Long time looker first time poster

Jan 11, 2008
Bozzie-both of us and a lot of folks at CM know the story about Wayne 1218 but are afraid to speak out because of fear of being banned by this irresponsible and oppressive tyrant.
I was just banned permanently yesterday at CM when- get this I haven't even posted anything since July 4!!!.
Anyways barring a total change of heart over there during next few days, wherever it is permitted to do so, I intent to tell of my total brutal, unjust and unfair treatment which in essence amounts to censorship because as a fan of the Red Sox since 1952, I happen to politely disagree with Wayne on some matters.
I will not stop here with my commentary but also at other sites and the social media as well-the truth needs to be told!!
I have always spent a lot of time at RX and will spend more now because of the ban.
Thankfully one of my many sources alerted me to this thread.

Savage, I hope this is my last time responding to you.

Your 1st post here - see above - was bashing what happened at CM, when you got banned, etc., and blaming everyone over there but you.
In my post to you earlier today, I said there are 3 sides to EVERY story - yours, mine and the truth somewhere in the middle.

I did not and will go back and look at CM for the post because it is basically none of my business.

I will not go back to BC and "dig up" all your old posts and antics there either.

Is Wayne a good moderator ? I have not had any issues with him at either site. However, I do feel Wayne at CM, Betall and Hache here, get put in the middle of MANY disagreements between other posters AND between posters and themselves. I feel the mods at ALL sites are sometimes fighting a losing battle and when they ask the poster to "calm down" and quit "starting shit", they get frustrated when it doesn't happen. Other posters may PM them and ask to have another poster stop posting what they are doing. The PM's that go out to these mods must be a royal pain in the ass as they must try to "please" everyone and try and keep things civil.
I have seen Wayne when he has had enough, go off on a poster and ban them. I have seen the same thing here with Betall and Hache. However, this is AFTER many attempts to "calm" things down and ask that it stop.
The mods at ALL the sites are human and can only take so much.
Again, I am not going to go back and look up your posts at BC nor at CM but I know for a fact at BC you were warned numerous times to chill and you didn't.

Again, your first post here wasn't a "Hey Guys whats happening". It was a blast on a mod from another site.

What kind of impression do you think that makes upon you here with other posters ? Why do you think you are getting blasted here ? Maybe you are getting blasted unfairly BUT you started it.
Why couldn't you just come here and start posting with something positive instead of negative ? That causes everyone who reads this to think what a dipshit you are.
YOU brought that upon yourself by how you started your posting in here - and of all places the Rubber Room.

I know I am wasting my time trying to be nice and civil by telling you this, but it is true. Look in the mirror before you start pointing fingers. Your actions that YOU started here caused this. Wayne didn't make you come here to start posting all the drama between you and him - that was on you and you alone.
But as my Dad once told me in describing people like you - You would argue with a stop sign.

Have a great day buddy !!

Nov 6, 2015
:pointer: He always posts right after I leave a post. Stalking me.

I've noticed. Serious stalking. He must have a crush on you. Bet he's one of those closeted gays into trans ladies like you...doesn't feel as guilty since you're female. Should tell him you're still into girls maybe that'll get him off your case

Nov 11, 2007
Savage, I hope this is my last time responding to you.

Your 1st post here - see above - was bashing what happened at CM, when you got banned, etc., and blaming everyone over there but you.
In my post to you earlier today, I said there are 3 sides to EVERY story - yours, mine and the truth somewhere in the middle.

I did not and will go back and look at CM for the post because it is basically none of my business.

I will not go back to BC and "dig up" all your old posts and antics there either.

Is Wayne a good moderator ? I have not had any issues with him at either site. However, I do feel Wayne at CM, Betall and Hache here, get put in the middle of MANY disagreements between other posters AND between posters and themselves. I feel the mods at ALL sites are sometimes fighting a losing battle and when they ask the poster to "calm down" and quit "starting shit", they get frustrated when it doesn't happen. Other posters may PM them and ask to have another poster stop posting what they are doing. The PM's that go out to these mods must be a royal pain in the ass as they must try to "please" everyone and try and keep things civil.
I have seen Wayne when he has had enough, go off on a poster and ban them. I have seen the same thing here with Betall and Hache. However, this is AFTER many attempts to "calm" things down and ask that it stop.
The mods at ALL the sites are human and can only take so much.
Again, I am not going to go back and look up your posts at BC nor at CM but I know for a fact at BC you were warned numerous times to chill and you didn't.

