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New member
Oct 21, 2004
Wil, as head moderator i gotta say you really haven't read any of these posts thru any of skins' posts earlier in this thread and you'd see he did no bashing, flaming, or self-promoting.
Don't know where you got "whiny attention whore." Can't believe a moderator would go on record to call another poster that---especially when the mod is dead wrong.
You going to call iceman a whiny attention whore too? Or Choptalk since he's made alot of threads lately?
Guys can't make stupid, funny threads on this board anymore? Let's be serious out here.

I haven't been posting as much on the rx lately cause of work, so when i heard about these threads i thought i'd check this out tonight...and i'm pretty surprised at how you've handled this, to be honest.

Still shocked that you'd call Skins an attention whore...the guy has been one of the best cappers for almost a year now, doing great in NBA, now in baseball doing well, up in football...and i find myself searching on the 2nd page of the forums looking for his plays, and bumping them just so he can get more respect and credit (which he hates that I do this, because he really doesn't care). But i care,cause people should get their credit.
If anything, his integrity is a model for how you all should do your jobs. Least he took the time to read the posts carefully. Did you? No. Unfortunate...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
TTinCO said:
Skins, settle the fuck down & grow up.

Not amused :finger:

This is a very mature, rational response to the issues being raised.
Sep 21, 2004
Sorry, between this tirade & dealing with the lying touts-this day can end any time day.

Viva Las Vegas (4pm tomorrow)

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
TTinCO said:
Skins, settle the fuck down & grow up.

Not amused :finger:

Not amused? I'll tell you what I'm not amused by: the fact that posters(well, a select few) seem to care more about the integrity of the tracker forum and this site as a whole than the moderators do. I'm also not amused by the fact that a moderator would decide to comment about this issue without fully doing his homework. Also not amusing: trying to use my "useless shit threads" as a way of attacking my credibility and not having to address the actual issue itself. And for a HEAD moderator, that's absolutely unacceptable. Do I make retarded, immature threads and posts sometimes to get a laugh? Absolutely. But am I an immature person? I don't think so, and I think that my serious posts reflect that. On the flip side, head moderator Wil acted with unabashed defensiveness and immaturity in his posts. I'm hardly ever one to criticize people, especially elders whom I respect(one of the few youngsters on this site who continues to treat the veterans with respect instead of these newbies who come here and act like they own the place), but Wil's handling of my thread was absolutely outrageous and unacceptable.

To defend your moderator's actions(or lack thereof) is one thing; to completely disregard a poster's concerns about the site because of a vendetta that doesn't exist, and to then attack him via bringing up threads that have nothing to do with the issue at hand, is unjustifiable.

Do I disagree with the actions taken by RobFunk, Wil, and the rest of the moderators in regard to Gyno's tracker forum thread? Yes. All I wanted was an explanation, because to me, it's naive to think that there isn't any foul play involved when someone screws up their tracker forum thread in their favor 4+ times, and not once against. Instead of an explanation and subsequent discussion about it, I got attacked by a moderator who was clearly trying to bully his way out of dealing with an issue of which he refused to look into the details. Instead of a professional, appropriate addressing of this issue, Wil took the word of his moderator without questioning or discussion, and completely disregarded the issue, followed by slandering a poster in an attempt to kill the credibility of his claim.

I expected more out of the RX moderating team. I guess this is what you get for having an interest in the integrity of something you don't actually have a stake in. But I'd expect you people to, since the RX writes your paychecks. Caring about the tracker forum's integrity is the least you can do. But apparently that's too much to ask. Maybe you guys should ask for a raise or something.

Sorry if you weren't amused by my dialogue with Wil. Maybe you should do your HW before you come at me with that bullshit, though. You'll find that I have a valid claim...and if you don't, we can respectfully agree to disagree. But there's a right way to handle things and a wrong way. None of my posts were derogatory. I wish I could say the same for the RX moderating team's posts.

Of course, Wil covered his ass by throwing this discussion in the RR before most could get an idea of what had taken place. But thankfully there are still a few posters who do know what transpired. Unfortunately, Wil and Co. will never let that truth see the light of day, because we just have a vendetta and are bashing, right? Right.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
skin my brother i remember that incident real well

All i am gonna say is let it go. If this is the only thing in life that is bothering you, you have a good life. There is an honor system in that room which most abide to,

Life is too short to worry about other people's play's

I just cracked opened another Heineken light, I am done with this


if i wake up tomorrow morning i will thank god for another day for me and my loved ones


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Kidslick - this issue is dead. Wil and the other mods made sure of that. Seems that they're more concerned with covering their asses and doing as little work as possible than actually taking the time to deal with an issue.

