Another weekend in Chicago, another 40 or so shootings


New member
Dec 16, 2011
Where are Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and the rest of their race baiting industry?....i mean we got tons of black people getting shot.

New member
Dec 16, 2011
What do we do between 2014 & 2054? There's a lot of weekends between now and then. About 2500. If they average 40 shootings per weekend then it's about 100,000 shootings.

Unfortunate they don't have better aim.

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
Where are Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and the rest of their race baiting industry?....i mean we got tons of black people getting shot.

If it were the Duke LaCross team being blamed then they would be front and center.

If it were a white Boston Police Officer being accused of being racist, then our President would be making remarks about it as well

Sep 18, 2006
Where are Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and the rest of their race baiting industry?....i mean we got tons of black people getting shot.

I don't think they can win a lawsuit against the gun companies like people winning 24 billion dollar lawsuits against the cigarettes company & they know this.......

Or maybe, Sharpton & Jackson are fed up with it & have adopted the mentality of let them.kill each other off........

Whether you're white or black, when growing up around a lot of violence & with poor educational systems in place, you become a product of your environment.

Too many black youths grow up in a single parent home with little to no money to properly feed & educate the youngsters.

Living around violence all your life breeds a violent person into society at a high percentage.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Where are Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and the rest of their race baiting industry?....i mean we got tons of black people getting shot.

Al Sharpton is actually going to South Chicago to try to stem gun violence. You just don't read about it in your conservative blogs because it goes against what your masters want you to think...

Sharpton told DNAinfo that his comments were taken out of context.

"I was not referring to any one group, but to all of us, including myself, when I said we all need to stop acting like gangbangers who protect their turfs from others," Sharpton said. "We cannot act like this toward each other, even if we do disagree. I want to meet with any activists willing to work with me on this problem of gun violence."

Sharpton plans to commute to Chicago from his New York home once a week, and he could return to the city Thursday. He said he might bring Combs or other famous friends from time to time.

Tio Hardiman, former director of CeaseFire Illinois and now a gubernatorial candidate, said he understands where Sharpton was coming from when he made the "gangbanging" comments Sunday.

"Al Sharpton is correct when he made the comment in regards to all local activists need to stop gangbanging amongst themselves and worrying about who will take credit for reducing violence in Chicago," Hardiman said.

"Al Sharpton could be the very person to help unify the many different leaders in Chicago. The young men on the streets know that local activists are divided, and some people wonder why the young men do not listen to some of the local activists," Hardiman added. "Al Sharpton stated that he wanted to illuminate the leaders and organizations that are currently working to reduce violence. [But] he never stated that he had all of the answers or resources."


Making good on his July plans to move to Chicago and help address the city's gun violence problem, Rev. Al Sharpton reportedly leased a West Side apartment Sunday.

The colorful activist has even found a roommate: Martin Luther King III.

Sharpton said along with King, he wants to spotlight the people and the efforts fighting the gun violence epidemic in Chicago.

"It's to really encourage groups that are already are doing work," Sharpton told ABC Chicago. "We're not coming with a new program, we're coming to put a spotlight and to support those that are doing it."

Sharpton also blasted the "egos" of some local anti-violence activists, telling the Sun-Times it's time for them to “stop acting like gangbangers themselves and stop fighting over turfs."

Sharpton and King aren't saying which West Side neighborhood they've picked to live, though Illinois Congressman Danny Davis is hopeful "the whole West Side" will benefit.
"We've got some issues over here and we need all hands on deck and we welcome even someone who doesn't reside here," the Rev. Ira Acree told ABC. Acree and Marshall
Hatch, both West Side ministers, are the ones who invited Sharpton to Chicago.

New member
Dec 16, 2011
Al Sharpton is actually going to South Chicago to try to stem gun violence. You just don't read about it in your conservative blogs because it goes against what your masters want you to think...

You are a laughable clown as usual.

I live pretty damn close to Chicago and have a few interests there, so i may know what's going on. Where are the big press conferences and the out crying to media?

