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RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
I have Gyno making 2 mistakes in the TK forum, corrected both times.

I have made a few mistakes, several others have made honest mistakes. I see this as no reason to ban GYNO from the tracker forum.

Furthermore, this is where some of you wanted him to go. So he could be held 'accountable'.
But now, this is something being attacked. I don't get it.

I can attest that everything he has posted in the TK forum is 100% correct. Albiet some simple errors. Once he tried to drag winning plays over to the total that were not originnaly posted there (in the TK forum), and which he was told not to do that and they will not count. One other time he had a loss for 1 unit, when it should of been 2 which he quickly apologized for.

I do not understand this attack on Gyno, can you let it go already? I do not get the relevance of it.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
I think you're forgetting the time where he played the Denver Nuggets big, then ADDED more units to the play...and when the play lost, he completely omitted the play from his record.

Are you going to go on the record as stating that you 100% believe that it was an accident that he forgot to count those plays in his record?

And are you also going to go on the record right now as stating that you 100% believe that all of his mistakes were just that, mistakes? That you don't suspect one bit that he might have been trying to deceive you, and in the bigger picture, the RX as a whole?

Please state if that is, in fact, what you are going on record as saying right now.

And also, if you only recall two instances of this occuring, then you apparently don't pay attention to our conversations online or take them as seriously as I thought you did. If you did, you'd remember more than two occurences of these "mistakes."
Sep 21, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
I think you're forgetting the time where he played the Denver Nuggets big, then ADDED more units to the play

Isn't there only a 5 minute "post edit" window?

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Skinsraj, give it a rest. No one has to go on record about anything. We watch Gyno as well as we can. When posters report errors by anyone in the Tracker Forum all of the mods are quick to take action. If that is not good enough for you there is not much more we can do about it.


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
TTinCO said:
Isn't there only a 5 minute "post edit" window?

Yes...? That's my point, he made two SEPARATE posts on the same play. How does one completely miss not one, but TWO plays in his tracker forum thread?

He must've been REALLY high that day...since that's his excuse for the "mistakes."

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Merged all of the Gyno bitching posts into one thread here in the Rubber Room.


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
wilheim said:
Skinsraj, give it a rest. No one has to go on record about anything. We watch Gyno as well as we can. When posters report errors by anyone in the Tracker Forum all of the mods are quick to take action. If that is not good enough for you there is not much more we can do about it.


No one has to go on record about anything? Are moderators not accountable for their actions? I would think that they'd be the only ones here who ARE, because they are employed by this site.

And I disagree that there isn't much more you can do about it. When a poster omits or miscalculates his losses in the tracker forum no less than four times, I would think that more serious action would be taken than, "please do a better job on your math," or, "hey, you missed these two posts where you dropped six units."

Sorry for having an interest in the integrity of the tracker forum...sad day when the posters care more than the moderators.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Sorry for having an interest in the integrity of the tracker forum...sad day when the posters care more than the moderators

More like an agenda against another poster. He made a mistake get over it.


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Are you fucking kidding me Wil? This thread gets moved to the RR?

That is absolutely outrageous. Good solution: instead of dealing with a serious problem, you just dismiss it as bashing and send it to the RR.

Please point out any bashing I have done, and also please provide me with examples of where I posted anything BUT facts.


wilheim said:
More like an agenda against another poster. He made a mistake get over it.

Edit: he didn't make a mistake. He made no less than four of them. All losses that were either omitted or miscalculated. If you can't draw a logical conclusion from that information, you're more naive than I am. But that's fine, if you want to use my "agenda" as a cop out, so be it. What a shame. I haven't posted one word of flaming in this or any other thread regarding gyno. What a fucking cop out.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
First of all the thread was already in the Rubber Room. You decided to bring a link back to the Offshore Forum.

Looks to me like you have become the latest attention whore here at The Rx. with threads like these posted Offshore in the last few days:

I'm About to Punish the Work Toilet...Again

Anyone Ever (masturbate in public).

Anyone here have AIDS?

Useless shit if I have ever seen it.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
hahahaha you're really going to try to change the subject to avoid having to deal with an issue? That makes me laugh. But I'll play your game.

In regards to the threads you mentioned above: it's actually half-part a running joke between myself and some other posters to see if the moderators are actually doing their jobs during the day...half me being bored and entertaining myself.

But, that obviously has nothing to do with the issue at hand. You still haven't answered my question: is it your belief that when a poster omits losses from his record and miscalculates his losses no less than four times in the tracker forum, that they are 100% accidental? You don't suspect any foul play whatsoever? Is that you what truly believe?

Oh, and while you're at it, what do my other threads have anything to do with this poster "accidentally screwing up" his tracker forum record? I'm confused, so if you could please clarify, I'd appreciate it.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
My point is you have tunred into a whinny attention whore lately.

I also know whats coming next.

"I'm going over to EOG and cry about wilheim being mean to me". blah blah blah...

