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Jan 19, 2006
Clip Joint said:
Easy turbo...your forum hasn't reached 8 members yet.

It is funny how all of these people that "support" you are always privately telling you these things. Heaven forbid they use the forum. :toast:

FORUM has 770 members.

See everyone what a negative POS this guy Clit Joint is??
8 members?? Clit is a joke. Please just leave me alone
obsessed freak.

Some people dont want to get invloved with this childish
shit. Hey I dont either. Fvckin Losers.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
gynecologist said:
I will never respond to another post that has anything to do with budworthless or Clit Joint.


That didn't last too long...

Anyway, you didn't have a problem answering me about your world class forum...why haven't you answered the question that started your ranting and raving:

Why do you only post your basketball record? Why don't you post your baseball record and units for the season?

I received 87 emails and 32 PMs from people waiting for an answer. :toast:
Jan 19, 2006
I stopped keeping record after I was down 40+ units in baseball.
Why do you keep asking the same question over and over again??

Your one of those assholes who talks shit to others but doesn't
pick any games himself.

LOL. Bitch

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
gynecologist said:
Why do you keep asking the same question over and over again?

I think it might have been because you kept forgetting to answer.

Now next time I say "jump", do it quicker son. :toast:
Jan 19, 2006
Clip Joint said:
I think it might have been because you kept forgetting to answer.

Now next time I say "jump", do it quicker son. :toast:

Your gay. :grandmais

Go hide behind your awful picks and shut up.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
gynecologist said:
Go hide behind your awful picks and shut up.

The only way to hide behind awful picks would be to stop posting a record....oops.

Jan 19, 2006
Clip Joint said:
The only way to hide behind awful picks would be to stop posting a record....oops.


:puppy: I admitted my baseball sucked homie. You don't even
posts picks cause if you did :nohead: .:nohead:

Too bad your a fellow clipper fan.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
I'm sorry Gyno, I have no problem with you personally, but being high isn't an excuse for messing up your tracker forum record five times. And if that was the case, how come you never missed a WIN? Just a coincidence that it was just the losses that were omitted? That's a little hard to believe, I'm sure you can understand.

As for being up 75 units/$12,000, the only evidence we have of your plays are the ones posted on the RX...and those show that you're up 30 units after omitted plays from before you started your tracker forum thread. Budworth dug up a bunch of your plays, posted in this thread:

I am sure there are wins that you've posted that he didn't include, but the point is that you are not, in fact, up 75 units, or even 30 for that matter. Congrats on your record since the start of the tracker forum, but just because you say you were up 75 units doesn't mean anything here since it wasn't posted anywhere. As far as anyone is concerned, you're up 30 units or less.

But the more important issue is the deception of the RX that you attempted to commit. Again, you seem like a good guy, but the being baked excuse just doesn't cut it. Whatever your feelings towards the other guys in this thread, I can assure you that I have no agenda against you...I think you know that. The facts just speak for themselves. And you rub people the wrong way when you claim to dominate the NBA, yet the facts state otherwise. I hope you can understand that.

And once again, I'd LOVE for the mods to comment on my earlier post, specifically Wil, Journeyman, and TTinCO.
Jan 19, 2006
I think you are exaggerating. I am up 30+ units on here since
tracking rather you like it or not. Obviously you have an agenda.

I think you want to be considered the top NBA capper or
something. Which I guess you are considering you have 300+
tracked plays and I have 45 tracked plays.

Nonetheless my record is 30-15 +30.00 units since I started
counting. It is in the tracker forum where I am +19 units.

Also a couple of games that I won didnt count cause they were
posted late.

those plays that budworth posted were well before Mar 28th (the day
I started counting)

I made a couple of mistakes which you are blowing way out of
porportion. I admitted to them- none of those mistakes affected
my record anyway. Whats the big deal. DAMN

Hey I know you want to downgrade what I did for your own
personal reasons.

But the truth is I have made over 12k in basketball. I have
7-8 people calling me asking me who I like.

You can exaggerate the truth all you want. I do care anymore.
I have dominated this year in the NBA. And anyone with 100
brain cells left knows that.

Even ACE-ACE knows it. He made comments about my record.
Jan 19, 2006
I made a couple of mistakes which didnt affect the current
record. Whats the big deal here???

Damn you guys trip me out. Making a big deal out of nothing.

Also budworth mentioned plays that were before 3-28 the
day I started counting.

Your the one that is misleading people and I do not appreciate
it. My record is 31-15 +31.50 Units.

You post phony lines skinsraj. you post -6 when -6 was only available
for 10 mins.
Jan 19, 2006
gynecologist said:
Nonetheless my record is 30-15 +30.00 units since I started
counting. It is in the tracker forum where I am +19 units.

