Lets' go for NONE!! You are living in the Ron Zook days... UF NEVER throws bubble or flanker screens EVER! I watch every single game and they throw NONE! Again, you have proved your stupidity; STOP POSTING when it comes to Florida you clearly have NO idea what you are talking about.
Also, Tebow is 6th in Yards per attempt... please keep showing the forum how little you know, it's becoming entertaining
Do you know how yards per attempt is calculated. Obviously you don't
Yards divided by number of pass attempts DUMBASS.
What are you basing it on the Citadel game? He has thrown for more than 200 yards once in the past 5 games and his yards per attempt is 9.3 per game.
Guess he must really be chucking it down field and they aren't catching them, huh?
I know how it's calculated bitch. Come to mckinney ave and we'll discuss, but obviously you've already pussed out on that.
I watch every UF game and we throw the ball downfield wayyy more often than you think. And no, they are cathcing it... BUT WHEN YOU THROW ONLY 15 TIMES A GAME, the yards tend to go down. But you're extremely stupid, I wouldn't expect you think that far out of the box. Maybe Tressel will beat his first SEC team ever... but I doubt it.
You know as much about the SEC as Tressel does, at least Tressel knows to stay far away now if at all possible. You continue to post misleading/false SEC comments and cry when you get called out b/c you're dumb.
I know how it's calculated bitch. Come to mckinney ave and we'll discuss, but obviously you've already pussed out on that.
I watch every UF game and we throw the ball downfield wayyy more often than you think. And no, they are cathcing it... BUT WHEN YOU THROW ONLY 15 TIMES A GAME, the yards tend to go down. But you're extremely stupid, I wouldn't expect you think that far out of the box. Maybe Tressel will beat his first SEC team ever... but I doubt it.
You know as much about the SEC as Tressel does, at least Tressel knows to stay far away now if at all possible. You continue to post misleading/false SEC comments and cry when you get called out b/c you're dumb.
What your did you graduate from UF?
In Nick I Trust!!!!!!! :toast:
That's a laugh. Easily one of the most untrustworthy coaches of this century.
Randizzle is on Florida, game over. I liked Florida in this game before he released his pick on them, because I simply cant see Bama being able to match score for score with Tebow and the rest of the crew. IT SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN LIGHTLY THAT THIS GAME WILL BE PLAYED ON TURF IN THE GEORGIA DOME, THAT WILL FAVOR FLORIDA GREATLY AS THEY HAVE MUCH MORE SPEED THAN BAMA.
Bama and Florida have both played nobody all year imo. Will be an interesting mix of contrasts in this game. I'm with Nick who will bleed clock and control this game. GL though. I think Randizzle's got this one wrong. But i love his BC pick, that's a great play imo. :toast:
5-0 SAT, calling Nick Saban "untrustworthy" is one of the most accurate statements made in this thread and it has nothing to do with what his teams do on then field. The man is notorious for lying about his intentions to keep or take a job.
Most recently: "I'm staying with Miami. I'm staying. Seriously, I'm going to remain with the Dolphins. I'm not leaving to go to take the Alabama job. Really, I'm not going to Alabama.... Oh, THAT Alabama job. Yes, I'm taking it."