The 2019 Phil Steele/Northcoast Picks, Record Documentation, Commentary and Discussion Thread


Sep 22, 2012
good stuff savage. Appreciate the feedback. Have a great night and will talk soon as NC always gwas bed is a lot to discuss.

Hi Crown-welcome and glad to have you aboard!

Re: your question, my understanding from what NC says, Phil is only the owner of NC and has been hands off the picks and the operation for a while.

I find that hard to believe actually as for one thing(as I have said before, everything about the comp. line is the same as always-the promos,

everything being tied to PowerSweep, the deceptive record keeping, etc.

And lets face it we all know Phil is the one puts in the 100 hour plus work weeks which consist of everything under the same re: stats, trends, angles, etc.

and which form the basis of PS and PowerPlays each week as well as his private sets of picks.

I would assume that at the very least this stuff is also used as a strong basis for the Late Phones, Marquees.

I raised this question last year at the CM, where this thread was stationed last season.

At that forum there was a verified insider at NC, who either worked there at one time and/or who knew someone who did.

Unfortunately he hasn't come over to this thread yet(his posting name is Alcatraz), but in reference to the question, he stated that Phil

still had a lot of say in their picks even though there are other folks involved.

I remember Alcatraz distinctly stating once that Phil had the final say when it came to big plays, and would NEVER allow one to be released

unless he agreed with it.

That said, it is anyone's guess as to actually makes most of the calls over there and whether/how much Phil is involved presently.

As you can see, I am pretty involved with this(maybe too much lol), but I wouldn't too it if I didn't believe there is some interest.

Not to brag, but even though there haven't been too many responses to what I say, I think the record keeping is important as well

as my commentary, as evidenced by over 13000 hits in just over two months.

if you don't know already, the "Phil Steele/NC Crusade/Exposure" with me has been going on since the early 2000's(again maybe I shouldn't brag about that lol).

ps Again feel free to disagree with me and/or add your own commentary.

Also can I assume that you are not related to Rob Crowne(he spells his name a bit differently with an added letter)?

I aske because when he was around(a number of years back), he was not only an excellent capper but extremely intelligent and with some grea

tips on gambling.

Nov 11, 2007
For those of you who are curious, this is who NC had tonight with their Marquee Play:

Some plays may not be published yet. Check back daily for new action.

Today's Past Plays

  • 1 Unit Side Play
    [473] New England Patriots vs.
    [474] Baltimore Ravens
    Sunday November 3rd, 2019 8:20 PM EST
    [473] New England Patriots

Nov 11, 2007
Early Thoughts

All I can say is what a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde weekend for NC.

A really great 8-2 college Saturday followed by a 0-3 Sunday in the NFL(0-4 including the Marquee on the Patriots), bring the Sunday record to an

almost not believable 0-9-1 over the last three Sundays.

The good news is that no matter what happens in tonight's game, it will give them a badly needed winning week with

the Late Phones, which will make it a still lousy 3 out of ten winning weeks so far.

As I see it, the big problem for them is that in two of the winning weeks, the accomplished it only because of great Saturdays.

I think most people would rather see more small winning weeks with some kind of winning consistency than just a few relative few bigger

winning weeks just because they happened to have a good Saturday.

I say this because imo NC or for that matter most services are not going to draw much attention or many subscribers if they lose week

after week whether they lose large or small amounts of money for the simple reason that besides trying to win money, people's

emotions are important here.

In short, if one wins on a give day or week, he/she is happy no matter how much.

If they lose, they are not happy.

Thus the way I see it, losing week after week with a few very small big relatively winning days or week which is the case with NC, is not enough to make

people happy and keep/get them as subscribers.

In short, the constant losing with the Late Phones is what needs to change for NC for them to have any hope.

Needless to say, a day like yesterday after the great day on Saturday amount is akin to the proverbial letting the air out of the tires and is quite

deflating emotionally speaking.

Nov 11, 2007
The comp. message is out early this week and is about what I expected.

The EB Play is featured as usual on Monday and Todd tells us that it won and is 8-1 on the season as well as the linger term 64% record.

