Woman raped live on Internet; suspect in custody


Sep 21, 2001
Foster was defindately raped - you know there can be rape without black guys involved

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Foster was defindately raped - you know there can be rape without black guys involved

You don't tease a dog by dangling food in front of his month. So don't tease a bar full of drunk dudes and not think something is going to happen. She definitely forced the action on this one. If bitch would have sat there and enjoyed her drink with her friend she wouldn't have been raped.

Sep 21, 2001
I don't know - when the gentlemen in the bar started the chant - "1 - 2 -3 - 4, poke that pussay til it's sore" - that pushed their conduct over the line

May 27, 2007
What consent? This isn't high school - if I've effed a girl several times I really don't think I need her consent for the next time - I just assume she consents

Seymour, are you f-ing serious? Yes you need her consent. You're not a damn caveman buddy.

May 27, 2007
I am 33 but that has no relevance to this discussion. Age or maturity is not whats in question.

All I am saying had the dude not put her on the internet no police report ever gets filed. If this guy would have had sex with her in her sleep then maxed out her credit card and he told her he did both. She would say why did you max out my credit card when I was sleep asshole?

You can believe whatever you'd like. You have no idea what happens if it's not taped and broadcast.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
I don't know - when the gentlemen in the bar started the chant - "1 - 2 -3 - 4, poke that pussay til it's sore" - that pushed their conduct over the line

It is almost hard to believe that was based on a true story too.

And here we are 21 years later and both bitches in the movie turned out to be dykes.

May 27, 2007
I need to ask a girl that I routinely have had sex with if it's ok to put my d in her v?

We're talking about the situation at hand. Girl unconscious on a bed and let's say for the sake of discussion you have had sex with her in the past. YES YOU NEED HER CONSENT. IF SHE IS UNCONSCIOUS ON A FUCKING BED AND UNRESPONSIVE THEN YOU ARE RAPING HER.

You can't ask her and she can't give you an answer. This by definition of rape is rape.

This is almost comical yet sad that you guys don't get this.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
We're talking about the situation at hand. Girl unconscious on a bed and let's say for the sake of discussion you have had sex with her in the past. YES YOU NEED HER CONSENT. IF SHE IS UNCONSCIOUS ON A FUCKING BED AND UNRESPONSIVE THEN YOU ARE RAPING HER.

You can't ask her and she can't give you an answer. This by definition of rape is rape.

This is almost comical yet sad that you guys don't get this.

Vampire Rules here... Once you invite one in your house that vampire will always be allowed to enter your house without having to ask again.

Sep 21, 2001
We're talking about the situation at hand. Girl unconscious on a bed and let's say for the sake of discussion you have had sex with her in the past. YES YOU NEED HER CONSENT. IF SHE IS UNCONSCIOUS ON A FUCKING BED AND UNRESPONSIVE THEN YOU ARE RAPING HER.

You can't ask her and she can't give you an answer. This by definition of rape is rape.

This is almost comical yet sad that you guys don't get this.

What if I had sex with her all afternoon and then we went out partying and she passed out when we got home?

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Vampire Rules here... Once you invite one in your house that vampire will always be allowed to enter your house without having to ask again.
as bad as that analogy is, its kindof true.

Lets look at it from this perspective,,,, if a Man was passed out with a whisky dick, and any girl jumped on it and posted it live,,, would that be rape?

ok, now lets all agree that they are girlfriend and boyfriend,,, would that be less rape?

of course there would be no rape,,,

therefore, hosnatcher is correct.


May 27, 2007
Yeah I didnt realize she was thirsty , if she had cotton-mouth then it was definately rape.

This entire thread just shows how much of an ass you are. You've directly made jokes regarding rape which we'll all agree is not funny in the least bit.

Other guys get kicked off this site for much less yet you sit here and mock a crime that some would argue is worse than murder.

You are a disgrace.


May 16, 2006
As you can clearly see, there are many others that agree with me that this doesnt sound so much as a case of rape but more of an act of humiliation. The lines are pretty blurry, if she was in fact his lover, if she was not his lover and had not had repeated sex with him previously then it was rape. I am not mocking rape, to me it is one of the most serious crimes there is, Im still unconvinced that in this case it was rape.


