Dispute with WSEX


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Everyone is forgetting one crucial point here imo. Steve said he tried to contact Revere both by phone and email to tell him his bet was cancelled, but that both the phone number and email address Revere provided them were fakes. Revere has not denied this. This is the most crucial point in this dispute.

Should WSEX be penalized for not being able to get into contact with Revere to let him know his bet was cancelled even though Revere provided them with false contact information? What in WSEX's past makes you believe that Steve is lying about trying to contact Revere to cancel the bets? If he couldn't get to his office in time to physically cancel the bets in the computer, isn't a phone call to the player the next best thing or actually preferable since it gives Revere time to possibly tie up his loose ends before the match goes off while providing time stamped evidence of when the bet was cancelled? Please don't overlook the fact that Revere provided WSEX with false contact information.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Well any JUDGE in America wouldnt give him that figure! But he is due at least $5,000 at +120, then maybe $5,000 at +110 and $5000 at even and $5000 at -110 and $5000 at -120 and so forth.

I didnt figure all of this out using a calculator, but I would give him a VERY FAIR settlement of $34,500 and everything is OK. _Playersonly69 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>In my opinion, which is Judgement for the player, I wanted to concur with PlayerOnly. The average line that WSEX should pay on should be -120(to adjust the line and punish the player). That would be a payout of $33,261.69 due the player.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bet2Gamble.com:
Everyone is forgetting one crucial point here imo. Steve said he tried to contact Revere both by phone and email to tell him his bet was cancelled, but that both the phone number and email address Revere provided them were fakes. Revere has not denied this. This is the most crucial point in this dispute.
Should WSEX be penalized for not being able to get into contact with Revere to let him know his bet was cancelled even though Revere provided them with false contact information? What in WSEX's past makes you believe that Steve is lying about trying to contact Revere to cancel the bets? If he couldn't get to his office in time to physically cancel the bets in the computer, isn't a phone call to the player the next best thing or actually preferable since it gives Revere time to possibly tie up his loose ends before the match goes off while providing time stamped evidence of when the bet was cancelled? Please don't overlook the fact that Revere provided WSEX with false contact information.


hsteve said that he tried to caontact him by phone and email, but revere stated that his phone was changed since he originally signed up but still uses the same email address, I would be curious to see the return emails that were supposodly sent

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Just accidently deleted one of my own posts!! Oh well at least it was my own.

Anyway Shrink will be back late tonight I believe. Does WSEX and Revere agree to allow Shrink to mediate? If either of you need to get hold of me......


SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Okay good Steve. I will wait and see if Revere agrees here so we can begin to make plans on getting to the bottom of it. I will drop him an e-mail if he does not answer soon.

I appreciate the fact both of you (Steve and Revere) have stuck to the case and not gotten involved in the namecalling and other crap sometimes associated with these disputes. Props.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It's easy to see that if the 2-1 soccer game would have went the books way the book keeps 40 dimes. There's really no way around that, end of story.

Now that it goes the players way the typical excuses software glitches, bad #'s, bad email address are used as excuses.

Wouldn't it been much easier to offer the player an adjusted pay out as to what the line would have been and be done with it.

That's what will probably happen in the end why not do the right thing and do it right away instead of taking the shot at the player. Remember the score of the soccer game was 2-1 it could have went either way.

Old Fart
Sep 21, 2004
While I basically agree that the player was trying to circumvent the limits by placing 2 Hours worth of wagers--So he knew it wasn't exactly right--THE KEY HERE; is HAS HE DONE THE SAME THING BEFORE at WSEX and lost.
End of my argument.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Steve McCroskey:
What year is this? How long has wsex been online? Do their rules clearly state a maximum limit for the sport of soccer? It is my opinion that wsex owes this man for this wager. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I completely agree! WSEX has been using this software for a long time. Steve definitely knew about this problem a long time ago, years! he calls a software glitch, then why the hell havent you dont anything to fix it!?

Steve, you better pay this guy the full amount!

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
One thing about this that no one is talking about is why in the world would anyone ever want to place another bet at this book! Most people seem to be real pissed at the book and want the book to pay the player.

Well NEWSFLASH!!!! You are a dumbass in my opinion FOR ANYONE to ever place another bet at this book!

The player obviously tried to take advantage of the book! But then the book pulled the same shit 1000 times over! The player basically took an underdog near pickem to win the same amount of money. The book was risking $600 or so to win $40,000!!!

Why ANYONE would play with this book in the future after they did this shit is BEYOND ME!!!

Even if they do the right thing and pay this player, then they are not to be trusted if you ask me! We ALL KNOW that they would not have refunded even 1 penny if the game loses!

Likewise, had the player lost and they didnt refund the bets, then the player has NO OPTIONS as well! But when the book doesnt cancel the bet within AT LEAST the first 5 minutes of a game, then they should NOT BE ABLE TO CANCEL THE BET AT A LATER TIME!

They are basically just RAPING THE PLAYER!!!! I am sure that these guys were drinking beer and partying while checking out the score for they really had nothing to lose!

I will NEVER play at the book, and can NEVER recommend anyone ever touch it again

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
I forgot to add one factor that will help WSEX a bit if I were the JUDGE or mediator here. The player calims wins of around $47,000 at +120.

Well any JUDGE in America wouldnt give him that figure! But he is due at least $5,000 at +120, then maybe $5,000 at +110 and $5000 at even and $5000 at -110 and $5000 at -120 and so forth.

