language last year when referring to Steele and Todd which I no longer do over here

The Semen reference refers to fact that Phil Steele's name before he changed it was Phil Seman, and just embellished it a bit.

If anyone wants t make a big deal out of the fact that they eked out a few units last year, then fine-that is a far cry from what Todd says/implies

about how really well they always do in November..

They did lose in both 2016 and 2017.

Read the other commentary also as it will give you an even better idea as to how these slimy outfit operates if you don't already know.

Here you go:

Before the weekly and cumulative recaps a few words are in order:

First of all TTT somehow forgot to mention today how the plays did last night-I am surprised because even though the Marquee lost on the UNDER, the 2 star rated play won on Houston, which as I pointed out yesterday would determine whether NV would have winning month or not.
Well they did win for the month with the W last night meaning that they eked out 1.97 units for the month of November after losing in the previous two years as documented here and God knows how many more before that.

This is despite the usual mantra by Todd the Todd started by Phil Semen Steele many years ago how NC always excels in November because they have the advantage over Vegas and the other services, which have to concern themselves with the other sports in that month besides football, whereas NC is a football service only. lol
The statement is hearsay, undocumented-as documented here they lost in November in 2016 and 2017 and barely won in 2018-big fucking deal-I am sure that if you looked at the other years prior to that, you would find similar results.
And oh yes-the total bullshit about their always winning from 75%-90% with Full Executive Service during Thanksgiving Week with their special $125 price since it started in 1996.
Well this year they went 7-8 or 46.7%, 57.1% last Thanksgiving Week in 2017 and and 41.6% in 2016.
And yet we are supposed to believe that NC hit 75% to 90% in all of the other years-yeah right--in short their claims are are total bs and undocumented other than the "documentation" frm Phil Semen "The Lying Demon" Steele his flunky accomplice, Todd the Turd and NC.
One more thing before the recap.
The Turd brags about the ext.9 comps. going 34-19(64%) over the last six weeks-ok fine.
However I guarantee tomorrow when ext.3 is active, he will NOT mention how they have done over the same period for obvious reasons.
Even worse, The Turd uses a six weeks to embellish the record on ext. 9 comps, but for the Power Play Comps on this extension he has to use a TEN YEAR TIME FRAME to get a 62% winning percentage; this is undocumented and devious, sneaky and totally misleading to anyone listening to the tape.
In short, whether it is for 10 years, 8 years, 5 years and 5 months, three years and 8 months, one year and four months, one week, 6 weeks, etc., Steele/the Turd/NC will simply choose only the time frame which puts them in the best light and the best possible winning percentage- I will leave it to you to decide if that is fair, objective and shows full disclosure ot not.
This is typical of the kind of bullshit and lies by omission which was started by Steele many years ago and ordered by him to be retained and promulgated by the proteges doing the comp. line with Todd the Turd being the current person.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is another post from CM, which "proves" how well NC does in November, this one in 2016.


Ok here we go with the recap for last week, the cumulative recap for the season and then a few words about November:
Week 13:
Colleges 3-5(including totals) with 5.5 units lost
Pro 2-2 with 1.5 units won
For the week 4 units lost
ps That includes the two big plays, one in college and NFL which won.
Overall so far:
Colleges 49-53 with 32.55 units lost
Pros 27-20-3 with 15.6 units won

Playing all picks college and pros as rated, one is down 1,695 units or MINUS $1,695 at $100 a unit.
Factor in the weekly cost of buying service for all of the weeks which equals $2767($125for this past week), and adding it in, one is down $4462 so far this season.

