'Making A Murderer' If You Have Not Watched Spoiler Alert


Nov 4, 2009
I hope this works out. The interest around the Avery case was and is enormous, I just don't know if there is enough new/untold info out there to run a full new season.

Initial speculation a few months ago was the 2nd season would examine a new case.

A BUNCH of really "interesting" stuff went down, some of it too interesting for me so I had to bail on the deal myself so stopped paying attention to the case in April. Nothing Earth Shattering took place as in Internet Detectives uncovering anything conCRETE that could contribute to the case, its possible some did and after sharing their info with Kathleen WhatsHerName, Avery's new lawyer, then scrubbed their posts on what they found from reddit/facebook but the largest support/investigation groups on both of those got destroyed.

Massive Drama amongst online doofuses, 64,000+ Member Avery Family support group on facebook got dismantled piece by piece, literally, by AveryIsGuilty people....in what was probably the biggest clash of its type ever on facebook. It was an actual "war", in CyberSpace, thats what made me bail and also details in arrest records of certain Avery Family Members.

The War that led to the destruction of the Avery Family facebook group, the story of that is funny. Facebook setup requires, to delete a group, that a group have less than a certain amount of members so those who attacked that group (got into Group Admin Panel via an Admin that went to war with Steven Avery's Niece Carla) had to delete 60,000 or so members one-by-one. It took 3 Days, 13 or so of them in there, some posting Vile hate-filled messages to the group page (visible to remaining members yet to be deleted from the group) that you likely would not even believe.

I may post more details later, on that + similar reddit drama + interesting stuff uncovered (some intensely interesting) relating to "players on the field" in this case....if anyone cares to hear about it. Its all just Crazy WTF stuff, the drama and the stuff uncovered about the family and others relevant to the case.

....pretty much I stopped paying mind to the deal though at just the right time cuz after May uncovered stuff was just getting repeated endlessly, any new developments could be caught up on within 15 minutes during a once-every-6-week pop-in to what is left of facebook Support Groups and reddit groups.

Some pretty interesting stuff uncovered though.....I may write about it here, if anyone...as stated above...expresses any interest in hearing it, people largely stopped caring though....due to some of that "stuff". Main thing is Kathleen (Steve's lawyer) has expressed that she has extreme confidence that she can accomplish a victory in this case and the next big date is August 29, 2016. Thats when the shiite is supposed to hit the fan. Theres been Delay after Delay after Delay. At least one f those demanded by Kathleen cuz Discovery presented was incomplete or missing.....something along those lines anyway.

There is a great deal of stuff the filmmakers could use for a Season 2. A whole CRAP TON of stuff.

And a plethora of "directions" they could go in.

10 More Episodes EASILY from all the intertwined strangeness within this small Wisconsin Town.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
MILWAUKEE — Wisconsin's attorney general said Monday that his office will consult with the victim's family before deciding whether to retry a developmentally disabled man in the death of Teresa Halbach.
A federal magistrate threw out Brendan Dassey's conviction earlier this month.
"We’re still examining all of the options," state Attorney General Brad Schimel said during a news conference about another controversial case, his office's review of an officer-involved fatal shooting Aug. 13 that preceded violent unrest in Milwaukee's Sherman Park neighborhood.
"There are a number of different directions this case can go and before we make a determination as to which option we’ll pursue, we are going to want to give Teresa Halbach’s family an opportunity to have some input," he said. "We’ll continue to outline for them all the different options what the likelihood of best success are with each one.”
Schimel said he expects a decision before the 90-day deadline.


May 22, 2005
A federal magistrate threw out Brendan Dassey's conviction earlier this month.

New member
Nov 6, 2007
Holy shit...new news...The police had seized Halbachs car on 11/3 and had it in their possesion and it wasnt found on Averys property until 11/5. Dude is going to get off. WOW

Nov 4, 2009
Holy shit...new news...The police had seized Halbachs car on 11/3 and had it in their possesion and it wasnt found on Averys property until 11/5. Dude is going to get off. WOW


People make stuff up all the time in such cases and especially this one, its brought out so many wastecases that one is tempted to Research whether there was some Government Mandate that Ruled people in Mental Hospitals had to have Internet Access.