We are also given an accurate recap for yesterday as well for the weekend, with the implication being that in spite of the disaster yesterday,

NC still won on the weekend, which is the bottom line.

Two things here.

Yes it is true that they win for this week but no mention that they are still considerably behind for the season with the Late Phones.

Also I find it interesting but not surprising that although Todd tells honestly about the 0-3 day yesterday and the Marquee loser last night,

that's all he says.

Unlike the 8-1 with the EB Play record he boasts about, Todd does not make any reference to the fact that the NFL Late Phones not only went 0-3 yesterday,

but are 0-9-1 over the last three Sundays.

Yes I know that would be painful to do, but imo we are entitled to the ENTIRE story and not just the good stuff.

The rest of the comp. message consists of the usual/never changing pricing for the Monday Night Magic-$20 with no guarantee or $30 with $40

back in store credit if it loses-the Marquee cost $12.

And oh yes, it may be minor, but Todd tells us that the Magic Plays have gone 6-2 of late but does not tell us how the Monday Night Marquees have done

of late-for me that says that they can't find a way to spin an obviously losing record into a winning one-not shocking as this kind of one way reporting

has always defined Phil Steele/NC since their inception.


Sep 22, 2012
Savage this is incredible coming from a Football—-Football only service that they always call themselves. You think a service being football only would have a much better record than services that cover all sports. Thx again for the info.

Nov 11, 2007
Savage this is incredible coming from a Football—-Football only service that they always call themselves. You think a service being football only would have a much better record than services that cover all sports. Thx again for the info.

Crown-I agree with you on all counts,

Also it is a bit of misnomer to call themselves a football only service when the they pump the NC Community Cappers

24/7/365, cappers who do all sports and from whom NC gets a cut of the revenues when someone buys something from them.

And if you have followed them for any period of time, you will probably the hear very soon the bs started by Phil Steele when he did the comp. line

and continuing on that "November is always our strongest month, as we(NC) concern ourselves only with football whereas those other services

have to now also worry about basketball and hockey", blah, blah, blah.

Several things to note here:

I documented at CM and at another forum before I came here that in fact that they NC's record in November was nothing special and that they actually

had a losing record in some of those years.

Also and just as importantly, I wonder and have always wondered, if NC has never handicapped the other sports, how does that improve THEIR record

on its own merits in November???

If they want to say that on a RELATIVE basis it gives them an advantage over other services which have to now deal with other sports, then I guess

it makes a LITTLE sense.

However to say that NC excels in November simply because they don't handicap the other sports as stated above imo is just plain stupid, illogical and without

merit and proof as I have documented.

Mar 19, 2008
Quick Quiz Savage. You pick the better marketing strategy and explain which one is better. Try to LIMIT to 2 sentences, bet you can't. lol

1. A sports service advertises they went 8-2 on their college picks and the early bird is also on an 8-1 run. They omit telling you about the losing plays.


2. A restaurant advertises that their food is OK, and the food is overpriced and the service is slow. They omit telling you that they have the best steak and lobster in the state.

Remember, it is strictly a marketing question.

Nov 11, 2007
Quick Quiz Savage. You pick the better marketing strategy and explain which one is better. Try to LIMIT to 2 sentences, bet you can't. lol

1. A sports service advertises they went 8-2 on their college picks and the early bird is also on an 8-1 run. They omit telling you about the losing plays.


2. A restaurant advertises that their food is OK, and the food is overpriced and the service is slow. They omit telling you that they have the best steak and lobster in the state.

Remember, it is strictly a marketing question.

Cheddar-Lets just say that I refuse to look at things from the marketer's point of view as I represent the consumer's point of view only.

More importantly what you don't mention which imo you should is that one can lose a lot of money with a sports service

if he "invests" with them with the assumption that their records are 100% accurate and it turns out not to be true,

With a restaurant with good and honest advertising or bad/dishonest advertising or somewhere in between, the worst that will happen

will be that you will be out a few dollars if the meal is lousy, will be worth it if he goes and enjoys it and will be out nothing if he doesn't go at all.