Again, your first post here wasn't a "Hey Guys whats happening". It was a blast on a mod from another site.

What kind of impression do you think that makes upon you here with other posters ? Why do you think you are getting blasted here ? Maybe you are getting blasted unfairly BUT you started it.
Why couldn't you just come here and start posting with something positive instead of negative ? That causes everyone who reads this to think what a dipshit you are.
YOU brought that upon yourself by how you started your posting in here - and of all places the Rubber Room.

I know I am wasting my time trying to be nice and civil by telling you this, but it is true. Look in the mirror before you start pointing fingers. Your actions that YOU started here caused this. Wayne didn't make you come here to start posting all the drama between you and him - that was on you and you alone.
But as my Dad once told me in describing people like you - You would argue with a stop sign.

Have a great day buddy !!
The bottom line is that you once again have spoken in vague generalities, beat about the bush and not addressed DIRECTLY the merits of my case as opposed to that who have responded with name calling and insults hearsay references to the past without proof of the facts.
Saying you were warned many times is total bs and would be regarded as hearsay by any jury and judge without supporting evidence.
Who issued the warning at BC anyways-was it Wayne perhaps for disagreeing with him.
As I stated earlier I was banned by MONTE, the owner, for criticizing a sports service which happened to be a sponsor.
Curiously 15 years later I was never banned again nor posts and threads removed until Wayne assumed his role in roughly of this year when Dr. J allegedly vanished-is that just a coincidence?
It has always been the same meover that time, contentious and opinionated, but ALWAYS presenting my opinions politely unless attacked first with name calling and insults FIRST.
I defy you or anyone else to find a post where this is not true.
Compare that with Wayne who regularly insults people and resorts to name calling(in many cases me) when the dare to express an opinion which disagrees with his.
I am not surprised that to do want to go back to post 57 in this forum, which is what led to deletions of posts 623-624 and 625, then the deletion of the entire thread, because if you did, like everyone else in here, you would not respond because you would not be able to dispute what I said.
In answer to your question, I am getting blasted here (including personal attacks on me for "buying my wife?-how does that sit with you, by the way?), the people doing the blasting are not addressing the real issue here nor in the past-if they don't care about my opinions, which is the real issue, then fine express it politely but don't resort to name calling and insults).
Just saying that I am not liked and am some kind of an outcast for expressing opinions is not just cause by Wayne nor anyone else to have posts and thread deleted and then a permanent ban.
If you think it is, then well fine-lots of people do not.
Also I disagree with you 100% about who started it-it was Wayne not me for reasons stated.
And I totally disagree with you about your poisoning the well comment about everyone thinking what a dipshit I am.
You base your statement on what several people have stated in the way of name calling and insults-you cannot speak for the many hundreds of people who have read nor commented nor can I.
I happen to believe that the majority of people who have not spoken out but who have read my presentation agree with me, and if anything, believe Wayne is the culprit/dictator here and has treated me unfairly based on the extensive evidence at hand as documented by me as opposed to ZERO on the other side.
As far as your "Hey Guys, what's happening" comment, keep in mind that I have a member of RX for some time(I would have to check to see how long as it is not on my fingertips.
Up until now, I have come here for the most part the picks only along with CM
I only found out about the rubber room through a friend of mine who followed the entire proceeding which led up to the deletions and ban and provided me with the link to this thread.
That's it from my end.
Obviously you disagree and that is your right and privilege to do so.
Enjoy your day also!

Nov 11, 2007
So they deleted you and your threads? That is hilarious. It’s like they made sure you never existed there and it’s like they took a big shit right on your face

And after seeing 4 consecutive posts, they are clearly in your head too. They just keep on winning.

