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Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Not sure how much further I can grow up, but thanks to you I am trying.

No, I havent been edited or deleted and I appreciate that. Although we often disagree, you have given me a voice here. Of course I know there is a line that cannot be crossed and I wont cross.

What is confusing is why you seem to tell people to grow up and all the other babble, but continue to be defensive when certain issues are posted.

In fact, since you made the suggestion to grow up, maybe you should also grow up and read posts as possibly being suggestions rather than assuming criticism.

Oh, forget I posted that....that could possibly be misleading that a poster is again telling you what your job is or how to do it.

I'm sorry....hope your feelings were not damaged.

Market closes in 10 minutes...and I often enjoy going back and forth with you and others here. However, unfortunately my basement was flooded last night during a flood, so I need not remain here sifting through your posts to find bullshit, for I have plenty in my basement.

As always, enjoy the evening.


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
It's too much of a hassle to try to quote all of your posts and keep it organized, so I'm not going to try that again.

My story hasn't changed. I accused RobFunk of having a terrible memory immediately after he said that these occurences only happened twice. They definitely happened more than twice, and he knows it.

I'll leave it at this: you need to speak with RobFunk, Journeyman, and TTinCO. All three have at some time or another had to talk to Gyno about fixing his thread. I doubt RobFunk will be of much help, as his memory of our conversations has apparently failed him, but it's still worth a try. I guess mine would fail too if I was trying to cover my ass and save my job, not admit that I had fucked up.

As for his correction on June 13th, that was made after I advised him that Gyno had graded a two-unit loss as a one-unit loss. Ask him yourself.

If RobFunk continues to adamantly deny that Gyno messed up more than twice, deny that we had multiple conversations in which I IMed him telling him that Gyno had messed up, deny that he agreed with me that Gyno was trying to deceive him...then there's nothing more I can do. If he has conveniently forgotten all of this, then there's no way I can prove it, since the moderators' posts have been deleted. As for deleting Gyno's posts, I'm fairly certain that a post of his WAS deleted by the moderators after the Nuggets debacle, when he correctly updated his record. I think Journeyman handled that one, so you'd have to ask him. But again, if he chooses to deny it as well or also suffers from temporary amnesia, then the proof will have been lost. I can only hope that both RobFunk and Journeyman decide that the truth is more important than their reputation.

If there are logs of deleted posts in your system, that would also be adequate proof.

But I have not once changed my story. I know that I IMed RobFunk on more than two occasions to report issues with Gyno's tracker forum thread. I hope he decides to remember now too. But judging by his actions so far, I doubt that he will.

I urge you to speak to all three of your moderators. Unfortunately, the fate of this issue will rest in their ability to recall past events.

But officially, I am going on the record as stating that I reported more than two errors in Gyno's thread to RobFunk via AIM, another one reported via the RX's "report a post" function, and that moderators' posts in his thread were removed, and quite possibly one of his own(the erroneous updated record that was fixed upon Journeyman/RobFunk's request). All of these claims can be verified by RobFunk(if he chooses), Budworth, DAWOOF, Dsethi, and also potentially Juice(whom I reported gyno's poor tracker forum practices to a few times, but not 100% of the time).

We'll see how honest RobFunk and Journeyman are...or rather, how well their memory serves them.

Oh, and as for the BS threads...I mainly make them to get a laugh. It's a lot less about seeing how long it takes for you to move them than you're making it out to be, so calm down. It's all for laughs. Sorry you don't appreciate them.

And I think the litterbox comment was justified, seeing as how it went on for hours without any moderator interventing. Sorry if I didn't word it as nicely as you would have liked, but my point got across and the job got done, didn't it? And in the end that's all that matters. Just trying to be helpful while also reminding the moderators that they have a job to do and should be doing it. Sometimes being nice and politically correct isn't as effective.

Sep 20, 2004
First of all i remember everything I read...Raj I'm really disappointed in the way you're blatantly criticizing people you have no first hand knowledge of...this is not the first time you have done this to me, and we have talked about it.

WTF has gotten into you?

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
Journeyman said:
First of all i remember everything I read...Raj I'm really disappointed in the way you're blatantly criticizing people you have no first hand knowledge of...this is not the first time you have done this to me, and we have talked about it.

WTF has gotten into you?

Journeyman, I suggest threatening physical violence against him VIA IM like you did to me. Highly effective.

New member
Jul 20, 2002

I don't have an agenda against Gynecologist specifically, but rather an agenda against cheaters.