May 16, 2006
But you are pretty close to convincing me, what are the statute of limitations in regard to this kind of crime? Im thinking about filing a case against my wife for that BJ she gave me last time I drank Jagermeifter.

May 27, 2007
As you can clearly see, there are many others that agree with me that this doesnt sound so much as a case of rape but more of an act of humiliation. The lines are pretty blurry, if she was in fact his lover, if she was not his lover and had not had repeated sex with him previously then it was rape. I am not mocking rape, to me it is one of the most serious crimes there is, Im still unconvinced that in this case it was rape.

It's really very simple. If a person can give consent and does it's not rape. If a person can give consent and they don't it is rape. If a person cannot physically give consent or non consent it is rape.

This is very simple to understand. If you are unsure then you should not be sticking your ding dong anywhere.


May 16, 2006
Does this apply to men who are passed out and their lover jumps their bones as well?

New member
Aug 12, 2006
I showed this article to a couple of people at work this morning and they all agreed with the majority in this thread that by definition of the law it is rape but that the laws need to be updated because in their minds this type of incident shouldn't be considered rape.

We also stumbled on another article related to the story and you will see what the most of us have been suggesting that this was an act of humiliation and not act of rape.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Man accused of posting sex assault live on Web

Thursday, June 04, 2009 | 10:35 AM
This undated booking photo released by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office shows Jonathon Hock. Hock was arrested after police say he sexually assaulted his girlfriend while she was passed out and broadcast it live on the Internet, according to a court document obtained Tuesday, June 2, 2009. (AP Photo/Maricopa County Sheriff's Office)

PHOENIX - June 4, 2009 -- A man accused of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman while broadcasting it live on the Internet is known in online circles for racy posts that include sexually explicit images of himself.
Police said Jonathon Richard Hock, 20, assaulted the woman he'd been dating for about two weeks after she became drunk and passed out at her home.
The alleged Feb. 26 assault was streamed live and two still images were posted on another Web site, according to court documents.
Phoenix police Detective James Holmes said Wednesday that authorities fear there may be more victims, but have no way of knowing until someone comes forward.
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Hock, who remains jailed, on Wednesday declined an interview request made through the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, and it's unclear whether he has a lawyer.
Hock lives with his mother, Jenna Cummings, in the Phoenix suburb of Surprise. She told the AP that she had no comment when reached by phone Wednesday.
Hock was arrested Monday and is being held for investigation on two charges of sexual assault, one charge of kidnaping and one charge of taking a surreptitious video.
Viewers who watched the video online told police it showed Hock performing oral sex on the unconscious woman, according to a court document. Police declined to discuss the video's contents, saying only that it depicted a sexual assault.
Holmes said police learned of the broadcast from the woman, who found out about it from friends who had seen it.
"This is terrible, and this is what I'll say about the Internet and cell phones and texting and sexting and Twittering and blogging - this is very, very dangerous," Holmes said. "I really, really hate to say this, and this sounds bad, but a situation like this is inevitable the way things have been going."
He said the woman is "humiliated, she's embarrassed." Holmes said he's not sure whether Hock's girlfriend knew about his online life. Hock is the subject of fan sites and anti-Hock sites and there are even Hock imitators.
Steven Fruchter, CEO at Stickam.com, the real-time Web video site where the alleged assault was streamed live, said the broadcast was ended immediately after the site was notified and that Stickam.com is investigating how site monitors handled it.
"When the violation was immediately found, the alleged perpetrator was banned and we have an open line of communication with the authorities to provide any data they require," the statement read.
Two still images were posted on the Web site StickyDrama.com, an online tabloid following popular Internet personalities.
Christopher Stone, co-owner and administrator of StickyDrama.com, said he recorded the Stickam.com broadcast because he recognized it as a crime and turned it over to Phoenix police.
Parry Aftab, founder and executive director of WiredSafety.org, a New York-based cyber-neighborhood watch group, said that although the broadcast of the alleged sexual assault is no longer on Stickam.com, it will always be available online somewhere.
"Once somebody grabs it, it moves," she said. "It's like trying to catch a river in your hand."



May 16, 2006
Oral rape is hot, atleast it is when im on the recieving in. And Im not making light, Im speaking from my heart.

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