For the firth time(no exaggeration) lets see if Awk-Polly want a cracker-the second hand information person(who bases his comments on it) can answer this question:

"You and several others in your "rebuttals" to my presentation of evidence have claimed that I "bought my wife in a foreign country."

Can you clarify what that means exactly.

Does is mean for example that I went to a country( in my case) Colombia, simply found a pretty woman, and offered he or her faimily a check to marry me?

Perhaps it means that I found an ad somewhere on the internet showing a catalog of women, and that I simply chose one of my liking and put the charge on my Mastercard including the costs of shipping and that she arrived here priority mile a day or two later?

Or could it "possibly be," that I found a highly rated agency which allowed me and a number of eligible women to introduce each other over the internet, chat online or via phone and then make arrangements to meet(in my case Colombia) to see if we had enough in common and shared many of the same values , and if we did, to marry?

Also along the same lines since several of you folks claimed that I was a loser for "buying a wife," can I assume that all of the men who have used world famous Foreign Affair or a similar type agency and who are happily married are also "losers" because they decided to go this route after not finding a suitable woman in this country to marry, or does apply only to me?

Imo your response to these direct questions and/or refusing to answer them will sat a lot about you to me and the many hundreds of people viewing this post and thread."

ps Don't feel bad though-I nailed Wayne and his cohorts with facts and supporting documentation and never answered directly either for the simple reason that they had no answers and are not skilled debaters.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Not sure what Firth time means mr intelligence but the bottom line remains the same, they took a big shit on you and now you are on the outside looking in

New member
Jan 11, 2008
“Will sat a lot”

How intelligent are you again? Remind us. Holy hell you can’t fake dumb. It always comes out in the end

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

Nov 11, 2007
Not sure what Firth time means mr intelligence but the bottom line remains the same, they took a big shit on you and now you are on the outside looking in

Don't play games and/or try to play dumb here-I doesn't work or fly.
You have been asked FIVE TIMES in five different posts about your nasty personal comment about my "buying a wife" and asked to explain it.
You have failed to answer it now FIVE TIMES; it says a lot about you imo in the eyes of intelligent, fair minded and objective people who have read your comments and my follow-up(the latest contained in post 204).

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Don't play games and/or try to play dumb here-I doesn't work or fly.
You have been asked FIVE TIMES in five different posts about your nasty personal comment about my "buying a wife" and asked to explain it.
You have failed to answer it now FIVE TIMES; it says a lot about you imo in the eyes of intelligent, fair minded and objective people who have read your comments and my follow-up(the latest contained in post 204).

Make that 6

What does "I doesn't work" mean mr intelligence?

Nov 6, 2015
Judging by your overall responses so far, I have come to the conclusion that you were conceived by two pieces of excrement in the sewer somehow fornicating and spawning another in human form.

+1. Well put savage1

Nov 11, 2007
This should not be construed as a threat or warning, but if the negative and irrelevant commentary continue here, mostly from The Psychic and StevieRay, I am going to send a PM to one of the head moderators here to examine the posts of the latter and simply ask him whether they are in accordance with the rules over here.
If they are, well fine I will accept that, but at very least I will have a better and more thorough understanding of what is and not allowed here in terms of sticking to the topic at hand.
Jan 11, 2008
This should not be construed as a threat or warning, but if the negative and irrelevant commentary continue here, mostly from The Psychic and StevieRay, I am going to send a PM to one of the head moderators here to examine the posts of the latter and simply ask him whether they are in accordance with the rules over here.
If they are, well fine I will accept that, but at very least I will have a better and more thorough understanding of what is and not allowed here in terms of sticking to the topic at hand.

WOW !!! Really ??

"If the negative and irrelevant commentary continue here " !!! Really ???

When you ask the mods to examine the posts, I wonder if they will see any "negative and irrelevant commentary" from you ?

I am just amazed at how some people think they are so superior to everyone else and that everyone else is beneath them - especially on such a platform as an internet gambling forum !!!! WOW !!

