Long time looker first time poster


Nov 11, 2007
Thanks for telling us your story for the 15th time retard

Hi Wayne and/or Wayne's clone/ body double-how's it going? lol
If there was a way to actually prove it and I was given odds, I would bet that you are actually Wayne 1218.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
He must really be in your head retard if you think he followed you here. My name is Alan or Al for short retard. Friends call me Albies because I am a braves fan and they think it’s funny. Now keep investigating retard

Nov 11, 2007
He must really be in your head retard if you think he followed you here. My name is Alan or Al for short retard. Friends call me Albies because I am a braves fan and they think it’s funny. Now keep investigating retard

If you say so. the Psychic/Wayne Clone/Body Double.
Although I would never use this in a court of law as evidence, I find in very interesting that you showed up over here at RX on 5/23, at the same time the Cappersmall contest accusations began and the disappeared and posted nothing until 7/27, the day after I started posting my complaint here.
Couple that the wording, the tone of your posts and the manner in which you express yourself are very similar to that of Wayne and at very least I find it as stated above interesting.
If you are not him, perhaps you consider him as some kind of person to emulate and that is the reason for the similarities I have noticed so far.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Been coming here for 10 years retard. I don’t post often but when I saw a jackass like you show up I did. What did I say about the contests retard? That it looked like jack owed some cash? Wow so controversial of me to comment huh? You are a retard

Dec 7, 2013
First of all for those new folks who want a quick summary of what it is going on, let me very quickly summarize:
I was banned last Friday at Cappersmall by Wayne 1218(after having both my posts shown in post 57 and thread removed first) for no other reason other than politely disagreeing with my overall take on the Red Sox in a Sox thread I run with Wayne who has own separate thread-we are both big Sox fans.
You can find the basics in post 57 which I have copied at CM and brought over here for consideration.
I have a built a time consuming well documented case relative to the facts which exist to the issue here and presented them for consideration for the massive viewing public(well over 800 hits in three days).
So far no one has addressed the relevant issues of this case DIRECTLY but instead have attacked me personally with vicious name calling and insults along with with gossip, half truths and spin about alleged irrelevant previous behavior(relevant to the case against Wayne at CM ) at both CM and BC but with no actual facts nor documentation as to what rules I actually broke, for the simple reason that there were none other than expressing opinions differing from those of Wayne at CM, and then being by Wayne.
In the spirit of fair and honest reporting, I responded in kind to the name calling and insults in kind AFTER AND ONLY AFTER I WAS PERSONALLY ATTACKED FIRST, WHICH IS AND ALWAYS BEEN THE MANNER IN WHICH I CONDUCT MYSELF!!
I suggest you check out just post 57 yourself if that is as far as you want to go and search for any responses directed at the contents of post 57 and draw your own conclusions(hint you will none-if you find any, please let me know).

This is the Rubber Room and most anything goes. One thing that may get you shit-canned is constantly bringing up a competitors site and what happened at that site. Better check with Hache or BAS, I am sure that they would give you a warning before tossing you.

I remember you from "The Romance Tour" of about 15 years ago. I don't think it is cool to talk about spouses or family members but this is The Rubber Room. If I recall, your wife was very attractive in a photo posted. You were in the picture as well, it was a classic thread. I have the pic but don't worry, I won't post it.

Good luck and put your big boy pants on, it's gonna get rough

New member
Jan 11, 2008
All this retard has done is promote another forum for the last 10 pages here. How many times has he begged people to go there and check it out? Hache should hang him by the balls. We don’t need this shit here.

Nov 11, 2007
This is the Rubber Room and most anything goes. One thing that may get you shit-canned is constantly bringing up a competitors site and what happened at that site. Better check with Hache or BAS, I am sure that they would give you a warning before tossing you.

I remember you from "The Romance Tour" of about 15 years ago. I don't think it is cool to talk about spouses or family members but this is The Rubber Room. If I recall, your wife was very attractive in a photo posted. You were in the picture as well, it was a classic thread. I have the pic but don't worry, I won't post it.