In your case and mine, that is exactly why folks like Ralph Nader, Consumer Reports and I exist, namely to let folks know the ENTIRE

story and not only that which they choose to talk about.

In a nutshell and to sum up, imo for lots of reasons including the monetary aspect, a sports service and a restaurant are two different

animals and cannot be compared.

If you want to defend the point of view of a marketer, that is your right, but again from my point of view, it is irrelevant to

this NC thread and the reason I run it.

ps Sorry if the post is too long and/or I didn't answer your question directly enough for you, but what I said is what came to mind and what

I truly believe.

Nov 11, 2007
Quick Quiz Savage. You pick the better marketing strategy and explain which one is better. Try to LIMIT to 2 sentences, bet you can't. lol

1. A sports service advertises they went 8-2 on their college picks and the early bird is also on an 8-1 run. They omit telling you about the losing plays.


2. A restaurant advertises that their food is OK, and the food is overpriced and the service is slow. They omit telling you that they have the best steak and lobster in the state.

Remember, it is strictly a marketing question.

One other thing, Cheddar.

If you didn't care for my initial response and/or found it too long, let me simplify the matter with what I deem to be the two most relevant and pertinent

words in this matter, namely FULL DISCLOSURE!!

Nov 11, 2007
I wonder after the great Saturday followed by the dismal Sunday what will happen tonight with their two picks.

One part of me wants to go with them while another says don't but don't fade them either.

Maybe I will just flip a coin heads Dallas and tails New York and heads over and tails under.

If I had to pick game on my own, I would go with Dallas and under.

Unlike Phil Steele/NC I tell it as it is, I and am not a particularly good capper on my own, and that is probably being kind. lol

Hopefully we will get their picks from someone tonight in a timely manner.

Mar 19, 2008
One other thing, Cheddar.

If you didn't care for my initial response and/or found it too long, let me simplify the matter with what I deem to be the two most relevant and pertinent

words in this matter, namely FULL DISCLOSURE!!

Once again, you miss my entire point and that's fine. I know you have a agenda against NC and that's fine. Is your keyboard round? You do like to type in circles! lol I'll just read from now on as it truly makes me smile. Maybe I see the other way because I'm in sales

Nov 11, 2007
QUOTE=Cheddar;12984829]Once again, you miss my entire point and that's fine. I know you have a agenda against NC and that's fine. Is your keyboard round? You do like to type in circles! lol I'll just read from now on as it truly makes me smile. Maybe I see the other way because I'm in sales[/QUOTE]

The last sentence says it all and why you see the matter in a different way.

If you think I talk in circles, well obviously I don't agree.

For example I answered your original question in the manner I did because I didn't know of any other way to answer it.

If you want what you might deem to be a better answer, you ought to ask some marketers the same question.

I don't feel qualified to answer the question from a marketer's point of view as I have no training or experience in marketing.

Conversely I do have lots and lots of experience as a consumer, and that is why I feel I qualified only as one to express my views re: Northcoast and

Phil Steele.

I think it fair to say that following NC and Phil Steele and their ways allows me the right to express some opinions about them.

Also I have no agenda against NC as I bought one and only one 900 pick from them probably 15-20 years ago for $9.

Exposing with them with documentation to prove it in my book doesn't qualify as having an agenda by my way of thinking.

Lastly I have a question as to the hypothetical situation you posed in 448.

Would you consider it good marketing by whatever criterion you want to use if a used car salesman is trying to sell what he knows is a clunker overall

mechanically speaking, but rather than disclose that, instead focuses upon/advertises the fact that the car has new tires, a great stereo system, etc.

cleans and waxes it, and then feels no guilt by not giving anyone interested(and here are those dirty words again), FULL DISCLOSURE?

Mar 19, 2008
Your example is not marketing. A used car salesman is not "marketing" on the lot, he is selling and I really doubt they they try to sell a car without FULL DISCLOSURE. You do realize that they rely on repeat business and that would be bad right? You really lack common sense

Nov 11, 2007
Your example is not marketing. A used car salesman is not "marketing" on the lot, he is selling and I really doubt they they try to sell a car without FULL DISCLOSURE. You do realize that they rely on repeat business and that would be bad right? You really lack common sense

Bullshit-marketing and sales are all part of the same concept, namely to get someone to buy something.

