Woman raped live on Internet; suspect in custody


New member
Aug 12, 2006
As further support:


"The court document said Hock set up a web camera and sexually assaulted the 20-year-old woman in her bedroom in February while she was unconscious from drinking alcohol."

I've mentioned it before, it's not hard to realize that "unconscious" people don't wake up when they are being penetrated but that's not even the point. Whether she was passed out or just sleeping is irrelevant. The fact that she was unconcscious is a crime since she was not capable of giving consent. You see, it's necessary that both parties give consent. Otherwise it's deemed to be rape.

Whether she was a slut or whether she was his girlfriend is irrelevant in cases where consent is not given.

You do know if this happened in South Carolina he wouldn't have been charged with rape? Just ask former NFLer Dave Meggett who has been raping women left and right since 1990 in good ol' South Carolina. They have a law out there where if a woman has been drinking she can't play the rape card.

Former RB Dave Meggett arrested on criminal sexual conduct charge

June 29, 2001
Print it

CHARLESTON, S.C. -- Former NFL running back and punt return specialist Dave Meggett was arrested and charged with third-degree criminal sexual conduct.
Police said Meggett, 35, picked up a 26-year-old woman at a downtown Charleston bar, forced her into his Porsche and had sex with her without her permission.
Charleston police detective Jeff Osburn said Friday that Meggett admitted having sex with the woman, but said it was consensual. Meggett surrendered to police Friday morning and has been cooperative with the investigation, Osburn said.
The woman told police Meggett forced her into his Porsche and then raped her, according to a police report.
Police were called after two men spotted the woman jumping from a moving white Porsche on a downtown Charleston street. The woman was screaming "Let me go," according to a police report.
Police said the woman was hysterical, intoxicated and complaining of stomach pains. She also had cuts on her right hand, which she said were from hitting her attacker in an attempt to escape.
Meggett told investigators he had been giving the woman a ride home and his Porsche was not moving when the woman jumped out.
The Charleston prosecutor's office said Meggett cannot be charged with rape under state law because the woman was drunk. Meggett, who played for the New York Giants, the New York Jets and New England during his 10-year NFL career, is a native of North Charleston and lives in West Ashley.
Meggett was released from the Patriots in May 1998.
He had been charged with sexual assault in a 1998 case involving a prostitute in a Toronto hotel room. Those charges were dropped when the jury couldn't reach a unanimous verdict.
Meggett was being held Friday at the Charleston County Detention Center on $100,000 bond.
Copyright 2001 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


This is from Meggett's rapeipedia page.

Legal Troubles

In 1990, while with the Giants, Meggett was also charged with lewdness after allegedly soliciting sex from an undercover Baltimore police officer<sup id="cite_ref-0" class="reference">[1]</sup>; he was later found not guilty of those charges.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference">[2]</sup> In 1995, he was charged with assaulting a former girlfriend; the charges were dropped.<sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference">[3]</sup> Meggett was released by the New England Patriots in 1998 after being accused of sexually assaulting and robbing a prostitute in a Toronto hotel room<sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference">[4]</sup>; the sexual assault charge was later dropped by prosecutors.<sup id="cite_ref-4" class="reference">[5]</sup> He was again accused of sexual assault in June 2001 in Charleston, South Carolina by a woman that he met in a bar.<sup id="cite_ref-5" class="reference">[6]</sup> In 2004, Meggett surrendered to Dedham, Massachusetts authorities for failing to produce $191,600 that he owed in child support.
On September 1, 2006, he was formally charged with the Second Degree Rape of his girlfriend.<sup id="cite_ref-6" class="reference">[7]</sup> A month later, amid the charges, he resigned his post as the parks and recreation director of Robersonville, North Carolina. He was convicted of sexual battery and given two years probation in the case.<sup id="cite_ref-7" class="reference">[8]</sup>
In September 2008, he was charged with third-degree criminal sexual conduct after a 17-year-old North Charleston woman accused him of raping her.<sup id="cite_ref-8" class="reference">[9]</sup>
Meggett was again arrested on January 13, 2009, by police in North Charleston, SC, this time on charges of First Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct and Burglary. He was taken into custody when he showed up at the hospital where his victim was receiving treatment.<sup id="cite_ref-9" class="reference">[10]</sup> Both arrests put him in violation of his probation in the 2006 rape charges; North Carolina authorities have been notified.


Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
You do know if this happened in South Carolina he wouldn't have been charged with rape? Just ask former NFLer Dave Meggett who has been raping women left and right since 1990 in good ol' South Carolina. They have a law out there where if a woman has been drinking she can't play the rape card.

Former RB Dave Meggett arrested on criminal sexual conduct charge

June 29, 2001
Print it

CHARLESTON, S.C. -- Former NFL running back and punt return specialist Dave Meggett was arrested and charged with third-degree criminal sexual conduct.
Police said Meggett, 35, picked up a 26-year-old woman at a downtown Charleston bar, forced her into his Porsche and had sex with her without her permission.
Charleston police detective Jeff Osburn said Friday that Meggett admitted having sex with the woman, but said it was consensual. Meggett surrendered to police Friday morning and has been cooperative with the investigation, Osburn said.
The woman told police Meggett forced her into his Porsche and then raped her, according to a police report.
Police were called after two men spotted the woman jumping from a moving white Porsche on a downtown Charleston street. The woman was screaming "Let me go," according to a police report.
Police said the woman was hysterical, intoxicated and complaining of stomach pains. She also had cuts on her right hand, which she said were from hitting her attacker in an attempt to escape.
Meggett told investigators he had been giving the woman a ride home and his Porsche was not moving when the woman jumped out.
The Charleston prosecutor's office said Meggett cannot be charged with rape under state law because the woman was drunk. Meggett, who played for the New York Giants, the New York Jets and New England during his 10-year NFL career, is a native of North Charleston and lives in West Ashley.
Meggett was released from the Patriots in May 1998.
He had been charged with sexual assault in a 1998 case involving a prostitute in a Toronto hotel room. Those charges were dropped when the jury couldn't reach a unanimous verdict.
Meggett was being held Friday at the Charleston County Detention Center on $100,000 bond.
Copyright 2001 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


This is from Meggett's rapeipedia page.

Legal Troubles

In 1990, while with the Giants, Meggett was also charged with lewdness after allegedly soliciting sex from an undercover Baltimore police officer<SUP id=cite_ref-0 class=reference>[1]</SUP>; he was later found not guilty of those charges.<SUP id=cite_ref-1 class=reference>[2]</SUP> In 1995, he was charged with assaulting a former girlfriend; the charges were dropped.<SUP id=cite_ref-2 class=reference>[3]</SUP> Meggett was released by the New England Patriots in 1998 after being accused of sexually assaulting and robbing a prostitute in a Toronto hotel room<SUP id=cite_ref-3 class=reference>[4]</SUP>; the sexual assault charge was later dropped by prosecutors.<SUP id=cite_ref-4 class=reference>[5]</SUP> He was again accused of sexual assault in June 2001 in Charleston, South Carolina by a woman that he met in a bar.<SUP id=cite_ref-5 class=reference>[6]</SUP> In 2004, Meggett surrendered to Dedham, Massachusetts authorities for failing to produce $191,600 that he owed in child support.
On September 1, 2006, he was formally charged with the Second Degree Rape of his girlfriend.<SUP id=cite_ref-6 class=reference>[7]</SUP> A month later, amid the charges, he resigned his post as the parks and recreation director of Robersonville, North Carolina. He was convicted of sexual battery and given two years probation in the case.<SUP id=cite_ref-7 class=reference>[8]</SUP>
In September 2008, he was charged with third-degree criminal sexual conduct after a 17-year-old North Charleston woman accused him of raping her.<SUP id=cite_ref-8 class=reference>[9]</SUP>
Meggett was again arrested on January 13, 2009, by police in North Charleston, SC, this time on charges of First Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct and Burglary. He was taken into custody when he showed up at the hospital where his victim was receiving treatment.<SUP id=cite_ref-9 class=reference>[10]</SUP> Both arrests put him in violation of his probation in the 2006 rape charges; North Carolina authorities have been notified.