I didnt figure all of this out using a calculator, but I would give him a VERY FAIR settlement of $34,500 and everything is OK.

posted August 24, 2003 02:04 AM
Well not the full amount since the player OBVIOUSLY knew that the liens should have changed since he has admitted that in the past the lines would change. He wants $47,000,

MY JUDGEMENT IS FOR THE PLAINTIFF IN THE AMOUNT OF $34,500, with reasons explained in the above post

He does not deserve all of it since he KNOWS that the line should have changed and I think that he will agree that this amount will be fine by him!

posted August 24, 2003 02:09 AM
OH yes, I forgot to include court cost!!! I am billing court cost in the amount of $500 for my billable 1/2 hour reading this thread to WSEX as well!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
After reading this never ending thread I think both parties made mistakes BUT the player should be paid. Here´s what stood out the most to me:

(1) Why would a book have lines up if nobody is there to move them??? This has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard from a book. As long as you have lines up, there better be someone there to move them.
(2) Steve said that they couldn´t contact the player by phone or e-mail, did WSEX put a message that the player could see on the players account?
(3) First, Steve said that they cancelled the wagers before the game started. Then he said that they couldn´t be cancelled because there wasn´t a manager there. As people already stated, if there is a 40k bet on soccer, why didn´t Steve get out of bed and fix the problem? Why can´t anyone else cancel wagers?

The plays should of been cancelled before the game. To me it sounds like an obvious case of a book taking advantage of the player because they waited to see the final result before erasing the wagers. Player should be paid in full!!!


Sep 21, 2004
Ok. Let me start saying that the +120 offered by WSEX was by no means off line and there were no real big market moves either, so if these clowns or Caribbean cowboys would have had proper accounts with firms like www.indosoccer.com or www.indosport.net, then they could have laid off Revere14's action within a minute, if not a few seconds. Pinnacle, not my favourite book, but I do know that they have at least taken proper arrangements and have accounts with them. Maybe the Indos do not want to do any business with WSEX or WSEX is simply not professional enough to have accounts with them. Whatever the reason may be, again I have to take all my money out of a book (I took all out of Rio during the sick gambler incident), simply because I cannot rest assured that my US$30k NBA bets that I am planning will stand.

Any suggestions where I can get my action on?
Here in Asia the books take big, but close hours before the matches start and I like to bet last minute.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
WSEX let revere bet over the limit in the past. We are talking about 2 or 3 times the $500 limit. Not $40,000.

Revere knew there wouldn't be a line manager on staff at that time.

Revere made over 100 bets. It took over two hours to place them.

Revere knew his contact info was wrong so it would put WSEX in a bad position.

What would have happened if the bets lost? I bet my right nut revere would have called for a balance check and then would have claimed foul play. After all, someone must have placed those bets. He has never made 100+ bets on a game in the past. Come on, read between the lines.

WSEX should have handled this differently. That's easy to see now.

What do you think would happen if you bought a new car and the salesman quoted you a price $5,000 below cost? Even if you had paid in full, I can guarantee you are not picking the car up.

Software by nature is flawed. You are missing the human eliment. IA isn't anywhere near our thinking capacity. There are plenty of 12 years olds that can past post the shit out of the books, and do.

Unless you are trying to screw the book, you would pick up the phone to place a $40K bet. You wouldn't take 2 hours slipping it in like a thief in the night.

WSEX responded by picking up the phone themselves but revere made sure to made himself hidden (with false contact information) until after the outcome of the game.

Then, it appears, he comes straight to the RX before even giving WSEX a shot of speaking with him on the phone.

What would you do if it was your shop? Bend over and spread your ass cheaks? Think about it.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Seven- Having overnight lines is a standard practice at MOST books. Most of those books don't have lines managers on staff. That is why the games are circled. The overnight limits are in effect.

Many books don't have ANYONE working at night but still have overnight lines up.

Sep 21, 2004
ACW bro,

Forget it. Your money more importantly is SAFE at WSEX and you will get PAID if you WIN. After seeing all your hassles with Ido et all, you would be crazy to take off an out for american sports like wsex if you arent a scammer.

An account with indowhatever?? C'mon...If you need to layoff on soccerbets at 8-12% margin, you are an idiot..And they wouldnt need to layoff taking 500 buck bets anyways lol.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Gringo, if I was the book I would have cancelled the bets as soon as freaking possible. No need to call and discuss. Cancel, send an email, leave a note in the account and maybe attempt a phone call -- in that order. I would not have left the bets sitting in his account until after the game ended. That's just idiocy. This comes into play when it comes to alleged "bad lines" as well. There needs to be a prcuedre when it comes to voiding alleged bad lines. And on the of the necessary requirements is that the book MUST cancel the bets as soon as possible, especially when the game is starting soon or is underway. A 5 hour delay is prima facie unacceptable. WSEX should know this. All books shoudl know this. If we let WSEX get away with this now, then what do we say next time around with another book in another situation?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Gringo in Costa Rica, good job. When someone reads your posts he may think Revere is god because he knows everything and Steve is an idiot, the king of squares, because he knows nothing! I know what you are trying to say, Steve has been using this software for 2 million years and doesnt even know how his software works!

Good job. I think steve should give a $25 matchplay!


New member
Sep 20, 2004
If I were WSEX I would confiscate his entire balance and tell him to beat it. If this guy wanted that much on a game, call it in period.

What he did was deliberate just to cause s_h_i_t and come here to cry.

People should use common sense not common flaws when making wagers.

This site is turing into one big sandlot, very sad.....

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