Long time looker first time poster

Jan 11, 2008
Whatever you do, don't try your hand at becoming an attorney or at anything which requires intelligence and being able to present an argument, that is something which is deeper than a puddle of piss, because that is all they are worth based on what you have stated in your posts so far.
Bye Bye!

ps - sorry I am just responding but I, not like you, actually have a real life.
First, if you think that you have "presented an argument" here about how poorly you were treated at CM and how everyone is wrong about you here, your "case" would have been thrown out MANY posts ago. When you go to trial, prior history and prior "offenses" ALWAYS come in to play. In your case, that is why I keep referring to "if it talks and quacks like a duck, it is a duck." What I am saying, in layman's terms, your prior history EVERYWHERE you have been, now including here, you have been the center of controversy. Hence, instead of Savage I will now call you Donald for the duck.

Second, I am a big time believer in God so don't throw your "holier than thou" at people on this forum. The God I know, the one I pray to every night, won't punish neither you nor I because we disagree. To use God's name and say you are praying to HIM for OUR issues is a disgrace. You should pray to God for yourself and not ask God to forgive us because we disagree with you. That makes you seem like you are better than everyone else and you are God's "right hand man" and that is wrong.

I await your diatribe that I know is coming.

Nov 11, 2007
ps - sorry I am just responding but I, not like you, actually have a real life.
First, if you think that you have "presented an argument" here about how poorly you were treated at CM and how everyone is wrong about you here, your "case" would have been thrown out MANY posts ago. When you go to trial, prior history and prior "offenses" ALWAYS come in to play. In your case, that is why I keep referring to "if it talks and quacks like a duck, it is a duck." What I am saying, in layman's terms, your prior history EVERYWHERE you have been, now including here, you have been the center of controversy. Hence, instead of Savage I will now call you Donald for the duck.

Second, I am a big time believer in God so don't throw your "holier than thou" at people on this forum. The God I know, the one I pray to every night, won't punish neither you nor I because we disagree. To use God's name and say you are praying to HIM for OUR issues is a disgrace. You should pray to God for yourself and not ask God to forgive us because we disagree with you. That makes you seem like you are better than everyone else and you are God's "right hand man" and that is wrong.

I await your diatribe that I know is coming.

Here is the ""diatribe:"

As usual you are bringing up information from the past which would be regarded as HEARSAY/GOSSIP without specific instances to substantiate the charges by ANY JUDGE, JURY AND COURT IN THE COUNTRY.
The judge would simply throw out anything relating to the past and tell the jurors to concentrate on the actual facts surrounding this ban.

Also if I had an attorney to represent CM/Wayne and to play Devils Advocate, he would question any witnesses to the alleged past incidents as to who they are and to present proof in the way of transcribed conversations from the past in these alleged charges to see if they had any merit to them and/or to show if there is a pattern to indicate that they are completely unbiased as opposed to being part for a lack of a better term, a high school clique name calling/insulting group of folks, which imo in essence the were/are.
they have proof to indicate that they are completely unbiased and would show that they are not unbiased but sycophants of Wayne.
Conversely as it regards the merits of the ban which is the issue and only issue here, I have presented a very solid case here, and not one person has come forth to dispute any of it.
Also the fact that other people have come to this Forum to talk(although biefly) about poor treatment by Wayne although briefly would be much more damning and relevant in the eyes of the judge and juror, because it pertains to the present and not unsubstantiated past incidents, which as stated/implied above, in essence amounted to the same thing which occurred here, namely my stating my opinion and then Wayne trying to disparage my opinion with name calling and insults and then his clique coming on to pile on without at any time politely explaining why he/they disagreed with me.
No offense but imo you really have a lot to learn how the legal system operates.
If the debate and/or court case at this instance, I would win and the verdict would be unanimous in my favor based on above.
Re: the God issue, it appears that you didn't read carefully and/or fully comprehend what I said.
What I said is that I firmly believe that God through HIS voice to me wants me to stand up for what I believe is right and thus has led me to this thread in the hopes that Wayne will someday change his ways for the better.
Speaking of that, I am going to ask you a direct question to answer truthfully without hemming and hawing.
The question is whether you believe that overall (and not including me) Wayne conducts himself in an exemplary way as amoderator and if so, why.
If you perceive issues or things which bother you about Wayne and how he acts as a moderator, please state it for all to see.
ps Sorry for the bold print in latter half-I don't know how that occurred.