You know this beef between you and Gyne goes way beyond what happened in the Rx. Tracker Forum. I know it involves some alledgedly cut and pasted plays at TFZ.

Multiple posts from his tracker forum thread have been edited/deleted, and thus Skins cannot prove what happened.

Edits, show up. There is one edit by by Robfunk Post #51.
There were no posts by Gyne deleted that I can find anywhere in any thread.

As an example, he recently posted his "final season numbers" in the NBA forum, yet neglected to include 13 losses that are documented on therx. I understand that this doesn't directly concern his tracker forum antics, but it does speak to his integrity.

You may be right about integrity but to be frank moderators can't play it that fine. In other words we can't say how much integrity does every poster have before we allow to let them post. Not possible even if we

I was once a poster who didn't know who to follow, and undoubtedly I would have followed someone like Gynecologist who toots his own horn despite a mediocre at best but certianly misleading record.

The who to follow question is a difficult one and natrually we try to keep posters from making outrageous claims but it is not easy. Gyne himself spent time on post review for his antics when he first started posting. It was only after several weeks of post review and communication with Rx. moderators that he did tone it down some. We have been very proactive with Gyne to ge thim to become a decent poster.


Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
Fair enough. The thing over there was pretty minor, and admittedly I do not like the guy.


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Oh Wil, while you're at it, ask RobFunk how many of Gyno's errors he caught himself, and how many of them were caught by Budworth and myself.

Hopefully he'll be honest about that as well.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Oh Wil, while you're at it, ask RobFunk how many of Gyno's errors he caught himself, and how many of them were caught by Budworth and myself.

Hopefully he'll be honest about that as well.
<!-- / message -->

Personally I don't see any other errors in Gyne's Tracker Forum Thread other than the ones already discussed here in this thread. Unless you are mixing posts from the NBA forum with posts from the Tracker Forum. Try to understand any corrections to any posts by Gyne would show up as edits unless they were made by him within 5 minutes of posting the original text. The same can be said for any posts made by you. Mods cannot hide edits and I see zero deletions of any posts by Gyne anywhere. If a moderator deleted one of their own posts in the Tracker Forum it would not effect any posts actually made by Gyne.

Bottom line nothing has been changed in Gyne's NBA Tracker Forum Thread that was not origianally posted there at the times listed in the post box. No Gyne posts were deleted in the thread.

Jan 19, 2006
Man there is some BS in this thread. Skinsraj don't ever mention my name
again. You are twisting shit up. You have an agenda against me and everyone noticed this.

I received 5 PMs on another forum from people who are afraid to
speak their mind because you and your posse on here will have a
lifetime war against them cause that is your style. They seem
to believe you have an agenda against me it is so fvckin obvious.

I cannot believe this went to this level. Funny enough the only
people that think this is a big deal is you and budworth.

In a way I am happy about this situation because it showed
everyone on here budworths and skinsraj's true colors. You
are very immature and childish. Also if you didn't have an agenda
against me you wouldn't write full-page posts saying nothing
but negative things about me. Skinsraj you are a terrible human
being for doing this and I am not the only one who thinks that way.

For everyone:

I never intentionally tried to mislead my record or the tracker
forum. Any mistakes I made were completely accidental and
I have apologized numerous times for those couple of mistakes.
I will admit I am a clumsy guy sometimes, even off the computer
anyone who knows me knows that. If I made a couple of mistakes
sorry. Why doesn't someone go to SBR where there are grading
mistakes all the time on there and no one makes a big deal out
of it like these 2 weirdos did.

But the stuff these obsessed individuals (skins/budworth) are saying are completely agenda driven. budworth has been after me for months
and to tell you the truth I believe he has a severe mental problem. He has tried this shit with Choptalk as well, twist shit up, get all obsessed
with trying to make Choptalk look bad etc. Also he apologized
to me for doing this and is at it again. He lives for this negative
crap and I hate negative bitter people.

I am not a bad guy, I am not a cheater, I assure everyone on here
that I will double check any record keeping I ever do on here for
now on.

I really do not appreciate budworth and skinsraj's blanant attemps
to hurt my reputation and get me banned from the tracker forum.

Really it is so fvckin obvious that these guys will say anything to
make them look like they have a case against me. This is
unforgivable. budworth and skinsraj are both 21 years old and
they might be sharp kids but keyword (kids). No sophsiticated
person would lie and exaggerate the truth like they do.

