Wrong. The religions are the problem. Its the faith that breeds the goodness. Religion for the most part is a tool. You dont have to be in a religion to be say a Christian i assume. I mean because at the end of the day, your not going to be judged by your fellowship or your deeds but instead your persona relationship with your deity. Or at least this is what i have thought over the years, again im no Christian (or any other belief) and think Jesus was just a great philosopher, nothing more nothing less, so take it FWIW.
no its human's weakness that they think they need to be part of a larger movement that they need this religion to be the end all for their life
religion is used for alot of good
in the past before the major institutionalization of religion
churches were our welfare system in this country
and there are still plenty of small churches today that do alot of good for the community and uphold the loving jesus of the scriptures but they are becoming less and less today
these megachuches that advertise on TV today make me wanna fucking puke
also religion is a good tool on a personal level for people going through hard times maybe they got laid off, or divorced, or in a bad car accident and life just isn't so hot today they can fall back on religion to give them that boost of energy to keep plugging forward, live a good life, and get through the hard times they are dealing with
whether you like it or not people religion will always be a big part of overall mankind as people are always in search of answers to life and such....
and denegrating those that believe will be of no good and tends to make people cling to their religion even tighter and have a less open mind helping create the institutionalization that you and I both don't approve of...
freedom of religion was a very key clause to our constitution
our founding fathers were sharp cats....