'Making A Murderer' If You Have Not Watched Spoiler Alert


Sep 21, 2004

Man...I do hope you will elaborate on that.....what would make you say that?

Obviously (or just "maybe obviously") the Poster Time Frame ain't good or he'd've used that...at some point anyways...

Must admit your statement surprises me, confuses me even more than that Steelers SU loss to that Ravens JuCo Squad Week 16....as 10 point Faves....

Everyone else on Earth that has an opinion thinks the hand that Andy is holding here is:


Obviously, I was joking. This asshole was lying through his teeth and anyone can see that.

Sep 21, 2004
Mr. I, are you saying OJ Simpson's jury was stupid.....

....if you are not, I sure as hell am.
Yes, as was this jury and Casey Anthony's jury and Ryan Ferguson's jury. Stupid people that flip a damn coin or aren't smart enough to comprehend logic and reality as a whole.
Jan 14, 2007
after watching most of the series.. I have a few instant takeaways.

scary to think that in some states Avery could have been put to death. I've never had a strong opinion either way, but someone that is pro death penalty needs to watch this whole thing and think long and hard.

How bizarre is this part of Wisconsin. Footage from 2005 looks like it's from 1975. And to a greater degree, the disparity when comparing parts of our country as a whole. Not sure if im phrasing it well... But man its night and day when you go from rural to even small/medium sized cities in the US. I even see it where I am in NC. The city areas and 45 minutes away are two different worlds.

I cannot fathom how anyone on that jury with an IQ half of the slow cousin could convict Avery. Unless there is something that this series left out, you literally have to be stupid or mentally challenged to have come up with guilty.

Nov 4, 2009
Obviously, I was joking. This asshole was lying through his teeth and anyone can see that.

Thank God, thought I was losing my damn mind.

Let it not be overlooked that Sgt. Coburn, Colborn wtfever his name is was the same guy who took the phone call at the jail informing him that Gregory Allen had confessed to the rape Steven Avery was jailed for, then.....for already for 10 years for but this fat pathetic full of love for Himself bastard


and others squashed that information, Colburn wrote no Official Report on the received info that Avery was wrongly jailed until Sept 12, 2003...one day after Avery was released.

8 Years after he got that phone call telling him that they had the wrong guy in jail for the rape.

My feeling is that the fat ass pictured above played a HUGE role in what went down re: Teresa Halbach.

Literally No One mentions this fat bastard though.....within their theories. This Cat Dead-On has the Personality to have managed the events on the behalf of MCSO & Manitowoc County...

I'd go All-In on this Fat Bastard being The Key to untangling this mystery.


When Colburn got that info at the Jail he called Detective James Lenk, for instruction on what to do, as that was his immediate Superior. Lenk is the one who later finds The Key to Teresa's RAV4 in Avery's bedroom after that room had been thoroughly searched 6 times before that and no key was found. Lenk hanging around as well when The Magic Bullet gets found within Avery's garage where Teresa was supposedly shot 11 times but no bullets found on prior searches...

Lenk, back in the day....when Avery should have been Free'd cuz of that info that came to Colburn...answered to The Fat Bastard.

Fat Bastard is the one who traced Avery's Mugshot, as shown above, to make a sketch of the perpetrator of the rape.....which he said he actually drew from what the rape victim described to him. But he traced it then....framed it and it hung in his office, on the wall.

This Fat Bastard needs to Feel Some Heat. Gar-an-TEED this Fat Bastard is a key part of the puzzle.

Nov 7, 2008
I need more proof these cops had motive? Everyone says the cops would have personally paid. Most retirement accounts and pensions can't be touched by lawsuits, shit the dude just files bankruptcy. I know professionals to this day that swear OJ is innocent. We are getting one side.

He ran one of the sheriffs cousins off the road and then proceeded to point a gun at her

Nov 4, 2009
We are getting one side.

Find every single thing that you can "on the other side"...."Main Thing" Kratz has said (in interviews and specifically the one he did with Meghan Kelly, FOX) was the Hood Latch DNA. Somehow not found until much time after the SUV had been gone over in Evidence Search, was covered front to back with Print Dusting powder, found only after Weigert & Fassbender (the detectives who fed Brendan his confession) were instructed they needed to get Brendan to say a thing that no one would know, what they tried to get with the GUNSHOT to the head but Brendan wasn't smart enough to guess "He shot her in the head" so they coerced him into guessing "he raised the hood".

Only then, after that, is the DNA discovered on the Hood latch. Exactly like the Key and the bullet got discovered.....after multiple prior searches of those area.....turned up no Key, No Bullet. Hood latch DNA the same deal.

And from Kratz own mouth..."Chiefly his DNA found on the Hood Latch...." as to what got left out the doc.......that "proved his guilt".

Find everything & anything you can that argues for the other side.....Guilt.

Take all of that TOGETHER even and it still don't eclipse even ONE OF THESE THINGS:

1. Why none of Teresa's blood whatsoever within Trailer or Garage?

2. How Avery talks calmly & even playfully without a concern in the world to his gf on the phone at 5:36pm & 9:30pm for one half an hour total when during these hours he is supposed to be raping, stabbing, shooting and burning the victim?

3. How does Avery conduct TV interviews, post TH missing and prior to his arrest, swearing his innocence while not exhibiting even a single hint of deception? Much like the Phone calls with his gf...Steven Avery is the greatest actor that has ever lived ?!!?