I never want skinsraj or budworth to mention my name again.
This forum world is a trip to me. Thanks Wil and Rob for everything
and we all know who's credibilty counts on here.

Skinsraj leave me alone. Budworth get a life.

And again I am not a bad guy, I am not a cheater, I assure everyone on here
that I will double check any record keeping I ever do on here for
now on.

To prove my point I bet you that won't be enough for these
war monglers. I have seen it all now.

Rx. Junior
Jun 24, 2005
Is accusing someone of "having an agenda" the hip new thing to do? Seems like someone is accusing someone else of having an agenda every day.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
wilheim said:
Personally I don't see any other errors in Gyne's Tracker Forum Thread other than the ones already discussed here in this thread. Unless you are mixing posts from the NBA forum with posts from the Tracker Forum. Try to understand any corrections to any posts by Gyne would show up as edits unless they were made by him within 5 minutes of posting the original text. The same can be said for any posts made by you. Mods cannot hide edits and I see zero deletions of any posts by Gyne anywhere. If a moderator deleted one of their own posts in the Tracker Forum it would not effect any posts actually made by Gyne.

Bottom line nothing has been changed in Gyne's NBA Tracker Forum Thread that was not origianally posted there at the times listed in the post box. No Gyne posts were deleted in the thread.


Wil, I have spoken with Journeyman and he has verified that he knows of two occurences where Gyno made mistakes in regards to his record, both about 4-6 weeks ago. That's two, plus the Miami Heat loss that was graded as a one-unit loss when it was a two-unit play. That's three.

You'll have to ask RobFunk about the rest, because I didn't record the time or date of the mistakes when I reported them to him. There was also one occurence where TTinCO entered his thread to warn him, so you might want to ask him as well. But regardless, there are at the very least three "errors," and I'm almost 100% certain there are more than that. But a minimum of three.

We'll see if RobFunk has anything to add to this list.
Jan 19, 2006
Man on SBR the mods make grading errors all the time and no one
ever trips like this. Fvckin Weirdos on here man.

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
despite your defamitory posts, your record still stands as tarnished. Please address this issue:

In the NBA forum, you posted an "end of the season record", which was clearly false. I have proven that you have 13 losses at RX which you have not accounted for.

If you keep the record as is, you are nothing but a liar, and everyone can see it. Please do the right thing and edit your record to reflect at LEAST 29 LOSSES

please stop using my age as a reason to discount my argument. If my ARGUMENT is faulty, then discount it. Unfortunately for you, my argument is sound, and thus you are forced to result to character assasination in order to deflect attention from my argument, which is correct. Referring to me as boy is not appropriate. I realize your frustrations over being fired from your mortgage loan officer job for failing a drug test, being dumped by your girlfriend, and being exposed as a fraud obviously exist, but try to be civl.​
Jan 19, 2006
Also I won't be posting anymore plays on the tracker forum til
Football season anyway. So you guys are beating a dead horse.

Also I said I will double check any record keeping I do for now on.
Shouldn't that be enough for you fvckin guys DAMN. Why the big
deal with me??

Sep 20, 2004
In regards to deleted posts in the tracker...the Mods want the tracker to be kept clean of ALL other posts, "chatter" "moderator warnings" (once read by the actual poster) and ANY other posting in there besides actuall posted plays will eventually be taken down...the point is to keep the thread clean of any and all other clutter.

If Gyno or anyone is notified an error that was made, a Mod will remind him, and eventuall that post will be taken down by the Mod who made the post....this is to keep the thread clean of everything but the actual plays.

Sep 20, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
Wil, I have spoken with Journeyman and he has verified that he knows of two occurences where Gyno made mistakes in regards to his record, both about 4-6 weeks ago. That's two, plus the Miami Heat loss that was graded as a one-unit loss when it was a two-unit play. That's three.

You'll have to ask RobFunk about the rest, because I didn't record the time or date of the mistakes when I reported them to him. There was also one occurence where TTinCO entered his thread to warn him, so you might want to ask him as well. But regardless, there are at the very least three "errors," and I'm almost 100% certain there are more than that. But a minimum of three.

We'll see if RobFunk has anything to add to this list.

It would have been easy for Rob to have missed my warning to Gyno, if I warned Gyno and after Gyno reads it remove the would be very easy for Rob to have not seen that.
Jan 19, 2006
Budworth22 said:
If you keep the record as is, you are nothing but a liar, and everyone can see it. Please do the right thing and edit your record to reflect at LEAST 29 LOSSES

Ok again, I didn't start record keeping til March 28th?? Anything
before that doesn't count. You mention 13 losses before then
right? So you are trying to say before Mar 28th I never
won a game?? You fvckin weirdo.

