cant believe i forgot to post,that im down to 213,as of this mornin...yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeha...walked for 1hr: 30 minutes.,,hell of a workout...then,i cleaned another load of 4x4s..2x4s..etc,loaded em up,and unloaded em when i got home...after all that,about3 hrs..hognuts was ready forsome,i was so hungry,i didnt wait an hr,so my body cold burn stored it,i was starvin...scrambled 4 eggs,and when they were about done,i threw in 2 big dippers,of mrhognuts,,'almost dangerous'chili.big plate of veggies,2 containers of water(instant coffee jars,that fit the door of my fridge perfectly),topped off with a large decaf...whewww...where is that fkn recliner...'keep the continue'
with 13 pounds to seems like ,each pound i drop,it feels better,than the previous pound...while my intellect tells me,its just another pound,emotionally,psychologically,or whatever,its much much this juncture,at my present weight of 213,losin 1 pound, seems like a bigger deal,than it did,when i was 295,265,etc...i guess its about expectations. feelin good,is so unbelievably addictive... 'keep the continue'