This is funny coming from a board where conservatives here.
1. Make racial jokes constantly and applaud the behavior.
2. Do not believe in evolution.
3. Do not believe in Global Warming, (Which in itself is fine) but do not produce good arguments against other than the Earth is old and that temperatures have changed forever or just shout it's a hoax.
4. Believe homosexuality is a behavior of choice and not a behavior one is born with. Not to say some do not choose, but like it matters anyway.
5. Believe that preventive care does not save lives.
6. Have members trying to prove Obama was born in Kenya and are still searching for the truth. Didn't Joe post that he only posts "what he can prove."
These are just a few instances of what I think are stupid thoughts around here.
Wanna talk about the ten commandments of progressives? Here you go:
1. Hatred of Christ and Christians
2. Hatred of Jews, and Israel
3. Hatred of the U.S. Constitution and the principles upon which America was founded.
4. Hatred of responsible government and states' rights
5. Hatred of uniformed men and women in the armed forces...and domestically, police and fireman.
6. Belief in Atheism
7. Belief in Evolution
8. Belief in Humanism
9. Belief in Global Warming
10. Belief in Communism and or Socialism
If you have one or several or even all of these characteristics, that qualifies you for a membership in
The America Haters Liberal Lefty She Man Club!
As for the original point of this thread, it's incredible to me that we see suicide bombers, beheadings. captives set on fire, gays thrown off buildings, women and even young girls raped and thrown into slavery, women stoned to death for adultery...pretty much medieval shit. God only knows what we
haven't seen ISIS do...I'm sure there is plenty of even more deranged shit going on behind the scenes that normal thinkers can't even imagine.
Yet, the Stuttering Clusterfuck of a history professor wants to distract from all that by pulling a Noam Chomsky...saying our long ago relatives did bad things too a few hundred years ago and that somehow overshadows what his beloved Islamic assholes are doing today. Reverend Wright would be proud, because it sounds exactly like something he might have said. Perhaps verbatim.