Budworth22 said:
I realize your frustrations over being fired from your mortgage loan officer job for failing a drug test, being dumped by your girlfriend, and being exposed as a fraud obviously exist, but try to be civl.
All lies, I never got fired from my job as a loan officer. Do you really
want to know the truth about what happened???

My son DIED you son of a bitch on October 2nd 2005 after his
passing I couldn't work anymore, I couldn't concetrate on
anything work related. I didnt get fired and you making up shit like that really upsets me.
You are a real Asshole budworth. To make up shit like that.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Gyno, you should read through my posts in this thread again. I didn't post one malicious word towards you in it. I just stated facts. Sorry if the truth hurts, but I just don't believe that you made mistakes because you're clumsy. I believe that you tried to fudge your record.

I never had an agenda against you, even after you came into my thread in March and bashed me. I sought out the truth, which reared its ugly head in your tracker forum thread on numerous occasions.

I never said you were a bad guy; I actually said the exact opposite, if you'd read my posts in this thread more carefully. But that doesn't change the fact that I believe you cheated.

I haven't lied or exaggerated once in this entire thread. You can continue to act defensively, but in the end the facts speak for themselves. The moderators have identified no less than three occurences where you screwed up your tracker forum record. They might believe that you did it by accident; I don't.

If being an honest person makes me a miserable human being, then so be it. At least I don't sacrifice honesty for my own personal benefit.

This thread is really a discussion between a few of us and the moderators there's really no need for your presence anymore. Wil combined two threads, but this one doesn't need your comment. You made your feelings known in the previous thread. Thanks.

Oh, I'm also 22, not 21.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Journeyman said:
It would have been easy for Rob to have missed my warning to Gyno, if I warned Gyno and after Gyno reads it remove the would be very easy for Rob to have not seen that.

That's understandable. All I care about is the amount of times he's been caught...three of which have been verified by you and hopefully more that RobFunk will remember.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Here is the moderator log for Gyne's NBA Tracker Thread

<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=tcat colSpan=5>Moderator Log </TD></TR><TBODY id=collapseobj_editthread_modlog><TR><TD class=thead noWrap>Date</TD><TD class=thead noWrap>User Name</TD><TD class=thead align=middle>Action</TD><TD class=thead align=middle>Post</TD><TD class=thead noWrap>IP Address</TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 noWrap>19:18, 31st Mar 2006</TD><TD class=alt1 noWrap>RobFunk</TD><TD class=alt1>Post by RobFunk Removed</TD><TD class=alt1>N/A</TD><TD class=alt1></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2 noWrap>00:53, 1st Apr 2006</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>TTinCO</TD><TD class=alt2>Approved Post</TD><TD class=alt2>N/A</TD><TD class=alt2></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 noWrap>07:07, 1st Apr 2006</TD><TD class=alt1 noWrap>wilheim</TD><TD class=alt1>Approved Post</TD><TD class=alt1>N/A</TD><TD class=alt1></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2 noWrap>07:42, 26th Apr 2006</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>Journeyman</TD><TD class=alt2>Post by Journeyman Removed</TD><TD class=alt2>N/A</TD><TD class=alt2></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 noWrap>07:43, 26th Apr 2006</TD><TD class=alt1 noWrap>Journeyman</TD><TD class=alt1>Post by Journeyman Removed</TD><TD class=alt1>N/A</TD><TD class=alt1></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2 noWrap>19:08, 1st May 2006</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>RobFunk</TD><TD class=alt2>Post Edited</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

There is a reason for each entry:

March 31st post by RobFunk removed by RobFunK - warning to Gyne to just post plays and not brag about capping ability Post #6.

Approved posts by TTinCO and Wilheim were when Gyne was on Post review his posts had to be approved by a moderator.

Journeyman deleted two of his own warning posts both involving the Nuggets game that has already been discussed.

Remember moderators don't allow others to post in Tracker Forum threads and will delete their own warning or informational posts in a cappers thread once the capper has seen them to keep the thread all about the capper in question. I will discuss with all of the mods if this may be the wrong thing to do.

Robfunk generally does this but stopped after the Denver game with Gyne because of the controversy created by that game.

Post edited by Rob Funk - self explanatory: Post #51 (gyne).

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