'Making A Murderer' If You Have Not Watched Spoiler Alert


May 22, 2005
so the filmmakers start making a documentary on a wrongful conviction case, fall into an absolute jackpot situation.
Then sit on the film for TEN years.

Meanwhile avery sits in prison, waiting for its release.


Jan 15, 2005
so the filmmakers start making a documentary on a wrongful conviction case, fall into an absolute jackpot situation.
Then sit on the film for TEN years.

Meanwhile avery sits in prison, waiting for its release.
It was a ten part series. Where were they supposed to show it, YouTube?

Nov 4, 2009
Fans of The German Guy Theory will be pleased to hear that primak is back (maybe....for how long she's back, time will tell), after a several week absence....and she is not just back but back and chastising those spreading Dis-Info about the theory...and other stuff.

Primak is the ex-wife of The German Guy.

primak: https://www.reddit.com/user/primak

German Guy Theory: http://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/photo-gallery/39585210/image/39585462/Local-Man-Called-German

German Guy insanity: http://jonsjailjournal.blogspot.com/2016/01/german-murder-suspect-located-named-and.html

Nov 4, 2009




Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Making a Murderer was very one-sided biased documentary which purposely omitted lots of evidence presented in the courtroom. Obviously the creators were looking for sympathy for the guilty parties and have succeeded.

Did Steven Avery kill Teresa Halback? Yes.

Was there corruption inside the police dept? Probably.

Did "the system", imperfect as it was, get the right guy? Absolutely.

Nov 4, 2009
Oh...getting TOUGH out here. Folks are "Zooming In." Kathleen Zellner, among the best Lawyers (when combined with the team she works with) on Earth right now comin' to town to lite Kratz up like a Bottle Rocket that sounds like your neighbor's Grandma.

If whats trying to assume some sort of "form" here succeeds in doing that and if it then can grow legs and find the strength to Rise and Walk this case that you just thought was weird because of the completely implausible number of Scoundrels and Dumbshits involved will prove to be the most insane thing you have ever seen and will ever see. If what is suspected to be true is that....true....there is no possibility that this case will ever be surpassed for level of bizarreness.

2:41 call to her goes to Voicemail (VM). CFNA call forward no answer. As good as they've been no one can seem to establish definitively if CFNA in 2005 = manually activated so as to just send all calls to VM or if that CFNA because the Cell Tower is still local (VM Tower = Chicago) indicates she powered off the phone, it went dead due to battery or if the phone got destroyed.

Prior to that 2:41 and after a 2:27 call wherein she says "10 minutes from Avery's" she would have activated CFNA if indeed this code would represent such an action

Key Stuff there. Throughout the above. May have gone un-noticed though.

Latest blurb that has sent 98% of those trying to figure this crap out on (yet another) Wild Goose Chase
is Investigator Dumbass who coerced Brendan's confession in a Nov. 4 2005 (5 days after Murder) phone convo with Detective Remiker theorizing she went to Zipperer's (Zs) after Avery's which the masses are chasing cuz that would get her off of Avery's, mean she'd have to have been killed elsewhere so, obviously...tremendous weight of evidence lifted right up off of Avery there.

Wild Goose Chase though, phone records leave an acceptable window for her to have squeezed Zs in, that bet is riding on the positive and irrefutable locating of a certain Cell Tower's service area on Halloween 2005.

This stuff ain't easy.

10 years ago...you may say "not that long what are you people stupid?" and that would be a very valid question.

Technology has lept often though and, as result of that, info is stacked on top of info like Despair and Hopelessness is stacked on The '76ers and trying to locate confirmation on a Cell Tower Service region for that time that one can be certain is accurate, the amount of info one has to sift through/phone people they have to find, get communicating with and bother makes this hunt very much like the looking for a needle in a haystack time consuming ordeal that trying to locate an intelligent poster at SBR would be.

So you can imagine what we're up against....with that analogy. How overwhelming and even impossible the find of quality info seems some times.

I may be back here updating this thread again before Super Bowl but not likely beyond finding a cool Meme worth posting because recent discoveries are gonna require intense verification before anything else is said, something like a Pandora's Box has been opened with stuff folks have found just since the weekend or that may be close to getting found. Whatever gets said, if anything gets said at all, its hard to imagine that being more Dramatic what I'm fixin' to say because....

New Discoveries and one of those in particular that just came within the last 5 hours strongly bolster the possibility that...

....this girl may not actually be dead.


New member
Nov 29, 2005
Finally got around to watching this and finished it last night. Do I think Avery did it? Yes. Do I think it's exactly how they said he did? No

But this documentary was one sided and it wouldn't have been as interesting if they painted him guilty. Who wants to watch it if we are 100% sure he did it? I wouldn't...