Good luck and put your big boy pants on, it's gonna get rough

In all due respect, Mountain, my inside source from Cappersmall as well as being a knowledgable member of RX for a long time and who knows how how they operate, has told me in private conversations that the moderators at RX are very tolerant and fair compared to Wayne(in actuality that is not saying much).
He also commented(and I agree with him) that no matter what they believe about me privately, whether it be positive, negative or somewhere in between, in his opinion the traffic I bring over here will make it worthwhile.
For me 800 plus hits in three days is quite good as compared to what is was before.
They haven't said anything since I came over here one way or the other nor to the people who do/have done nothing in essence but resort to name calling and insults.
If I receive a warning, I will cease posting in this thread immediately and just come here as I have always for the most part for the picks.
Most likely I will take my story elsewhere and start it up again.
All I know is that as of this moment I am happy as a lark to have been able to telld my story in its entirety, without approval of the dictator at CM.
Thanks for advising me and especially so in such a courteous and respectful manner-it would be nice if others beside you and baseballdave followed suit.
ps Do you still follow Sebastian?
I skip by his picks when I see them posted as I don't want them to influence my picks whether they are good or bad.
One last thing and I certainly apologize if I am way off.
From my memory and going way back, I recall someone who was a bartender in Connecticut with whom I discussed Sebastian.
Was that you or someone else?
Enjoy the rest of your evening!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Bas, how many times does this retard get to talk about another forum and promote? He has done it on every page in this thread and he was going to report us?

Maybe Hache is sleeping and bas is lurking. lol

Nov 11, 2007
Been coming here for 10 years retard. I don’t post often but when I saw a jackass like you show up I did. What did I say about the contests retard? That it looked like jack owed some cash? Wow so controversial of me to comment huh? You are a retard
As you wish.
Since you have insulted me time and time again including "buying by wife" as well as not responding to my request to answer some simple questions relative to that, I reserve he right to cast doubts about your identity and will continue to raise more if you continue to post in the manner in which you do.
Not to brag, buy you aren't speaking to someone who was born yesterday, and I will continue to exchange tit for tat with you if that's the way you want to go.
You might want to consider posting in a manner similar to Mountain-it would benefit you and everyone else for that matter.

Nov 11, 2007
All this retard has done is promote another forum for the last 10 pages here. How many times has he begged people to go there and check it out? Hache should hang him by the balls. We don’t need this shit here.
Will the REAL The Psychic/Wayne/Wayne Clone/Body Double/Protégé please stand up. lol
ps It is the other way around, pal.
I have promoted RX for reasons stated including most importantly free speech!!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
You are a moron. I am starting to wonder if you are a schill forr that forum. There is no such thing as bad publicity and you have been promoting the shit out of that place for days now

Dec 7, 2013

ps Do you still follow Sebastian?
I skip by his picks when I see them posted as I don't want them to influence my picks whether they are good or bad.
One last thing and I certainly apologize if I am way off.
From my memory and going way back, I recall someone who was a bartender in Connecticut with whom I discussed Sebastian.
Was that you or someone else?
Enjoy the rest of your evening!

You have a good memory, I went to school in Connecticut for 2 years and tended bar in the evenings. I listened to him, it seemed like everybody up there followed him. I don't follow him although his plays do get posted here. I wagered more than I should have back then and my dad had to bail me out once, thanks to a Seabass MNF sure bet...lesson learned.

Being hypocritical here but what ever happened to Spark, I know he left BC with W1218? I really liked Spark and would be surprised if he turned into a hard ass, he seemed like a good dude to me.

The rest of this stuff is interesting but not my thing. Good luck

Nov 11, 2007
You are a moron. I am starting to wonder if you are a schill forr that forum. There is no such thing as bad publicity and you have been promoting the shit out of that place for days now

On the contrary, buddy.
To summarize your feelings- you are sayingI was banned from CM but am now the shill for that site???
Does that mean I conspired with Wayne to get banned over there so that I could come over here so that I could complain and get CM more business!!!
I won't ask you to comment on that as I did with my questions of what "buying a wife means" to which you never responded.
Rather I will let those who read your "brilliant" an "well thought out logic" decide for themselves what it says about you. TRIPLE lol

Nov 11, 2007
You have a good memory, I went to school in Connecticut for 2 years and tended bar in the evenings. I listened to him, it seemed like everybody up there followed him. I don't follow him although his plays do get posted here. I wagered more than I should have back then and my dad had to bail me out once, thanks to a Seabass MNF sure bet...lesson learned.

