The 2019 Phil Steele/Northcoast Picks, Record Documentation, Commentary and Discussion Thread


Nov 11, 2007
Ok here is the summary of the messages along with comps:

Ext. 9 Todd recaps last night and then announces that the(SCRIPTED Five Star College GOY will be going this Saturday for $100 for a non PS subscriber.

My interpretation consists of one of two or perhaps both possibilities:

1) They are trying to capitalize on last week's 8-2 day by SCRIPTING this big play, which historically speaking is coming a lot sooner than in other years.

2) In spite of the "Turn Back the Clock Special" last week, I really didn't generate all that much business, meaning that they are desperate and tossing out

a Hail Mary GOY to get people to sign up.

As was the case last month, I wonder if they will also put out a November GOY also late in the month hoping won't remember

that they put out a GOY earlier in the month.

Anyways that's about it other than the usual boring never changing pump we get without exception each and every Tuesday for The PowerPlay



Ext. 3 Well shockingly for the first time possibly in the history of NC there is actually a change for the Tuesday format and an addition. lol

We are told that beginning today that there will be an Early Bird College Totals release, which is along the same lines as the EB on Monday

when a side play is given out.

Also the usual Underdog Play of the Week will be moved from Tuesday to Wednesday.

I can't really criticize them for this as the college totals are about the only thing which has been winning with any consistency.

Thus from their perspective it makes sense with the hopes being that at least some folks will call comp.line on Tuesday to get

this play as well as of course to sign up/pay for something else.

We are also told that Full Executive Service, which cost $100 in last week's promotion will cost a non PS subscriber $349, a "mere" 349% increase

over last week-I have a hunch that this will not go over too well even with the SCRIPTED COLLEGE GOY going.

THE NEW EARLY COLLEGE BIRD TOTALS PLAY OF THE WEEK IS OVER SMU 70 1/2(is that supposed to be a bargain or something? lol).

ps I almost forgot to mention that unless I missed something/fell asleep, it appears that Todd is so caught up with everything else,

that he forgot to mention that there are two college games tonight and to pump at least one of them as a Marquee.

Could NC actually be passing this games?-yeah right!!

Nov 11, 2007
I just emailed this to Phil Steele, Todd(comp. line) and Debbie, who last I heard works in the office and is an enabler to this scam:

All I heard on ext. 3 today regarding your record keeping are: the pump for Full Executive Service were 28-9 for GOY record and 16-9, 27-10 and 8-2 for SELECT PORTIONS


These add up to 79 and 30 or 72.5%

Very impressive on the surface.

However for some "inexplicable" reason I didn't anything at all about such things as the NFL record for this season including 0-3 this weekend and

0-9 over the last three weekend or ZERO percent.

I heard only about the 8-2 record for colleges for last week.

Nowhere have you admitted this season that you have had three winning weeks and seven losing weeks.

Nowhere ever have you admitted that neither for this season nor the last three years that you are in the red as my documentation shows.

The fact is that despite your sleazy, deceptive record keeping which focuses ONLY on the good stuff in an attempt to try to

pull the wool over the eyes of your potential clientele, NC and especially the Late Phone Picks are a LOSING proposition.

In a perfect world sports services would be regulated and licensed by the government and the lies, spin, omissions and

overall deceptions in your record keeping which you excel in, would not be permitted under penalty of fines and possibly

even jail sentences if you failed to comply and/or would not already put out of business.

You folks have no conscience whatsoever, and are nothing more than self serving sleazy and lying/deceptive slime.

When you lose, which is often, you show absolutely no compassion or sympathy for those who lost and instead are driven and motivated

only to think up the next set of lies, deceptions and overall bullshit for the coming day or weekend.

I assure you that this email is going to be posted momentarily in my thread for anyone who is not familiar with your disgusting

modus operandi.

Mar 19, 2008
talking about the good stuff using

very carefully selected portions of its records over very carefully selected time frames is good marketing if it sells picks.

You finally get it. If it sells picks it is good marketing.

Mar 19, 2008
I just emailed this to Phil Steele, Todd(comp. line) and Debbie, who last I heard works in the office and is an enabler to this scam:

All I heard on ext. 3 today regarding your record keeping are: the pump for Full Executive Service were 28-9 for GOY record and 16-9, 27-10 and 8-2 for SELECT PORTIONS


These add up to 79 and 30 or 72.5%

Very impressive on the surface.

However for some "inexplicable" reason I didn't anything at all about such things as the NFL record for this season including 0-3 this weekend and

0-9 over the last three weekend or ZERO percent.

I heard only about the 8-2 record for colleges for last week.

Nowhere have you admitted this season that you have had three winning weeks and seven losing weeks.

