Long time looker first time poster


New member
Jan 11, 2008
The one thing I am going to pray for from God tonight before going to bed is that althougn I feel grateful to HIM for allowing me to do HIS work for him at this FORUM, in order to keep my mind sharp, I am going to pray that HE provide me with someone a lot more challenging than the amoeba type mentality offered so far, which in essence amount to the chances of a little leaguer trying to strike out Mookie Betts or JD. lol

The way you talk to and treat people makes you a disgrace to God

The last thing in the world he needs is a scumbag like you claiming to be holy

Nov 11, 2007
Maybe you're to stupid to realize that The Psychic doesn't have to read your posts at CM to see what type of person you are - all he needs to do is read your posts here !! You have more than proven here who you really are !!
Like I said many posts above, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck.
You are no different now than you were years ago at BC !!

Whatever you do, don't try your hand at becoming an attorney or at anything which requires intelligence and being able to present an argument, that is something which is deeper than a puddle of piss, because that is all they are worth based on what you have stated in your posts so far.
Bye Bye!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
What I just said to baseballdork applies even more to you

Scumbags shouldn't preach. You are an embarrassment to God. You claim to be a man of God and you call people name after name after name? Total hypocrite scumbag

Nov 11, 2007
Scumbags shouldn't preach. You are an embarrassment to God. You claim to be a man of God and you call people name after name after name? Total hypocrite scumbag
Yes I retaliate when I am attacked FIRST-I have never fired the first salvo resulting in name calling and/or insults and that applies to you, a person like others who has not once discussed the merits of the case itself but who has resorted to the tactics when overwhelmed and cannot respond DIRECTLY to what I have presented.
You and several others in your "rebuttals" to my presentation of evidence have claimed that I "bought my wife in a foreign country."
Can you clarify what that means exactly.
Does is mean for example that I went to a country( in my case) Colombia, simply found a pretty woman, and offered he or her faimily a check to marry me?
Perhaps it means that I found an ad somewhere on the internet showing a catalog of women, and that I simply chose one of my liking and put the charge on my Mastercard including the costs of shipping and that she arrived here priority mile a day or two later?
Or could it "possibly be," that I found a highly rated agency which allowed me and a number of eligible women to introduce each other over the internet, chat online or via phone and then make arrangements to meet(in my case Colombia) to see if we had enough in common and shared many of the same values , and if we did, to marry?
Also along the same lines since several of you folks claimed that I was a loser for "buying a wife," can I assume that all of the men who have used world famous Foreign Affair or a similar type agency and who are happily married are also "losers" because they decided to go this route after not finding a suitable woman in this country to marry, or does apply only to me?
Imo your response to these direct questions and/or refusing to answer them will sat a lot about you to me and the many hundreds of people viewing this post and thread.

Nov 11, 2007
One other thing I forgot to mention, and is is actually somethibg in my hopes that Wayne will become a better moderator and more importantly a better person over time, which is my and God's wish which HE has communicated to me.
The fact is that while the ban no longer to post over there lets just say that I still have the ability with the help of my contacts to read EACH AND EVERY POST at CM.
What this means is that I will still be looking for examples of what I deem to be intimidation and name calling/insults from Wayne with other people, which he is also known to do.
If and when I see them, I will use these at RX to further my cause, namely that Wayne is totally unfit to act as a moderator not only at CM but anywhere.
I have a hunch thoughthat at least for a while that he will be on his best behavior to try to change his image in the eyes of many.

