For someone with a wife as a caregiver.... probably would be logical to be a bit more sensible about all of this.
And respectful. No?
Instead of describing a hoax....How about spreading your appreciation for the nurses and doctors working every day to save people’s lives? You would think someone with a wife who is in that field, would have more empathy towards the situation and gratitude towards the people actually making a difference. But, haven’t seen that from you one bit. But probably a different tone at home
Lighten up Francis. Respectful? Sensitive ? You of all people actually saying that? That’s a good one , Where did I say it was a hoax? When did I say I didn’t appreciate what my wife and others do ?
Dont be a hypocrite, I’m you! You have to clown the Klan and I have to clown the Antifia
imagine if Enfuego was starting all those threads , hahaha. Ur head would be exploding , the rage would poison your veins more than a Lamar sucks thread
I’ve stated here that ones “opinion” can be countered with another “opinion”
that a “fact can be countered by another “fact” , there are no winners here , just a passing of time until sports may can be talked about again
this is a degenerate gambling forum and if you are taking this site serious on nameless faceless posts step away slowly
Xfile knows he is a troll and just posting shit to be doing it , easy to see that
Sensitive, respectful lol. From the guy that talks disrespectful of a dead poster here , thinks if he posts something it’s “facts” but the same reversed posted by another is pure “bullshit”,
Enjoy your time off of work , go feed someone down on their luck during this, buy them some groceries ,do some yard work for them, buy their kid a basketball goal , take another fishing , then we will talk