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Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
Clip Joint said:
My life is actually great. Thanks for your concern.

I would never want anyone to lose. I am just curious why you put your record and units in your thread when you win (big and bold no less), but do not post an overall record and units in sports you lose. Is that really being negative?

You should read your own posts in this thread and ask yourself who is the negative, miserable person. :toast:

He really is pathetic.
Jan 19, 2006
Clip Joint said:
Great made 3 units on this basketball play and lost over 3 units today in baseball.

Also I bet alot more in the NBA than I do in baseball, I have
mentioned that. I bet 10 times as much in NBA than baseball.
Jan 19, 2006
This is a thread where the play actually won?? Funny huh?

I know therx is full of trash but tonight the trashbox is full of SHIT.
Jan 19, 2006
FVCK You and your mama!!

FVCK your whole clique better yet

FVCK everyone that your down with!!!

NBA RECORD 30-15 +30.00 Units. And I know I loss in baseball.


Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
gynecologist said:
FVCK You and your mama!!

FVCK your whole clique better yet

FVCK everyone that your down with!!!

NBA RECORD 30-15 +30.00 Units. And I know I loss in baseball.


Class. All Class.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
gynecologist said:
Hey man did I not admit I suck at baseball, what do you want from me??

I thought it was pretty clear, but I'll ask again since you asked me what I wanted:

Why do you only post your record in the sport where you are up units?

Why don't you put your baseball record in the title of your thread and put your units on the season in big bold letters for baseball?

Thanks. :toast:

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
Gyno, I'm not stalking you, but be real here. You know for a fact that you are down over 100 units in baseball at SBR alone. Skinsraj and I have caught you cheating on your NBA record more than 6 times. We reported it for a while, and then just stopped as the moderators didn't do jack shit about it, and thus crucified the credibility of the tracker forum. I don't dislike you, I just think you should tone down the act a bit, and maybe post your real NBA record.
Jan 19, 2006
Kruser6 said:
Its funny that you don't count your losses too well. ..


Or maybe this NBA loss that you just . .hmm forgot to count?

Come on, you can't put anything past us rx veterans- we see throught you like a sheet of glass.

Why you twisting shit around? Huh? You mention an NBA loss
but post 2 links that are the same? your a fool.

And my record in the NBA is 30-15 +30 units and there is nothing
you or anyone could do about it.
Jan 19, 2006
Budworth22 said:
Gyno, I'm not stalking you, but be real here. You know for a fact that you are down over 100 units in baseball at SBR alone. Skinsraj and I have caught you cheating on your NBA record more than 6 times. We reported it for a while, and then just stopped as the moderators didn't do jack shit about it, and thus crucified the credibility of the tracker forum. I don't dislike you, I just think you should tone down the act a bit, and maybe post your real NBA record.

I am not down 100 units, first you mention 60, now it is 100??
I buried the hatchet with you, but now I am done with you,
your a liar. My NBA Rec is legit...

Fvck you guys, I pick twice as much winners as losers in
the NBA and still get shit about it. Just keep twisting the
truth around you guys are famous for that. I pick winners
in NBA,CBB,NFL,CFB and nothing you fvckin twats can
say about that. Budworth I might be depressed, but you
have a serious mental problem. You come up with some
out there shit, like me being down 100 units. Fvckin liar.

Fvck all you bitter ass bitches.

30-15 +30.00

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
Clip Joint said:
Why do you only post your record in the sport where you are up units?

Why don't you put your baseball record in the title of your thread and put your units on the season in big bold letters for baseball?

Maybe you'll have an answer by the 5th time I ask...this is only the 4th. :toast:

Sep 20, 2004
Budworth22 said:
Gyno, I'm not stalking you, but be real here. You know for a fact that you are down over 100 units in baseball at SBR alone. Skinsraj and I have caught you cheating on your NBA record more than 6 times. We reported it for a while, and then just stopped as the moderators didn't do jack shit about it, and thus crucified the credibility of the tracker forum. I don't dislike you, I just think you should tone down the act a bit, and maybe post your real NBA record.

Don't say the mods did nothing, I told him about it when I saw it reported.

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
Journeyman said:
Don't say the mods did nothing, I told him about it when I saw it reported.
Sorry, mods failed to admonish him for repeatedly cheating and let him stay in the tracker forum.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004

gynecologist said:
Again Sorry for the garbage plays guys!! :nohead:

I think I have a couple of winners here to get me back
into the groove :dancefool .