Now you're addressing the law. However, being drunk and being passed out are two different things. Perhaps Arizona has a law that allows sex with someone who is passed out due to being drunk. If so, then he could be let go.

May 27, 2007
Who's to say they haven't been screwing like rabbits for "less than a month"? You see it is that "less than a month" that they wrote in the story that bothers me. It is obvious the journalist is trying to stress to the potential jurors reading the column that they barely knew each other. Keep in mind that the parties involved are young and when I was that age I would sleep with a girl I met in "less than a day".

If you want to play profiler for just a minute you can pretty much determine what actually happened on that fateful night. Both of them have slept together on many occasions. Because if it was his first time penetrating her broadcasting himself on the internet screwing a female who was knocked out whom he never touched would have to be the dumbest rape in the history of the world. Andrew Luster videotaped his girls after he drugged them and kept the tapes in his collection was pretty stupid but he never passed the tapes around to his boys to brag about. Plus nowhere in the article does it mention the girl being under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the alleged rape. Now how does one become unconcious on a date in a guys bedroom whom she never slept with before who she barely knows for "less than a month"?

My bet is the girls father may have money and couldn't stad to see his daughter upset about being treated that way by a boy so they stretched the story a little bit to make her sound like a harmless victim.

Like I said the boy is a prick and he didn't respect this girl and wanted to show off to his friends at this girls expense. He definitely needs an ass beating by the girls father for mistreating his daughter. But the story leads me to believe this is more of a case of a little girl getting her heart broken after being played by some guy who she was really starting to like and now she can't show her face around town without being that girl boned on the internet.

I don't want to play anything because I wasn't there.

New member
Apr 21, 2002
Just wanted to make clear that the woman who was raped was not Amor Hilton. Ms. Hilton is/was the "alleged" rapist's girlfriend who was a semi-celebrity.

I don't care if a woman is a slut or even if it was his girlfriend, if the act is not consensual the guy should be put away for a long time. The woman who was raped was unconscious during the act.

This piece of shit who allegedly had sex with an unconscious woman said in his twitter page that he thought what he did wasn't very bad.

I take back my comments in that case. I though it was Amor.

Sep 21, 2001
If I am screwing my girlfriend and we are both drunk and she passes out during the intercourse do I IMMEDIATELY have to stop or can I finish getting mine? Is sex like a sleeper hold in WWE wrestling do I have to raise her arm three times to see if she is still awake and if on that third try if I get no response is the sex over because if she goes night-night that is an automatic NO by professional sanctioned rules.

Just keep pounding - if I'm on the jury I'll will make sure you're acquitted

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Now you're addressing the law. However, being drunk and being passed out are two different things. Perhaps Arizona has a law that allows sex with someone who is passed out due to being drunk. If so, then he could be let go.

Passing out is the end result from getting too drunk. Meaning you are still drunk in your sleep. Just like getting high and falling asleep. You are still stoned you just aren't awake to enjoy it.

So technically in South Carolina if you come across a chick drunk and passed out at a party or a bar she is fair game. Dave Meggett found himself his own little slice of heaven I guess.

May 27, 2007
Passing out is the end result from getting too drunk. Meaning you are still drunk in your sleep. Just like getting high and falling asleep. You are still stoned you just aren't awake to enjoy it.

So technically in South Carolina if you come across a chick drunk and passed out at a party or a bar she is fair game. Dave Meggett found himself his own little slice of heaven I guess.