Nov 11, 2007
ps For the record, I just emailed my personal attorney, (who I also know pretty well) the post of baseballdave and mine above, and aside from some legal language I didn't use, he agreed with me, and said that my type of approach is the correct manner in which to think, and that in his opinion, if this ever went to trial based on what I have said and evidence and documentation presented as it pertains to this case as opposed to none from the other side, I would win easily.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Well at cm Wayne was the judge and he kicked you in the ass and booted you. You lost that case and are no longer welcome there. That's all that really matters. No other opinions will change it.

Nov 11, 2007
Well at cm Wayne was the judge and he kicked you in the ass and booted you. You lost that case and are no longer welcome there. That's all that really matters. No other opinions will change it.

If that is your simplistic way of looking at it, so be it.
As I said yesterday, it is who wins the war rather than the battle which counts in the long run, and imo for reasons stated yesterday which includes exposing Wayne for what he is and bringing tons of traffic to RX(five hundred plus alone in past few days.
Since you keep avoiding the question, I will ask you for the third time what I posed to you PREVIOUSLY and will keep asking it until you answer it:

You and several others in your "rebuttals" to my presentation of evidence have claimed that I "bought my wife in a foreign country."
Can you clarify what that means exactly.
Does is mean for example that I went to a country( in my case) Colombia, simply found a pretty woman, and offered he or her faimily a check to marry me?
Perhaps it means that I found an ad somewhere on the internet showing a catalog of women, and that I simply chose one of my liking and put the charge on my Mastercard including the costs of shipping and that she arrived here priority mile a day or two later?
Or could it "possibly be," that I found a highly rated agency which allowed me and a number of eligible women to introduce each other over the internet, chat online or via phone and then make arrangements to meet(in my case Colombia) to see if we had enough in common and shared many of the same values , and if we did, to marry?
Also along the same lines since several of you folks claimed that I was a loser for "buying a wife," can I assume that all of the men who have used world famous Foreign Affair or a similar type agency and who are happily married are also "losers" because they decided to go this route after not finding a suitable woman in this country to marry, or does apply only to me?
Imo your response to these direct questions and/or refusing to answer them will sat a lot about you to me and the many hundreds of people viewing this post and thread.

Lunchtime and afterwards outdoor activities on this beautiful day-will be back sometime later.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Simplistic? LMAO

Can you post there anymore? No dumb fuck, you cannot. He made that FINAL decision. Case lost, case closed idiot.
Jan 11, 2008
ps For the record, I just emailed my personal attorney, (who I also know pretty well) the post of baseballdave and mine above, and aside from some legal language I didn't use, he agreed with me, and said that my type of approach is the correct manner in which to think, and that in his opinion, if this ever went to trial based on what I have said and evidence and documentation presented as it pertains to this case as opposed to none from the other side, I would win easily.

ps - I rest my case !!! I just contacted my attorney and I made them read all of the posts here and he said that, not using the legal language, he said your attorney would lose and if you want to engage in a law suit, let him know. As soon as he finishes his cases about car accidents, he will get right on it !! LOL !!!

The sad part is, I believe that you did contact your attorney friend over an argument on a gambling forum about issues that have ZERO value in "real" life. Really ?? Really ??

On the God issue, again I don't believe issues between yourself and Wayne or yourself and anyone here on a gambling forum are high on HIS priority list. When I pray at night, it is not over what Savage or Wayne or Baseballdave or anyone else here is going to post on an internet gambling forum. I am sorry if that upsets you but I truly believe that the God I believe in is not concerned about what happens here when we, as adults, should be able to handle this ourselves.