Zellner showed up, filed a motion (early Friday 26 Aug) to support her request for additional scientific testing on behalf of Avery, requesting to test dozens of items from the crime scene.

This is what basically everyone thought she was doing for the last 3 months since she showed up in May requesting additional scientific testing on behalf of Avery, requesting to test dozens of items from the crime scene.

Apparently Not Though. :):)

She's doing everything she can to stall until she can see if they retry Dassey.

They have to retry him within, like, about 73 days or so or they have to let him go.

I have No Clue how she is gonna accomplish Stalling further here by asking to Stall for the same reason that she asked to Stall last time but maybe in these things Lawyers can ask to stall as many times as they want.

Nov 4, 2009
Okay I found a Transcript from a Live Interview with Zellner at the Courthouse yesterday

well now....yeah, yesterday.

I sorta forgot what day it was cuz its, like, around midnight and the day is changing so I got confused momentarily

In her motion, Zellner requested additional testing of the following items:

  • The spare vehicle key found in Avery's bedroom by Manitowoc County Sheriff's detective James Lenk and Sgt. Andy Colborn
  • The bottom of the hood latch of Halbach's RAV4
  • New DNA testing on evidence that hasn't been tested. This includes a pair of purple women's underwear recovered from a white trailer near the Mercury station wagon where Halbach's license plates were found Nov. 8. Zellner is seeking DNA tests on the underwear to determine if they belonged to Halbach and if they contained a male DNA profile. She also wants new tests on Halbach's vehicle, including the battery cable, the interior hood release, the prop bar that holds up the hood, the blinker light and the lug wrench.
  • New DNA tests on previously tested evidence, including the license plates, swabs taken from Halbach's vehicle, the victim's key and hood latch.

    "Kathleen Kathleen did you find any new evidence?"
"The tests I motioned for Today will search for contaminates on items to determine whether or not evidence was planted."

"What?!? Wasn't that what you did 3 Months ago, when you were last here? In May?"

"I motioned Today for Tests that will determine if contaminates on items suggest evidence was planted."

"What?!? Wait I know that you said that already I mean in MAY, why were you here in may wasn't that for this same thing?"

"We've done a variety of things and myself or members of my team have been here multiple times, we've spent a great deal of time here."

"I mean in MAY didn't you file a Motion asking for this same exact stuff, and to test that in MAY?!!?

"I don't have our past schedule with me at this moment, to know when we filed motions or what those concerned. You could email the question if you want or if you have a copy of the filing I can look at it and clarify what that was for"

"What?!!? no I haven't got the court paper can I just call my station real quick?"

"I'm Sorry, I have to go."


Sep 18, 2006

Long Reads
RS Country

'Making a Murderer': New Filing Details How Steven Avery Was Framed
Kathleen Zellner revealed new parts of her theory on how her client was set up – and hints to who she thinks really murdered Teresa Halbach

Steven Avery's lawyer, Kathleen Zellner, says her client was framed. Don Shrubshell/AP, Jeffrey Phelps/AP
By Amelia McDonell-Parry
2 days ago
Today, Kathleen Zellner, attorney for Steven Avery, filed a motion requesting access to a long list of evidence so that new advanced forensic testing can be conducted in order to prove that her client, as well as his nephew Brendan Dassey, was framed for the murder of Teresa Halbach in 2005. Avery’s case was the subject of the Making a Murderer docuseries on Netflix. Zellner also filed a motion asking the appeals court to essentially press pause on the proceedings until testing is completed.

"Mr. Avery is requesting, and is willing to pay for, the most comprehensive, thorough, and advanced forensic testing ever requested by a criminal defendant in the State of Wisconsin," Zellner told reporters outside the Manitowoc County Courthouse.

The 45-page motion requests that many pieces of evidence be tested for DNA, including the hood latch on Halbach’s RAV4 and the key to the vehicle found inside Avery’s trailer by Manitowoc County Sheriff’s officers. According to the motion, "more sensitive forensic DNA techniques have been developed that can recover sufficient DNA for profiling from…fingerprints." Zellner has also requested fingerprints from Andrew Colborn and James Lenk, the two Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Department deputies who have long been suspected of planting evidence to frame Avery.