I'd like to read the law in South Carolina because quite frankly I don't believe what you're saying is true. Maybe I'm wrong.

New member
May 20, 2007
I love how we're arguing weather or not it's okay to have sex with a participant who is unwilling (yes, I'm saying one needs to be awake to be willing). And by "okay" I mean legally or morally. Regardless of other issues (length of relationship, or the reason WHY she's now filing charges) it's what the defendant did that is in question, NOTHING else.

If I am screwing my girlfriend and we are both drunk and she passes out during the intercourse do I IMMEDIATELY have to stop or can I finish getting mine? Is sex like a sleeper hold in WWE wrestling do I have to raise her arm three times to see if she is still awake and if on that third try if I get no response is the sex over because if she goes night-night that is an automatic NO by professional sanctioned rules.

apparently she'd been asleep for hours though, before the sex took place? I see your point here that if it begins as consensual sex then for all intensive purposes it's still consensual, BUT it's a slippery slope. what if my gf passes out during sex and then I decide to stick it in her ass? I know normally she wouldn't be cool with this... So where's the line?

New member
Aug 12, 2006
I'd like to read the law in South Carolina because quite frankly I don't believe what you're saying is true. Maybe I'm wrong.

I posted the sporting news article and the link in this thread.

Former RB Dave Meggett arrested on criminal sexual conduct charge

June 29, 2001
Print it

CHARLESTON, S.C. -- Former NFL running back and punt return specialist Dave Meggett was arrested and charged with third-degree criminal sexual conduct.
Police said Meggett, 35, picked up a 26-year-old woman at a downtown Charleston bar, forced her into his Porsche and had sex with her without her permission.
Charleston police detective Jeff Osburn said Friday that Meggett admitted having sex with the woman, but said it was consensual. Meggett surrendered to police Friday morning and has been cooperative with the investigation, Osburn said.
The woman told police Meggett forced her into his Porsche and then raped her, according to a police report.
Police were called after two men spotted the woman jumping from a moving white Porsche on a downtown Charleston street. The woman was screaming "Let me go," according to a police report.
Police said the woman was hysterical, intoxicated and complaining of stomach pains. She also had cuts on her right hand, which she said were from hitting her attacker in an attempt to escape.
Meggett told investigators he had been giving the woman a ride home and his Porsche was not moving when the woman jumped out.
The Charleston prosecutor's office said Meggett cannot be charged with rape under state law because the woman was drunk. Meggett, who played for the New York Giants, the New York Jets and New England during his 10-year NFL career, is a native of North Charleston and lives in West Ashley.
Meggett was released from the Patriots in May 1998.
He had been charged with sexual assault in a 1998 case involving a prostitute in a Toronto hotel room. Those charges were dropped when the jury couldn't reach a unanimous verdict.
Meggett was being held Friday at the Charleston County Detention Center on $100,000 bond.
Copyright 2001 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


May 27, 2007
I posted the sporting news article and the link in this thread.

Former RB Dave Meggett arrested on criminal sexual conduct charge

June 29, 2001
Print it

CHARLESTON, S.C. -- Former NFL running back and punt return specialist Dave Meggett was arrested and charged with third-degree criminal sexual conduct.
Police said Meggett, 35, picked up a 26-year-old woman at a downtown Charleston bar, forced her into his Porsche and had sex with her without her permission.
Charleston police detective Jeff Osburn said Friday that Meggett admitted having sex with the woman, but said it was consensual. Meggett surrendered to police Friday morning and has been cooperative with the investigation, Osburn said.
The woman told police Meggett forced her into his Porsche and then raped her, according to a police report.
Police were called after two men spotted the woman jumping from a moving white Porsche on a downtown Charleston street. The woman was screaming "Let me go," according to a police report.
Police said the woman was hysterical, intoxicated and complaining of stomach pains. She also had cuts on her right hand, which she said were from hitting her attacker in an attempt to escape.
Meggett told investigators he had been giving the woman a ride home and his Porsche was not moving when the woman jumped out.
The Charleston prosecutor's office said Meggett cannot be charged with rape under state law because the woman was drunk. Meggett, who played for the New York Giants, the New York Jets and New England during his 10-year NFL career, is a native of North Charleston and lives in West Ashley.
Meggett was released from the Patriots in May 1998.
He had been charged with sexual assault in a 1998 case involving a prostitute in a Toronto hotel room. Those charges were dropped when the jury couldn't reach a unanimous verdict.
Meggett was being held Friday at the Charleston County Detention Center on $100,000 bond.
Copyright 2001 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