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You are a laughable clown as usual.

I live pretty damn close to Chicago and have a few interests there, so i may know what's going on. Where are the big press conferences and the out crying to media?

I know you think you are a big timer, but you really are not. Small potatoes. The reason it's not plastered all over race baiting conservative media is it destroys their narrative.

You just were made to look foolish again. I highly doubt this will be the last time.

Jan 20, 2002
You want me to say it, I will. There is one group of people primarily causing all of the shootings? Can we guess what group?

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You want me to say it, I will. There is one group of people primarily causing all of the shootings? Can we guess what group?

Gangs are good at keeping their shit in their territories. I'm more afraid of the white kid that can't get girls that shoots up schools, malls, and movie theaters in the suburbs than gangbangers.

May 27, 2007
I'm waiting for the day the govt put the military in an american city like Chicago to stop the violence.......its obviously out of control & I know the govt is itching to find out how well the military dissolves the situation.

We will see military involvement in american cities in the future, question is when it will happen?

This will never ever happen in our lifetime.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You are a laughable clown as usual.

I live pretty damn close to Chicago and have a few interests there, so i may know what's going on. Where are the big press conferences and the out crying to media?

Here's a press conference. You won't see it on Fox News though because they can't do anything with it to race bait and make Al Sharpton out to be someone that only cares about white on black crime. You won't see it on the conservative blogs either. BUT, if he does talk about white on black crime, you will see it plastered everywhere you look. You've embarrassed yourself once again like calling me an idiot for not believing reports that 23 Americans died on Flight 17 when the official statement by the authorities was they have not verified any. Your bad.


May 27, 2007
What do you guys think should be done about it?

If caught with an illegal firearm or a firearm that has not been registered, make it a Federal offense and an automatic 25 years with no possibility of parole and enforce the motherfucker.

New member
Dec 16, 2011
I watch the Chicago news and didnt see it. No one really cares as long as they keep it in their own 'hoods

You may wanna retract your 23 dead statement, clown. I NEVER said that...get your posters straight. I said it would be hard to believe that no Americans died on the flight.....DING>>>DING<<<RIGHT again

New member
Dec 16, 2011
If caught with an illegal firearm or a firearm that has not been registered, make it a Federal offense and an automatic 25 years with no possibility of parole and enforce the motherfucker.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
I watch the Chicago news and didnt see it. No one really cares as long as they keep it in their own 'hoods

You may wanna retract your 23 dead statement, clown. I NEVER said that...get your posters straight. I said it would be hard to believe that no Americans died on the flight.....DING>>>DING<<<right again[="" quote]

That's a nice attempt to get out of your embarrassing comments. I was arguing Enfuego about his mentioning of 23 that died and said they have no verified any yet... and you come in calling me an idiot.

Enfuego asks me the questions
How do you know 23 Americans didn't die?

You respond to him in your usual trolling and embarrassing self...

real world knowledge:ears:

New member
Dec 16, 2011
Sorry, loser boy. I had no embarrassing comments. Why not run along and quit making a fool of yourself. Don't you a sweater to knit or a fish to catch...maybe a run to the liquor store

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Sorry, loser boy. I had no embarrassing comments. Why not run along and quit making a fool of yourself. Don't you a sweater to knit or a fish to catch...maybe a run to the liquor store

Always with the racist comments, that's cool.

But yes, you looked like a fool in that thread and this thread with the "Al Sharpton hasn't done anything about Chicago". The dude bought a place in Chicago specifically to address the issue, lol. That's really embarrassing. But your racist comments are noted. Carry on. The Mods will end up banning me for replying to your racist comments before they ban you. So I don't need that in the Offshore.

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
If caught with an illegal firearm or a firearm that has not been registered, make it a Federal offense and an automatic 25 years with no possibility of parole and enforce the motherfucker.
Are the Police catching them now?

If so, then I'm going to assume that they don't just give them their guns back when they make parole. Maybe they need more (stricter) enforcement? Do you agree?

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