Would it suprise you if they did? This type of organization has fooled its supporters into thinking they actually give a crap about civil liberties. They may actually take a case they don't really believe in but the ACLU's main purpose is the destruction of the U.S.
"but the ACLU's main purpose is the destruction of the U.S."........
It's about giving people their freedom and letting them make adult decisions about who they choose to build a relationship with, what choice of religion they choose...or none......the list of choices goes on and on.....
There are hundreds or magazines and movies out there, it's up to you to choose which ones fit your personal taste and it's them you need to buy. Same goes for food, clothing, housing, religion, drinking, smoking, gambling, guns.......it's all about supply and demand.....and individuals dictate to society what they want through what they buy or what activities they engage in. Collectively those individuals through their daily choices determine the path this country goes down.....ONE PERSON, ONE VOTE. It's called a democracy.
If the country goes to shit there will be about 300-some million people voting at sometime during their lives through their behavior choices.......to be rather honest about it the bigger fear of our destruction is the path our government is taking and it's brutal record with fiscal irresponsibility, corruption and plain old greed. Our leaders will sell out and trash this country long before two gays/lesbians or some gun-toting, porn watching guy has his feeble stab at knocking the earth off it's orbit.