Nov 11, 2007
I know that this is probably going to fall o many deaf ears but I am going to say it anyways.
I came over here after being banned by Wayne after I said something about Dave Dombrowski role's in the disappointing season so far that he did not agree with.
You will have to read the Forum if you have not done so for the reasons I feel I was unjustly .
If you want a quick summary, here you go:
Go to post 57 as I brought over the posts (623, 624, 625), which angered Wayne so much that he immediately deleted them and then the entire thread before returning them intact about a week later.
I complained both via PM and site feedback hoping that Dr. Jack would see them even though he was said to still on leave of absence because of his wife's illness meaning that Wayne wasis the person who made all of the decisions re: the site.
To cut to the chase, the next day I was banned for one month (and I am quoting) "abusive feedback" whatever the hack that is supposed to mean.
The ban was lifted on July 13(it turned out to be a nine day ban).
The permanent ban came about on Friday after Wayne and I exchanged some commentary in the rewards/donation section of CM, where people can exchange twitter like responses.
As has been the case here, he would not respond to the actual issue which resulted in the ban but merely spoke in the same way as those who have attacked me the past few days, ie talk about alleged past incidents where I caused trouble without specifying what they were.
In actuality all of these prior incidents were nothing more than expressing opinions that Wayne did not agree with but who would not civilly debate, and which resulted in the vile responses I received the last few days from his sycophants.
None of these ever resulted in a ban however because imo Wayne was not in a position to do so.
As stated yesterday the only other time I was banned was way back going back to the BC days( I would guess around 15 years or so) when the owner, Monte, banned me for a while for exposing a Sports Service(Charlie) for being a liar.
I was banned because Charlie was a sponsor of the site, and in that instance in retrospect I accept full responsibility and was wrong to do so.
I never received any kind of ban there, at the now defunct ATS and was very highly respected over there by owner and moderator especially for exposing Sebastian, Phil Steele and NC.
Wayne never commented over there because he fully realized that most of the people there were on my side and appreciate what I did.
Fast forward to 2010 when I came over here.
I have read and posted many, many times concentrating most of my posts on a continuation of exposing Phil Steele/NC especially with my NC thread beginning in 2015 during which I both documented their records, posted the picks along with my commentary about them based on 100% documentation.
I also last season started a Red Sox Commentary Thread which stated my current opinions and views based on being a loyal follower of the Sox since 1952 at age 8.
I also chimed in at times in other threads started by other people with my own opinions, which sometimes were at odds with other people.
At the same time Wayne had his own Red Sox Talk Thread during which he expressed his own opinions.
Most importantly during my nine year tenure here I was never banned in Dr. J's presence.
I am the same person now as I was back in 2010.
I find it very interesting that the three bans received from Wayne, which resulted ultimately coincided when he assumed total power early this year when Dr. J was on leave of absence.
I will leave it to you to figure out what that means.
Back to the present.
Over the last three days I have been vilified, insulted, including that I "bought my wife."
Yes I did respond in kind because well I am not perfect and feel I have a right to defend myself if the situation arises.
To repeat, I never do, never have and never will be the first on to start the name calling and insults.
Once again, the most important thing is that not on person has come forward to debate the merits of my case itself, which I deem to be unfair, unjust and what amounts to downright censorship.
If you feel I am wrong and should have been banned by Wayne based ON THE MERITS OF THIS CASE ONLY, I kindly openly invite and challenge you to come forward and have a civil discussion and debate.
If on the other hand the insults and name calling continue, I will continue to respond in kind although I would much prefer a civil discussion of the merits of my case.
The choice is yours(referring to everyone who has posted and/or kept up with this so far).
No matter what happens moving forward, I feel very good that many hundreds of people in the last few days have viewed the posts in the this thread, and I am most grateful and appreciative to the moderators to tell my story without the fear if being censored or banned, such as the case at CM.
Thanks to all who took the time to read all of this and/or at least so far as to understand the issue here.

Nov 11, 2007
He has heard those exact words many times before. You are far from alone in those thoughts

Have you figured out yet how to respond to what I posed to you last night regarding "buying a wife?"
In case you "forgot," here it is again for you to consider along with anyone else reading your last post:

Scumbags shouldn't preach. You are an embarrassment to God. You claim to be a man of God and you call people name after name after name? Total hypocrite scumbag

Yes I retaliate when I am attacked FIRST-I have never fired the first salvo resulting in name calling and/or insults and that applies to you, a person like others who has not once discussed the merits of the case itself but who has resorted to the tactics when overwhelmed and cannot respond DIRECTLY to what I have presented.
You and several others in your "rebuttals" to my presentation of evidence have claimed that I "bought my wife in a foreign country."
Can you clarify what that means exactly.
Does is mean for example that I went to a country( in my case) Colombia, simply found a pretty woman, and offered he or her faimily a check to marry me?
Perhaps it means that I found an ad somewhere on the internet showing a catalog of women, and that I simply chose one of my liking and put the charge on my Mastercard including the costs of shipping and that she arrived here priority mile a day or two later?
Or could it "possibly be," that I found a highly rated agency which allowed me and a number of eligible women to introduce each other over the internet, chat online or via phone and then make arrangements to meet(in my case Colombia) to see if we had enough in common and shared many of the same values , and if we did, to marry?
Also along the same lines since several of you folks claimed that I was a loser for "buying a wife," can I assume that all of the men who have used world famous Foreign Affair or a similar type agency and who are happily married are also "losers" because they decided to go this route after not finding a suitable woman in this country to marry, or does apply only to me?
Imo your response to these direct questions and/or refusing to answer them will sat a lot about you to me and the many hundreds of people viewing this post and thread.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I am not a member at cm but i am a long time lurker. I am going to go sign up there and thank wayne for giving me a space where i can get peace from this mental case. I used to be able to come here and get that.

Nov 11, 2007
I am not a member at cm but i am a long time lurker. I am going to go sign up there and thank wayne for giving me a space where i can get peace from this mental case. I used to be able to come here and get that.
Do whatever you like-imo you will fit in very well over there with Wayne, so well in fact that you might even apply to be a moderator some day. :)
I will allow everyone who has read those questions and your "response" decide what that says about you!!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Do whatever you like-imo you will fit in very well over there with Wayne, so well in fact that you might even apply to be a moderator some day. :)
I will allow everyone who has read those questions and your "response" decide what that says about you!!

Hey retard, You are not my boss or my dad, so i don't have to do anything for you.

Nov 11, 2007
Hey retard, You are not my boss or my dad, so i don't have to do anything for you.

Translated-curses foiled again. lol
Sorry if the truth hurts.
Perhaps this forum has a Lifeline which can help you answer the questions I asked and which you failed to respond to!!

Nov 6, 2015
Step away bro. This is not reality. U need help. I know how many get hooked on this Step away and get a real hobby

This is great. Coming from the biggest closeted troll on this site who posts 24/7. Guess it's coming from your 1st hand experience. Instead of this being your life you should be busy parenting your slutty son

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
This is great. Coming from the biggest closeted troll on this site who posts 24/7. Guess it's coming from your 1st hand experience. Instead of this being your life you should be busy parenting your slutty son

Take a few carrots out of ur ass , it’s affecting your mental health

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