Why the need for "comeback" plays if you were tearing the NBA up? This is why people called you out when you created the Tracker Forum thread in the first place, remember? You just got to reset your record...and disregarded all of your losing plays. That tracker forum record is very misleading. That's why, if you remember, Boxslayer and others called you out on it in a thread way back when.

As for the attempts to cheat on your record...the facts speak for themselves. No less than four times did you, "accidentally" either omit a losing play alltogether, or "miscalculate" your record, counting two-unit losses as one-unit losses, and so forth. All of this can be verified by RobFunk.

As for Budworth's comments about the moderators...I think RobFunk does a solid job running the Tracker Forum, but I tend to agree with Budworth that the Tracker Forum's intergrity has been compromised in this situation. As I asked Funk about a week ago, how many times is a poster going to be given the benefit of the doubt for, "accidentally miscalculating" his record? Or "making a mistake, forgetting to count a loss? At what point does the RX Moderating Team even start to suspect that a poster might actually be trying to deceive them. With the exception of maybe one occurence, I truly believe that these "miscalculations" were blatant attempts to deceive the RX. Especially with the Denver play, where Gyno posted a play, then made a completely separate post adding more units to the play...then somehow missed BOTH posts and didn't count the losses in his record. Of course, after Journeyman commented that he should be more accurate, it was decided that those comments be deleted from his tracker forum thread.

So I ask again: how many times can a poster attempt to deceive this website and its posters before any action is taken? Clearly the lesson has not been learned, seeing as how the latest violation occured last week. Of course, it was "an accident."

I also have serious concerns about how much real $ you put on these plays...updating your tracker forum record with "23 something units" after a loss makes me question whether or not there was even $ being put on the play. Not saying that you don't, but that was pretty shady, to say the least.

But yeah Gyno, the bottom line is your record IS misleading because it did not include your record before you started tracking(although still undoubtedly impressive, congrats, and your record might actually be BETTER if you include the plays from before, although I guess then there would've been no need for "comeback plays")...and I have no choice but to believe that you have, on multiple occasions, tried to deceive the RX by cheating on your tracker forum record.

For the record, I have nothing personal against you whatsoever. You've been nice to me and shown me nothing but respect and kindness both here and the forum at which you moderate. I'd like to think I've treated you with that same respect and kindness. But I can't ignore the facts, and after reading this thread, I was compelled to respond. You simply should not throw that record around in people's faces and claim to be a great NBA capper without expecting some sort of backlash.

To be honest, I'm more disappointed with the moderators moreso than with you. You seem like a nice person, a good person.

I'd love to hear a response from the moderators as to why they decided that taking no action, not even so much as a slap on the wrist, was the best course of action. Did they truly believe that all of these occurences were truly accidents, with no alterior motive whatsoever?

GL on all of your future plays and I hope you don't take this post too offensively...but the facts speak for themselves. GL.
Jan 19, 2006
I never intentionally cheated or tried to mislead my record. I smoke
marijuana and I feel that made me miscalculate things. Also I made
around $12,000 during Basketball season so I believe I would of
been up 75+ Units if all plays were counted.

Again I made a couple of miscalculations and a couple of them.

I really think this is being blown out of proportion. I am an easy
target which I have realized.

But I will never admit to being a cheat or a person who is
unscrupulous. I am a good guy, I dont bash anyone except
Kodiak who deserves it.

Anyone who knows me, knows that Clit Joint, and budworthless
are fvcked up guys who look for trouble.

I am not this person you guys are trying to portray.
Jan 19, 2006
I am sick and tired of these fvckin obsessed losers twisting shit around
to make them feel better about themselves. I will never respond
to another post that has anything to do with budworthless or
Clit Joint. Again it is obvious that these guys have an inferiority
complex or something. Anyone who displays happiness with
someone elses misfortunes is a sick mudderphucker.

These guys are little kids playing on a computer.

I am bringing myself down to their level. Again these guys look
for trouble. I don't. I am an easy target but I am ignoring these

Stop bothering me with your agenda driven garbage. Leave me
alone. and get a life losers.

Again thanks to everyone who sent me emails, and yes this will
be the last time I respond to this obsessed weirdos.
Jan 19, 2006
One more thing if I was such a loser why did I have 8 PMs from
people on my forum telling me that you guys look pathetic and
I am getting a bum deal?

Fvck you guys, you bitter POS. Go away with your negativity and

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
gynecologist said:
One more thing if I was such a loser why did I have 8 PMs from
people on my forum telling me that you guys look pathetic and
I am getting a bum deal?

Easy turbo...your forum hasn't reached 8 members yet.

It is funny how all of these people that "support" you are always privately telling you these things. Heaven forbid they use the forum. :toast:
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