Now here is where it gets interesting:
Joey bragged all month in November and actually in October how great Northcoast is in November because they are a football service only which allows them to concentrate on football only while all of those other services have to worry about basketball and hockey, etc.
Lets take a look if that is true or not:
Entering November without considering subscription costs of the picks, NC was down a combined 17.3 units.
After last night which for all intents and purposes represents November as there are no more games until December, NC is down a combined 16.95 units.
A quick check of the math shows that they picked up a "whopping" 35 units or $35 dollars at $100 a unit in November.
Now if you figure in the cost of the weekly cost of the picks in November for a non PowerSweep subscriber as stated by Joey, which comes to a total of $992, it can be seen that anyone buying the picks for November only, LOST $957.
All I can say is that if November allegedly does give the "edge" to NC over the other services since they are are a football only service, then I guess we can assume that if NC did other sports, the deficit would be a lot more than above. lol
This November bullshit about NC being a football service only and all of the other hackneyed expressions and worthless promotions including having to be a PS subscriber in order to get a discount on the Late Phones all began with Phil Steele, and I believe that because Phil is so arrogant and rigid, and set in his ways, that he DEMANDS that all of the flunkies who followed him, the latest being Joey, must strictly adhere to Phil's form of misleading and deceptive record presentation, with the inherent lies, deceptions, half truths, and all of the other misrepresentations of the service as well as the non productive/deceptive "discounts" and "promotions."
Alcatraz stated that Phil is very arrogant and cheap, and based on what I have seen of both him and his flunkies who followed him carrying on the tradition, I find no reason to doubt his word.



Nov 11, 2007
This post was written at the completion of last season, an summarizes the record for the season as well as the documented records for the previous


When taken with this year's documentation, it adds up to a pretty ugly picture despite the lies of NC to convince you how great they have been

doing by pointing ONLY to the FEW aspects which have been winning over their carefully selected time frames.

The cumulative record for the season is thus:
Colleges 73-66-2 with 1.15 units GAINED(Final Recap).
Pros 39-32-2 with 15.7 units gained. (This includes 2 stars).
A player playing according to these ratings is UP 16.85 units or $1,685 at $100 a unit.
Factor in the costs of purchasing service so far of $38.93 units($3,893) and it can be seen that a NC subscriber is MINUS 22.08 units or MINUS $2,208 for the this season at $100 a unit.

Here is where it gets interesting and shows what a LOSING service NC is with its Late Phones despites all of the lies, deceptions, spin, half truths, omissions and favorable time frames used by Phil Steele/MC and its spokesman Todd the Turd:

In 2017 the Late Phones lost $8045 including the cost of service and $4863 in 2016 bringing the three year deficit to a whopping $15,116 at $100 a unit!!!

You can find documentation of this in post 1776.

Well that's about it for now.

As has been the case since I started the thread in 2015, the thread will pretty much lie in hibernation until the start of he next football season unless I and/or anyone hears or see anything om comp. line(Community Comp. Line) or otherwise which should be pointed out).

Thanks to all of those who followed and/or contributed your thoughts.
I hope to be back once again to resume this thread once football gets underway next season, which will be dependent upon lets just say a number of relevant matters which revolve around whether I believe it is in my best overall interests to post here.

Nov 11, 2007
One last comment on today's comments and for that matter overall:

Both Phil Steele/NC really get involved when something when they feel it is important.

The big difference as I see it is that Phil Steel/NC spend 100-120 compiling mostly worthless shit to try to pick ats winners and lose for their clients more than

they win as documented by yours truly over the last three and a half years,

I on the other hand a relatively few minutes each day doing something worthwhile, namely exposing them as the self serving liar con artists they

are in the hopes and high expectations that people especially new gamblers who so not yet know the devious ways of this slime will

not fall for their slick advertising/bs records, bogus discounts and spend their money elsewhere if in need of a sports service, many of whom win at

a lot more consistent rate than NC.

Mar 19, 2008
One last comment on today's comments and for that matter overall:

Both Phil Steele/NC really get involved when something when they feel it is important.

The big difference as I see it is that Phil Steel/NC spend 100-120 compiling mostly worthless shit to try to pick ats winners and lose for their clients more than

they win as documented by yours truly over the last three and a half years,

I on the other hand a relatively few minutes each day doing something worthwhile, namely exposing them as the self serving liar con artists they

are in the hopes and high expectations that people especially new gamblers who so not yet know the devious ways of this slime will

not fall for their slick advertising/bs records, bogus discounts and spend their money elsewhere if in need of a sports service, many of whom win at

a lot more consistent rate than NC.
New gamblers are not coming here to read through all of this, don't kid yourself.

Name 3 sports services with their records that win "a lot more consistent" please. I would like to follow.