Journeyman - It's funny, I was thinking about IMing you just to get your take on things, even though at this point it doesn't matter...but after reading this, I'm glad I didn't waste my time. Of course you'll write off any claim as me and Bud having a vendetta, but have you actually taken the time to look at the facts? No, you haven't. Like Wil, you've decided to simply ignore everything and chalk it up to some bad blood. That's quality moderating right there.

I'm actually a little surprised, considering that you were actually one of the mods that had to go into the tracker forum thread in question and "politely request" that gyno do a better job tracking his record. The fact that you actually SAW the two separate posts for the same play(adding units in the 2nd post), saw him omit not one but BOTH of the posts entirely in his record, but then not only didn't suspect him of foul play but also deleted the "requests" that you had posted immediately afterwards...that's shocking. I didn't realize the entire moderating staff was so naive. Actually, I don't think it's naitivity so much as it is you all not wanting to deal with an issue in the tracker forum because quite simply, none of you really care. That's probably one of the least viewed forums on the site, so I guess I can't blame you. Oh wait, yes I can...because it's your JOB to care. You get PAID to care.

But that's fine. I just wish I had known the tracker forum was a joke BEFORE I started posting plays in there. I could really take the low road right now and make some comments regarding a tracker forum problem in the past, but as I've done throughout this thread, I'll take the high road.

Go ahead and write off this issue because apparently I have a vendetta against gyno. Next time I'll try to post these claims with a little more malice and a little less maturity, so at least your opinion will be justified instead of making it obvious that you haven't read a word of my posts with the exception of my dialogue with Wil. Sorry about that, I'll try to more blatantly flame next time.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Kidslick - this issue is dead. Wil and the other mods made sure of that. Seems that they're more concerned with covering their asses and doing as little work as possible than actually taking the time to deal with an issue.

There never was an issue. Robfunk addressed the two instances of incorrect records posted by Gyno at the time. Obviously not good enough for you.

Like Wil, you've decided to simply ignore everything and chalk it up to some bad blood. That's quality moderating right there.

There is bad blood between both yourself and Budworth with Gyno. I suppose we are supposed to sit back and let you run all over this guy.

That's probably one of the least viewed forums on the site, so I guess I can't blame you. Oh wait, yes I can...because it's your JOB to care. You get PAID to care.

Being least viewed has nothing to do with it. The original concept was for players to keep their own records with a moderator working to post them into standings. In both instances Gyno made an error the corrections were made quickly to rectify the errors.

But that's fine. I just wish I had known the tracker forum was a joke BEFORE I started posting plays in there. I could really take the low road right now and make some comments regarding a tracker forum problem in the past, but as I've done throughout this thread, I'll take the high road.

If the Tracker Forum is a Joke then PLEASE refrain from posting there in the future. The Rx. does not appreciate disgruntled posters participating in services like the Tracker Forum if they feel they are a Joke. The Forum was created for posters who take it serious.

Go ahead and write off this issue because apparently I have a vendetta against gyno. Next time I'll try to post these claims with a little more malice and a little less maturity, so at least your opinion will be justified instead of making it obvious that you haven't read a word of my posts with the exception of my dialogue with Wil. Sorry about that, I'll try to more blatantly flame next time.<!-- / message -->

Any blatant flaming by you will result in your user name being banned. Let this be your first and only warning.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
WilHitler means bidness.
how come he has only one warning about flaming when TONS of other people go ahead and flame repeatedly.
this is getting a bit out of hand, skins's is trying to help preserve some integrity in the tracker forum, and it seems his efforts are falling on deaf ears.
in my opinion, this does nothing but encourage cheating and fraud on the tracker forum and all forums in general.

But i guess this is part of an overall trend. Fraud shops like BOS get a free pass from the rx. In the scheme of things, what is a poster cheating on his record compared to BOS stealing money from customers?

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
wilheim said:
There never was an issue. Robfunk addressed the two instances of incorrect records posted by Gyno at the time. Obviously not good enough for you.

You're right, it's not good enough for me, because RobFunk KNOWS it was more than twice. And he should also know that I could completely throw him under the bus right now, but I'm not going to because he's a nice guy. But it was absolutely more than twice. Oh well, selective memory sucks, I guess.