Also in tracker forum says +19 units but I have won a few
games in a row that were 1st halves and 1st h do not count.

Whatever downgrade what I have done I dont care anymore.
I have picks alot and I mean alot of winners!!!


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
I don't have an agenda, nor do I care about being the best capper here. I could care less, I am far from the best NBA capper here or anywhere, and that's fine by me. This is my first year of capping; it's a learning experience. What I DO care about, however, is the integrity of this site, which has been compromised by the handling of your situation by the moderators. Of course you'd take it personally; you seem to take every constructve critique personally. Anyone who makes one comment that you don't like and you blow a gasket. That's I said, the facts speak for themselves, and I'm unwilling to sacrifice honesty and truth for the sake of friendship or courtesy.

Where have I exaggerated the truth? The moderators can verify all of your "accidents" in your tracker forum thread.

You could have very well "dominated" the NBA this season...just not on the RX. Here, you're documented at 30-15 +30 units in the tracker forum, with another 13 posted loss omitted from your record, one of which was for 10 units.

Those are the facts. You can think I want to bash you for personal reasons. That's not the case, but I don't care. Like I said, honesty and truth are far more important than being nice to someone. But take it personally, that's fine. Facts are facts.

Congrats on your successful NBA season, I'm sure you had a terrific season...unfortunately, a lot of that wasn't documented on the RX. But I'm happy for you and those who have followed your plays. 75 units is remarkable. Hopefully all of those will be posted on here next season.

Edit: In response to your "I made a couple of mistakes that didn't affect my current record"'re right, they didn't, because people CAUGHT those mistakes...or what others might perceive as cheating.

Your capping abilitiy isn't really the issue here, though. It's your honesty. And what you did in the tracker forum speaks for itself. You made no less than five "mistakes." Somehow all of those "mistakes" were losses, none wins. Weird, huh?

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
And are you really going back to the phony lines thing? You were shot down by numerous posters on that one the first time you brought it up...I can bump that thread for you, if you know, the one where you apologized for being wrong? Yeah. If you forgot, let me know and I'll bump it for you. Otherwise, don't make yourself look worse than you already have.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Can we get a moderators comment here on the tracker forum issue? RobFunk? Journeyman? Anyone?
Jan 19, 2006
Cheating?? All anyone has to do is read the tracking forum
and see for themselves. I only saw 2 mistakes I made. If I
made more then sorry but I still do not see what the big deal
is?? Hating on me thats all which is cool.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
You don't see what the big deal is about trying to omit losses from your record multiple times? Really?

How come you never forgot to include your wins, just the losses?

You really don't see why people might think that's a big deal?

It has nothing to do with "hating on you." It's about integrity.

And it was more than twice...the moderators commented in your thread and then removed their comments once the errors were corrected.

But we can drop it. Lets let the moderators comment, and go from there.
Jan 19, 2006
I have 3 plays on there that won that weren't counted because
I posted a couple of minutes late and one was a half and
I didnt know.. But you would never mention that..
Jan 19, 2006
We are just 2 different kinda people. I congratulate you when
you win. Have made numerous nice comments in your threads.

And you just bring your hate and exaggerations into mine. Much
appreciated man. I am not a cheater and any mistake I have
ever made on here was on accident and coincidental.

I will make every attempt to avoid making a mistake again.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Actually if you read my posts more carefully instead of getting all upset right away, you'll see that I posted that Budworth didn't go back and count any of the wins you had posted prior to your tracker forum record.

But either way, why would you even mention those plays? You posted a play late in the tracker forum and also posted a halftime play which didn't count. Those are the rules of the tracker forum...? Don't blame me for making the rules. I just abide by them.

You never mentioned your 10 unit loss? And you still haven't addressed my question: how come out of all your "mistakes" in the tracker forum, none of them were on wins? How come all of the mistakes were either omitted losses or miscalculations on how many units you lost on a game? You somehow never failed to correctly calculate your wins. Do you concentrate harder on doing math when you win? Just wondering.

And again, where have I exaggerated? I'm still waiting for an example. I've also congratulated you on your plays in the past...selective memory, I suppose.

But I guess we are two different kinds of people. I value honesty and integrity. Apparently you do not. Although I used to think you did.

Lets just wait for a comment by the mods.
Jan 19, 2006
SkinsRaj28 said:
And you still haven't addressed my question: how come out of all your "mistakes" in the tracker forum, none of them were on wins? How come all of the mistakes were either omitted losses or miscalculations on how many units you lost on a game? You somehow never failed to correctly calculate your wins. Do you concentrate harder on doing math when you win? Just wondering.

Purely coincidental. I just have bad luck or something, I wish
I would of made a mistake with one winning play. It may look bad
but I think it is understandable. Record is accurate.
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