This is very interesting Snatch. I'd love to read the law sometime. Thanks for posting this article.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
I love how we're arguing weather or not it's okay to have sex with a participant who is unwilling (yes, I'm saying one needs to be awake to be willing). And by "okay" I mean legally or morally. Regardless of other issues (length of relationship, or the reason WHY she's now filing charges) it's what the defendant did that is in question, NOTHING else.

apparently she'd been asleep for hours though, before the sex took place? I see your point here that if it begins as consensual sex then for all intensive purposes it's still consensual, BUT it's a slippery slope. what if my gf passes out during sex and then I decide to stick it in her ass? I know normally she wouldn't be cool with this... So where's the line?

When it comes to couples in relationships it always becomes a he said/she said thing. Police make a policy to avoid solving domestic disputes they just usually tell the dude to crash some place else for the night. They should take the same approach when it comes to sex acts between a couple. Unless one of the parties was violently injured ala Rick James style they should just keep the courts out of the bedrooms.

I was screwing this chick once and she was down for pretty much whatever (anal she had to get herself mentally focused first). But one thing she hated was dudes cumming on her face. She said she will swallow the shit all day long but not on the face. Of course I came on her face anyways. Is that considered rape or assault and battery or something? I am sure some prick DA out there could say I could have caused eye damage or something.

Remember there are some freaky chicks out there too that try to stick their fingers or objects in your ass when you are screwing them. Could a dude actually call the police and say he was sodomized.

I just personally feel that a couple who has a sexual relationship should give up their right to cry non-violent sex crime. The guy screwed his drunk passed out girlfriend end of story. By videotaping it he made it an issue. I am willing to bet if he didn't put this chick online but told her in the morning "hey I fvcked you last night when you were drunk. Where you sore"? She wouldn't have said shit.

On a personal note I would like the girl who gave me chlamydia when I was 20 years old arrested. I know that bitch cheated on me and gave me the drips. I am sure all of her friends knew she was fvcking around me too so I should be awarded punitive damages right? LOL!!! :):):):)

New member
Aug 12, 2006
This is very interesting Snatch. I'd love to read the law sometime. Thanks for posting this article.

I tried searching the net for the law but couldn't find it. I guess it is one of those laws that they aren't proud of. I am pretty sure seeing a welcome sign when you cross South Carolina that says "Our girls are legal at 16 and if she is drunk feel free to fvck" wouldn't attract too many decent residents.

May 27, 2007
When it comes to couples in relationships it always becomes a he said/she said thing. Police make a policy to avoid solving domestic disputes they just usually tell the dude to crash some place else for the night. They should take the same approach when it comes to sex acts between a couple. Unless one of the parties was violently injured ala Rick James style they should just keep the courts out of the bedrooms.

I was screwing this chick once and she was down for pretty much whatever (anal she had to get herself mentally focused first). But one thing she hated was dudes cumming on her face. She said she will swallow the shit all day long but not on the face. Of course I came on her face anyways. Is that considered rape or assault and battery or something? I am sure some prick DA out there could say I could have caused eye damage or something.

Remember there are some freaky chicks out there too that try to stick their fingers or objects in your ass when you are screwing them. Could a dude actually call the police and say he was sodomized.