Being hypocritical here but what ever happened to Spark, I know he left BC with W1218? I really liked Spark and would be surprised if he turned into a hard ass, he seemed like a good dude to me.

The rest of this stuff is interesting but not my thing. Good luck

Thanks for your response, mountain, and most importantly the civility and respect shown.
Imo it would be so great if everyone showed the same class and dignity as you and baseballdave(in his last few posts anyways-before that he acted in a way such as the other lowlife and name calling dreck in this forum).
ps I don't know what happened to spark-I thought he was some kind of moderator at CM.
Imo he is one terrific guy-he and I exchanged many pleasantries over the years.

Nov 11, 2007
Here are the quick takeaways from Day Four obvious from my point of view.
1) Hundreds of hits yesterday now bringing the four day total since this started to over 1000 and kept track of the hits.
This is of course a huge positive for me personally as it tells me that I am getting my story out there re: what I determine to be a 100% unjust and unfair permanent ban based o the merits of this case, all of which have been carefully documented.
2)Imo RX is also a big winner from a business and financial point of view as it obviously has brought over here many folks who are interested in my story as well as the commentary by me and to see how the other side, which for the part has resulted in name calling, insults and personal attack including lies that I "bought my wife." in a foreign country.
3) The fact that finally two respectful people have finally responded to me, Mountain and Baseballdave.
It is of no matter whether they agree with my point of view or not.
What counts is that they have presented their point of view and in Baseballdave's in essence stated why he thought the ban is justified based on his criterion.
I obviously don't agree with him, but the important thing is that in last few posts he stated his view in an intelligent and civil way.
4) Probably most importantly from my point of view unlike CM, the moderators at RX have allowed me to tell me story without the fear of censorship/ban and along the same lines, from what I understand here, several warnings are given if I or anyone steps out of line per the rules of the Forum.
This is obviously a far cry from CM where the "rules" as they applied to me had to do with agreeing with Wayne about Dave Dombrowski and the Sox or have posts and threads deleted and then banned-that is fact, folks-it is all there in my documentation.
1) The name calling and insults have continued with several posters especially, which to be fair, I responded to in kind in order to defend myself.
I have no problem continuing in this manner although as you can see yesterday in my responses to baseballdave and Mountain, I am a polite, civil and respectful person as long as those posting to me treat me in a similar way.
2) I actually consider it a negative that so far no one person has come forward and debated me about the actual merits of this case SPECIFICALLY based on my documentation.
Despite charges to the contrary, I do not consider myself a perfect people, and would like to know from someone who is either an attorney himself/herself or someone who sees flaws in the logic and documentation in my case to come forward to state precisely why they believe that I have not stated my case in a convincing manner and/or to show me the flaws on it.
And no as stated before, bringing up hearsay and gossip from the past from many years ago at a different forum imo is not acceptable without actual documentation of the circumstances.
Being referred to simply as a trouble maker or causing controversy doesn't do it and simply says that there are people like Wayne who don't agree with me who would rather go on the attack rather than debate the merits of the case civilly and respectfully.
What you have seen so far here in the last four days is what occurred at BC and at prior incidents at CM, neither of which resulted in a permanent ban, which is the case here at RX, with a dictator deciding my fate, because he emotionally not equipped to accept the views and opinion of another huge Sox Fan who has followed and been devoted to them for 67 years beginning in 1952.
That's all I can think of at the moment.
Feel free if you disagree with this but if you want to do it, kindly do it in a respectful and civil manner-by so doing, it will benefit not only you but the entire Forum.