In the motion, Zellner lays out her theory for how Avery was framed, with perhaps the biggest bombshell being a Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department report which documents Colborn discovering Halbach’s car on November 3rd, 2005 – two days before it was officially found in Avery’s Salvage Yard on November 5th. Zellner's motion contends that the car was moved on the evening of November 4th after law enforcement officers planted evidence inside the car.

"Ms. Halbach’s vehicle was moved from the Fred Radandt Sons, Inc. quarry to the Avery property using the conveyor road that led onto the Avery property from the quarry," the motion states. "Mr. Avery contends that the blood evidence was planted in Ms. Halbach’s car, by law enforcement, prior to the discovery of the vehicle on the Avery property on November 5, 2005."

"If the unidentified fingerprints on the victim’s vehicle match either Officer [Andrew] Colborn or Officer [James] Lenk, it would be significant evidence of their involvement in moving the victim’s vehicle onto the Avery property," Zellner told Newsweek.

The motion also requests newly developed radiocarbon tests to determine whether the samples of Avery’s blood found in Halbach’s car came from a fresh wound or a blood sample that was planted by police.

Zellner also contends that two individuals who were not members of law enforcement went onto the Avery property when it was closed to the public during the investigation, and lied when they were interviewed by police. Individual A appears to be Joshua Radandt, based on Zellner’s claim that "it was impossible for Individual A to observe Mr. Avery’s backyard as he described because of the elevation of the quarry from where he was allegedly making his observations."

Radandt is the grandson of Fred Radandt, and the former President of Fred Radandt and Sons, a mining company that owned the property surrounding the Avery Salvage Yard – including the quarry where Zellner alleges Halbach’s car was hidden prior to November 5th – until 2014. (That year, they filed for bankruptcy and now a new company, Badgerland Aggregates LLC, also owned by Joshua Radandt, owns the land.) On November 5th, Radandt told police that at 4:30 p.m. on the day of Halbach’s disappearance, he was driving up the quarry road towards the family’s deer-hunting camp and "observed a large fire located by the red house" on the Avery property. This was the first time the authorities were told about a fire, which prosecutors later claimed was Avery burning Halbach’s remains.

Sep 18, 2006
In addition to the burn pit behind Avery’s garage and a burn barrel, the quarry was the third location where bones were found during the initial investigation, including a pelvis bone that state expert Dr. Leslie Eisenberg testified she suspected was human. Zellner has requested that these bones be tested to "determine [their] origin."

Dr. Eisenberg testified at trial that the bones in the burn pit were likely moved prior to being placed there. The motion contends that both the bones and the key to Halbach’s vehicle were planted on the Avery property on November 7th, 2005, the day before they were "discovered" by law enforcement.

The motion also requests testing on a lug wrench and burned items found inside Halbach’s car, as well as burned items found at the Radandt deer hunting camp located just up the quarry road. Given that Radandt is on the record as having been at the deer camp on the afternoon and night of Halbach’s disappearance, the latter request could be taken as an indication that Radandt is on the potential list of suspects Zellner intends to implicate when she files her full brief once the all of the test results are in, which will take about 90 days.

The motion goes on to briefly discuss Individual B, who appears to be Ryan Hillegas, Halbach’s ex-boyfriend, whom the motion contends "misrepresented" that the RAV4’s blinker light had been broken months before.

"The victim’s blinker light was displaced sometime during the sequence of events of either the crime or the transport of the victim’s car onto Mr. Avery’s property," the motion states. "The blinker light was picked up and placed in the rear cargo area of the victim’s car by the perpetrator or the individual who moved the car onto the Avery property."

Zellner also claims that Hillegas used a false name to access the Avery property while it was closed to the public, and implies that there is a connection between Hillegas and the planting of Halbach’s car, key and the bones on the Avery property.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice will respond to the motion requesting access to the evidence, though Zellner maintains that a 2007 court order has already guaranteed Avery the right to conduct future DNA tests on any of the evidence being held by authorities, and said she does not anticipate any problems.

"Mr. Avery has already completed a series of tests that will conclusively establish his innocence," Zellner stated. She says the tests she is requesting now will offer further proof of her client’s innocence and, she believes, offer further evidence to support her theory on who really killed Teresa Halbach.