On the issue with Wayne - I believe that EVERYONE - Wayne, you, myself, etc. - can only be pushed so far. I have seen Wayne when he was at BC and, even though I don't visit CM very often, admit when he was wrong on an item. Savage, thru all the years at BC that we both were there and now on this forum, you have NEVER admitted that you were wrong or mistaken. I can't answer for what when on at CM because I was not there enough to comment either way. I believe that there are 3 sides to every story - yours, mine, and the truth somewhere in the middle. I believe, knowing your past history, pushed Wayne to far and he banned you. Again, I did not read everything at CM but I know what you have done else where.
If someone doesn't agree with you, you will try and berate them and make them feel stupid with your long diatribes. That is your history and, whether you want to admit it, it is the truth. Have your "lawyer" friend, since he seems so concerned about what happens on a gambling forum, go back and look at everything you have posted at BC thru the years and just what you have recently posted here and tell us anything different.

Anyway, I am done arguing with you. Have a nice life and just continue to be "you" so everyone can get a good laugh !!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
ps - I rest my case !!! I just contacted my attorney and I made them read all of the posts here and he said that, not using the legal language, he said your attorney would lose and if you want to engage in a law suit, let him know. As soon as he finishes his cases about car accidents, he will get right on it !! LOL !!!

The sad part is, I believe that you did contact your attorney friend over an argument on a gambling forum about issues that have ZERO value in "real" life. Really ?? Really ??

On the God issue, again I don't believe issues between yourself and Wayne or yourself and anyone here on a gambling forum are high on HIS priority list. When I pray at night, it is not over what Savage or Wayne or Baseballdave or anyone else here is going to post on an internet gambling forum. I am sorry if that upsets you but I truly believe that the God I believe in is not concerned about what happens here when we, as adults, should be able to handle this ourselves.

On the issue with Wayne - I believe that EVERYONE - Wayne, you, myself, etc. - can only be pushed so far. I have seen Wayne when he was at BC and, even though I don't visit CM very often, admit when he was wrong on an item. Savage, thru all the years at BC that we both were there and now on this forum, you have NEVER admitted that you were wrong or mistaken. I can't answer for what when on at CM because I was not there enough to comment either way. I believe that there are 3 sides to every story - yours, mine, and the truth somewhere in the middle. I believe, knowing your past history, pushed Wayne to far and he banned you. Again, I did not read everything at CM but I know what you have done else where.
If someone doesn't agree with you, you will try and berate them and make them feel stupid with your long diatribes. That is your history and, whether you want to admit it, it is the truth. Have your "lawyer" friend, since he seems so concerned about what happens on a gambling forum, go back and look at everything you have posted at BC thru the years and just what you have recently posted here and tell us anything different.

Anyway, I am done arguing with you. Have a nice life and just continue to be "you" so everyone can get a good laugh !!

100% TRUTH Dave

Your description of savage and his ways could not be more spot on. Excellent post sir!

Nov 11, 2007
And you are such a liar. You literally act like a 5 year old

I came in for a moment from outside.
I am a liar in what sense, exactly?
The point of you is that I have now asked you the same questioj about "buying a wife" three times(see last post for third time), and three times you have not because you don't have an answer for it.
I will leave that for everyone reading it to decide what it says about YOU!!

Nov 11, 2007
ps - I rest my case !!! I just contacted my attorney and I made them read all of the posts here and he said that, not using the legal language, he said your attorney would lose and if you want to engage in a law suit, let him know. As soon as he finishes his cases about car accidents, he will get right on it !! LOL !!!

The sad part is, I believe that you did contact your attorney friend over an argument on a gambling forum about issues that have ZERO value in "real" life. Really ?? Really ??

On the God issue, again I don't believe issues between yourself and Wayne or yourself and anyone here on a gambling forum are high on HIS priority list. When I pray at night, it is not over what Savage or Wayne or Baseballdave or anyone else here is going to post on an internet gambling forum. I am sorry if that upsets you but I truly believe that the God I believe in is not concerned about what happens here when we, as adults, should be able to handle this ourselves.