Nowhere ever have you admitted that neither for this season nor the last three years that you are in the red as my documentation shows.

The fact is that despite your sleazy, deceptive record keeping which focuses ONLY on the good stuff in an attempt to try to

pull the wool over the eyes of your potential clientele, NC and especially the Late Phone Picks are a LOSING proposition.

In a perfect world sports services would be regulated and licensed by the government and the lies, spin, omissions and

overall deceptions in your record keeping which you excel in, would not be permitted under penalty of fines and possibly

even jail sentences if you failed to comply and/or would not already put out of business.

You folks have no conscience whatsoever, and are nothing more than self serving sleazy and lying/deceptive slime.

When you lose, which is often, you show absolutely no compassion or sympathy for those who lost and instead are driven and motivated

only to think up the next set of lies, deceptions and overall bullshit for the coming day or weekend.

I assure you that this email is going to be posted momentarily in my thread for anyone who is not familiar with your disgusting

modus operandi.

Good grief. I would be surprised if they didn't shut down the entire NC operation after receiving this. Did you ever pay your fine for running the red light in your rental car that they got on video?

Nov 11, 2007
Good grief. I would be surprised if they didn't shut down the entire NC operation after receiving this. Did you ever pay your fine for running the red light in your rental car that they got on video?

First of all I never did pay the fine, as I knew they would not bother with such relative trivia even though they threatened to put a lien on my house

if I didn't pay it. lol

The letters stopped coming after a while, and that was/is the end of it think, although I suppose if they wanted to, they could probably arrest me if

I happened to pass through that state(Texas) on a plane where I had to change planes-that is the one and only reason I would spend

any time in that rotten state again.

I actually wrote them a bunch of nasty letters when they continued to threaten me telling them that they should be spending a lot more time

worrying about sucj matters as drug and prostitute trafficking then worrying about if someone went through a red light a split second after it turned red and using an

imperfect red light to do so and try to nail someone.

As an aside, All I care to say is based on what I know about Texas based on my experience there and in general, is that you couldn't pay me enough to live there.

Re: Northcoast, well imo and as stated before, in a perfect world, based on how the business is run presently, they would be shut down along with lots of other

services unless they made dramatic changes in the way in which they operated.

Imo this kind of stuff needs to be cleaned up, and on a much higher level like the Stock Market where rampant corruption and "fixes" flourishes, for the advantage of

a select few.

Also and on a similar note, on occasion I still get phone calls form people pumping penny stocks I never heard of with all kinds of promises with

bullshit about "can't miss" great mining, oil, cures for cancer, etc stocks and a lot of other bullshit along with mailers with sometimes as many

as 10 pages of one way shit which makes it sound so easy to get filthy rich overnight(sound familiar Phil Steel?/NC?) lol

Unlike many years ago when I fell for some this bs and lost money, I now simply hang up immediately when I get a call like this or toss the newsletter right into

the trash.

I also remember a number of years ago saving what was then quite a few of these pumping newsletters with promises of riches beyond my belief

for stock which sold for $.50, $.30, $.20 or in some cases a few cents and then comparing the prices many months later.

Lets just say that in the overwhelming number of cases the stocks lost upwards of 90% of the price at which they were recommended or went out

of business altogether.

Imo what was going on was that these folks were selling their stock in these crappy companies at higher prices than the paid while at the same

time telling others to buy the stock.

Thus if there is any solace to NC, at the very least they can say at there are folks more deceptive than they are.

Nov 11, 2007
For those who have eyestrain from reading my other posts today, here is a short one for you:

Marquee W. Michigan - 6.5

Nov 11, 2007
Ok-here we go for today.

First of all let me say that NC's contention that Phil Steele no longer has any affiliation with NC other than owning it(ie he doesn't have any say

in the picks, advertising, etc.) is pure bullshit as exemplified today as evidence on ext. 3 as I will show in a minute.

ext. 9 We are told that the Marquee lost last night(how shocking) and then given a selective record that they are still 14-9 over the last

five weeks-obviously there are reasons that they don't want to use the ENTIRE season's record on these.

Not much else except the same promo yesterday for $100 for the GOY for a non PS SUBSCRIBER and the usual Wednesday Economy Club pump.


Ext. 9 Here is where the Phil Steele influence shows that it is alive and well.

We are told once again since NC started back 1982 that November is ALWAYS our best month.

Thankfully Todd didn't repeat the usual bullshit and lies which accompany it that the reason for this is that NC is a football and football only service and

doesn't have to worry about the other sport which get going in that month.

Also saying that they always win in November is a bold faced lie.

I don't have nor can I access the record keeping from CM, but I very distinctly recall documenting in at last of the two of the three

Novembers(if not all) after the month was over that the Late Phones LOST and possibly even did worse than in the months preceding it

(I am saying this part from memory).