Nov 11, 2007
Last line in previous post should read

Feel free to comment if you disagree with this but if you want to do it, kindly do it in a respectful and civil manner-by so doing, it will benefit not only you but the entire Forum.​

Jan 11, 2008
Here are the quick takeaways from Day Four obvious from my point of view.
1) Hundreds of hits yesterday now bringing the four day total since this started to over 1000 and kept track of the hits.
This is of course a huge positive for me personally as it tells me that I am getting my story out there re: what I determine to be a 100% unjust and unfair permanent ban based o the merits of this case, all of which have been carefully documented.
2)Imo RX is also a big winner from a business and financial point of view as it obviously has brought over here many folks who are interested in my story as well as the commentary by me and to see how the other side, which for the part has resulted in name calling, insults and personal attack including lies that I "bought my wife." in a foreign country.
3) The fact that finally two respectful people have finally responded to me, Mountain and Baseballdave.
It is of no matter whether they agree with my point of view or not.
What counts is that they have presented their point of view and in Baseballdave's in essence stated why he thought the ban is justified based on his criterion.
I obviously don't agree with him, but the important thing is that in last few posts he stated his view in an intelligent and civil way.
4) Probably most importantly from my point of view unlike CM, the moderators at RX have allowed me to tell me story without the fear of censorship/ban and along the same lines, from what I understand here, several warnings are given if I or anyone steps out of line per the rules of the Forum.
This is obviously a far cry from CM where the "rules" as they applied to me had to do with agreeing with Wayne about Dave Dombrowski and the Sox or have posts and threads deleted and then banned-that is fact, folks-it is all there in my documentation.
1) The name calling and insults have continued with several posters especially, which to be fair, I responded to in kind in order to defend myself.
I have no problem continuing in this manner although as you can see yesterday in my responses to baseballdave and Mountain, I am a polite, civil and respectful person as long as those posting to me treat me in a similar way.
2) I actually consider it a negative that so far no one person has come forward and debated me about the actual merits of this case SPECIFICALLY based on my documentation.
Despite charges to the contrary, I do not consider myself a perfect people, and would like to know from someone who is either an attorney himself/herself or someone who sees flaws in the logic and documentation in my case to come forward to state precisely why they believe that I have not stated my case in a convincing manner and/or to show me the flaws on it.
And no as stated before, bringing up hearsay and gossip from the past from many years ago at a different forum imo is not acceptable without actual documentation of the circumstances.
Being referred to simply as a trouble maker or causing controversy doesn't do it and simply says that there are people like Wayne who don't agree with me who would rather go on the attack rather than debate the merits of the case civilly and respectfully.
What you have seen so far here in the last four days is what occurred at BC and at prior incidents at CM, neither of which resulted in a permanent ban, which is the case here at RX, with a dictator deciding my fate, because he emotionally not equipped to accept the views and opinion of another huge Sox Fan who has followed and been devoted to them for 67 years beginning in 1952.
That's all I can think of at the moment.
Feel free if you disagree with this but if you want to do it, kindly do it in a respectful and civil manner-by so doing, it will benefit not only you but the entire Forum.

Savage, I am glad you find my response civil as I always try and do that, whether in person or on the internet.

You are correct, I don't agree with you and you don't agree with me, but that is our God given right to "agree to disagree".

One last piece of "advice" I am going to give you, but I think it will fall on deaf ears, you need to let this go. Your bashing anything that happened at CM or BC is "old" news and by you coming here to the RX and re-living it here is what gets everyone riled up and causes the friction between other posters and yourself.
Let it go. Quit beating a dead horse. You were banned over at CM. You don't like Wayne. You feel your ban was unjustified. You feel Wayne is a tyrant. Everyone here gets that, and many don't agree with you, but by you constantly bringing it up in every other post makes you look more like the bad guy and a cry baby.
You need to let it go, get over it, put your big boy pants on and come here at the RX and quit crying about it.
You know I feel the ban was justified because of your actions and I know you feel it wasn't. So be it. That is BOTH our rights.
But I am not going to continue going over this day after day and post after post and in my opinion, neither should you.
Whether you agree with what The Physic and Steveray has said or not, and its obvious you don't, or whether I agree with what The Physic and Steveray has said, which I do, it is all our rights to agree or disagree.