Everything else I've read about things left out of the documentary points to Steven. I haven't heard anything that I can recall that was left out to help the defense (outside of some nutjob type explanations). If I just watched the mini-series and that's it? I would for sure have some doubt. I'm not convinced the police planted anything but they sure ran this case like dog shit

Sep 18, 2006
Finally got around to watching this and finished it last night. Do I think Avery did it? Yes. Do I think it's exactly how they said he did? No

But this documentary was one sided and it wouldn't have been as interesting if they painted him guilty. Who wants to watch it if we are 100% sure he did it? I wouldn't...

Everything else I've read about things left out of the documentary points to Steven. I haven't heard anything that I can recall that was left out to help the defense (outside of some nutjob type explanations). If I just watched the mini-series and that's it? I would for sure have some doubt. I'm not convinced the police planted anything but they sure ran this case like dog shit

The original police dept that arrested the first time for rape shouldn't have been on his property at all the second time for the murder rap.......after a lawsuit was presented, the last thing you want is to svrew up an investigation, hence the independent investigators, & lo & behold, the same cops that screwed him the first time, were finding evidence on his property when the independent investigators couldn't.

Not saying he's innocent, but that whole county is f**ked up......& he had a rap sheet that didn't help.......the family tree seemed to have rap sheets......& the nephew with an IQ of less than 70 should have had an attorney.

Seemed the kid was coaxed into confessing & didn't know what he was saying, while wondering when he can go back to school to finish a project.

I would not want to be a juror in cases like this.........

Sep 21, 2004
It's more likely the cops did it than Avery. They at least had motive. Like Avery said in his beautiful Forrest Gump-like low IQ simplicity......."the truth always comes out." Kathleen Zellner is a beast, and puts the fear of God into people. With her now on the case, these corrupt cocksuckers are all back to sleepless nights, years after they thought it was over and done with. The story has just begun.
Sep 21, 2004
It's more likely the cops did it than Avery. They at least had motive. Like Avery said in his beautiful Forrest Gump-like low IQ simplicity......."the truth always comes out." Kathleen Zellner is a beast, and puts the fear of God into people. With her now on the case, these corrupt cocksuckers are all back to sleepless nights, years after they thought it was over and done with. The story has just begun.


Your mind has been polluted by that fake "documentary." You can't call that shit a documentary, when they purposefully left out all of the evidence that shows Avery's guilt.

Sep 21, 2004

Your mind has been polluted by that fake "documentary." You can't call that shit a documentary, when they purposefully left out all of the evidence that shows Avery's guilt.
Wrong. I've done a lot of research on my own. And I'm also very smart. For one, sweat DNA can be planted and they didn't find it for months. Also, it doesn't necessarily point to guilt. She had been there many times, he could have touched the hood another time.

Forrest Gump was wrongly convicted and was finally about to see something resembling justice and get 36 million dollars. And he threw it all away so he could kill a girl for fun? Meanwhile, countless people are about to go down and bankrupt the city. The one person, an almost retarded person that is going to take all of them down just happens to commit a murder during the depositions, and performs a scrubbing that an expert would have trouble pulling off? He wipes all of his prints off the vehicle, but leaves the blood and parks it on his lot? Sure, okay.

People that bow down to law enforcement and prosecutors refuse to look at how this is logically nonsense. Judge Jeanine and Nancy Grace say oh, the sweat DNA.....proves it. Cops good, Avery bad. Zellner being on the case should tell you something. She is very successful and doesn't do pro bono work because it's fun.

Sep 21, 2004
"We are all fucked. We all are corrupt and we are about to pay for our lies. We need a hail mary, fellas. We need a 25 team parlay this Sunday. Avery needs to commit a murder and soon....like within the next month. Let's hope and pray he does."
25 team parlay cash! Praise God!!!


Sep 21, 2004
So much damn corruption all around. The truth always comes out, in this life or the next.

Sep 18, 2006
Wrong. I've done a lot of research on my own. And I'm also very smart. For one, sweat DNA can be planted and they didn't find it for months. Also, it doesn't necessarily point to guilt. She had been there many times, he could have touched the hood another time.

Forrest Gump was wrongly convicted and was finally about to see something resembling justice and get 36 million dollars. And he threw it all away so he could kill a girl for fun? Meanwhile, countless people are about to go down and bankrupt the city. The one person, an almost retarded person that is going to take all of them down just happens to commit a murder during the depositions, and performs a scrubbing that an expert would have trouble pulling off? He wipes all of his prints off the vehicle, but leaves the blood and parks it on his lot? Sure, okay.

People that bow down to law enforcement and prosecutors refuse to look at how this is logically nonsense. Judge Jeanine and Nancy Grace say oh, the sweat DNA.....proves it. Cops good, Avery bad. Zellner being on the case should tell you something. She is very successful and doesn't do pro bono work because it's fun.

Curruption is everywhere........& it seems mostly in the county Avery lived in. You stated some good points, the guy is about to cash a $36 million check from a lawsuit that is open & shut, & bingo, he rapes & murders?

The victims car is left on his property, which happens to be a salvage yard?

Many independent investigators can'tfind evidence, & then the detectives & cops tthat were banned from stepping on his property find all this evidence after a lot of others supposedly missed it?