Perhaps NC ought to supply documentation of their claims for the last five years by showing how well they did in November both in terms of

their other months and also in comparison to how other services did in November(I can dream can't I).

To be "fair" I am sure Steele/Todd?NC can find some kind of time frame leading up to and including last season where they can "prove"

that they do "always" win in November.

Selective/deceptive time frames and omissions do and have always defined Phil Steele/NC and a big reason why I run this thread and have done so and threads

like it for many years.

Oh yes and of course, the saying started by Phil Steele back when he founded NC that the coming week is the "deepest" card of the season is also

dragged out once again for the zillionth time.

I have documented this to be just another lie not only in the three years I documented their record at CM but also many, many times before at the other

forum I was at-in the majority of the seasons especially the ones of late, the "deepest card" of the season nonsense is sheer bullshit,nothing more than a come-on

and more times than not lost or essentially broke even.

Ok-one more important where the Phil Steele influence shows up and it lies with the deceptive and usual sleazy advertising for this week.

We are told that GOY costs $100, and $150 which will include the rest of the Saturday sides but not totals and some Marquees scattered in

to sweeten the pot.

So lets see what the Late Phones are REALLY going to cost if someone wants all of the plays.

Although they haven't announced the pricing yet, judging by past history, the Saturday totals can be added for $39, all of the Sunday NFL for another $75

and the Monday Night Play for $20 bringing grand total to of $284.

We were told yesterday that Full Executive Service, which includes all of the above, and some stuff also(everything NC puts out) will cost

$349, which is way too high and out of touch with reality in this day and age in comparison to whatever and much better and more consistent services


I will leave it up to you to decide whether a service which has buried people for three and half years should be charging the prices they do.

Again though, to conclude that Phil Steele as owner of NC and the one who started this deceptive kind of pricing, has no say in all of this, imo

is sheer nonsense, naivete and a lie on the part of NC.

One last matter before the comp:

If it could be proven, which it obviously cannot, I would make a big wager that the very early relatively release of the SCRIPTED GOY has a lot

to do with at least several factors and not in any particular order.

NC is trying to capitalize on last week's 8-2 day and get people to stay interested by having a GOY immediately afterward.

NC realizes that if they simply charged their normal pricing for the Late Phones for the weekend, which would be substantially higher than

the special $100 last week, people might be spoiled and want not to pay higher.

Thus Phil/NC realized that they needed some kind of enticement in the hopes that people would be willing to pay the higher price.

What better way than to SCRIPT nit a GOM in something but the actual one and only GOY!!!

The third distinct and related possibility is that they know damn well that folks who have played their NFL for the last three weeks and

have gone 0-9-1(try getting NC to admit that on the days when they are pumping the coming weekend), are not in a particularly

good mood at the moment for obvious reasons.

Thus NC needed to try to take the focus off of that and give these folks new hopes that they can get some of their money back with a GOY.

I think you get the picture of what I believe to be true here.


Nov 11, 2007
Sorry-I couldn't resist one addition to previous post.

Les play Devil's Advocate and assume that Todd/NC is telling the truth about "always winning" in November, which in reality as I documented in the three years

at CM is a complete lie and bullshit at least

Anyways lets see what it says abut NC if it was true.

Two things hit me right off the bat.

First of all the almost $19000 deficit in NC for the last three and a half years is documented and 100% true..

Thus in fact if NC does actually win in November and it is their best month, then by the HUGE overall deficit for the year, it means that the

other months much be pretty bad overall.

If you want to give NC the benefit of the doubt and interpret what they said is meaning that they simply do better in November and the "always

winning" should be taken in that context, it means that the still lose in November but simply lose less historically speaking than in the

other months.

To take this to its logical conclusion and for the benefit not only of NC but for its clients, perhaps they should be open for business ONLY in November

each season.

We all know that Phil Steele/NC has always bragged about being a "football and football only service" and the reason they do "so well."

Well along the same lines, perhaps they should refer to themselves as a "November and November only football service." and remain open for business

only in that month.

If NC felt that by so doing it would hurt their overall already present and meager revenues, then I say fine keep open to a point and sell

the plays in the other months but with a stern warning stated on comp. line and at website, that "THESE PLAYS ARE FOR MASOCHISTS ONLY." lol

Mar 19, 2008
Also saying that they always win in November is a bold faced lie.

Since you have been tracking them for the last 3 1/2 years, I assume you have all the numbers to back this up? Please let me know their exact numbers in November for the last 3 years.

Please answer in less than 3 sentences

Nov 11, 2007
Since you have been tracking them for the last 3 1/2 years, I assume you have all the numbers to back this up? Please let me know their exact numbers in November for the last 3 years.