That being said, I will not comment anymore more in here as it appears to cause clutter. You cannot answer my simple questions, but respond much the same way NC does. If you get bored with no one else responding and want me to respond to anything, just ask.

Nov 11, 2007
New gamblers are not coming here to read through all of this, don't kid yourself.

Name 3 sports services with their records that win "a lot more consistent" please. I would like to follow.

That being said, I will not comment anymore more in here as it appears to cause clutter. You cannot answer my simple questions, but respond much the same way NC does. If you get bored with no one else responding and want me to respond to anything, just ask.

The fact is Mr. Cheddar/Phil Jr is that you got caught with your pants down.

You asked for documentation to prove that my contention NC didn't win in November at least during the three years I documented their record at CappersMall.

Well I provided it today, and rather than acknowledge that I am correct, instead you make new irrelevant and negative comments because

you cannot handle the fact that what I said is true.

It seems to me that I answered your "simple questions."

Kindly show me specifically how I have not.

Name three services which are more consistent than NC you ask?

Try going over to The Sports Monitor for an answer, or simply ask yourself if there are at least three services out there which have lost for four consecutive

seasons counting this one to the tune of a DOCUMENTED 18K plus as is the case with NC.

Perhaps your question should be how many services have done WORSE than NC and/or misrepresent the truth in a more sneaky and devious way than they do.

I do not know nor care the percentages of how many new gamblers come here.

The FACT is that this thread has received well over 14000 hits in just over two months or close to 200 a day whether they respond or not-that is good enough

for me and tells me that the message is getting out, which is all I really care about.

I advise next time you want to question me/anyone about what I/they have said or documented/followed something for as

long as I have/they (in this case Phil Steele/NC), that you think twice rather than make a fool out of yourself as you clearly did in this



Nov 11, 2007
Winner tonight for NC's Marquee Play.

1 Unit
Side Play
[113] Central Florida Golden Knights vs.
[114] Tulsa Golden Hurricane

Friday November 8th, 2019 7:00 PM EST

[114] Tulsa Golden Hurricane

Nov 11, 2007
Early thoughts

Well College GOY/Deepest Card of the Weekend is here and is obviously a big and important day for NC if the wish to turn around the losing season.

Lest anyone says what I am going to say now I say AFTER the games are over, I am going to say it now.

Namely since it has been a truly outstanding couple of weeks in the stock market, on a very relatively TINY scale, I am going to play/"invest" in

ALL of their games today including the GOY according to their scaling whether I or other sources agree with the picks or not.

Either way unless they go the likes of 10-0, 9-1 or 0-10 or 1-9, this will amount to lunch money.

Thus, if they do well, I pick up some money I can use and if they lose, I won't miss it and of course I will have something to say tomorrow

re: how deep the card really was.

I DO NOT advocate anyone else doing this as this is my personal choice.

If you would rather fade these plays rather than play them or somewhere in betweenand/or for the most part just sit back and see how everything plays out, great-

I hope it works out for you.

I also should point out that if you don't care for this particular menu item of GOY/Deepest Card of the Weekend, at least as far

as NC goes, you have lots of other items to choose from to play such as the Marquees/ Opinions, Comps., PowerSweep Plays, PowerPlay Plays, Economy

Club Plays, Big Dog Plays, this Game of the Week, that Game of the Week, Phil Steele's Inside the PoopBox and other different sets of plays he offers.

For that matter like playing EVERY horse in a horserace, you can play everything and hope that all of these different kinds of picks win. lol

From my point of view I sure hope that today that the GOY wins and is in fact the "deepest card of the season."

Considering that last Saturday NC went 8-2 overall on Saturday, which will be tough to top, from my point of view anything less than

7-3(assuming that there are 10 plays or the same percentage if there are more or fewer plays) will not be interpreted as the "deepest

card of the season" but more along the lines of the "deepest pile of bullshit" tossed at us by Todd/NC.

Back in a bit.

ps Obviously all of this assumes we get the plays in a timely manner, which is not a given-I think we will though as a GOY from NC

alone does draw a lot of interest.

Nov 10, 2007
great job savage! this will be fun to watch. as for me i will enjoy no matter how it turns out.

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