I just personally feel that a couple who has a sexual relationship should give up their right to cry non-violent sex crime. The guy screwed his drunk passed out girlfriend end of story. By videotaping it he made it an issue. I am willing to bet if he didn't put this chick online but told her in the morning "hey I fvcked you last night when you were drunk. Where you sore"? She wouldn't have said shit.

On a personal note I would like the girl who gave me chlamydia when I was 20 years old arrested. I know that bitch cheated on me and gave me the drips. I am sure all of her friends knew she was fvcking around me too so I should be awarded punitive damages right? LOL!!! :):):):)

Once again, you're totally missing the boat here. You don't know and I don't know what the circumstances were of their relationship. If they've dated for a month, never had sex and they were just at a party together and he took her home because she drank too much you think this is ok to screw her while she's passed out?

Tell me you don't think this is ok. This is a clear case of rape. You justifying this action is the reason why there are rapists in the world.

Thinking she would say this is ok when she woke up is ridiculous.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
"Is it like the sleeper hold in wrestling where I raise her arm three times and if it collapses each time, I have to stop?"


Yeah...then you're obligated to pull out and jerk off onto her tramp stamp.

May 27, 2007
When it comes to couples in relationships it always becomes a he said/she said thing. Police make a policy to avoid solving domestic disputes they just usually tell the dude to crash some place else for the night. They should take the same approach when it comes to sex acts between a couple. Unless one of the parties was violently injured ala Rick James style they should just keep the courts out of the bedrooms.

I was screwing this chick once and she was down for pretty much whatever (anal she had to get herself mentally focused first). But one thing she hated was dudes cumming on her face. She said she will swallow the shit all day long but not on the face. Of course I came on her face anyways. Is that considered rape or assault and battery or something? I am sure some prick DA out there could say I could have caused eye damage or something.

Remember there are some freaky chicks out there too that try to stick their fingers or objects in your ass when you are screwing them. Could a dude actually call the police and say he was sodomized.

I just personally feel that a couple who has a sexual relationship should give up their right to cry non-violent sex crime. The guy screwed his drunk passed out girlfriend end of story. By videotaping it he made it an issue. I am willing to bet if he didn't put this chick online but told her in the morning "hey I fvcked you last night when you were drunk. Where you sore"? She wouldn't have said shit.

On a personal note I would like the girl who gave me chlamydia when I was 20 years old arrested. I know that bitch cheated on me and gave me the drips. I am sure all of her friends knew she was fvcking around me too so I should be awarded punitive damages right? LOL!!! :):):):)

If you could prove she knowingly gave you a VD then you could absolutely file a lawsuit and win. People not only get sued they get charged and go to jail for this.


May 16, 2006
I have raped my wife, no biggy. Im a firm believer that you shouldnt have to wake somebody up to have sex with them, if they are your spouse or partner that is.

May 27, 2007
I have raped my wife, no biggy. Im a firm believer that you shouldnt have to wake somebody up to have sex with them, if they are your spouse or partner that is.

This is absolutely 100% nothing to joke about. Jokes are funny but not about this. You are a jackass.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Once again, you're totally missing the boat here. You don't know and I don't know what the circumstances were of their relationship. If they've dated for a month, never had sex and they were just at a party together and he took her home because she drank too much you think this is ok to screw her while she's passed out?

Tell me you don't think this is ok. This is a clear case of rape. You justifying this action is the reason why there are rapists in the world.

Thinking she would say this is ok when she woke up is ridiculous.

In the story it pretty much tells you that these two people are in a sexual relationship. The "rape" took place on a Thursday (school night) @ 5:00am in the girls bedroom. She was also asleep for 6 hours before it happened. That tells me he has slept at her house before and they pretty much are an item. It also makes me wonder why didn't she wake up during the "rape" if she already crashed for 6 hours? I think the reported time-line of events is a lie. If the "rape" happened at 5:00am then she must have crashed shortly before that maybe 4:00am.