4. And if so....and he is the Greatest Actor to have ever lived....this same man is the Greatest Crime Scene Cleaner to have ever lived?!!? What are The Odds??!!??.....he managed to scrub all of TH's DNA & Blood from Garage while amazingly leaving DEER BLOOD present there? he has a cleaning method that only removes the victim's DNA...leaves all non-her DNA untouched?

5. To accomplish the degree of cremation found on "victim's bones" a very long burn would have been necessary in Burn Barrel...within Quarry even longer, Fire pit the same.....some experts say "day long burn" and some experts even say that it could simply not be accomplished in Burn Barrel, Quarry and/or Pit. "Fire would simply not be hot enough"....Burn Pit pics show items for some reason unburned.... plastic handled screwdriver...liquor bottle...all of the previous aside: Avery Burns victim and the distinct and most troubling smell known to man permeates the property and area surrounding The Yard.....the smell of burning flesh.....for an extended period of time...and on Halloween Night.

And thats just stuff of the top of my head....theres 20 more things I could copy and paste that others have cited.

But There is not one single thing of this "stuff left out of the Doc that points to his having done this" that comes even CLOSE to out-doing any one of those things above and even if, like I said, you took ALL of the "left out of the Doc" stuff together all of it combined does not out-do any one of those things.

No one is asking for Outright Exoneration....pardon, declaration of Innocence anyways....folks are asking for a New Trial.

A Fair Trial.

Somewhere far far away from Manitowoc County.

All thats being asked for, in addition to that very reasonable "ask" of a Re-Do of The Trial, is that those responsible for this be held accountable.

All that is desired is Justice be done.

The Myth is that we are entitled to Justice.....the meaningless Babble promised us "Justice". Supposed to be a cornerstone of our "Great Country".....fairness, justice....all those right now very Hollow Words. That exist, function today in our present world.....only to deceive.

No one (except those responsible) should have a problem with these requests. The opposite, in fact. All who are not The Responsible thus do not run the risk of being held accountable should support these requests as this could happen to any one of you or yours.....if they wind up on the wrong side of a vengeful cop of group of those.



Nov 4, 2009
Fucking bullshit...No idea what to believe now...Nancy Grace coming up in 1 minute...I am honestly out of energy to try to figure this crap out....


Nancy gonna try and convince you that he is Guilty. Its what The BattleAx Hag from Hell does.

Steve's ex was scheduled on Nancy.....to say "Steve is a Guilty Monster." What she needs to say to book the most interviews so make the most $$$

...then when Steve gets released she'll reel him back in cuz he'll be needful of some Lovin' + (plus) she knows she can manipulate Steve so Jodi figures she can play both sides here...burn Steve now for $$$, get let back onto the Settlement Money Train with Steve later.

May 22, 2005
Nancy grace trying to vilify Avery and discredit the documentary filmmakers
really just trying to cash in on their popularity
Sep 21, 2004
'Of course we left out evidence' Making a Murderer creators defend series

THE most talked about show of the year had some flaws.












By Molly Rose Pike / <time pubdate="" datetime="2016-01-18T08:45:00Z">Published 18th January 2016</time>
<section class="photo">

netflix INNOCENT? Fans have signed petitions to pardon Avery </section> <section class="text-description"> Contains huge spoilers, obviously.
Making a Murderer followed the case of Steven Avery, who was convicted of killing Teresa Halbach.
He had previously been jailed for 18 years for the sexual assault of another woman, but DNA evidence cleared him.
The defence argued that evidence was planted to frame Avery for Teresa’s murder.
</section> <section class="text-description"> But it has faced huge criticism for leaving out the prosecution’s key evidence against Avery.
And now documentary makers Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos have defended their show.
"We’re not prosecutors, we’re not defense attorneys, we do not set out to convict or exonerate anyone," Ricciardi said at the Television Critics Association winter tour.
</section> <section class="photo">

netflix VICTIM: Photographer Teresa Halbach was murdered </section> <section class="text-description"> "We set out to examine the criminal justice system and how it’s functioning today. It would have been impossible for us to include every piece of evidence submitted to the court.
"Of course we left out evidence,” she added.
"There would have been no other way of doing it. We were not putting on a trial, but a film. Of what was omitted, the question is: was it really significant? The secret is no."
</section> <section class="photo">

netflix CONVICTED: Brendan Dassey was also jailed for Teresa's murder </section> <section class="text-description"> Prosecutor Ken Kratz called the show a "conspiracy movie".
"You don’t want to muddy up a perfectly good conspiracy movie with what actually happened and certainly not provide the audience with the evidence the jury considered to reject that claim," he told Fox 11 News.
"I believe there to be 80 to 90 per cent of the physical evidence, the forensic evidence, that ties Steven Avery to this murder never to have been presented in this documentary."


New member
Sep 12, 2010
Wow I was going to post a thread on watching this series but see there is already one. I am on series 3 and I'm hooked already. How many series are there? And as of right now...seeing the way the key was in room on floor and the one blood spot in car...it looks planted just from the pics. I can't wait to see what else they come up with.
Sep 21, 2004
The more I read about this case, and see the evidence that wasn't included in the series, I think Avery is 100% guilty.

And, I don't think you can really call this a documentary, as the producers totally had a skewed agenda - and suppressed evidence.

It's really a bunch of agitprop.

New member
Oct 29, 2006
The more I read about this case, and see the evidence that wasn't included in the series, I think Avery is 100% guilty.

And, I don't think you can really call this a documentary, as the producers totally had a skewed agenda - and suppressed evidence.

It's really a bunch of agitprop.

Any specific examples of evidence that was omitted from the film that made you feel he is 100% guilty?

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