Imo a salesman using the new tires as an attraction, and cleaning it up, and trying to give it a nice exterior look, etc. is not all that different than

what NC does in trying to highlight and talk about only the good stuff in order to get people to purchase.

And of course as we all know, those used car salesmen jokes we have all heard over the years are based on pure fantasy. lol

The fact that you apparently think that what NC does by not disclosing its full record, and talking about the good stuff using

very carefully selected portions of its records over very carefully selected time frames is good marketing if it sells picks.

If you want to believe that, then fine.

Being a potential consumer, I say is stinks and why I have and will continue to expose these con artists/liars(by omission).

ps I didn't say ALL used car salesmen and for that matter other salesmen use sleazy tactics like this, but some do, in the

same manner that there are sleazy, deceptive sports services and in this case of NC, actually clever folks in the marketing dept. do the same.

Talk about lacking common sense/being naïve!!

Out for dinner-back later.

If anyone sees the NC picks for tonight, feel free to post them.

Nov 11, 2007
This post is for everyone out there and especially those who might be new and are wondering why this thread is about Phil Steele and NC.

Here is some deductive reasoning and logic to consider:

1) Lots of people like to bet on sports for one of two reasons and maybe both:

a)to make money.

b) to get some kind of instant gratification when they win and/or to meet some other psychological/emotional need of their being.

2) Many people don't have the confidence to bet on their own and thus look for the advice who are good at it or at least claim to be good at

with sports services being the best example I can think of.

3) Sports Services therefore exist to meet this need with the goal being to make money from subscribers.

4) In order to achieve these ends, a sports service must either be successful in hitting a sufficiently high percentage of their picks over time

to make them profitable as well as letting people know this via good marketing.

5) If a sport service is not successful but still wants to remain profitable, then from THEIR point of view, they need effective/deceptive

marketing in order to convince people that they are in fact profitable even though in reality they are not.

6) Lots of services fail not only because their picks suck but because their marketing isn't very good or believable because

they lie and their lies would be believed only by a moron.

Examples of this would be 107-9 lifetime record, 20 billion star lock which has never lost, 66-2 system play and on and on and on.

Those types of services don't need to be exposed because well they expose themselves with the examples cited.

How do Phil Steele/NC fit into all of this?

Well the answer is quite simple.

Anyone who has followed them and/or just this thread realizes that their marketing isn't obvious to the untrained eye and is actually believable to many

because they don't lie by COMMISSION but rather by OMISSION and spin.

I mean the kind of selective short term records they cite about ONLY that which has WON but not LOST out of the zillion different types of picks they put out

including newsletters, sounds very plausible to many.

If NC wanted to sell just those picks which have been winning of late and which they brag about and not the stuff which has been losing, then fine.

However that is not the case.

In a given week such things as the totals are sold piecemeal if that is all someone wants based on their good record.

However each week NC also sells the Late Phones as a package deal which includes lots of stuff which has not

won, and which in fact has resulted in the documented deficit not only this year but in at least the last three years when I began documenting their


Thus from a MARKETING/SALES point of view, if they sell the picks(this is in theory only), then I guess one can say that they are successful.

From the consumer point of view however, the point is that NC is misrepresenting themselves, and that people need to be made aware

of their lies and deceptive tactics before they pay them for their pick, and then worse bet on these games under the false overall illusion

that they have been winning when clearly they have not.

In conclusions and using the lyrics from the old Carly Simon song, "Nobody does it better," from a marketing point of view only, those lyrics certainly do apply

to Phil Steele/NC over the long haul but a less now since lots of folks have caught on to their shenanigans

However from the consumer point, it is exactly the opposite and why "the other side of the story" needs to be told repeatedly and especially to younger and/or

new gamblers.

I hope the above makes some sense.

Nov 11, 2007
If there was truth in advertising, to be politically correct, this would be posted on home page of both the Phil Steele and NC websites as symbolic as to what

defines both of them.