"No guilty person would ever allow such extensive testing to be done," Zellner said about Avery’s excitement at the developments in his case. "The fact that Mr. Avery has agreed to all this testing is further proof he’s actually innocent of these crimes."

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
Judge orders Dassey to be released from prison.....

MILWAUKEE — The federal judge who overturned the conviction of Brendan Dassey in the case made famous by Making A Murderer ordered Monday that Dassey be freed from prison, under supervision, pending further court developments.
U.S. District Judge William Duffin issued the order.
Dassey, 27, has been in prison since being sentenced in 2007 to life in the 2005 murder of Teresa Halbach, a 25-year-old photographer from St. John, Wis. Dassey's uncle, Steven Avery, also is serving a life sentence in the Manitowoc County murder.

Sep 21, 2004
<header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(69, 69, 69); font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 12px; -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased !important;">DATELINE: “Return to Manitowoc County”

NBCPublished: <time class="entry-date published" datetime="2017-02-17T11:54:31+00:00" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased !important;">February 17, 2017, 11:54 am</time> Updated: <time class="updated" datetime="2017-02-17T11:55:21+00:00" data-standard-view="" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased !important;">February 17, 2017, 11:55 am


  • (NBC) – You’re probably familiar with the Steven Avery case, which has gotten worldwide attention via the Netflix show ‘Making A Murderer.’ Avery had been wrongfully convicted of rape in 1985 and freed from prison. Then later convicted of murdering a young photographer. Dateline has been following the case for more than a decade… Here’s a preview of tonight’s Dateline.
</header>For his interrogation of Brendan Dassey, now seen by millions, Tom Fassbender has come under fire in court and online.
Those officers wanted that information in the worst way and they got it in the worst way by feeding it straight to Brendan Dassey.
Fassbender denies that his expressions of sympathy for Dassey were manipulative.
I legitimately was concerned for him. // that wasn’t staged. That wasn’t strategy”. Tom Fassbender


Jan 15, 2010
The case against Ryan Ferguson is an actual case of someone that wasn't guilty. You guys should check that one out. This guy has the same Lawyer, but he looks as guilty as OJ IMO. People are getting persuaded the same way the OJ jury did. Seems like it would have had to be a huge conspiracy, and that's not an easy buy for me.
Sep 21, 2004
<header organizationurl="http://www.foxnews.com/" class="article-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 24px; padding: 24px 0px 0px; border: 0px; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: medium; line-height: inherit; font-family: Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; text-align: center;">[h=1]Wisconsin inmate confesses to 'Making a Murderer' killing: report[/h]By Danielle Wallace | Fox News

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[h=4]Report: Wisconsin inmate confesses to 'Making a Murderer' killing[/h]A Wisconsin inmate confesses to the killing of Teresa Halbach, the victim in the highly popular Netflix show ‘Making a Murderer.’ The director of a new series ‘Convicting of a murderer’ reportedly taped the confession and wants viewers to know it’s not from the two men who are currently serving jail time for her death.

A Wisconsin inmate reportedly confessed to documentary crews that he killed Teresa Halbach, the murder victim whose mysterious death is at the forefront of the hit Netflix series "Making a Murderer." The inmate is serving time for a different crime.
Shawn Rech, the director of "Convicting A Murderer," an unaffiliated new documentary about Halbach’s murder, told Newsweek Monday that his production company received a confession from one of the “notable convicted murderers from Wisconsin.” He said the confession is on audio. Rech is not releasing the man’s name and has handed over possible evidence to law enforcement as they continue to determine if the confession is legitimate.

"We haven't confirmed the legitimacy of the confession, but seeing as it was given by a notable convicted murderer from Wisconsin, we feel responsible to deliver any and all possible evidence to law enforcement and legal teams," he told Newsweek. "Having been in production for 20 months, we've uncovered an unfathomable amount of information and evidence that is leading us to the truth. Our investigation does not end here."

Two men -- Steven Avery and his nephew Brendan Dassey—have spent more than a decade behind bars after being convicted for the 2005 murder of photographer Halbach. Rech confirmed that the man who confessed is neither Avery nor Dassey.