There is bad blood between both yourself and Budworth with Gyno. I suppose we are supposed to sit back and let you run all over this guy.

I didn't run all over him. Did you even bother to read any post I made in this thread? Not once did I bash him. You'd think a moderator, let alone the HEAD moderator, would do his due dilligence. Guess that's a little too much to ask. Get your shit together.

Being least viewed has nothing to do with it. The original concept was for players to keep their own records with a moderator working to post them into standings. In both instances Gyno made an error the corrections were made quickly to rectify the errors.

In the four or five instances, Gyno corrected his record only after being told to do so. What's the point of the tracker forum if there's no accountability/accuracy? Why even moderate it? And the mods like Fishead certainly shouldn't post updates in the Offshore if it's not going to be treated like a regular forum.

The Forum was created for posters who take it serious.

Oh...well, that'd explain why you guys let a poster continually "accidentally" miscalculate his losses and even omit some. I was under the impression that taking it seriously meant actually updating your record accurately and not attempting to cheat. My mistake. I'll make sure to do that from now on.

Any blatant flaming by you will result in your user name being banned. Let this be your first and only warning.


That's funny. A head moderator shouldn't get hot under the collar so quickly when someone questions his judgment and that of his team. You're being employed by the RX to act as the Head Moderator. Start acting like it instead of an immature, defensive poster who doesn't like it when people disagree with him.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
I didn't run all over him. Did you even bother to read any post I made in this thread? Not once did I bash him. You'd think a moderator, let alone the HEAD moderator, would do his due dilligence. Guess that's a little too much to ask. Get your shit together.

I am doing my job and did read the thread. I also didn't say you were bashing him, you accuse another poster of making blatant attempts to decieve The Rx without any real evidence other than what you think he is trying to do. Questioning whether he really bets, outright accusing Gyne of cheating because his record doesn't include plays made before he used the Tracker Forum. Both you and Budworth say you caught him cheating multiple times but there is no evidence of that. That is what I meant by running all over him.

From Gyne NBA Tracker Forum thread.

Gyne made a halftime play and Robfunk immediately told him it would not count.

Gyne made one bet .26 units over the 5 unit max and was corrected immediately by Journeyman. Then Gyno made a 1 unit error and that was corrected by RobFunk after he discovered the error.

"Gyne, please try and be more accurate with your record keeping. Given whats happened in the past, I need you to try and be as careful as possible.

A 2 unit loss should have brought you to +19.80 not +20.90

It's appreciated. Rob".

Gyne responded:

"Oh shit your right. I am sorry I will correct this.
Damn I hate doing this than people think I am
doing it on purpose."

So where is all of this cheating you talk about? For the record posters can only edit posts for no longer than 5 minutes after the time of the actual posts. You claim he messed up his Tracker Forum record 5 times, sorry if I don't see that.

In the four or five instances, Gyno corrected his record only after being told to do so. What's the point of the tracker forum if there's no accountability/accuracy? Why even moderate it? And the mods like Fishead certainly shouldn't post updates in the Offshore if it's not going to be treated like a regular forum.

I have no idea what instances you are talking about, I only see the two corrections in the Tracker Forum that were already mentioned. Who told him to make these corrections in the Tracker Forum and where?
<!-- / message -->

That's funny. A head moderator shouldn't get hot under the collar so quickly when someone questions his judgment and that of his team. You're being employed by the RX to act as the Head Moderator. Start acting like it instead of an immature, defensive poster who doesn't like it when people disagree with him.<!-- / message -->

Thats good, I'm immature but you threaten to blatanly flame other posters in the future. I'm far from hot under the collar but quite frankly I have other concerns beside dealing with your accusations about how bad the Rx. moderator team is. First the NBA Forum is a "litterbox" and now the Tracker Forum is a joke. Like I said to begin with in the "litterbox" thread if you feel that way then don't visit those forums.

Dawoofdaddy, what took you so long to join in?


Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Alot to read here Wilheim.

I didnt want to respond here without first reading everything.

Interesting concept, eh?

Raj posted well enough.....not much needs to be added.

Need to be sure not to flame anyone....even if in RR, since you are throwing the usual threat of banning posters.

Id rather not cross that line today.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
I figured a smart guy like you could read faster than that, you must have to move your lips like that when you read..

