Darryl Parsons said
Things that make you go hmmm...
I do think that Schindlers list was one of the most awesome films of the last 50 years: but I also have noticed a disproportionate level of documentaries/drama from the Holocaust over the years, and it is probably because of the Jewish influence in the media industry.
All the other lunatic massacres over the last 100 years are lucky to get a single film.
(Like 'The killing fields' for Cambodia.)
About one third of the country got wiped out by a seriously crazy bunch of psychos, with their own unique seriously crazy system.
Apparently this is only worth a single quality film.
I suppose there are also politics to consider.
The cavalry who saved the population were the Vietnamese communists, not the most popular dudes for the US public to digest.
Other stuff off the top of my head, barely touched, or seen on film.
Soviet Union
Northern India region(Pakistan etc)
Eritrea/Ethiopia war (biggest human wave assaults since WW 1 apparently. Hundreds of thousands dug in.)
and lots more.