<source media="(max-width: 767px)" srcset="https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2019/09/1470/828/Steven-Avery-Brendan-Dassey.jpg?ve=1&tl=1 2x" style="box-sizing: border-box;"><source media="(min-width: 767px)" srcset="https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2019/09/1862/1048/Steven-Avery-Brendan-Dassey.jpg?ve=1&tl=1 2x" style="box-sizing: border-box;">
Two men -- Steven Avery (left) and his nephew Brendan Dassey (right) —have spent more than a decade behind bars after being convicted for the 2005 murder of photographer Halbach. Rech confirmed that the man who confessed is neither Avery nor Dassey. (Wisconsin Dept of Corrections)

<video class="tl-video" muted="true" playsinline="true" autoplay="" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; width: 302px !important; height: 169.875px !important; position: absolute !important; top: 0px !important; left: 0px !important;"></video>

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The duo have maintained their innocence since first standing trial in Wisconsin in 2007. Dassey appealed to the Supreme Court, where his request for a new trial was denied, Newsweek reported. Avery is still involved in the appeals process and is currently serving a life sentence without parole, the New York Post reported.
The 2016 controversial Netflix documentary series "Making a Murderer" explored theories that Avery might have been set up for the crime given he had previously served time and had been exonerated for a sexual assault. Authorities said DNA evidence implicated Avery in the murder.

<source media="(max-width: 767px)" srcset="https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2019/09/1470/828/Steven-Avery.jpg?ve=1&tl=1 2x" style="box-sizing: border-box;"><source media="(min-width: 767px)" srcset="https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2019/09/1862/1048/Steven-Avery.jpg?ve=1&tl=1 2x" style="box-sizing: border-box;">
In this June 1, 2007 file photo, Steven Avery, left, appears during his sentencing as his attorney Jerome Buting listens at the Manitowoc County Courthouse in Manitowoc, Wis. (AP)

Avery’s attorney, Kathleen Zellner, told Heavy that her firm also received a handwritten confession from an unnamed inmate who admitted to killing Halbach. Zellner said her firm announced earlier this month that a citizen was offering $100,000 for information related to Halbach’s “real killer.”
She explained that when the firm failed to respond to the inmate about the monetary reward, he then approached the production company with his story. Zellner said on Twitter that the handwritten note is “worthless unless it is corroborated.”
“He mailed the handwritten confession to us before he contacted the production company. The confession occurred solely because of our 100K reward offer and had nothing to do with the production company. When we did not immediately respond to this person, he called the production company,” Zellner told Heavy.

Former DA Ken Kratz, who handled prosecution in the case, wrote on Twitter: “To be clear, like everyone else, this is news to me. I have NO COMMENT until I see the details. #MakingAMurderer.”


I like money
Dec 13, 2006
I watched the entire series(es) and read up on news articles, local and national. The whole thing is shady on all counts, by all parties involved. Ill be following this story, thats for sure!
May 4, 2005
I watched the entire series(es) and read up on news articles, local and national. The whole thing is shady on all counts, by all parties involved. Ill be following this story, thats for sure!

It's all so bizarre and hard to believe. I'll never understand how the one cop who took the phone call saying someone else had committed the original rape which led to Avery spending an extra 7 years in prison asked dispatch to run a license plate # and the plate came back as Halbach's vehicle before it had been reported missing and yet he didn't have any explanation as to why he asked for that plate to be run. I'd love to hear an explanation for that from someone who has worked in law enforcement as to what they think was going on here because something sure stinks.
Jan 17, 2007
It's all so bizarre and hard to believe. I'll never understand how the one cop who took the phone call saying someone else had committed the original rape which led to Avery spending an extra 7 years in prison asked dispatch to run a license plate # and the plate came back as Halbach's vehicle before it had been reported missing and yet he didn't have any explanation as to why he asked for that plate to be run. I'd love to hear an explanation for that from someone who has worked in law enforcement as to what they think was going on here because something sure stinks.

also didn't that same cop find something of hers in Avery's Home AFTER the crime scene unit searched the home several times to collect evidence ?
I think it was days or weeks later

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