Go figure.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
wilheim said:
Questioning whether he really bets, outright accusing Gyne of cheating because his record doesn't include plays made before he used the Tracker Forum. Both you and Budworth say you caught him cheating multiple times but there is no evidence of that. That is what I meant by running all over him.

For not including the plays before the tracker forum, I did not accuse Gyno of cheating. I merely stated that his record was misleading to posters.

As for the other instances, the main one that screamed of foul play was the Denver Nuggets play on 4/24. As you can see, he posted two units on the Nuggest +154 and another 3 on them +3.5. He then made another post about 18 hours later adding another unit to the Nuggest +3.5.

Now the foul play comes in when, the next time he updated his record, Gyno omitted some of those plays. His record did not reflect all of those Nuggets plays. He essentially an entire post of plays. Now, the posts in his tracker forum are a little confusing because after this was pointed out by Budworth and myself, Journeyman and/or RobFunk posted in it to tell him to get all of his shit together. Of course, after Gyno was allowed to correct his "mistakes," the moderators' comments were removed from his thread. Journeyman and/or RobFunk(can't remember which one intervened in this particular mistake) can attest to this. I really hope it was Journeyman though, because apparently RobFunk's memory isn't as good as I thought it was.

So the evidence IS there. The moderators conveniently deleted their posts, but they should be able to attest to what happened if you ask them...unless their memory fails them again.

Since RobFunk's memory has conveniently failed him and thus affected my credibility in this affair, I feel like I can no longer refrain from commenting about his role in this situation. Every problem in Gyno's tracker forum thread was reported by either myself or Budworth. Not once did RobFunk find an error in his threads. If Budworth or I not reported these violations, they would have gone undetected. I hate to say that he didn't do his job, because I think he's a good moderator...but he dropped the ball. He should remember no less than four IMs from me reporting Gyno's violations...but since he has conveniently forgotten our conversations, I can no longer sit here and say nothing. He didn't do his job, which essentially forced Budworth and I to do his job for him. I am 100% confident in saying that if we hadn't pointed out these mistakes, they never would have been caught.

Sorry Funk, I think you're a generally good guy, but you left me no choice after your betrayal/bad memory. I expected more from you above all else. Especially since when we had conversations via IM, you essentially agreed with me that Gyno was trying to deceive you. Apparently you forgot that as well. I only wish I had saved the conversations so I could refresh your memory.

Thats good, I'm immature but you threaten to blatanly flame other posters in the future. I'm far from hot under the collar but quite frankly I have other concerns beside dealing with your accusations about how bad the Rx. moderator team is. First the NBA Forum is a "litterbox" and now the Tracker Forum is a joke. Like I said to begin with in the "litterbox" thread if you feel that way then don't visit those forums.

For the last time, the threatening to flame posters in the future was a running joke between a few posters and myself. And I didn't say that the Rx moderating team is bad...but have they screwed up on more than one occasion? Absolutely. The NBA litterbox comment was absolutely justified; otherwise, why were a bunch of threads immediately moved to the RR just minutes after I posted that? Exactly.

And that is your solution to everything, "just don't visit the forums." You'd love for me to leave so you wouldn't have to deal with any criticism whatsoever, I know. Sorry if the truth'll just have to ban me if you don't like hearing it. I haven't flamed at all, have never been rude in any serious post I've made regarding this or other important issues, and unlike you, I haven't lost my cool when being questioned.

I suppose you can always just move the truth to the RR whenever it suits you, as you have done here. As the head moderator, that is your right. Good job on the damage control...but the truth still speaks for itself. And if RobFunk or Journeyman or TTinCO's memory ever decides to clear up and start functioning properly again, then maybe the few posters who do know the truth finally won't be alone.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Smart? Thanks for the plug, but I only wish to be as smart and wise as you, The Almighty Godfather. Then again, you have the master edit and delete keys....congratulations on your Mensa membership.

My thoughts...Gyno is a decent & regular poster. He was new here and maybe didnt understand the tracker forum isnt for the dozen cartoons and large/colorful print that often fill his posts.

Makes for fun and interesting reads in sports forums, but lowers the quality of tracker forum. Also, believe its clearly stated in rules that type of silliness wont be tolerated.

First he hit the ground running here and was the greatest hoops capper on the planet, then baseball, now its football and he cant wait? Its all fun, but come on already....just post the fucking games and let a honest track tell the story.

Gyno seemed to be padding his ytd. Wasnt timely updating when losing, but what the hell is a few units here and there? May have been a mistake...I dont know, nor do I really care.