Please answer in less than 3 sentences

Unfortunately as stated, the documented records if still in existence(which i doubt) are at CM and cannot be retrieved.

I don't lie though and remember very well writing what I did when their picks fizzled in at least two of those Novembers

and weren't anything special in lots of years prior to that.

Actually imo the shoe is on the other foot and it is up to THEMto back up their fucking bs claims with documentation rather than me!

Believe as you wish!

Mar 19, 2008
Savy, this is not a good look for you. You claim to have documented all their plays for the last 3 1/2 years and then call them a bold faced liar for claiming to win in November. Now you are saying that you don't have documentation to back up your bold faced claim? If you don't lie and remember what you did when "their picks fizzled" give me facts. You actually want NC to back up their documentation when the whole premise of this thread is to show how they lie, spin the truth, deception by omission, etc....I think the shoe is in your mouth

Nov 11, 2007
Savy, this is not a good look for you. You claim to have documented all their plays for the last 3 1/2 years and then call them a bold faced liar for claiming to win in November. Now you are saying that you don't have documentation to back up your bold faced claim? If you don't lie and remember what you did when "their picks fizzled" give me facts. You actually want NC to back up their documentation when the whole premise of this thread is to show how they lie, spin the truth, deception by omission, etc....I think the shoe is in your mouth

Sorry, my friend-I disagree with you 100%.

They are making the wild claims and I or anyone as a potential client has a right to dispute them.

Do you also think that the 19K plus deficit they incurred over the three years and as I posted very early in this thread bases on my documentation is made-up?

Do you think that the careful documentation I have done each and every week in this forum along with the cumulative recaps which show them in

the red are made-up?

Do you think all of the stuff they have left out in their record keeping all of the time about which I have commented upon a zillion times I made up?

Do you believe that NC never lies of never lies by omission and/or that even is they do, it is ok because they have a right/should say whatever is

necessary to sell their picks, about which from you sales/marketing point of view they are masters at?

Do you think I have been doing negative commentary for roughly seventeen years on the internet re: Phil Steele/NC because they are paragons

of virtue ad would NEVER try to pull the wool over the eyes of a potential client?

Even though the finally cut out the laughable bullshit about their always winning in November because the other services out there have to also

worry about the other sports starting in that month( meaning that that gives NC some kind of advantage and will allow to them to better in

an absolute manner even though they do only football), they are still bullshit artists of the highest order.

But of course in spite of all that and their losing documented records resulting in around a 18K over three and a half years, during the month of November,

none of that matters and they really did have outstanding Novembers-yeah right!!

As I said before from YOUR point of view they are great marketers and salesmen because they are so slick, deceptive and believable and have probably made from

some sales because they do what they do so "well."

Thankfully some of us can see through the smoke NC tries to blow up your ass on a regular basis, and I am proud to be one of the folks who

speaks out against/exposes this scam outfit!


Mar 19, 2008
Answer a question that I posed. This is a yes or no question

Do you have their November plays documented for the last 3 1/2 years as you claim?

1 word answer ONLY

Nov 11, 2007
Answer a question that I posed. This is a yes or no question

Do you have their November plays documented for the last 3 1/2 years as you claim?

1 word answer ONLY

I stand by what I say based on what I just said.

In any case the more relevant question is whether NC has the documentation their claims and/or as I HAVE documented just one more lie

out of the zillion I have documented over the years.

Sorry, you are not going to trick me into your one way slanted/marketer/salesman "might makes right" way of thinking.

ps Not that it matters, but from your reference to the red light incident at BC, I have a pretty good idea as to who you are

as I remember some of your commentary also, and no I don't have nor need the documentation in that instance to

arrive at my conclusions. lol

Please keep commenting though, as I get kind of bored telling the truth and exposing Phil Steele and NC every day with very few people

challenging me even though there have been almost 14 thousand hits in just over two months.

As you well know, I am sure, when you get to be older, one needs to keep the mind stimulated a lot as well as just relaxing at times in a

nice relaxing and comfortable CHAIR.

Sep 22, 2012
Savage sorry I have been watching this thread for a week and your LOooooooooooooooiooooong posts are toooooooooooooo much for me to follow. U have some great points but don’t have time to waste I. Ready novels. Less is more and u and butt cheddar can fight it out. Sorry I am out following this long BS!

Nov 11, 2007
Savage sorry I have been watching this thread for a week and your LOooooooooooooooiooooong posts are toooooooooooooo much for me to follow. U have some great points but don’t have time to waste I. Ready novels. Less is more and u and butt cheddar can fight it out. Sorry I am out following this long BS!

No problem Crown- I am sure lots of folks agree with you.

Feel free anytime to offer any commentary at any time about any other matter re: NC other than this one.

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