This is one f**led up case!

My question from the future of mankind is this: how easy is it, & will it be to frame people for a crime using DNA & other forensic techniques?

Sure DNA can show you exactly who was at a scene, who left their DNA on a weapon, etc......& its great to set innocent people free from being in prison for an act they didn't commit.........but let's not forget, its very easy to frame someone as well!.....in fact, its much easier with these new technologies.
Sep 21, 2004
Wrong. I've done a lot of research on my own. And I'm also very smart. For one, sweat DNA can be planted and they didn't find it for months. Also, it doesn't necessarily point to guilt. She had been there many times, he could have touched the hood another time.

Forrest Gump was wrongly convicted and was finally about to see something resembling justice and get 36 million dollars. And he threw it all away so he could kill a girl for fun? Meanwhile, countless people are about to go down and bankrupt the city. The one person, an almost retarded person that is going to take all of them down just happens to commit a murder during the depositions, and performs a scrubbing that an expert would have trouble pulling off? He wipes all of his prints off the vehicle, but leaves the blood and parks it on his lot? Sure, okay.

People that bow down to law enforcement and prosecutors refuse to look at how this is logically nonsense. Judge Jeanine and Nancy Grace say oh, the sweat DNA.....proves it. Cops good, Avery bad. Zellner being on the case should tell you something. She is very successful and doesn't do pro bono work because it's fun.

You posted earlier in the thread that:

I watched the whole thing for 10 hours straight and could not stop until completion. The most amazing and disturbing documentary I've ever seen. I'd bet my whole bankroll they are innocent. I'd make a regular straight wager at -110 that the cops were the murderers.

I don't think that you would have watched this thing for 10 hours straight, claiming you couldn't stop, and then said it was the most amazing and disturbing documentary that
you'd ever seen, and that you'd bet your whole bankroll on his innocence, if you realized that the "documentary" filmers were deliberately not including massive evidence that was damning against Avery.

I'm not saying there aren't troubling things about the case, there was some really fucked up things going on. BUT, there is some very damning evidence that only points towards Avery.
I'm not 100% convinced of his guilt, but If I had to put a number on it, I'd say 70-80% convinced.

Sep 21, 2004
You posted earlier in the thread that:

I don't think that you would have watched this thing for 10 hours straight, claiming you couldn't stop, and then said it was the most amazing and disturbing documentary that
you'd ever seen, and that you'd bet your whole bankroll on his innocence, if you realized that the "documentary" filmers were deliberately not including massive evidence that was damning against Avery.

I'm not saying there aren't troubling things about the case, there was some really fucked up things going on. BUT, there is some very damning evidence that only points towards Avery.
I'm not 100% convinced of his guilt, but If I had to put a number on it, I'd say 70-80% convinced.
What evidence? That there isn't one ounce of blood in the house or garage, even though she was shot 13 times and stabbed and raped? There is no motive whatsoever. The only shred of evidence they have is blood DNA which was planted, and sweat DNA which was probably planted as well and proves nothing even if it wasn't. These guys are both special needs, almost mentally retarded, and would have to be super smart and specifically educated on how to clean all this shit up, and even then would be very difficult. The whole case is a bunch of bullshit.

The cops are all very, very dirty. Why couldn't they have committed the murder? Because they have badges? Makes infinitely more sense than claiming Avery did it.
Sep 21, 2004
What evidence? That there isn't one ounce of blood in the house or garage, even though she was shot 13 times and stabbed and raped? There is no motive whatsoever. The only shred of evidence they have is blood DNA which was planted, and sweat DNA which was probably planted as well and proves nothing even if it wasn't. These guys are both special needs, almost mentally retarded, and would have to be super smart and specifically educated on how to clean all this shit up, and even then would be very difficult. The whole case is a bunch of bullshit.

The cops are all very, very dirty. Why couldn't they have committed the murder? Because they have badges? Makes infinitely more sense than claiming Avery did it.

You seem irrational with these posts. There is a TON of evidence that points to Avery. Here is just one example (conveniently left out of the film):

'Teresa's phone, camera, and PDA were found 20 feet from Avery's door, burned in his barrel,'Kratz said in his email. 'Why did the documentary not tell the viewers the contents of her purse were in his burn barrel, north of his front door.'
Kratz doubled down on this assertion in an interview with Maxim: '
Teresa's phone, camera and (other contents of her purse) were found 20 feet from Avery's door, burned in his barrel...Two people saw him putting that stuff in there. This isn't contested. It was all presented as evidence at the jury trial, and the documentary people don't tell you that.'

Though Tech Insider doesn't currently have access to Avery's court documents to check the veracity of this statement, Manitowoc County's current sheriff Robert Hermann remembers this evidence as well.
'In the burning barrel, the cell phone and several other things of Teresa Halbach were found in the barrel, burnt,' Hermann told The Hollywood Reporter. 'A camera, I believe, and a cell phone.'

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