For whatever reasons, whenever posters care about the quality of the pick forums, you get defensive.

The usual lines....all of them displayed again in this thread.

First its moved to RR, so most dont read the truth.

Second, the labels are assigned. Crybaby, whiner, flamer, etc.

Third, you give the the "thanks for telling me how to do and/or what my job is" lashing.

Next, you inform posters that if they dont like a particular forum or RX, then by all means dont post or read RX.

Alas, if they dont bow, or run and hide, you always have the options of post review or outright ban for posters that go a bit far with challenging you.

Raj is a great poster. He gives winning picks and is here daily. One would think a business like RX would appreciate him rather than bash him.

Yes, Raj posts some drivel (most of us regulars sometimes do), but its summer and these forums sometimes get dry. I have cried from laughter from dozens of his silly threads. They get moved down harm, no foul, right?

Id rather not go any further with you about this topic, since I dont have a dog in this fight and dont want to get banned.


Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
I don't have an agenda against Gynecologist specifically, but rather an agenda against cheaters.

Multiple posts from his tracker forum thread have been edited/deleted, and thus Skins cannot prove what happened.

Why are there never accusations of cheating against Dawoofdaddy, skinsraj28, hinesward86, dsethi, or myself? It would seem to me that the cause of the trouble is in fact, Gynecologist.

As an example, he recently posted his "final season numbers" in the NBA forum, yet neglected to include 13 losses that are documented on therx. I understand that this doesn't directly concern his tracker forum antics, but it does speak to his integrity.

Again, I've stayed away from unsubstantiated flaming in the sports forums as you have asked. :toast:​

I was once a poster who didn't know who to follow, and undoubtedly I would have followed someone like Gynecologist who toots his own horn despite a mediocre at best but certianly misleading record.

Rx. Junior
Jun 24, 2005
Raj is a great poster. He gives winning picks and is here daily. One would think a business like RX would appreciate him rather than bash him.

Yes, Raj posts some drivel (most of us regulars sometimes do), but its summer and these forums sometimes get dry. I have cried from laughter from dozens of his silly threads. They get moved down harm, no foul, right?

This is very true.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Fric and Frac team up..What an upset.

Can Budworth be far behind..Opps he just showed up..

Lets see - one at a time:

For not including the plays before the tracker forum, I did not accuse Gyno of cheating. I merely stated that his record was misleading to posters.


I have no choice but to believe that you have, on multiple occasions, tried to deceive the RX by cheating on your tracker forum record.

As for the other instances, the main one that screamed of foul play was the Denver Nuggets play on 4/24. As you can see, he posted two units on the Nuggest +154 and another 3 on them +3.5. He then made another post about 18 hours later adding another unit to the Nuggest +3.5.

Now the foul play comes in when, the next time he updated his record, Gyno omitted some of those plays. His record did not reflect all of those Nuggets plays. He essentially an entire post of plays. Now, the posts in his tracker forum are a little confusing because after this was pointed out by Budworth and myself, Journeyman and/or RobFunk posted in it to tell him to get all of his shit together. Of course, after Gyno was allowed to correct his "mistakes," the moderators' comments were removed from his thread. Journeyman and/or RobFunk(can't remember which one intervened in this particular mistake) can attest to this. I really hope it was Journeyman though, because apparently RobFunk's memory isn't as good as I thought it was.

So your idea of foul play is an extra unit - six units instead of the five unit max? Looks like the xtra unit issue was addressed later and I have to say it at least for me appers he didn't know there was a five unit max. I don't see any foul play. I don't see any other problems unless you are saying actual posts were deleted. This I have no knowledge of. I don't see any edits by Gyne anywhere in the thread. These edits have to be made within 5 minutes by regular posters.

So the evidence IS there. The moderators conveniently deleted their posts, but they should be able to attest to what happened if you ask them...unless their memory fails them again.

Even if moderators deleted their posts that does not mean they deleted anything by Gyne if that is what you mean. I will ask about this.

Since RobFunk's memory has conveniently failed him and thus affected my credibility in this affair, I feel like I can no longer refrain from commenting about his role in this situation. Every problem in Gyno's tracker forum thread was reported by either myself or Budworth. Not once did RobFunk find an error in his threads.

He actually made a correction on June 13th.