Nov 11, 2007
WOW !!! Really ??

"If the negative and irrelevant commentary continue here " !!! Really ???

When you ask the mods to examine the posts, I wonder if they will see any "negative and irrelevant commentary" from you ?

I am just amazed at how some people think they are so superior to everyone else and that everyone else is beneath them - especially on such a platform as an internet gambling forum !!!! WOW !!

Again-I will point out to the moderator that as far as discussing the subject at hand, I will point out that I presented my factual case and commentary about Wayne at other forum.
I never once attacked nor resorted to name calling unless someone else did it to me first.
I always express my thoughts civilly to other posters in the hope and expectations that they will do the same.
If they do not, I will respond in kind-it is that simple.
Also as I asked you before, what do you think of personal attacks by Psychic and others for "buying my wife," and in Psychic's case not responding five times as to what he meant by it?
Is that ok, yes or no and with no hemming and hawing?
ps I only act superior when provoked and want to make my points.

Nov 11, 2007
ps Expressing myself in detail is the ability God gave me.
If folks think it is too long to read, and if they choose not to read it, fine-it is their problem and not mine!
Out for my daily 40 minute jog.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
WOW !!! Really ??

"If the negative and irrelevant commentary continue here " !!! Really ???

When you ask the mods to examine the posts, I wonder if they will see any "negative and irrelevant commentary" from you ?

I am just amazed at how some people think they are so superior to everyone else and that everyone else is beneath them - especially on such a platform as an internet gambling forum !!!! WOW !!

And so it begins. Mommy, mommy, people are picking on me Teacher, teacher, people are picking on me.

Words usually said by the asshat who started it all

As the old saying goes, savage can dish it out but he can't take it!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
This should not be construed as a threat or warning, but if the negative and irrelevant commentary continue here, mostly from The Psychic and StevieRay, I am going to send a PM to one of the head moderators here to examine the posts of the latter and simply ask him whether they are in accordance with the rules over here.
If they are, well fine I will accept that, but at very least I will have a better and more thorough understanding of what is and not allowed here in terms of sticking to the topic at hand.

Once a bitch always a bitch. Cry all you want, you started the name calling with me when i expressed my opinion and you disagreed with it. We established that already asshat so complain away.
Jan 11, 2008
Again-I will point out to the moderator that as far as discussing the subject at hand, I will point out that I presented my factual case and commentary about Wayne at other forum.
I never once attacked nor resorted to name calling unless someone else did it to me first.
I always express my thoughts civilly to other posters in the hope and expectations that they will do the same.
I they do not, I will respond in kind-it is that simple.
Also as I asked you before, what do you think of personal attacks by Psychic and others for "buying my wife," and in Psychic's case not responding five times as to what he meant by it?
Is that ok, yes or no and with no hemming and hawing?
ps I only act superior when provoked and want to make my points.

ps - Again, I say that you brought a lot of this on yourself - just my opinion but I feel shared by many here. Your first post here was blasting what happened to you at CM with Wayne so you started the negativity. That is not an opinion but a fact.
What do I feel about the "buying your wife" attacks ? I don't feel that personal things should be put on the internet. If you are happy with "buying your wife" than I am glad for you.
BUT you put that on the internet so you have to take the good and the bad that goes along with that. I personally try not to get into "family" issues with anyone on the internet because it always turns nasty. But I also don't post family stuff on the internet, which you did.
You have also questioned every ones intelligence when they don't agree with you - again, this is nothing but a fact. If they don't agree with you then they are wrong.
When you do that, you leave yourself open to any thing that people can say to you.
Like I said, I don't believe that family issues should be attacked or put down on the internet or on a forum like this, but when you open the door, first by telling everyone that you "bought your wife" and then by questioning every ones intelligence when they disagree with you, I feel you have blame in that as well.
You had no reason to talk about "buying your wife" on the internet and if you do, with your so-called intelligence, you should know that you will have good and bad responses about it. It is your personal matter and it should have remained your personal matter. When you post about it in public, you can't expect everyone to say all positive about it.

Just my opinion

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