If you want all the bad mouthing of you to end, let it go and quit filling up page after page and post after post. Then it will stop.
Again, just my opinion.

When you're broke, you Break
Apr 4, 2016
He won't let it go until he is banned or put on post review.

His main goal is to keep responding to keep the thread near the top while also jacking up thread views. He treats views like they are gold. He thinks his popularity and big brain generates an audience.

He has no clue that it's his stupidity and embarrassment that attracts the attention.

Nov 11, 2007
Savage, I am glad you find my response civil as I always try and do that, whether in person or on the internet.

You are correct, I don't agree with you and you don't agree with me, but that is our God given right to "agree to disagree".

One last piece of "advice" I am going to give you, but I think it will fall on deaf ears, you need to let this go. Your bashing anything that happened at CM or BC is "old" news and by you coming here to the RX and re-living it here is what gets everyone riled up and causes the friction between other posters and yourself.
Let it go. Quit beating a dead horse. You were banned over at CM. You don't like Wayne. You feel your ban was unjustified. You feel Wayne is a tyrant. Everyone here gets that, and many don't agree with you, but by you constantly bringing it up in every other post makes you look more like the bad guy and a cry baby.
You need to let it go, get over it, put your big boy pants on and come here at the RX and quit crying about it.
You know I feel the ban was justified because of your actions and I know you feel it wasn't. So be it. That is BOTH our rights.
But I am not going to continue going over this day after day and post after post and in my opinion, neither should you.
Whether you agree with what The Physic and Steveray has said or not, and its obvious you don't, or whether I agree with what The Physic and Steveray has said, which I do, it is all our rights to agree or disagree.

If you want all the bad mouthing of you to end, let it go and quit filling up page after page and post after post. Then it will stop.
Again, just my opinion.

Baseball Dave-lets just that imo you are weakening your contention immensely by referring to The Psychic because all both of them was/is is fire insult after insult and name calling without once referring to the merits of the case and addressing me civilly.
For me their opinions mean ZERO and then some.
I have respect for your opinion because as stated previously you have treated me civilly of late although earlier not so much.
As you can see, things have slowed down dramatically today, and that's fine with me.
However until/if /when the moderators give me a warning to cease operations, I will consider this an open topic.
That said, if interest continues to dwindle and I have nothing else to say based on a number of factors including my contacts, I am not going to post for the sake of posting.
Over 1100 people have seen what I have written about the Wayne and the dictatorial way he "moderates" at CM(of course for obvious reasons it does not mean that there are 1100 different people) and I have gotten my message out quite effectively and spoken out without the fear of having posts and threads deleted and then permanently banned and for that I am elated and feel I have done what my conscience and God have told me to do.
On the other hand when I continue to see lowlife gutter slime like NY York Knight(who imo is a clone of Wayne), come over here and continue his commentary, he will get it right back.
What is telling me is at CM Knight was allowed to lash out at me whenever he wanted to because his protector Wayne allowed it.
If I retaliated, I was warned not to do it.
In fact, I remember an incident when New York Knight taunted me with insults like he just did in the post you see now in my Sox Thread with his nastiness, name calling and insults.
When I went over to his AL East Thread to retaliate, I was immediately and permanently removed from his thread-that is 100% FACT!!
In fact I was banned from several other threads because "impartial" Wayne didn't agree with my comments, which is in fact the entire basis of my story over here which resulted in the ban.
That's it for now, and as stated before, moving forward, I am going to play it by ear and abide 100% percent with the wishes of the moderators.
ps And oh yes, I almost forgot re: The Psychic, you are referring to the person as a source.
Did you read his post last night?
To summarize, he has bashed me right along and said I deserved to be banned.
Last night he accused me of being a shill for CM-can you believe that???
Read my commentary regarding that and tell me what you think of his intelligence and logic based on that?
It is no wonder he hasn't showed up today or tried to "explain it" lol
Again I respect your opinion but I ave my own modus operandi which I described above and will stick to it unless directed not to by the moderators here.
Take care.

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