On the issue with Wayne - I believe that EVERYONE - Wayne, you, myself, etc. - can only be pushed so far. I have seen Wayne when he was at BC and, even though I don't visit CM very often, admit when he was wrong on an item. Savage, thru all the years at BC that we both were there and now on this forum, you have NEVER admitted that you were wrong or mistaken. I can't answer for what when on at CM because I was not there enough to comment either way. I believe that there are 3 sides to every story - yours, mine, and the truth somewhere in the middle. I believe, knowing your past history, pushed Wayne to far and he banned you. Again, I did not read everything at CM but I know what you have done else where.
If someone doesn't agree with you, you will try and berate them and make them feel stupid with your long diatribes. That is your history and, whether you want to admit it, it is the truth. Have your "lawyer" friend, since he seems so concerned about what happens on a gambling forum, go back and look at everything you have posted at BC thru the years and just what you have recently posted here and tell us anything different.

Anyway, I am done arguing with you. Have a nice life and just continue to be "you" so everyone can get a good laugh !!
All I can say is that as I said to Psychic, you didn't answer my question DIRECTLY re: Wayne and how he moderates posts and threads DIRECTLY.
And again you have referred to past hearsay and gossip from the past but have NOT directly addressed the merits of this ban on its own.
For me your "pushing Wayne" too far based on my evidence means that his opinion about Dave Dombroski and the Red Sox is the only one that counts and daring to express an opinion in my own Sox Thread is grounds for not only deletion of the posts(found in post 57 in this thread) but the entire thread and then the Ban itself.
If you consider that just cause, then so be it.
Man have you got it backwards re: the name calling and insults.
I would bet my last dollar and then some that not only in this thread but in the past if an objective and independent examined the minutes/posts contained within the conversation, it would be clear that it wa always the OTHER person who started with the name calling and insults first before I retaliated.
Imo Wayne is the best example of this.
If you don't believe me just go back and read some of arrogant opinions about the Sox and compare it to what I said in my Red Sox Commentary Thread(actually you cannot do that anymore because Wayne and/or Dr. Jack removed it so that it can no longer be seen obviously- the obvious reason for this is because if someone wanted to view it and compare the way I conduct myself with the manner in which Wayne conducts himself and for that matter with other folks some of whom are present at RX because of his dictatorial and arrogant ways.
And oh yea, perhaps you can help Psychic answer the questions I posed to him about "buying a wife" as he seems incapable of doing it on his own.
Have a nice afternoon and evening.

Nov 11, 2007
Simplistic? LMAO

Can you post there anymore? No dumb fuck, you cannot. He made that FINAL decision. Case lost, case closed idiot.
Answer the questions posed three now four times about "buying a wife" or get someone to help you if you don't have the mental capabilities to do it on your own!

Jun 28, 2014
This is great. Coming from the biggest closeted troll on this site who posts 24/7. Guess it's coming from your 1st hand experience. Instead of this being your life you should be busy parenting your slutty son

:pointer: He always posts right after I leave a post. Stalking me.

Nov 11, 2007
All I can say about myself is that thank God that He blessed me with with two highly intelligent and well respected people not only professionally but on a personal level.
One of the things they taught me growing up is to never be pushed around or bullied and to always stand up for a cause if you feel you have been unjustly treated.
If alive today, I have supreme confidence that they would approve of what I have said so far and presented my case in an excellent manner.
The fact that no one has DIRECTLY rebutted my case as it pertains to the ban as well as warding off the name callers and insulters, makes me feel quite good about myself thanks to my parents and God for blessing me as they have with their presence and of course for RX to state my case freely and not subject to the oppression, repression, censorship and ban which exit at CM.
That's it for now.
Hopefully later on, someone will emerge to politely discuss/debate/question the merits of the case which resulted in the censorship, deletions and permanent ban which are at issue here!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
So they deleted you and your threads? That is hilarious. It’s like they made sure you never existed there and it’s like they took a big shit right on your face

And after seeing 4 consecutive posts, they are clearly in your head too. They just keep on winning.

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