If Budworth or I not reported these violations, they would have gone undetected. I hate to say that he didn't do his job, because I think he's a good moderator...but he dropped the ball. He should remember no less than four IMs from me reporting Gyno's violations...but since he has conveniently forgotten our conversations, I can no longer sit here and say nothing. He didn't do his job, which essentially forced Budworth and I to do his job for him. I am 100% confident in saying that if we hadn't pointed out these mistakes, they never would have been caught.

I understand the Denver game error but what other violations were pointed out precisley?

Sorry Funk, I think you're a generally good guy, but you left me no choice after your betrayal/bad memory. I expected more from you above all else. Especially since when we had conversations via IM, you essentially agreed with me that Gyno was trying to deceive you. Apparently you forgot that as well. I only wish I had saved the conversations so I could refresh your memory.

News to me.

For the last time, the threatening to flame posters in the future was a running joke between a few posters and myself. And I didn't say that the Rx moderating team is bad...but have they screwed up on more than one occasion? Absolutely. The NBA litterbox comment was absolutely justified; otherwise, why were a bunch of threads immediately moved to the RR just minutes after I posted that? Exactly.

I see another joke by you at The Rx's expense. Like the posting bullshit threads to see how long it would take us to move them. Real funny.

The Litterbox comment was uncalled for - a simple can you look at Trek's threads in the NBA forum would have done the trick. One poster getting excited about an NBA playoff game does not make a litterbox.

And that is your solution to everything, "just don't visit the forums." You'd love for me to leave so you wouldn't have to deal with any criticism whatsoever, I know. Sorry if the truth'll just have to ban me if you don't like hearing it. I haven't flamed at all, have never been rude in any serious post I've made regarding this or other important issues, and unlike you, I haven't lost my cool when being questioned.

That is my solution to disgruntled posters. Personally I can't keep everyone happy around here. I am sure you can't wait to get banned so you can play the martyr. You now totally change your story about the Gyne issue by implicating RobFunk and wonder why you ended up getting singled out for negative posting. You can't really think anything you said earlier in this thread should be taken seriously.

I suppose you can always just move the truth to the RR whenever it suits you, as you have done here. As the head moderator, that is your right. Good job on the damage control...but the truth still speaks for itself. And if RobFunk or Journeyman or TTinCO's memory ever decides to clear up and start functioning properly again, then maybe the few posters who do know the truth finally won't be alone.<!-- / message -->

You post bullshit and it gets moved here to the Rubber Room, plain and simple. I know you like to cry "why was my post moved" the truth is the Gyne thread was already in the Rubber Room - I just merged your Mods thread with it. I will be glad to ask the other mods to post what they know about this issue.


Smart? Thanks for the plug, but I only wish to be as smart and wise as you, The Almighty Godfather. Then again, you have the master edit and delete keys....congratulations on your Mensa membership.

Is that your idea of original and witty repartee? btw. When were you ever edited or deleted?

My thoughts...Gyno is a decent & regular poster. He was new here and maybe didnt understand the tracker forum isnt for the dozen cartoons and large/colorful print that often fill his posts.

Makes for fun and interesting reads in sports forums, but lowers the quality of tracker forum. Also, believe its clearly stated in rules that type of silliness wont be tolerated.

Sure the intent is serious posting only in the Tracker Forum but bold type and a bunch of emoticons doesn't equate to deception or cheating as alleged.

The usual lines....all of them displayed again in this thread.

First its moved to RR, so most dont read the truth.

The thread was moved like many do that turn into pissing matches.

Second, the labels are assigned. Crybaby, whiner, flamer, etc.

Third, you give the the "thanks for telling me how to do and/or what my job is" lashing.

Aww are your feelings hurt..grow up.

Next, you inform posters that if they dont like a particular forum or RX, then by all means dont post or read RX.

Alas, if they dont bow, or run and hide, you always have the options of post review or outright ban for posters that go a bit far with challenging you.

Who have I banned? Name one poster who did not bring it on himself. No one has been banned for something like this ever.

Raj is a great poster. He gives winning picks and is here daily. One would think a business like RX would appreciate him rather than bash him.
I never said he wasn't but if he is going to accuse the entire moderator team of not doing there job he has to expect a reaction. The problem with this whole issue appears to be the two separate stories posted by SkinsRaj.

Id rather not go any further with you about this topic, since I dont have a dog in this fight and dont want to get banned.

For someone without a dog in the fight you certainly had a lot to say. There you go with the I will get banned again thing, you accuse me of using "the usual lines" do you ever get tired of the wilheim will delete, edit or ban you if you say something line.
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