Yeah I kinda like it myself. I had a side wager with The Guesser in Willie and Akphis capping contest. Honestly don't even know if I won or lost, I had +2.5 for Willie. 3 month Avatar bet. I might just keep it permanently.
Yup. And the liberals keep chanting "O-BAMA----O-BAMA---O-BAMA---"
Are they not the stupidest group of retarded fucking lemmings to ever walk the planet?
*except JW
Um no you are the idiot.
This is funny coming from a board where conservatives here.
1. Make racial jokes constantly and applaud the behavior.
2. Do not believe in evolution.
3. Do not believe in Global Warming, (Which in itself is fine) but do not produce good arguments against other than the Earth is old and that temperatures have changed forever or just shout it's a hoax.
4. Believe homosexuality is a behavior of choice and not a behavior one is born with. Not to say some do not choose, but like it matters anyway.
5. Believe that preventive care does not save lives.
6. Have members trying to prove Obama was born in Kenya and are still searching for the truth. Didn't Joe post that he only posts "what he can prove."
These are just a few instances of what I think are stupid thoughts around here.
There is no proof anyone is born gay. The fact you think it is some big ZOMG!!! moment, while admitting some people are not no less, is hysterical.
Watching you being unable to engage facts opposite your worldview on the stupid "Preventive Care Saves lives" meme is funny too.
I’m so conservative (fiscal) I make Reagan look like Carter and I only score at a 50% on your assertions.
You paint with a broad brush.
Um, so?
I love how that is supposed to mean anything. Note: I'm the only one providing actual evidence here. You just repeat dumb meme's because you are not that bright and easily misled.
What, exactly, can anyone do to stop Schiff from posting racist comments?