Nov 11, 2007
Just curious-does anyone know know who NC had last night for the star rated Monday Night Magic Play and the Marquee?

The SM still shows nothing for them.

I need to know because frankly I couldn't sleep last night because of the uncertainty of this matter(jk).

Actually I need to know as today is Tuesdaym which is recap day, and I can't post it without knowing how they dd on star rated play.

If no one knows, well I will just have to wait for comp. message to get it.

Thanks in advance to anyone who has knowledge of this priceless information. lol

Nov 11, 2007
Early Commentary.

I just checked again at The Sports Monitor and the picks have still not posted for last night.

What I did discover though and did not realize until now that the Marquee records are broken down separately for college and pros as opposed to one

record for all.

I mention this to show why imo Todd/NC is blowing smoke up your ass most of the time with their recaps of these.

Most of the time Todd talks about only the College Marquees as they have done better than the Pro marquees.

The overall record for the College Marquees is an ok but not spectacular 28-24-1.

On the other hand pending last night's results, the Pro Marquees have gone 11-14-1.

Eve though I don't recap the records as does SM for reasons stated previously, a quick show of math shows that they

a losing 39-38-2 when the juice I factored in.

This season the college Marquees had one very nice SHORT TERM streak whereas the pros have not.

It goes without saying that when these plays were hot, Todd/NC tried to milk it to the max.

When they have been cold, as is/has been the case with the Late Phones, The "Sounds of Silence" returns.

This is just one more example of why I believe my cartoon as posted in #457 is what defines Phil Steele/NC.

In short, their philosophy is and has always been "Just say anything about the record to get people to buy the picks, but do not disclose anything

which might call into question as to how NC is really doing overall.'

As I see it, the whole and most important point from the consumer point of view out of all this is that they are not buying a tangible product here,

which in most cases they can return if it is defective and/or doesn't live up to billing.

Rather they are purchasing picks and information for a fee which will hopefully allow them to win money by gambling/wagering

money, the amount of which gambled can sometimes be considerable.

Therefore in order to decide whether they want to purchase the picks of NC or any other service, people should be given ALL of the information

needed to make that decision and NOT just the selective good stuff about their record along with sleazy and deceptive

advertising replete with half truths and omissions.

Again I do what I do because NC "excels" in above and imo is/can be very convincing to those who are unfamiliar with the Phil

Steele/NC modus operandi;thus the real and ENTIRE truth needs to be told.

Nov 11, 2007
Ok-here we go-lots and lots to talk about.

In this post I will do as i always do on Tuesday, recap the week and also recap the cumulative record for the year.

In the next post to follow shortly I will recap tthe comp. messages for today as well as give out the comps.

First of all NC LOST with its Magic Play last night, as the play was on the UNDER.

They also LOST with the Marquee Play on the Giants.

As usual we get the usual bullshit that the loss on the Star Rated play is "'rare" but are not told the record of the Monday Night Marquee Play for obvious reasons.

Recaps for Week Ten:

College sides and totals 8-2 with 21.4 units GAINED.

Pros 0-4 with 12.65 units LOST.

Overall for the week 8.75 units were GAINED or $875 at $100 a unit.

The cheapest cost of service for a non PS subscriber of the several mentioned to get all of the Late Phone Plays

was $100.

Thus factoring the cost, it is seen that 7.75 units were GAINED or $775 at $100 a unit.


College 54-45-1 with 9.7 units WON.

Pro 15-21-1 with 24.7 units LOST.

Overall 15 units have been LOST or MINUS $1,500 at $100 a unit.

The total cost of service so far is 21.48 units or $2,148.

Thus adding in the cost, it is seen that so far the non PS subscriber is MINUS 36.48 units or MINUS $3,648 at $100 a unit.

Overall including last week over the last three and a half years, anyone who has played the Late Phones

according to scale and factoring in the cost of service, is now DOWN A DOCUMENTED AND VERIFIED WHOPPING


Try getting Todd, Phil Steele or NC to admit that. lol


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