Regarding your question I will repost Robfunk's answer regarding gyno's posting in the tracker forum.

have Gyno making 2 mistakes in the TK forum, corrected both times.

I have made a few mistakes, several others have made honest mistakes. I see this as no reason to ban GYNO from the tracker forum.

Furthermore, this is where some of you wanted him to go. So he could be held 'accountable'.
But now, this is something being attacked. I don't get it.

I can attest that everything he has posted in the TK forum is 100% correct. Albiet some simple errors. Once he tried to drag winning plays over to the total that were not originnaly posted there (in the TK forum), and which he was told not to do that and they will not count. One other time he had a loss for 1 unit, when it should of been 2 which he quickly apologized for.

I suppose you would love to see me over rule one of my moderators so you could bitch some more about how lousy a job we do around here.

Sorry but I won't do that. You and Budworth both appear to have a vendetta against Gyno and at least in Budworth's case the Rx. itself. This is just beating a dead horse. The guy fucked up whether it was on purpose or not only he knows. I am not going to over rule another moderator or ban a poster because you want me to.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
I don't know what would make you think I'd go over to EOG to bitch about your've already made enough of an ass out of yourself in this thread for that not to be necessary, not that I'd go over there to post that anyway. I have a bit more class than that, believe it or not.

As for overruling one of your moderators, I never suggested that, nor did I ever request that Gyno be banned. Again, jumping to conclusions and making assumptions without doing your HW. I've NEVER called for his banning, nor have I ever bashed him incessantly. I've posted facts about what happened in the Tracker Forum, that's all. I don't have a vendetta against Gyno, as much as you'd like to think I do. That'd make it much more covenient to just write this whole issue off, right? Well, unfortunately for you, that's not the case. But FORTUNATELY enough for you, you're able to just move my thread to the RR so you can minimize exposure. Guess that's a privilege that comes with being a moderator.

And as for RobFunk's post, that's just a joke, and he knows it. Either that or he has quite possibly the worst memory of anyone on the planet. I definitely expected more from him, though. He's a good guy...but apparently not a stand-up guy. I won't bash him, though. I'd rather not get him in trouble, since he's been a nice guy since I've known him. This is just surprising. Oh well.

And you STILL haven't answered my let me pose it to you again:

Hypothetically speaking, if a poster who has a thread in the tracker forum omits losses from his record twice, and twice miscalculates losses, but has never omitted a win or miscalculated a win, is it your belief that there is no reason whatsoever to suspect foul play? Is it your belief that the occurences were simply mistakes, and the fact that they only occured on losses is merely coincidental?

A simple yes or no will do. Thanks.

Oh, and what Budworth does on his own time is his business. We act independently. If he has a vendetta with Gyno, that's issue. I do not.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
WTF is this shit?

"In regards to the threads you mentioned above: it's actually half-part a running joke between myself and some other posters to see if the moderators are actually doing their jobs during the day...half me being bored and entertaining myself".

I can see you giggling like a little kid.. Did you see that the thread stood for 20 whole minutes...Next time your bored spare us your juvenile crap.

And as for RobFunk's post, that's just a joke, and he knows it.

Excuse me if I take him for his word.

This whole thing is bullshit by you and a lot to do about nothing.

As far as your question goes.

Hypothetically speaking, if a poster who has a thread in the tracker forum omits losses from his record twice, and twice miscalculates losses, but has never omitted a win or miscalculated a win, is it your belief that there is no reason whatsoever to suspect foul play?

Hypotehtically speaking I would do what Rob did and give the poster the benefit of the doubt.

I have better things do with the rest of my night.


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
wilheim said:
I can see you giggling like a little kid.. Did you see that the thread stood for 20 whole minutes...Next time your bored spare us your juvenile crap.

Actually, if I posted one of those threads at 2:48 PM, and the last post that was made in it in the OFFSHORE forum was 7:46 PM...I think that's more than 20 minutes. But my math isn't very good, maybe you can help me out with that one?

As for taking RobFunk's word for it, that's fine, I can understand that. And thanks for replying to the hypothetical, I appreciate it. If anything, I now feel less inclined to be anal about my tracker forum record, seems we get a little leeway. Good stuff.

And good work on the damage control, being on top of this shit and moving the thread to the RR in a timely fashion. I guess I should've posted earlier in the afternoon. Lesson learned.

Rx Senior
Dec 10, 2002
You know they doing this 2 you becuase you are black...

Fight the power brother!

New member
Jul 20, 2002

Actually, if I posted one of those threads at 2:48 PM, and the last post that was made in it in the OFFSHORE forum was 7:46 PM...I think that's more than 20 minutes. But my math isn't very good, maybe you can help me out with that one?

That must have been good for a lot of giggles on the IM circuit. I can hear it now..

"It's still there 4 hours later can you believe it, what morons"...:missingte

Today was my day off but I had to come online after dinner for some babysitting duties... Nothing new...
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