Another thing that leads me to believe they were fvcking prior to the event is because, there is no way her cock-blocking girlfriends would let some dude whom she only knew for "less than a month" and wasn't currently screwing her already drive her drunk soon to be passed out ass home.

You see cases like this costs tax payers money because you have one idiot loser boyfriend and one slutty girlfriend getting drunk and passing out and now we the people have to pay for their crimes. She was drunk and he was probably drunk too. If you don't want bad shit to happen to you when you get drunk in public, then roll with people you trust to look after you and have a designated driver. The headline of this story could have read something else as a result of her being drunk...

"20 year old women kills family of four in DUI related accident." You people can't have your cake and eat it too when it comes to drinking related events. If she is not partially responsible for what happens to her when she is drinking then if she drove drunk and killed somebody she shouldn't be held responsible for that either.

Is what the dude did wrong? fvxking her passed out ass and showing it to his friend online. Of course it is I wouldn't do that shit to a chick. I just feel that this is some shit the tax payers and courts shouldn't have to sort out for them. This is a problem between the two families to work out. Like I saidd the dude needs an ass beating thats all.

I am 99.99% sure their relationship was sexual before that night. If the facts prove to be that she never in her life had consentual sex with this jackass then fvck yeah throw him in prison for 15 years and send the chick to rehab and AA and make him pay her expenses.

May 27, 2007
In the story it pretty much tells you that these two people are in a sexual relationship. The "rape" took place on a Thursday (school night) @ 5:00am in the girls bedroom. She was also asleep for 6 hours before it happened. That tells me he has slept at her house before and they pretty much are an item. It also makes me wonder why didn't she wake up during the "rape" if she already crashed for 6 hours? I think the reported time-line of events is a lie. If the "rape" happened at 5:00am then she must have crashed shortly before that maybe 4:00am.

Another thing that leads me to believe they were fvcking prior to the event is because, there is no way her cock-blocking girlfriends would let some dude whom she only knew for "less than a month" and wasn't currently screwing her already drive her drunk soon to be passed out ass home.

You see cases like this costs tax payers money because you have one idiot loser boyfriend and one slutty girlfriend getting drunk and passing out and now we the people have to pay for their crimes. She was drunk and he was probably drunk too. If you don't want bad shit to happen to you when you get drunk in public, then roll with people you trust to look after you and have a designated driver. The headline of this story could have read something else as a result of her being drunk...

"20 year old women kills family of four in DUI related accident." You people can't have your cake and eat it too when it comes to drinking related events. If she is not partially responsible for what happens to her when she is drinking then if she drove drunk and killed somebody she shouldn't be held responsible for that either.

Is what the dude did wrong? fvxking her passed out ass and showing it to his friend online. Of course it is I wouldn't do that shit to a chick. I just feel that this is some shit the tax payers and courts shouldn't have to sort out for them. This is a problem between the two families to work out. Like I saidd the dude needs an ass beating thats all.

I am 99.99% sure their relationship was sexual before that night. If the facts prove to be that she never in her life had consentual sex with this jackass then fvck yeah throw him in prison for 15 years and send the chick to rehab and AA and make him pay her expenses.

The problem here is you are assuming so much from reading a news story. You and I have really no idea what the hell happened but I will tell you who knows....the DA and they would not prosecute unless they have a case. And it doesn't matter if they had sex before that night or not. I mean you said it yourself when you asked why she didn't wake up after she'd been asleep for 6 hours. BECAUSE SHE WAS UNCONSCIOUS DUDE!

New member
Aug 12, 2006
If you could prove she knowingly gave you a VD then you could absolutely file a lawsuit and win. People not only get sued they get charged and go to jail for this.

knowingly and not giving shit does that mean the same thing? Everybody knows when you sleep with someone you take the risk of getting an STD and passing an STD but we all still do it anyways. The truth is if you catch something from somebody it is just as much if not more your fault than theirs. The decisions we make in life are our own. Free Will is one of our only few freedoms we have left.

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